Where is the evidence for evolution?

No fractures?? Discontinuities are apparent on the anticline on the far right for a start...a fault in fact. Whoever told you that there are no fractures may need another look!!

The fossil record? Surely you jest. How about showing us just one example of a transitional fossil that is not disputed by other scientists? You can't. If evolution were a fact, as you suggest, there would be countless examples of them. What we see instead is a collection of distinct kinds, with variation in each group. Try again.
Science is all about disputing observations. It is what makes it Science and not mumbo jumbo. Once people start talking about "indisputable" you have propaganda.

It is a indisputable fact there are no undisputed transitional fossils. This is an observational fact. It does not fit the theory of gradual changes over millions of years. Does it? If a theory does not fit the observable facts, it fails.

Evolution is a fact
How and why it occurs are still theories.
Does not refute the conclusion that evolution occurred over 500 million years

The question arises about what you mean by "evolution"? And what you mean by a fact. I'm Popperian on this.

Life evolving from non-complex creatures into sophisticated ones is evolution

It is a FACT that it happened

Is it also evolution when it goes the other way??

I have a real problem with the "more complex" rationale. Evolution does not favour complexity; it favours survival. They are NOT the same.

If humans evolved from apes or monkeys, why are there still apes and monkeys?
I have a real problem with the "more complex" rationale. Evolution does not favour complexity; it favours survival. They are NOT the same.

Less complex organisms still survive, but complex organisms take longer to EVOLVE
If humans evolved from apes or monkeys, why are there still apes and monkeys?
Because not every species of monkey evolved the same way. Man, are you really that much of a simpleton?
If humans evolved from apes or monkeys, why are there still apes and monkeys?
Because not every species of monkey evolved the same way. Man, are you really that much of a simpleton?
So, some species of monkey actually evolved into man, but others didn't. Do you have any proof of this?
Lol there is proof of that troughout the geoligical record Prominent Hominid Fossils This is a record of homonid fossils.
If humans evolved from apes or monkeys, why are there still apes and monkeys?
Because not every species of monkey evolved the same way. Man, are you really that much of a simpleton?
So, some species of monkey actually evolved into man, but others didn't. Do you have any proof of this?
Lol there is proof of that troughout the geoligical record Prominent Hominid Fossils This is a record of homonid fossils.
So, some species of ape or monkey actually evolved into humans, but other species did not. Do you know why?
I'm asking because I haven't seen any. There is not one single piece of observable evidence for evolution. Would anyone care to present any?

Have any photos of yourself at four years old?
If humans evolved from apes or monkeys, why are there still apes and monkeys?
Because not every species of monkey evolved the same way. Man, are you really that much of a simpleton?
So, some species of monkey actually evolved into man, but others didn't. Do you have any proof of this?
Lol there is proof of that troughout the geoligical record Prominent Hominid Fossils This is a record of homonid fossils.
So, some species of ape or monkey actually evolved into humans, but other species did not. Do you know why?

One could answer that there is no 'why'; life has done what it has done, and it may not be done.
If humans evolved from apes or monkeys, why are there still apes and monkeys?
Because not every species of monkey evolved the same way. Man, are you really that much of a simpleton?
So, some species of monkey actually evolved into man, but others didn't. Do you have any proof of this?
Lol there is proof of that troughout the geoligical record Prominent Hominid Fossils This is a record of homonid fossils.
So, some species of ape or monkey actually evolved into humans, but other species did not. Do you know why?
Deciding wich species survive is no simple question. It's how well species adapt to enviromental changes, What social structure they develop, how they compete with other species for resources and pure chance. Evolution is full of dead ends, ends with constitute species who where slighly less adaptable, slightly less organised, slightly less strong or smart and slightly less lucky.
The only ones that question Evolution are the ones that have no understanding what it is. People who ask questions like:
If humans evolved from apes or monkeys, why are there still apes and monkeys?
How do scientists date fossils?
Show us just one example of a transitional fossil?

