Where is a democrat with christian values suppose to go?


That’s just not true. Abortion is a LEGAL medical procedure and heavily regulated. Stick to facts and stop making stuff up.

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Dude, you're an evil scumbag. You, like all Stalinists seek to kill as many babies as you can. You basically are like Moloch worshipers seeking to sacrifice babies.

More made up stuff. Stick to facts.

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Comrade, what is made up? You Stalinists morn every live birth. Come on, you seek abortion as a way to sacrifice infants to the dark lord your worship. Admit it...

You’re wrong as conservatives are wrong about everything.

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That’s just not true. Abortion is a LEGAL medical procedure and heavily regulated. Stick to facts and stop making stuff up.

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Dude, you're an evil scumbag. You, like all Stalinists seek to kill as many babies as you can. You basically are like Moloch worshipers seeking to sacrifice babies.

More made up stuff. Stick to facts.

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Comrade, what is made up? You Stalinists morn every live birth. Come on, you seek abortion as a way to sacrifice infants to the dark lord your worship. Admit it...
I wonder what excuse a woman would give an abortion clinic to make the Democrats running it deny killing her baby?

That’s just not true. Abortion is a LEGAL medical procedure and heavily regulated. Stick to facts and stop making stuff up.

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Dude, you're an evil scumbag. You, like all Stalinists seek to kill as many babies as you can. You basically are like Moloch worshipers seeking to sacrifice babies.

More made up stuff. Stick to facts.

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Comrade, what is made up? You Stalinists morn every live birth. Come on, you seek abortion as a way to sacrifice infants to the dark lord your worship. Admit it...
I wonder what excuse a woman would give an abortion clinic to make the Democrats running it deny killing her baby?

Even more made up shit

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That’s just not true. Abortion is a LEGAL medical procedure and heavily regulated. Stick to facts and stop making stuff up.

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Dude, you're an evil scumbag. You, like all Stalinists seek to kill as many babies as you can. You basically are like Moloch worshipers seeking to sacrifice babies.

More made up stuff. Stick to facts.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Comrade, what is made up? You Stalinists morn every live birth. Come on, you seek abortion as a way to sacrifice infants to the dark lord your worship. Admit it...

You’re wrong as conservatives are wrong about everything.

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You're an evil little fuck. You know it, I know it, everyone here knows it. You not only have no christian values, you have no values at all. You are an amoral animal, a communist without a hint or shred of integrity or honor.

That’s just not true. Abortion is a LEGAL medical procedure and heavily regulated. Stick to facts and stop making stuff up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dude, you're an evil scumbag. You, like all Stalinists seek to kill as many babies as you can. You basically are like Moloch worshipers seeking to sacrifice babies.

More made up stuff. Stick to facts.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Comrade, what is made up? You Stalinists morn every live birth. Come on, you seek abortion as a way to sacrifice infants to the dark lord your worship. Admit it...

You’re wrong as conservatives are wrong about everything.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You're an evil little fuck. You know it, I know it, everyone here knows it. You not only have no christian values, you have no values at all. You are an amoral animal, a communist without a hint or shred of integrity or honor.

Always happens with you conservatives. You have no logic, or facts so you revert to personal attacks.

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That’s just not true. Abortion is a LEGAL medical procedure and heavily regulated. Stick to facts and stop making stuff up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dude, you're an evil scumbag. You, like all Stalinists seek to kill as many babies as you can. You basically are like Moloch worshipers seeking to sacrifice babies.

More made up stuff. Stick to facts.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Comrade, what is made up? You Stalinists morn every live birth. Come on, you seek abortion as a way to sacrifice infants to the dark lord your worship. Admit it...
I wonder what excuse a woman would give an abortion clinic to make the Democrats running it deny killing her baby?

As I said, democrats mourn every live birth. They hate life and innocence, they seek the death of all that is innocent.
Dude, you're an evil scumbag. You, like all Stalinists seek to kill as many babies as you can. You basically are like Moloch worshipers seeking to sacrifice babies.

More made up stuff. Stick to facts.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Comrade, what is made up? You Stalinists morn every live birth. Come on, you seek abortion as a way to sacrifice infants to the dark lord your worship. Admit it...

