Where does wealth hatred come from?

Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.

I come from a somewhat rich household worth 1.4 million.

However, I think most rich people kind of suck,as do most poor people kind of suck.

But, the rich people are more dangerous, especially ones in our institutions.

Look at the brats in media, Hollywood, the NFL, or businesses hiring illegals, or outsourcing.

The Goldilocks effect. Those who are not like me (the very rich, the very poor) are bad.

A lot of racists use that same supposed logic. They think blacks and Hispanics are too dumb and Asians and Jews are too smart and each is threatening to white people.

However by liberal standards, that kind of hate is unacceptable. Why is wealth hatred acceptable by liberals?

Ray, liberals don’t hate the wealthy. Most liberals aspire to BE wealthy. What they hate, is skewing the economy to heavily favour the wealthy.

When Reagan was elected President, there was an economic balance in the US where a rising tide lifted all boats. The American economy was strong because the working and middle class had financial security and savings. Reagan changed that balance and tilted it to the wealthy. The working class stopped getting raises. Profits mattered more than people.

Reagan removed most anti-trust provisions were lifted, allowing larger and larger corporations to be created. Now almost all retail is mega-chains and big box stores. Mega corporations employ millions but the money all goes to the top and the shareholders, while the employees who generate that income receive government assistance.

Wages for low income front line workers have been stagnant since the 1980’s. Not coincidentally, government assistance programs have grown under Republicans. The number of people receiving food stamps doubled the first two years of Reagan’s administration and never declined thereafter.

When Reagan was elected, the working class had savings. They owned 5% of the wealth of America. Not a lot to be sure, but they had a stake in things. That was gone before the outsourcing began in earnest under George W. Bush. The American middle class is shrinking and the recent tax cuts made by Trump will only accelerate that process.

W’s tax cut and refusal to raise minimum wages got the destruction of the middle class going big time. Trump just doubled down by cutting taxes with a huge deficit and full employment. Dumb and dumber.

Well he did say he would run the country like he ran his businesses. 7 bankruptcies and counting.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19059607
And you failed to answer my question: if the top 1% pay almost half of those income taxes for the rest of us, and that is not enough, how much should they be paying and why?

They aren't paying it for the rest of us, idiot. They possess twice as much wealth as the rest of us.

They are paying to protect their enormous wealth and assets.

No hate here. Just let them pay taxes in proportion to what they possess.

I see you also failed to answer my question.

We are a country of 315 million people. 4 million of our people are paying nearly half of all collected income taxes. If that's not enough, what percentage should those 4 million pay for the rest of us? And yes, they are paying for the rest of us.

Obviously they get more from this country than some middle class man working to keep his family going.

But that is not relevant.

Why do you want to borrow money to give it to rich people & well off corporations. Trump nw has tens of milions more dollars. And morons like you think that helps create jobs for Americans?

That is the entire issue intelligent people have against the tax cut bill.

If you amt to spur the economy, put money in the hands of those that will spend it.
And you failed to answer my question: if the top 1% pay almost half of those income taxes for the rest of us, and that is not enough, how much should they be paying and why?
The top 1% should continue paying the same rate as they do now. Everyone earning less should see a tax cut, and all those in the top 0.1% to 0.001% should see a significant increase in their tax rates since much of their income is unearned and stems from pure speculation. In other words, tax 99% of the billionaires into extinction (and prison)
Federal income taxes are what provides us all our federal goodies: welfare, food stamps, military, road construction, Medicaid, SCHIPS, school lunch, daycare services, and of course, so much more.
So much more?
You didn't even mention the biggest receptacle of fraud and waste in the US government.


U.S. Army fudged its accounts by trillions of dollars, auditor finds

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The United States Army’s finances are so jumbled it had to make trillions of dollars of improper accounting adjustments to create an illusion that its books are balanced..."

"The report affirms a 2013 Reuters series revealing how the Defense Department falsified accounting on a large scale as it scrambled to close its books.

"As a result, there has been no way to know how the Defense Department – far and away the biggest chunk of Congress’ annual budget – spends the public’s money."
Financing & Reimbursement | Medicaid.gov

"The Medicaid program is jointly funded by the federal government and states. The federal government pays states for a specified percentage of program expenditures, called the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP).

"FMAP varies by state based on criteria such as per capita income. The regular average state FMAP is 57%, but ranges from 50% in wealthier states up to 75% in states with lower per capita incomes (the maximum regular FMAP is 82 %).

"FMAPs are adjusted for each state on a three-year cycle to account for fluctuations in the economy. The FMAP is published annually in the Federal Register."
Ray condones the water in flint. Cuz ah heck water can't hurt ya right?
. Good post, but the whole problem is that when you give the corrupt left any wiggle room, they kill you with add on's that go way above and beyond the pale. This then gives those in opposition the ability to go to far in the opposite direction (placing profits above safety)
It's not a hatred of wealth.