These are questions by people who have zero understanding of what evolution is. There are medial and simple videos explaining evolution all over the internet. I suggest you take a small amount of time and get caught up on the basics.
If humans evolved from apes or monkeys, why are there still apes and monkeys?
Because not every species of monkey evolved the same way. Man, are you really that much of a simpleton?
So, some species of monkey actually evolved into man, but others didn't. Do you have any proof of this?
Lol there is proof of that troughout the geoligical record Prominent Hominid Fossils This is a record of homonid fossils.
So, some species of ape or monkey actually evolved into humans, but other species did not. Do you know why?
Deciding wich species survive is no simple question. It's how well species adapt to enviromental changes, What social structure they develop, how they compete with other species for resources and pure chance. Evolution is full of dead ends, ends with constitute species who where slighly less adaptable, slightly less organised, slightly less strong or smart and slightly less lucky.

...or developed a brain too big for their own good; the reach exceeding grasp thing.
Evolution is not a fact. Show me one "fact" that proves it. Another thing you should consider. In the Grand Canyon, there is an area that contains several sedimentary layers. These layers are said to have been formed over millions of years. There is one section where these layers are bent 90 degrees. How do you explain this? This is a scientific impossibility. Rock does not bend. If these layers were indeed formed over millions of years then they could not bend as they have.

Rock layers most definitely "bend"...due to forces involved in the movements of the various tectonic plates and subplates. It's called "folding" and there are many theories on it including the Expanding Earth Theory. The facts of direct observation(earthquakes) show this is well supported by the direct evidence. I would say we haven't heard the last on this though.

These layers bent without fracturing. Explain this.

How do you know there weren't fractures in the layers??

Do you see any fractures here?

View attachment 77150

There are more where this came from. Layered rocks that were bent without fracturing. The only explanation for this is that these layers were deposited in a very short period of time, and were bent before they solidified.

Do you have a geologist's report on that?? Of course not. They are folds caused by lateral forces. Where are those layers and where were they formed??

How do you explain the fact that there is no erosion of fossil layers? Have you ever seen layers of sedimentary rock? Each layer joins the next with a clearly defined line. If these layers were millions of years old, we wouldn't see this. What we do see is consistent with a massive flood, that deposited these layers in a brief period of time.
The only ones that question Evolution are the ones that have no understanding what it is. People who ask questions like:
If humans evolved from apes or monkeys, why are there still apes and monkeys?
How do scientists date fossils?
Show us just one example of a transitional fossil?

These are questions by people who have zero understanding of what evolution is. There are medial and simple videos explaining evolution all over the internet. I suggest you take a small amount of time and get caught up on the basics.
Have you ever questioned your belief in evolution?
wow, i must be stupid to not believe whatever all these omniscient experts on the internet have to say... unfortunately, i'm not here to justify anyone's student load debt, i really don't care if the memory your teachers will hurt your feelings if you fail to convert others to your evolution cult.

The only ones that question Evolution are the ones that have no understanding what it is. People who ask questions like:
If humans evolved from apes or monkeys, why are there still apes and monkeys?
How do scientists date fossils?
Show us just one example of a transitional fossil?

These are questions by people who have zero understanding of what evolution is. There are medial and simple videos explaining evolution all over the internet. I suggest you take a small amount of time and get caught up on the basics.
Have you ever questioned your belief in evolution?
Through out my life I've always had questions and concerns about evolution. The more you actually research the topic the more your questions will be answered. May I suggest the book The Greatest Show On Earth. https://www.amazon.ca/Greatest-Show-Earth-Evidence-Evolution/dp/1416594795&tag=
Rock layers most definitely "bend"...due to forces involved in the movements of the various tectonic plates and subplates. It's called "folding" and there are many theories on it including the Expanding Earth Theory. The facts of direct observation(earthquakes) show this is well supported by the direct evidence. I would say we haven't heard the last on this though.

These layers bent without fracturing. Explain this.

How do you know there weren't fractures in the layers??

Do you see any fractures here?

View attachment 77150

There are more where this came from. Layered rocks that were bent without fracturing. The only explanation for this is that these layers were deposited in a very short period of time, and were bent before they solidified.

Do you have a geologist's report on that?? Of course not. They are folds caused by lateral forces. Where are those layers and where were they formed??

How do you explain the fact that there is no erosion of fossil layers? Have you ever seen layers of sedimentary rock? Each layer joins the next with a clearly defined line. If these layers were millions of years old, we wouldn't see this. What we do see is consistent with a massive flood, that deposited these layers in a brief period of time.

That's not how it works at all

Sedimentary rock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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