Where does wealth hatred come from?

I am sure in favor of voter IDs that are vetted for legality. Presumably California would fight that, but I want this stuff cleaned up --- illegals, many criminal and gang members, flooding in over the borders and then trying to take over the country by fraud and violence, as with the California anti-Trump rally rioting. What a catastrophe this has become. It's all the fault of leftists supporting these incoming floods of poor people so they can win votes for Dem pols.

You'll never see Voter-ID in states like California. As usual, Democrats lie about why they are against Voter--ID. It has nothing to do with race, that's just their go-to card every time they want something.

The reason they are against Voter-ID is because they know many of their voters are lazy. Sure, they will vote if it's convenient enough; no lines, polls open for days, late hours, bus rides to the polling location, vote by mail. But to put some effort into voting, that's something many Democrat voters won't do and the party knows this.

All those lower income people in the inner-cities would sooner stay home because voting is not that important to them in the first place. It would take too much effort to go out and obtain a valid ID. Republicans on the other hand would walk barefoot on broken glass to vote because to us, it's one of the most important duties of a US citizen.

So is voter-ID discriminatory? You bet it is. It discriminates against those who are lazy welfare people who really don't know WTF they are voting on anyway, and the Democrats heavily depend on that sector of people to win elections.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19051427
Do you really believe that taxing the wealthy doesn't have negative affects on the little guy;

What I believe is of no consequence. There is no data that supports your hallucination, errr premise that taxing the wealthy has negative affects on the little guy.

The economic record has shown the negative affect of wage stagnation despite increased productivity over the past four decades of tax cutting for the wealthy. And to boot, Bill Clinton increased taxes resulting in job creation like never seen. Then Bush cut taxes highly weighted to the wealthy and the little guys ended up in an economy losing a million jobs a month.

Ever hear of . Com in bills presidency you idiot
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19059077,
The top 1% pay almost 46% of all collected income taxes in this country. If paying nearly half of all taxes is not enough, then what is?

Go back and check. The top 1% own nearly twice as much as the bottom 90%, So 46 percent seems quite fair.

"The richest 1% of families controlled a record-high 38.6% of the country's wealth in 2016, according to a Federal Reserve reportpublished on Wednesday.

That's nearly twice as much as the bottom 90%, which has seen its slice of the pie continue to shrink."

Record inequality: The top 1% controls 38.6% of America's wealth

That's your slice of the pie shrinking. If you think you don't deserve a fair share that's your problem. Perhaps you are lazy, not productive.

So where is the equity in taking more from people that have more? And if that's fair, then why not expand that to other areas?

For instance, you have ten beautiful bushes in front of your home. Would it not be fair for the government to come along and take six of your bushes, and give them to your neighbor on the next street who has none?

Or you may be an entertainment enthusiast. You have four big screens in your home. That's not fair. Your neighbor only has a single 30" television. Would it not be fair for government to take two of your big screens and give them to those who have no big screens?

"What is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
. The rub for them is this Ray - They figure that the person who can afford those big screen TVs in every room, and can afford the most expensive cars in the garage, the cement pond out back on and on and on, along with the hoard of cheap illegal labor cleaning and taking care of everything, of course had gotten such things (so fast in life), because they were either corrupt, scheming in ways to short them on their pay and benefits, replacing them with cheap labor, off shoring, and just being downright greedy.

Some of their concerns are legit, but alot of it is just class envy or jealousy.
So Ray your idea is to be like China so the air is bad correct? All to save a buck? China's workerscan't match our workers productivity or willingness to work hard for low wages and our air is clean while theirs is polluted. I'll take clean air.

It's called moderation. Sure, we all want clean air and water, but there is a point where more costs and regulation don't do any good, or very little good.

The other problem is cleaning up the air and water is endless. There is no stopping point therefore there is no amount of money in the Untied States to make any environmentalist happy. They just keep taking more and more with every new regulation of product subsidized or not.

If I were President today, I would have taken an idea from Moooochelle Obama. She conned her husband to force restaurants to post calorie count on every item they sell. While that idiotic regulation didn't make one fat person skinny, I think the idea is something Republicans could extrapolate on.

I would force industry to put an environmental cost on every product they sell. If you buy a gallon of gasoline for $2.50, the pump must show that $1.40 of that cost was for environmental reasons. When you buy a car for $25,000, the sticker should show that $10,000 of that cost went to environmental issues.

Maybe if we all knew what it's costing us for all this environmental crap, people would not support further efforts to clean up the environment.
Your last sentence makes no sense...we don't want people cleaning up the environment? So industry can dump their stuff any old place?
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19059918
Being poor (in the United States) has more to do with irresponsibility than anything else

You are very good at hating the poor. Being born into poverty has nothing to do with irresponsibility. No child is responsible for whatever environment they are born into.
. You're right... A child in America is not responsible for the environment they were born into, but thank God they were born into an environment that has recognized over the decades this very thing, and it provides the most valuable system in the world for a person to change their environment no matter where on the ladder they find themselves on it in life. Now if their parents destroy them so badly that they become mentally unfit, then their lives are on those parents hands for what they did to them. It is why we have laws to protect us from all the fall out when things go wrong, and communities or societies start to collapse within.

