Where is the Benghazi cover-up Republicans promised?


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2012
AHA! Put that in your e-mail pipe and smoke it.

Where is the Benghazi cover-up Republicans promised? - CBS News

The most incendiary charge aimed at the president is that, in order to insulate himself in an election year, he and his team made up a fake story about a "spontaneous uprising" in Benghazi and downplayed intelligence that it could have been a premeditated attack by known terrorist organizations. There has been so much spinning from the president and his staff in the aftermath of the attack, this storyline seems possible--when the public spin is this bad it is easy to imagine deeper rot. The emails help your imagination along. They destroy the impression left last November by White House spokesman Jay Carney that only a single word was changed in the process, which can get your adrenaline up. But when you pull on the thread in search of evidence for the Big Story, your heartbeat slows. The emails show a lot of CIA and State Department action, but comparatively little White House meddling, and certainly nothing near the level of meddling that would be required to put in the big fix.

everyone in the world now knows that obozo and hilly lied about who did beghazi and why they did it.

Susan Rice should rat them out since they set her up to look like a fool and take the fall for them.
Glenn Beck promised!!!
It is far from over. Barry is scared, Hilly is scared, Holder is scared.

"If ya caint do the time, don't do the crime"
"bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do" "whatcha gonna do when they come for you"
Why is everything a conspiracy to Republicans? There is a lot of things to attack Obama on yet they always choose the dumbest thing possible.

lying becomes a conspiracy when several people "conspire" to do it. A conspiracy can be a big deal or a tiny inconvenience.

the issue is that obama and the entire administration lied to the public for weeks about who did Benghazi and why they did it, and at the time they all knew they were lying-------except maybe their designated dupe, Susan Rice.
It is far from over. Barry is scared, Hilly is scared, Holder is scared.

"If ya caint do the time, don't do the crime"
"bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do" "whatcha gonna do when they come for you"

Scared? Of what? Scared of the lies the Republicans have fermented via their lapdogs in the main stream media?
Glenn Beck promised!!!

the key is to promise things to people without the attention span to remember one's promise

"I will cut the debt in half in my first term"
"gitmo will be closed by January 2010"
"I will have no lobbyists in my adminsistration"
"I wil have the most transparent admin in history"
"I did not have sex with that woman..."
"what difference does it make"
"we have to pass it to find out whats in it"
Well republicans are kind of busy, looking at IRS being used on political opponents, spying on press members AND BenGhazi. Obama apparently doesnt have a clue, he's always never around, maybe too many vacations?

Where was the video in the talking points? Where did that bullshit come from?
=Redfish;7249945]It is far from over. Barry is scared, Hilly is scared, Holder is scared.

"If ya caint do the time, don't do the crime"
"bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do" "whatcha gonna do when they come for you"

and yup Redfish, we can see the fear in their eyes/way they talk/ the way they act. they are trying to spinl it so it goes away. lol.
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It is far from over. Barry is scared, Hilly is scared, Holder is scared.

"If ya caint do the time, don't do the crime"
"bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do" "whatcha gonna do when they come for you"

Scared? Of what? Scared of the lies the Republicans have fermented via their lapdogs in the main stream media?

when did ABC and Chris Matthews become republican lap dogs? the only lies have come from obama, hillary, rice, carney, reid, and pelosi
Wow, less than a week of hearings and we're supposed to find something? Where is the press? I guess they dont mind being spied on by democrats, that's ok, all for the cause.

Watergate took a while, so did Iran Contra, so did Lewinsky. Have patience
The most rational things to attack Barry-O on are Bush League policies. The result of that is nutballs are- once again - limited to fantasy and delusion fabricating attacks intended to alarm the stupidest motherfuckers in western civilization.

I am laughing out loud at how easy that has been since 1980 when the Republican Party of IKE vanished in a sea of polyester leisure suited pot gutted religious nuts and "sky is falling" grade alarmist military preposters.
=Redfish;7249945]It is far from over. Barry is scared, Hilly is scared, Holder is scared.

"If ya caint do the time, don't do the crime"
"bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do" "whatcha gonna do when they come for you"

and yup Redfish, we can see the fear in their eyes/way they talk/ the way they act. they are trying to spinl it so it goes away. lol.

yep, its pretty obvious. did you see carney get trashed in his last press conference? the entire media ate his lunch, not just fox. the MSM was in full support of obama until he started lying to them.
The most rational things to attack Barry-O on are Bush League policies. The result of that is nutballs are- once again - limited to fantasy and delusion fabricating attacks intended to alarm the stupidest motherfuckers in western civilization.

I am laughing out loud at how easy that has been since 1980 when the Republican Party of IKE vanished in a sea of polyester leisure suited pot gutted religious nuts and "sky is falling" grade alarmist military preposters.

I guess you have missed every left winger in existence hollaring "bush did it" for the last 5 years. there a plenty of nuts on both sides-----just look at Biden and Pelosi.
It's fun watching the democrats throw shit against the wall hoping some of it will stick.

Face it. You're screwed.

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