Where is the Liberal compassion for the 120 murdered in Baltimore in 2015?

It kind of works like this. The only thing that gets Liberal media and/or Liberal Black "leaders" attention is a death by Cops. They want NO attention paid to the urban wasteland created by FAILED Liberal policies and therefore Black on Black murders in the inner city are completely ignored.
Hey, at least no one has claimed police brutality. That's what really matters.

Black kids are slaughtered by other black kids every day, but there is no political advantage there for the PC Police.

So, meh.

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Baltimore is collapsing into anarchy since the outrage exploded against Police following Freddie Gray's death. Apparently out of the 120 murders this year, 105 were Black. But only one, a 25 year old criminal with a rap sheet a yard long had a life that mattered. Is this the legacy he and his family wanted? Turning Baltimore into a war zone run by criminals? This is the fruit being reaped by the "Hands Up Don't Shoot" and "Black Lives Matter" Liberal campaigns against Police. Liberals are brimming with compassion if your death coincides with their agenda. If not, oh well shit happens.
Sorry...but don't track your logic

It should not matter that Freddie Gray died in police custody because 120 other people were also killed?
But the 120 lives don't matter?

Still don't follow your logic

We can't be concerned about the circumstances of one death unless we are equally concerned about all deaths?
No, just noticing that the only black deaths you seem to be concerned with are the ones that advance the liberal agenda, I don't recall you lamenting over the vast majority of black murder victims at the hands of other blacks. Just an observation.
There seems to be a difference in outrage over people killed by bad guys and people killed by police who are supposed to protect and serve
Yeah, that's what I said. You don't give a shit about the ones killed by other blacks, just the ones you can get some political mileage out of.
Sorry...but don't track your logic

It should not matter that Freddie Gray died in police custody because 120 other people were also killed?
But the 120 lives don't matter?

Still don't follow your logic

We can't be concerned about the circumstances of one death unless we are equally concerned about all deaths?
No, just noticing that the only black deaths you seem to be concerned with are the ones that advance the liberal agenda, I don't recall you lamenting over the vast majority of black murder victims at the hands of other blacks. Just an observation.
There seems to be a difference in outrage over people killed by bad guys and people killed by police who are supposed to protect and serve
Yeah, that's what I said. You don't give a shit about the ones killed by other blacks, just the ones you can get some political mileage out of.
Murder by police is more reprehensible than murder by bad guys

Police are entrusted to know better
But the 120 lives don't matter?

Still don't follow your logic

We can't be concerned about the circumstances of one death unless we are equally concerned about all deaths?
No, just noticing that the only black deaths you seem to be concerned with are the ones that advance the liberal agenda, I don't recall you lamenting over the vast majority of black murder victims at the hands of other blacks. Just an observation.
There seems to be a difference in outrage over people killed by bad guys and people killed by police who are supposed to protect and serve
Yeah, that's what I said. You don't give a shit about the ones killed by other blacks, just the ones you can get some political mileage out of.
Murder by police is more reprehensible than murder by bad guys

Police are entrusted to know better
But other black people are not?
Pay no attention to the man killed by cops...

Move along, nothing to see here
It kind of works like this. The only thing that gets Liberal media and/or Liberal Black "leaders" attention is a death by Cops. They want NO attention paid to the urban wasteland created by FAILED Liberal policies and therefore Black on Black murders in the inner city are completely ignored.
It works like this: adding more straw to your straw man doesn't make it any less of a fallacy.
Still don't follow your logic

We can't be concerned about the circumstances of one death unless we are equally concerned about all deaths?
No, just noticing that the only black deaths you seem to be concerned with are the ones that advance the liberal agenda, I don't recall you lamenting over the vast majority of black murder victims at the hands of other blacks. Just an observation.
There seems to be a difference in outrage over people killed by bad guys and people killed by police who are supposed to protect and serve
Yeah, that's what I said. You don't give a shit about the ones killed by other blacks, just the ones you can get some political mileage out of.
Murder by police is more reprehensible than murder by bad guys

Police are entrusted to know better
But other black people are not?


Little bit of a Freudian SLip there!

But the 120 lives don't matter?

Still don't follow your logic

We can't be concerned about the circumstances of one death unless we are equally concerned about all deaths?
No, just noticing that the only black deaths you seem to be concerned with are the ones that advance the liberal agenda, I don't recall you lamenting over the vast majority of black murder victims at the hands of other blacks. Just an observation.
There seems to be a difference in outrage over people killed by bad guys and people killed by police who are supposed to protect and serve

Yep. Those killed by other black guys have no outrage, those killed by cops get a lot, a whole lot.