There is also the situation where if a trend gets started where corruption becomes the normal operating standard at the top levels, then the blood of the poor will be upon their hands. We are supposed to be a smart enough nation to avoid the system getting so out of balance that it threatens to collapse at any given time, and in any given sector.
I guess I don't trust American industry to do even close to the right thing if all restrictions were removed. I don't trust them at all in fact.
I think it goes much deeper. I think it goes to how people were raised as children.

I suspect that if you were raised in an entitlement household, you likely grew up with the entitlement mentality. A person may look at a wealthy person not as a success, but as a person who had the availability to more entitlements than he or she had.

As a child of the 60's and 70's, most parents raised their kids to work for what you want in life. But as always, there were exceptions to the rule. I had a few friends who got money from their parents by simply asking or demanding it. They grew up that way, and the ones I stayed in touch with always had problems keeping jobs or making ends meet after they became an adult. One (I recently learned about) lost a great job because he got caught stealing.

It would be fun to run a thread poll: how many identify with poor people versus how many identify with rich people. Given the 14-1 results on a current poll favoring deporting illegal aliens, I suspect people on this list predominantly identify with the rich, but a lot of the conservatives lurk, because the leftists do a lot of the posting, but they haven't got the numbers.

What the left knows about the wealthy is what they see on television: a rich guy with slightly gray hair floating around on his yacht; a CEO with a huge office where he flirts with his large breasted secretary and spends his entire day on his astroturf putting green inside his office; lavish vacations that he spends half his year on.

The poor the same way. When a lib thinks of a poor person, he pictures a sweaty man with holes in his tee shirt dirty from working a 12 hour day. He and his three kids are sitting by the kitchen table under a 40 watt lightbulb hanging from the wires overhead. Mom is putting more water in the soup to make it stretch farther.

We Republicans on the other hand are more down to earth. We see those 300 lbs food stamp people at the store. We take note of what they buy like prepared drinks, TV dinners, steaks, and then lay down their cigarettes, wine or beer, huge bags of dog food and cat litter, and pay for all those items with cash.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19059918
Being poor (in the United States) has more to do with irresponsibility than anything else

You are very good at hating the poor. Being born into poverty has nothing to do with irresponsibility. No child is responsible for whatever environment they are born into.

Correct. But they are responsible for themselves as they get older.
Your last sentence makes no sense...we don't want people cleaning up the environment? So industry can dump their stuff any old place?

People can clean up the environment all they want, it's just that I think we should tell them what it's costing.
Maybe if we all knew what it's costing us for all this environmental crap, people would not support further efforts to clean up the environment.
. Well, and maybe if we knew the cost to the environment that this or that product is costing us verses the better technology in another product that would even out perform or perform in the same manor, (but have a whole lot less impact on the environment) verses the more dirty product, then people could make better informed decisions when purchasing their products and services. Good idea Ray.
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Your last sentence makes no sense...we don't want people cleaning up the environment? So industry can dump their stuff any old place?

People can clean up the environment all they want, it's just that I think we should tell them what it's costing.
What do you think that the value of clean drinking water should be Ray ?

I think that should be up to the taxpayers and not the bureaucracies.

If my idea were in place and you can see what it's costing you for a clean environment, and you want to pay even more, then you should be able to tell your representatives you want higher costs for your products and a cleaner environment.

With my idea, the government gives every household a scanner. The environmental costs for each product you buy would not only be on the label, but the bar code as well. This way you can scan all your items and see what it's costing you in real money for our environment.

So let's say at the end of the week you see you're paying $65.00 for environmental efforts, and you want to pay even more, that's fine with me.
Your last sentence makes no sense...we don't want people cleaning up the environment? So industry can dump their stuff any old place?

People can clean up the environment all they want, it's just that I think we should tell them what it's costing.
What do you think that the value of clean drinking water should be Ray ?

I think that should be up to the taxpayers and not the bureaucracies.

If my idea were in place and you can see what it's costing you for a clean environment, and you want to pay even more, then you should be able to tell your representatives you want higher costs for your products and a cleaner environment.

With my idea, the government gives every household a scanner. The environmental costs for each product you buy would not only be on the label, but the bar code as well. This way you can scan all your items and see what it's costing you in real money for our environment.

So let's say at the end of the week you see you're paying $65.00 for environmental efforts, and you want to pay even more, that's fine with me.
. Again, what would you pay for a clean glass of drinking water if say your scanner showed it cost $1.50 if buy a freightliner for $ 150,000,00 with no environmental protections on it, but would only cost you $1.00 if you purchased a new highly advanced environmental friendly Peterbuilt Truck for $180,000.00 dollars ? What would your choice be even if the Freightliner got .2 miles more on the gallon of fuel ? Would the savings in fuel outweigh the value of the drinking water to you if we're purchasing a fleet of new trucks now that you have this information available to you ?
Wealth hatred and class warfare come from ignorance, laziness, envy, and dishonesty.
. Depends on who is being hated and why they are being hated. Broad brushes don't work for most people's thinking, but of course the broad brush is always used to keep the real stories hidden upon the canvas.
Clementine, post: 19060649, member: 34478"
They encourage class warfare because they gain support for their wealth redistribution.

