Where does wealth hatred come from?

I'm a Fascist, not a Capitalist, nor Communist.

But, it's obvious that if there's White privilege, then there also must be Jewish privilege.

But, this is a subject the elite rich Globalist scums don't want to touch.....

Dude, you’re a Russian bitch to the oligarchy.

The biggest fear of the World elite Globalist scums.

A Nationalist confederacy between Russia, and Poland to cleanse the World of it's wrongs.

Dude don’t look to Russia to give your shithole country any street creditably.

You Haven’t even sorted out your shithole problems.

Yes, Poland has, it's resisting the disgusting EU Globalist elites, and their plans to make Poland a Muslim shit-hole.


Your already a poor white Russian influenced shithole.

Look around you and try to find anyone who isn’t a poor white shithole like you.

That’s the problem. You like being a poor white shithole.

Oh boo hoo hoo Trump called Africa a shithole.... Let's go blame Poland for it, and call Poland a shithole.

You are what's wrong with Capitalism, a bunch of greedy, materialistic, brainwashed, worthless Chimps being lead to the slaughter, by the Capitalist elite Globalists.
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Most Americans consider Poland to be to be a white shithole.

Why is your country not better than it is?

Liberal logic....

Black Americans have had it so bad, if they're behind it must be because of oppression.

Those dumb Polak had it okay, if they're behind it must be because of stupidity.

You Western Europeans are definitely racial trash too.

If you don't get that millions of Poles were killed, and Communism ruined their country.... I'm so sorry you're not very bright.

Dude, if I look up shithole in a dictionary your picture has to be there.

You can't even defend your position, like a typical Liberal scum.

You don’t have a position that I even care about.

You’re a poor white shithole liking only to blame someone else for being a shithole.

Yeah, because you don't care about anything, like most Psychoopaths.

I live in America buddy, I['m just sick of the f*cking retards here like puppets being lead by the elite with no f*cking brains.

No, your a white shithole who believes in fascism because you can’t compete in a capitalistic society.
Dude, you’re a Russian bitch to the oligarchy.

The biggest fear of the World elite Globalist scums.

A Nationalist confederacy between Russia, and Poland to cleanse the World of it's wrongs.

Dude don’t look to Russia to give your shithole country any street creditably.

You Haven’t even sorted out your shithole problems.

Yes, Poland has, it's resisting the disgusting EU Globalist elites, and their plans to make Poland a Muslim shit-hole.


Your already a poor white Russian influenced shithole.

Look around you and try to find anyone who isn’t a poor white shithole like you.

That’s the problem. You like being a poor white shithole.

What a Monkey piece of trash.

Oh boo hoo hoo Trump called Africa a shithole.... Let's go blame Poland for it, and call Poland a shithole.

You are such a Monkey.

You are what's wrong with Capitalism, a bunch of greedy, materialistic, brainwashed, worthless Chimps being lead to the slaughter, by the Capitalist elite Globalists.

Hey shithole, capitalism is based on greed.
Liberal logic....

Black Americans have had it so bad, if they're behind it must be because of oppression.

Those dumb Polak had it okay, if they're behind it must be because of stupidity.

You Western Europeans are definitely racial trash too.

If you don't get that millions of Poles were killed, and Communism ruined their country.... I'm so sorry you're not very bright.

Dude, if I look up shithole in a dictionary your picture has to be there.

You can't even defend your position, like a typical Liberal scum.

You don’t have a position that I even care about.

You’re a poor white shithole liking only to blame someone else for being a shithole.

Yeah, because you don't care about anything, like most Psychoopaths.

I live in America buddy, I['m just sick of the f*cking retards here like puppets being lead by the elite with no f*cking brains.

No, your a white shithole who believes in fascism because you can’t compete in a capitalistic society.

America's a lot more dangerous than Poland.

No where in Europe is like Detroit, or Chicago's South side, much less Gary Indiana, or East Saint Louis.

Poland's catching up quick in terms of wealth to the West.

