Where Is All Of The Money And Jobs Going And Why? Ask The Progressives.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
What seems reckless at first is really just something that's been in the works for decades. Obama may be the President but this government takeover and redistribution of wealth isn't his idea...he just bought into it and is acting as the facilitator of it.

Many of the pieces were put into place a long time ago. They tried to do it when Bill Clinton was in office but they just couldn't do it...mainly because Clinton was more pragmatic then the current president. Obama, however, really doesn't care about what people think because it's not that important to him. He figures the machine that's running things is in place so why worry. If he starts to worry then it becomes counter-productive. So while Barrack and Michelle party their asses off we the average guys...the little people suffer. But why must we suffer? Why do these Harvard egg-heads feel we need to be punished? Why do they want to spread our wealth all over the world and thus end what was formally known to be the American Dream?

To put is plainly...they think we're a country that was formed by white oppressors that have used capitalism to steal and punish everyone else in the world. So Obama and his regime wants to use their policies to push this country back to the quality of life that existed before the 1940s. No private transportation, no air-conditioning, and a lowered standard of living. They've already put the parts in place to take more control over our lives so we won't be able to punish them for doing it to us. Health care reform, financial regulatory reform, and millions of jobs leaving our shores (literally) so we'll need their entitlement programs to survive. This is the control they've been working for. Unemployed voters are dependent voters.

Unfortunately Obama supporters are getting impatient. They were promised a better life and they're not seeing it. It would have worked without a hitch but they needed a country full of Homer Simpsons to pull it off. This in itself illustrates their disdain for the average American. But what would the Average American think if they discovered that Obama's purpose wasn't to improve our lives but to make it harder for us....to punish us by stealing our money and giving it to other countries that these folks feel are more deserving. He's a citizen of the world...not the United States. He hates the United States along with everything he thinks it stands for. Why would he care enough to make sure that it's citizens were well taken care of?

Barack Obama is a sub rosa radical whose political and social worldviews consist of an ad hoc combination of the two varieties of post-colonial theory. But he wears a mask of convention. His elite education, rearing by white grandparents, and upper-middle class career path in law and politics endeared him to an unsuspecting American audience that believed his election would usher in an era of racial, economic, and political peace. However, the man clearly has an alternative agenda that does not reflect the "hope" in which he inspired people to believe during his election. But it does reflect the "change" toward which he said he would push the country:

First, destroy the "myth" of American Exceptionalism by changing the historical narrative of this country to one that reflects America as a fallen and sinful nation that has condoned the same type of social and economic oppression against its poor, non-white citizens that imperial Europeans once condoned in their former colonies. Second, redeem America from this shame by circumscribing its imperialism through various means: declare war on the American economy, confiscate the wealth of those who produce, and redistribute it accordingly to those who have gone through generational neglect because of any combination of race/class/gender issues.

Obama's radical ambitions continue to go mostly unnoticed by the masses because Mr. Obama and those who think like him appear to be something that we are all familiar with: global elites, or as they like to call themselves, "citizens of the world."

American Thinker: The Obama Agenda and the New Global Elite
Ever wonder why Democrats support illegal immigration? Why would they support a group that not only is breaking our laws but is sending millions of dollars to their home countries?

Answer: Obama gave the reasons away in his speech to the Hispanic Caucas last weekend.

OBAMA: "We all shared the same land. We didn’t always get along. But over the centuries, what eventually bound us together, what made us all Americans, was not a matter of blood, it wasn’t a matter of birth. It was faith and fidelity to the shared values that we all hold so dear. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, endowed with certain inalienable rights: life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

First of all Obama and folks like him feel that this country was based on greed to wit: "White Man's Greed Runs A World In Need". He believes that whites took this country from it's rightful inhabitants and now that he's in charge he's gonna set that right.

So not only is he going to allow illegal immigration to continue but he's instituting moratoriums on our drilling rights at the same time he's giving away billions to Brazil and Mexico to do exactly the same thing in almost exactly the same areas off our coasts. We can't drill off the coast of the US but everyone else in the world can with his blessing. That makes no sense until you look at it the way he does.

But what does he hope to accomplish with this crazy act? Well I'll tell you. He sees it as another opportunity to even the playing field, to spread the wealth. Jobs by the thousands are leaving our shores and going to Mexico, Brazil, and Venezuela. Not only doesn't he care but he encourages this. After all...this country was founded by white colonialists that stole this country from Mexico, France, Britain, and Native Americans. This is why he always talks about Collective Salvation. All of us need to be punished and show we're sorry for our ancestor's criminality. And the only way we can do that is by giving billions to the countries that are suffering because of our colonialism and capitalism. We prospered at the expense of others so we must atone for our greed.
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I know these ideas sound crazy but they don't if you look at Obama's beliefs and think the way he does....then it all begins to make sense.
What seems reckless at first is really just something that's been in the works for decades. Obama may be the President but this government takeover and redistribution of wealth isn't his idea...he just bought into it and is acting as the facilitator of it.

Many of the pieces were put into place a long time ago.

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