Here is the true example of class warfare.being encouraged;

Ray From Cleveland, post: 19061232
Correct. But they are responsible for themselves as they get older.

Once the child from poverty and the child fed by the silver spoon get older they are equals in the endeaver to succeed in life. The wealthy child has no advantage and privilege.

That is class warfare propaganda perpetrated by the wealthy class. Ray is a stooge in the daisy chain of syncophants for the rich.
Your last sentence makes no sense...we don't want people cleaning up the environment? So industry can dump their stuff any old place?

People can clean up the environment all they want, it's just that I think we should tell them what it's costing.
What do you think that the value of clean drinking water should be Ray ?

I think that should be up to the taxpayers and not the bureaucracies.

If my idea were in place and you can see what it's costing you for a clean environment, and you want to pay even more, then you should be able to tell your representatives you want higher costs for your products and a cleaner environment.

With my idea, the government gives every household a scanner. The environmental costs for each product you buy would not only be on the label, but the bar code as well. This way you can scan all your items and see what it's costing you in real money for our environment.

So let's say at the end of the week you see you're paying $65.00 for environmental efforts, and you want to pay even more, that's fine with me.
. Again, what would you pay for a clean glass of drinking water if say your scanner showed it cost $1.50 if buy a freightliner for $ 150,000,00 with no environmental protections on it, but would only cost you $1.00 if you purchased a new highly advanced environmental friendly Peterbuilt Truck for $180,000.00 dollars ? What would your choice be even if the Freightliner got .2 miles more on the gallon of fuel ? Would the savings in fuel outweigh the value of the drinking water to you if we're purchasing a fleet of new trucks now that you have this information available to you ?

You're leaving out a very important piece of the puzzle, and that is maintenance and repair costs.

Years ago when you bought a new truck, you wouldn't expect to see any problems for at least 80,000 miles. Today, a new truck sometimes has problems before you go 100 miles.

In over 70% of the cases, it's some pollution gadget that went haywire. It may not be all that expensive to repair, but you have to drive it to the repair shop, rent a vehicle to take it's place, bring back the rental when the vehicle is done, switch all your stuff back to your truck, it's just very time consuming and a pain in the ass.

Because trucks (like cars) are in price competition, they did exactly what the union auto companies did to offset their losses, and that is build the vehicle with cheaper parts.

So now besides the pollution crap problems, you have problems with parts not directly related to environmental gadgets. The seats are as hard as a pile of bricks. The radios they use are those cheap garbage Panasonic models that barely get any reception and constantly malfunction. With my new truck, I'm now having problems trying to get the air vents to work properly. I switch from the air blowing from the defrosters to the floor, and the air comes out of the front vents instead. Just problem after problem.

Then of course we can't forget the expense of DEF fluid. My employer bought a DEF tote. It holds 250 gallons of DEF, and he goes through that all the time. To get the DEF, we have to drop our trailers in the yard, back into the building where the tote is, fill it up, drive back out to the yard and re hitch the trailer. My employer has to pay us for all the time we need to do that every couple of weeks.

But hey! Didn't you notice how much cleaner the air is today??? Didn't you notice how the environmentalists are so happy and not crying about the environment anymore?
Once the child from poverty and the child fed by the silver spoon get older they are equals in the endeaver to succeed in life. The wealthy child has no advantage and privilege.

That is class warfare propaganda perpetrated by the wealthy class. Ray is a stooge in the daisy chain of syncophants for the rich.

Some have to try a little harder in life. Is that too much to ask? It's really not that hard if you just go by a few guidelines:

Stay away from recreational narcotics.
Graduate high school and stay out of trouble with the law.
Don't get yourself in debt by having things you can't afford like children; at least not until you are financially stable enough to support them.
Work a full time job and overtime if possible.

Can you tell me why one poor American in this country can't do those simple thing?
Circe, post: 19056907
Sure, California is hiding the vast mistake they made, giving the vote to anyone they give a drivers license to.

Do you realize how extremely impossible it would be to hide over three million cases of undocumented non-citizens voting illegally?

You can't cite one single case. Do you realize how absurd your lie actually is?

Of course it happens, but I don't know by the millions. You have to get caught for it to count:

Non-citizens caught voting in 2012 presidential election in key swing state

Illegal Aliens, Non-Citizens Caught Voting In Florida In Large Numbers

For you stupid fucks: Non citizens voting legally refers to non-citizen people in the country legally thinking they can vote.
When will you stupid ignorant people EVER get informed.

Non citizens can't legally vote you stupid fuck.
Obvious;y I meant illegal.

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