You’re wrong as conservatives are wrong about everything.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You're an evil little fuck. You know it, I know it, everyone here knows it. You not only have no christian values, you have no values at all. You are an amoral animal, a communist without a hint or shred of integrity or honor.

Always happens with you conservatives. You have no logic, or facts so you revert to personal attacks.

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Logic? You are a Stalinist claiming to be a Christian. Who do you think you're fooling?
I heard a little of the lgbt town hall that CNN aired last night. They pointed out a women there they said has a 9 year old transgender girl and that wasn't right to me. That is way to young for a person to even know anything about that. I don't know if their is some kind of special situation but that to me should be in the realm of child abuse.

Im a registered democrat because you can't vote in the primary's as a independent where I live. I belive largely people should be able to live their lives the way they want. I was for gay's have civil unions and not marriage, marriage is biblical. Even the rainbow is biblical and how did the lgbt community take it?

The democrats running for president are going way too far to the left especially with the hole lgbt movment and some other things. To me republicans have their problems to. The republican party is like Gordon Gekko in the movie Wall Street. What do you do?
Sorry AT, there's no place for Christians in the Democrat Socialist Party today and they don't want you. In fact, they hate you. I left the party years ago, or rather they left me, and if you see Repubs as Gordon Gekko and do not subscribe to his greed-is-good philosophy you can be an Independent but you will not find any Democrat worthy of your vote. They have left you too.


Democrats are too far left to win Middle America

Democrats' Far-Left Lean Risks More Than the Presidency | RealClearPolitics
One can be a good Christian while defending the rights of gay and transgender Americans.

A good Christian would oppose discrimination, including discrimination against those gay and transgender.
As a student of deception you get a D- for being obvious.

God loves al people. God hates all sin. Christians are far more loving to gays than those that promote sin and applaud it as a virtue.
You’re wrong as conservatives are wrong about everything.
You're an evil little fuck. You know it, I know it, everyone here knows it. You not only have no christian values, you have no values at all. You are an amoral animal, a communist without a hint or shred of integrity or honor.
Always happens with you conservatives. You have no logic, or facts so you revert to personal attacks.
You mean like the MORON who posted "conservatives are wrong about everything?"

Is there any intelligent life on the left or are they all like Pops?
I heard a little of the lgbt town hall that CNN aired last night. They pointed out a women there they said has a 9 year old transgender girl and that wasn't right to me. That is way to young for a person to even know anything about that. I don't know if their is some kind of special situation but that to me should be in the realm of child abuse.

Im a registered democrat because you can't vote in the primary's as a independent where I live. I belive largely people should be able to live their lives the way they want. I was for gay's have civil unions and not marriage, marriage is biblical. Even the rainbow is biblical and how did the lgbt community take it?

The democrats running for president are going way too far to the left especially with the hole lgbt movment and some other things. To me republicans have their problems to. The republican party is like Gordon Gekko in the movie Wall Street. What do you do?
List your Christian values.
Not a biblical expert, but I seem to remember individual freedom being a huge point. Freedom to choose salvation. Choice is a pretty big deal. Being industrious was also considered a plus. The socialist party is the antithesis of both those things. Collectivism doesn't treat people as individuals, and it creates a permanent dependent class. Kings and slaves. I also want to point out that the founder of the walkaway movement was homosexual. It is a bit of a lazy argument to say all Christians hate gays, and that their can be no gay Christians. Most of us believe God loves EVERYBODY. Probably the biggest reason a Christian shouldn't vote Democrat is that the socialists are trying to purge right and wrong from all aspects of society, so people don't get offended. Wiping out society's common view of right and wrong will have consequences, because without religion, people in power will randomly come up with subjective views of morality to gain more power and control.
What do you do?
You don't have to go anywhere. Both parties are repulsive to many, so you're sure as hell not alone.

Maybe just remain independent and advocate for your individual issues as a free agent.

That may be Mac, but the Stalinist party, the democrats are waging war to end the Constitution and the Republic. They seek to end this nation and the experiment in self-government, and you full well know it.
Yeah, I don't generally speak hyperbole.

Maybe make a point without going completely and comically over the top.

"Stalinist". Silly.
Last edited:
Where is a democrat with christian values suppose to go?

Go to hell, it's where all commies in this hemisphere belong. Oh, by the way, the sooner the better for everybody.
That’s right genius. The Republicans don’t trust Democrats to choose their candidate.
You are some kind of bright.

