Where is the President?

You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

You haven't a clue. That Bible belonged to the President's mother. Idiot.

Prove it. Just do some research I did and it doesn't.
He was using a bible as a prop, insulting religion.
Who owns that bible is irrelevant.
The President was defending our First Amendment rights.

he shit on the peaceful protesters' FIRST AMENDMENT right to freely assemble & petition the gov'ment with their grievances.

for a fucking photo op.

and the Pelosi morons dressed up in African garb for a photo op, instead of actually doing their jobs and trying to fix the mess they created.

they created? come up for air fishy.... that methane filled bubble you live in is warping yer brain.

Yes, they created---------------our big cites are all run by democrats and have been for years, so, yes democrats created the mess in our cities.
Last edited:
WASHINGTON (AP) — The federal government recorded a budget deficit of $1.88 trillion for the first eight months of this budget year, larger than even any annual shortfalls in U.S. history.

and how much of it was directly related to the chinese virus? to blame that on Trump is just plain stupid.
...Yeah, hard take someone talking like you seriously...
Ah, yes, the final fallback position of someone who is in over their head in open debate...

...What do you want, to showcase how Trump has spoken out for me and mine, as working class Americans?
Sure, if you can... oh, by the way... be sure to include references to opposition to Free Speech and Free Press, destroying alliances, stupid conspiracy theories, showboat-fawning over Token Negroes, not taking pandemics seriously until it's too late for many who died, 110K dead, stock-market crashes, highest deficits of all time, lack of understanding-for and circumventing-of the Constitution, willingness to use Federal Regulars to shoot his own people, etc., eh?

So, you first accuse me of dodging, and then address, FROM THE NEXT SENTENCE, a clear request for your challenge. LOL. Again, zero self awarness.

AND, in response, instead of actually giving me a serious request, you put out a Gish Gallop of bullshit.

Which, ironically, is, wait for it...

"the final fallback position of someone who is in over their head in open debate.."

Try again THis time, without the histrionics.
...Yeah, hard take someone talking like you seriously...
Ah, yes, the final fallback position of someone who is in over their head in open debate...

...What do you want, to showcase how Trump has spoken out for me and mine, as working class Americans?
Sure, if you can... oh, by the way... be sure to include references to opposition to Free Speech and Free Press, destroying alliances, stupid conspiracy theories, showboat-fawning over Token Negroes, not taking pandemics seriously until it's too late for many who died, 110K dead, stock-market crashes, highest deficits of all time, lack of understanding-for and circumventing-of the Constitution, willingness to use Federal Regulars to shoot his own people, etc., eh?

So, you first accuse me of dodging, and then address, FROM THE NEXT SENTENCE, a clear request for your challenge. LOL. Again, zero self awarness.

AND, in response, instead of actually giving me a serious request, you put out a Gish Gallop of bullshit.

Which, ironically, is, wait for it...

"the final fallback position of someone who is in over their head in open debate.."

Try again THis time, without the histrionics.
Translation: I really can't defend my guy, but I'll duck-and-dodge-and-deflect and try to delay the final judgement (that I cannot mount a proper defense).


This is going nowhere, with a debating adversary such as yourself, incapable or unwilling to engage on substance.

Have a good day.
What do you want him to do?
He could get on TV and give a speech.

I can't believe I had to say that.

Holy crap.
He did. Unless you failed to note it...