It's the hatred the wealthy has for the middle class and the poor.

I never knew they hated the middle-calls or the poor. Sure that's not something you made up in your head?
rightwing, "hate on the poor", is business as usual for the right wing.

What about the Left-Wing silencing people with censorship, or violence for their freedom of speech?

I can't imagine in the below video, they'd be treated so bad if they were Communists who hate the elite, and killed 100 million, instead they silence the freedom of speech with violence as savage Leftists.

It's not a hatred of wealth.

It's the hatred the wealthy has for the middle class and the poor.

I never knew they hated the middle-calls or the poor. Sure that's not something you made up in your head?
rightwing, "hate on the poor", is business as usual for the right wing.

What about the Left-Wing silencing people with censorship, or violence for their freedom of speech?

I can't imagine in the below video, they'd be treated so bad if they were Communists who hate the elite, and killed 100 million, instead they silence the freedom of speech with violence as savage Leftists.

Special pleading? The South went to war rather than ask for reimbursement through eminent domain.
It's not a hatred of wealth.

It's the hatred the wealthy has for the middle class and the poor.

I never knew they hated the middle-calls or the poor. Sure that's not something you made up in your head?
rightwing, "hate on the poor", is business as usual for the right wing.

What about the Left-Wing silencing people with censorship, or violence for their freedom of speech?

I can't imagine in the below video, they'd be treated so bad if they were Communists who hate the elite, and killed 100 million, instead they silence the freedom of speech with violence as savage Leftists.

Poor baby, the right wing fanatics complain about their civil rights while protesting the civil rights of others. The klan doesn't have a reputation for holding the peace, so when they show up in town people are rightfully on edge.
It's not a hatred of wealth.

It's the hatred the wealthy has for the middle class and the poor.

I never knew they hated the middle-calls or the poor. Sure that's not something you made up in your head?
rightwing, "hate on the poor", is business as usual for the right wing.

What about the Left-Wing silencing people with censorship, or violence for their freedom of speech?

I can't imagine in the below video, they'd be treated so bad if they were Communists who hate the elite, and killed 100 million, instead they silence the freedom of speech with violence as savage Leftists.

Poor baby, the right wing fanatics complain about their civil rights while protesting the civil rights of others. The klan doesn't have a reputation for holding the peace, so when they show up in town people are rightfully on edge.

Well, Communists are much worse scum than the KKK.

Yet, Communists are treated like Humans in this country, KKK not really.

Actually dogs are treated better than the KKK.

Communists killed 100 million, KKK 3 thousand or so.

All of a sudden people Chimp out about the KKK, rather than Communists.

Dumb society does as dumb society dies.
Federal income taxes are what provides us all our federal goodies: welfare, food stamps, military, road construction, Medicaid, SCHIPS, school lunch, daycare services, and of course, so much more.
So much more?
You didn't even mention the biggest receptacle of fraud and waste in the US government.


U.S. Army fudged its accounts by trillions of dollars, auditor finds

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The United States Army’s finances are so jumbled it had to make trillions of dollars of improper accounting adjustments to create an illusion that its books are balanced..."

"The report affirms a 2013 Reuters series revealing how the Defense Department falsified accounting on a large scale as it scrambled to close its books.

"As a result, there has been no way to know how the Defense Department – far and away the biggest chunk of Congress’ annual budget – spends the public’s money."
Financing & Reimbursement | Medicaid.gov

"The Medicaid program is jointly funded by the federal government and states. The federal government pays states for a specified percentage of program expenditures, called the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP).

"FMAP varies by state based on criteria such as per capita income. The regular average state FMAP is 57%, but ranges from 50% in wealthier states up to 75% in states with lower per capita incomes (the maximum regular FMAP is 82 %).

"FMAPs are adjusted for each state on a three-year cycle to account for fluctuations in the economy. The FMAP is published annually in the Federal Register."

There is fraud everywhere in the government. Care to see some that goes on in our social programs?

It's one of the reasons government should never....ever be allowed to control our healthcare in this country.
It's not a hatred of wealth.

It's the hatred the wealthy has for the middle class and the poor.

I never knew they hated the middle-calls or the poor. Sure that's not something you made up in your head?
rightwing, "hate on the poor", is business as usual for the right wing.

What about the Left-Wing silencing people with censorship, or violence for their freedom of speech?

I can't imagine in the below video, they'd be treated so bad if they were Communists who hate the elite, and killed 100 million, instead they silence the freedom of speech with violence as savage Leftists.

Poor baby, the right wing fanatics complain about their civil rights while protesting the civil rights of others. The klan doesn't have a reputation for holding the peace, so when they show up in town people are rightfully on edge.