The RNC corrupts the nomination process the same way the DNC does. And the Republican party is no less authoritarian and anti-liberty than the Democrat party.

The RNC rules, like the DNC rules, are always changed in order to keep Independents off the debate stage, even after they've already won the right to participate.

As always, in the name of party 'unity'.

If anyone is under the illusion that the Republican Party is any less corrupt than the Democrat party, they're in dire need of reeducation.

Every year the number of Independents grows because people are sick of this fake two-party system. It was 50% during the 2016 cycle. Both sides of the party of one in D.C. know the percentage of Independent voters grows every cycle and both sides of the party of one in D.C. go out of their way to make sure they do something about it every election cycle.

I have no problem with independents..... And if that's how you want to vote, go for it. However, I don't think the results will be as great as you seem to expect.

The so-called outsider candidate, was Trump. So why didn't we end up with the great Utopia? Because once you are on the inside, you are just an insider like all the rest.

At the end of the day, politics, is politics. And politicians are politicians. Getting a politician from a different party, does not magically make him immune to the same political forces the affect all other politicians.

And while I understand that some people don't like there being two major parties, I don't see that having three major parties does anything. When you look at the UK, their system of proportional representation, does not yield any different results.

Just watch SkyNews out of the UK, and they are having the same debates, the same complaints, the same "it's that parties fault" or "this party is at fault", and "if only it wasn't for those guys, we could have done more good stuff"

Same things.
You make a sound argument for term limits across the board.


Well on that side, absolutely. I full support universal term limits. There is nothing I hate more than a professional career politicians.

You should get, have a seat in the house or senate for a maximum of 15 years. Then you move on.
Democrats don't have Christian values. Maybe Muslim values to kill Infidels and unborn children but nothing approaching real Christian values.

Democrats are pretty well the scum of this country. I think we all know that.
I have no problem with independents..... And if that's how you want to vote, go for it. However, I don't think the results will be as great as you seem to expect.

The so-called outsider candidate, was Trump. So why didn't we end up with the great Utopia? Because once you are on the inside, you are just an insider like all the rest.

At the end of the day, politics, is politics. And politicians are politicians. Getting a politician from a different party, does not magically make him immune to the same political forces the affect all other politicians.

And while I understand that some people don't like there being two major parties, I don't see that having three major parties does anything. When you look at the UK, their system of proportional representation, does not yield any different results.

Just watch SkyNews out of the UK, and they are having the same debates, the same complaints, the same "it's that parties fault" or "this party is at fault", and "if only it wasn't for those guys, we could have done more good stuff"

Same things.

The nomination process is rigged. People are generally voting for two sides of the same coin. It's a blatant weaponization of democracy in America.

That said, winning, real winning, will happen and is happening through education. It's a process of continuing growth. And that's where we are. It's not about just trying to win and get elected. It's about changing the course of history.

No matter who gets elected in the 2020, both parties will still adhere to the same failed monetary policy that's got us 23 trillion dollars in debt. Both parties will still maintain a believe in deficit finance. Both parties will continue to attack civil liberties. Both parties will continue to be the policemen of the world, constitution be darned. Both parties will continue to grow the warfare/welfare state. And I could go on and on. This silly notion that the Republicans are any different than the Democrats is just pablum.

Then how did AOC get in? How did Trump get in? Do you know how hard the GOP fought against Trump being the nominee?
How did Obama get in? The entire DNC thought Hillary was the defacto candidate.

I see un-approved candidates getting into either party all the time.

Now obviously the system is not 'fair'. I would never suggest that there is a completely fair system. But then again... when in all human history has any political system been 'fair'? The answer is never.

However, with all that said, it is most certainly not entirely rigged either. There are many candidates that certainly would never have had a shot, let alone been president, if the system was entirely rigged.

I also don't think that all the candidates are two sides of the same coin.

Do you think if Hillary was in office right now, that we would have ended the nuclear deal with Iran? No.
Do you think if Hillary was elected, we would have cut taxes or deregulated? No.
Do you think if Hillary was elected, that we would have moved our embassy to Jerusalem? No.
Do you think if Hillary was elected, that we would be trying to build a wall, or stop illegal immigration? No.

So I can think of numerous things that would be different if someone else had been elected.

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