Some of us want Fascism because we want to fix the World of the degenerates, and savages.
The biggest fear of the World elite Globalist scums.

A Nationalist confederacy between Russia, and Poland to cleanse the World of it's wrongs.

Dude don’t look to Russia to give your shithole country any street creditably.

You Haven’t even sorted out your shithole problems.

Yes, Poland has, it's resisting the disgusting EU Globalist elites, and their plans to make Poland a Muslim shit-hole.


Your already a poor white Russian influenced shithole.

Look around you and try to find anyone who isn’t a poor white shithole like you.

That’s the problem. You like being a poor white shithole.

What a Monkey piece of trash.

Oh boo hoo hoo Trump called Africa a shithole.... Let's go blame Poland for it, and call Poland a shithole.

You are such a Monkey.

You are what's wrong with Capitalism, a bunch of greedy, materialistic, brainwashed, worthless Chimps being lead to the slaughter, by the Capitalist elite Globalists.

Hey shithole, capitalism is based on greed.

I can't believe you haven't realized I'm anti-Capitalist.

What clowns you Liberals are.
Dude don’t look to Russia to give your shithole country any street creditably.

You Haven’t even sorted out your shithole problems.

Yes, Poland has, it's resisting the disgusting EU Globalist elites, and their plans to make Poland a Muslim shit-hole.


Your already a poor white Russian influenced shithole.

Look around you and try to find anyone who isn’t a poor white shithole like you.

That’s the problem. You like being a poor white shithole.

What a Monkey piece of trash.

Oh boo hoo hoo Trump called Africa a shithole.... Let's go blame Poland for it, and call Poland a shithole.

You are such a Monkey.

You are what's wrong with Capitalism, a bunch of greedy, materialistic, brainwashed, worthless Chimps being lead to the slaughter, by the Capitalist elite Globalists.

Hey shithole, capitalism is based on greed.

I can't believe you haven't realized I'm anti-Capitalist.

What clowns you Liberals are.

What subset of Capitalism is the US economy based on?
Yes, Poland has, it's resisting the disgusting EU Globalist elites, and their plans to make Poland a Muslim shit-hole.


Your already a poor white Russian influenced shithole.

Look around you and try to find anyone who isn’t a poor white shithole like you.

That’s the problem. You like being a poor white shithole.

What a Monkey piece of trash.

Oh boo hoo hoo Trump called Africa a shithole.... Let's go blame Poland for it, and call Poland a shithole.

You are such a Monkey.

You are what's wrong with Capitalism, a bunch of greedy, materialistic, brainwashed, worthless Chimps being lead to the slaughter, by the Capitalist elite Globalists.

Hey shithole, capitalism is based on greed.

I can't believe you haven't realized I'm anti-Capitalist.

What clowns you Liberals are.

What subset of Capitalism is the US economy based on?

Sounds like Marxists who argue Communism wasn't really Marxism.. LOLOL
Poland''s one of the fastest growing economies in Europe for over 20 years, and has caught up a lot.

Huh? That sentence is a logical fallacy and is rife with cognitive dissonance.

Poland's way ahead of Mexico now, even though in 1990 it was way behind Mexico in wealth.You know nothing, you're a dumb primitive savage.

No one gives a shit about Poland.

Your already a poor white Russian influenced shithole.

Look around you and try to find anyone who isn’t a poor white shithole like you.

That’s the problem. You like being a poor white shithole.

What a Monkey piece of trash.

Oh boo hoo hoo Trump called Africa a shithole.... Let's go blame Poland for it, and call Poland a shithole.

You are such a Monkey.

You are what's wrong with Capitalism, a bunch of greedy, materialistic, brainwashed, worthless Chimps being lead to the slaughter, by the Capitalist elite Globalists.

Hey shithole, capitalism is based on greed.

I can't believe you haven't realized I'm anti-Capitalist.

What clowns you Liberals are.

What subset of Capitalism is the US economy based on?