Well, Communists are much worse scum than the KKK.

Yet, Communists are treated like Humans in this country, KKK not really.

Actually dogs are treated better than the KKK.

Communists killed 100 million, KKK 3 thousand or so.

All of a sudden people Chimp out about the KKK, rather than Communists.

Dumb society does as dumb society dies.

Communist Party USA and other American communist groups don't have a history of racial supremacy or violence. The klan, different story.
I never knew they hated the middle-calls or the poor. Sure that's not something you made up in your head?
rightwing, "hate on the poor", is business as usual for the right wing.

What about the Left-Wing silencing people with censorship, or violence for their freedom of speech?

I can't imagine in the below video, they'd be treated so bad if they were Communists who hate the elite, and killed 100 million, instead they silence the freedom of speech with violence as savage Leftists.

Poor baby, the right wing fanatics complain about their civil rights while protesting the civil rights of others. The klan doesn't have a reputation for holding the peace, so when they show up in town people are rightfully on edge.

Well, Communists are much worse scum than the KKK.

Yet, Communists are treated like Humans in this country, KKK not really.

Actually dogs are treated better than the KKK.

Communists killed 100 million, KKK 3 thousand or so.

All of a sudden people Chimp out about the KKK, rather than Communists.

Dumb society does as dumb society dies.

Communist Party USA and other American communist groups don't have a history of racial supremacy or violence. The klan, different story.

Communist ANTIFA are violent, and they usually start it.

Communists killed 100 million people.

Yet, people can wear Che, Mao, or Lenin shirts without getting beat up.

It's time for that to change, we must stomp out Communists, one skull at a time.
rightwing, "hate on the poor", is business as usual for the right wing.

What about the Left-Wing silencing people with censorship, or violence for their freedom of speech?

I can't imagine in the below video, they'd be treated so bad if they were Communists who hate the elite, and killed 100 million, instead they silence the freedom of speech with violence as savage Leftists.

Poor baby, the right wing fanatics complain about their civil rights while protesting the civil rights of others. The klan doesn't have a reputation for holding the peace, so when they show up in town people are rightfully on edge.

Well, Communists are much worse scum than the KKK.

Yet, Communists are treated like Humans in this country, KKK not really.

Actually dogs are treated better than the KKK.

Communists killed 100 million, KKK 3 thousand or so.

All of a sudden people Chimp out about the KKK, rather than Communists.

Dumb society does as dumb society dies.

Communist Party USA and other American communist groups don't have a history of racial supremacy or violence. The klan, different story.

Communist ANTIFA are violent, and they usually start it.

Communists killed 100 million people.

Yet, people can wear Che, Mao, or Lenin shirts without getting beat up.

It's time for that to change, we must stomp out Communists, one skull at a time.

Totalitarian dictatorships killed millions, get it straight.

Stop communism? Dude, that was done decades ago, are you really red baiting in 2018?
And you failed to answer my question: if the top 1% pay almost half of those income taxes for the rest of us, and that is not enough, how much should they be paying and why?
The top 1% should continue paying the same rate as they do now. Everyone earning less should see a tax cut, and all those in the top 0.1% to 0.001% should see a significant increase in their tax rates since much of their income is unearned and stems from pure speculation. In other words, tax 99% of the billionaires into extinction (and prison)

Thanks for being the poster boy for this topic.

See you leftists! Here you have it, pure hatred. So don't tell me there is no hate on the left for wealthy people.
What about the Left-Wing silencing people with censorship, or violence for their freedom of speech?

I can't imagine in the below video, they'd be treated so bad if they were Communists who hate the elite, and killed 100 million, instead they silence the freedom of speech with violence as savage Leftists.

Poor baby, the right wing fanatics complain about their civil rights while protesting the civil rights of others. The klan doesn't have a reputation for holding the peace, so when they show up in town people are rightfully on edge.

Well, Communists are much worse scum than the KKK.

Yet, Communists are treated like Humans in this country, KKK not really.

Actually dogs are treated better than the KKK.

Communists killed 100 million, KKK 3 thousand or so.

All of a sudden people Chimp out about the KKK, rather than Communists.

Dumb society does as dumb society dies.

Communist Party USA and other American communist groups don't have a history of racial supremacy or violence. The klan, different story.

Communist ANTIFA are violent, and they usually start it.

Communists killed 100 million people.

Yet, people can wear Che, Mao, or Lenin shirts without getting beat up.

It's time for that to change, we must stomp out Communists, one skull at a time.

Totalitarian dictatorships killed millions, get it straight.

Stop communism? Dude, that was done decades ago, are you really red baiting in 2018?

Yet, you think the KKK, and Nazis must be stomped out, even though those problems are decades old as any kind of issue.

The Communist problem is worse now than ever, in this country.

It's time to stomp out Communism.

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