Seems a little self serving of you libs, just saying...

Well....it kind of works like this

When criminals kill people intentionally, it is kind of expected
When cops kill people intentionally ...people get pissed

And in some cases the "bad guys" are apprehended and punished. But in cases when there is a documented history in mutiple police agencies of SOME officers. questionably killing people and then having NO charges filed against them in the majority if not all of those cases, people get even angrier.

Now before the board fringe lunatics, "stand your ground" zealots and gun toting bible thumping liberal haters jump on their soap boxes, I am also going to say that this is not a justifiable cause for destroying property or looting or violence.
Pay no attention to the man killed by cops...

Move along, nothing to see here
Pay no attention to the thousands of blacks murdered by other blacks. Move along, nothing to see here.
Pay no attention? What are you talking about?

Each of those murders are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
However, when it is cops doing the killing, the people of Baltimore have seen time after time, the cops getting off Scott free
That is why they rioted and said, not this time
They want to conflate criminal behavior by civilians with killings done under color of law by paid agents of the Government...sure murders happen by Blacks on Black however those murders are treated as crimes...when Police murder an all out effort is made to cover it up...that makes folks angry..some explode into violence...the same wy Police explode into deadly violence when they get angry...
It kind of works like this. The only thing that gets Liberal media and/or Liberal Black "leaders" attention is a death by Cops. They want NO attention paid to the urban wasteland created by FAILED Liberal policies and therefore Black on Black murders in the inner city are completely ignored.
The Black on Black violence meme is just a way to deflect from murders carried out in our name by our paid agents namely "The Police"...there is no equivalency...the Black on Black crimes are prosecuted by the system the Police on Black crimes are covered up by the system buried along with the dead Black folks...
Pay no attention to the man killed by cops...

Move along, nothing to see here
Pay no attention to the thousands of blacks murdered by other blacks. Move along, nothing to see here.
Pay no attention? What are you talking about?

Each of those murders are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
However, when it is cops doing the killing, the people of Baltimore have seen time after time, the cops getting off Scott free
That is why they rioted and said, not this time

Prosecuting the murderers, when they are caught, does not address the cause(s) of the problem.

You libs are ready to turn the world upside down to address the cause of police misconduct, real or imagined, but not in order to save the far more damage done by black on black violence.
Pay no attention to the man killed by cops...

Move along, nothing to see here
Pay no attention to the thousands of blacks murdered by other blacks. Move along, nothing to see here.
Pay no attention? What are you talking about?

Each of those murders are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
However, when it is cops doing the killing, the people of Baltimore have seen time after time, the cops getting off Scott free
That is why they rioted and said, not this time

Prosecuting the murderers, when they are caught, does not address the cause(s) of the problem.

You libs are ready to turn the world upside down to address the cause of police misconduct, real or imagined, but not in order to save the far more damage done by black on black violence.
So genius LOL what is the answer here to not prosecute anyone....? you conservatives support confronting law officers in the Cliven Bundy ranch and in the Waco Texas standoff and at Ruby Ridge ...all of these white folks confronting officers with weapons ...how come you don't address the root cause of that disparity Einstein...
Prosecuting the murderers, when they are caught, does not address the cause(s) of the problem.

You libs are ready to turn the world upside down to address the cause of police misconduct, real or imagined, but not in order to save the far more damage done by black on black violence.

Try getting informed instead of just being opinionated ...here is a 30 year effort to examine and address solutions to violence..
30th National Conference on Preventing Crime in the Black ...

  • The 30th National Preventing Crime in the Black Community Conference is a ... will be directed toward alternatives to violence among our young people.
It's taken them 30 years to realize the problem?

Anyway, alternatives? If you need to spend your time giving your young people alternatives to shooting each other........ You're pretty much screwed.

Don't shoot people.......stab them
Don't shoot him...... Could be your father
Grandmas basement ideas
10 ways to make white people feel guilty

30 years later and all you can come up with are ways ( which you know won't work ) to stop youths to shooting each other.

You're screwed
It's taken them 30 years to realize the problem?

Anyway, alternatives? If you need to spend your time giving your young people alternatives to shooting each other........ You're pretty much screwed.

Don't shoot people.......stab them
Don't shoot him...... Could be your father
Grandmas basement ideas
10 ways to make white people feel guilty

30 years later and all you can come up with are ways ( which you know won't work ) to stop youths to shooting each other.

You're screwed
you are just throwing up stuff to avoid the fact you are an uninformed Right wing talking point parrot ...a mush ditto head...
Nay, I'm no republican, although I'd do believe the republic is the best form of self governance.

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