Sounds like Marxists who argue Communism wasn't really Marxism.. LOLOL

Kid you aren't fooling anyone, you bluster and talk shit but you really don't know much about anything at all. It was a legitimate question, can you answer it?
What a Monkey piece of trash.

Oh boo hoo hoo Trump called Africa a shithole.... Let's go blame Poland for it, and call Poland a shithole.

You are such a Monkey.

You are what's wrong with Capitalism, a bunch of greedy, materialistic, brainwashed, worthless Chimps being lead to the slaughter, by the Capitalist elite Globalists.

Hey shithole, capitalism is based on greed.

I can't believe you haven't realized I'm anti-Capitalist.

What clowns you Liberals are.

What subset of Capitalism is the US economy based on?

Sounds like Marxists who argue Communism wasn't really Marxism.. LOLOL

Kid you aren't fooling anyone, you bluster and talk shit but you really don't know much about anything at all. It was a legitimate question, can you answer it?

So, the U.S.A doesn't have Free-markets?

Uh... Yeah... It really does on the whole... Much more so than most of the World... (For now at least)
Hey shithole, capitalism is based on greed.

I can't believe you haven't realized I'm anti-Capitalist.

What clowns you Liberals are.

What subset of Capitalism is the US economy based on?

Sounds like Marxists who argue Communism wasn't really Marxism.. LOLOL

Kid you aren't fooling anyone, you bluster and talk shit but you really don't know much about anything at all. It was a legitimate question, can you answer it?

So, the U.S.A doesn't have Free-markets?

Uh... Yeah... It really does on the whole... Much more so than most of the World... (For now at least)

More dodging and deflecting.
What subset of Capitalism is the US economy based on?
I can't believe you haven't realized I'm anti-Capitalist.

What clowns you Liberals are.

What subset of Capitalism is the US economy based on?

Sounds like Marxists who argue Communism wasn't really Marxism.. LOLOL

Kid you aren't fooling anyone, you bluster and talk shit but you really don't know much about anything at all. It was a legitimate question, can you answer it?

So, the U.S.A doesn't have Free-markets?

Uh... Yeah... It really does on the whole... Much more so than most of the World... (For now at least)

More dodging and deflecting.
What subset of Capitalism is the US economy based on?

It's Welfare Capitalism.
Poland''s one of the fastest growing economies in Europe for over 20 years, and has caught up a lot.

No one gives a shit about Poland.

It seems you, and your Globalist elites do care about Poland as a big problem.

Fascism is a problem anywhere. It's not unique to Poland.

Which country is really Fascist?

Any countries have Councils, or Cartels controlling the profit semi private economy?

That's Fascism's unique feature.

It's uniquely efficient, and proportionate.

No wonder why the Elites hate Fascism.
What subset of Capitalism is the US economy based on?

Sounds like Marxists who argue Communism wasn't really Marxism.. LOLOL

Kid you aren't fooling anyone, you bluster and talk shit but you really don't know much about anything at all. It was a legitimate question, can you answer it?

So, the U.S.A doesn't have Free-markets?

Uh... Yeah... It really does on the whole... Much more so than most of the World... (For now at least)

More dodging and deflecting.
What subset of Capitalism is the US economy based on?

It's Welfare Capitalism.

At least you tried, it's a Debt Based System.

"How does a debt-based economy work and why is having debt good for an economy?"

"The Western economies are based on debt because they are based on transactions. Issuing debt is the creation of money. Banks, or an entity acting as a bank, creates money by issuing loans. Formally, this is called fractional reserve lending.

As long as future income will pay off the debt, few people may be hurt by this, but put debtors in a position where they can't pay the debt, and either their debt has to be forgiven, or they have some permanent obligation. In the worst cases, the obligation is involuntary servitude, whether recognized as such or not. A bumper sticker in the US sums this up nicely, "I owe; I owe; it's off to work I go." That is, they pay for their own consumption by a lifetime of work. They may or may not truly enjoy their work."


Which brings us full circle back to....................

The Bankers.

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