And is he done? Is that it?
Where is your link to your claim. Oh, and I’ll be glad to post his speech for ya, if you want. Oh, and by the way, I’m sure much to your chagrine, he set up a commission late Jan for finding ways law enforcement can regain the trust of the citizens. Bet ya didn’t know it, cause the lame msm probably didn’t mention it.
A snippet-
Therefore, we are establishing this Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement to study crime—how we can reduce it and how we can restore the public confidence in law enforcement to its rightful place. The Commission will examine the following:

How do certain social ills such as mental illness, substance abuse, and homelessness affect the ability of law enforcement to police?
How can we improve officer recruitment, training, and retention?
What are the major issues confronting rural and tribal law enforcement?
What are the major issues affecting the physical safety and mental health of police officers?
How can federal grant programs aide state, local, and tribal law enforcement?
What novel issues and criminal threats have arisen from new technologies?
What is the cause of diminished respect for law enforcement and the laws they enforce, and how does it affect both police and public safety?
What role can commercial business and community development organizations play in cultivating safe communities?
What methodologies, techniques, and targeted deterrence can be employed to reduce crime?
How can we integrate education, employment, social services, and public health services to reduce crime and ease the burden on law enforcement?
Thanks for the bullet points. So it's all about law enforcement and programs and technology and not about the racism that still exists in America.

Could you point out where he discussed how black people feel about their daily lives, why they might be frustrated beyond white people's understanding, or what it's like being pulled over SEVERAL times for no good reason -- as Republican Senator Tim Scott has described?

You couldn't have provided a better example. You folks are just not paying attention. Thank you.
Uh, that was about the commission formed back in Jan, not from the shooting. He actually recognized something needed done and started a commission to try to find solutions before this happened.
He also immediately sent in the doj and fbi.
And you weren’t aware from your sources either, were you, that the administration is weighing plans for a national listening tour in Black communities, to engage with and hear people, and putting together a task force. He is also looking at ways to start a national dialogue to help bring to light problems with racism in our country and how to solve them, rather than continuing what has not been working.

He also stated this, which you obviously did not hear-
On Saturday, Trump called the death of George Floyd “a grave tragedy” that has filled Americans “with horror, anger and grief.”
“It should never have happened,”

The guy could throw himself at your feet and you would still find fault.
More for your closed mind so that others might actually see he has been trying to work in the right direction.

From the same document-
Civil rights organizations, civic leaders, defense bar associations, victims’ rights organizations, and community organizations, should and will help this important mission. They will have opportunities to provide advice, counsel and input to the Commission in its study of the relevant issues and solutions.

So Trump wants to make certain civic rights are upheld. But I guess you need the word Black in there, because you see it as a black and white issue, not a human rights issue.

Now for some other things he has done to help minorities.
The First Step Act which has seen people such as Alice Marie Johnson, Taneesha Bannister, Matthew Charles, along with more than 3000 others. Another 1700+ have had their sentences reduced. It also revised sentencing guidelines.
They have also applied the Second Step Act, under a previous version from 2007, to help with their re-entry into society, with job training, and much more-
Transitional services to assist in the reintegration of offenders into the community, including-
  • Educational, literacy, and vocational, services and the transitional jobs strategy;
  • Substance use disorder treatment and services;
  • Coordinated supervision and services for offenders, including physical health care and comprehensive housing and mental health care;
  • Family services​
Funding for historically Black colleges, improving the economy which has reduced unemployment for minorities and restoring dignity to those that want to be able to feed their families themselves, tax cuts that have helped minorities

He has created opportunity zones in minority neighborhoods so it is easier them to start their own businesses without stifling regulations. $10 billion in funding for minority owned businesses.

He has directed more than $200 million a year to technology education grants for women and minorities.
Public housing is being cleaned up and made safer. Contractors
must comply with the training requirements included in their contracts and implementing valid apprenticeship programs for residents of the projects. At the completion of the training participants have a skill and are able to leave public housing.
Lowest Black unemployment.

These are just a few of the things Trump has done. Think what could have been done if the Dems had tried to work with Trump rather than against for 3 years.

Now tell us what Dems have done besides pandering...

That is just a bunch of totally HOGWASH. Are you forgetting something?

Trump has done NOTHING about racism here in US except giving these racist Americans and groups more vicious and emboldened like we never seen before. Right wing racist group was also invited in the WH. We have crisis right now about police brutality and racism but has done nothing to diffuse except fanning more hatred. Trump also instigating violence against Americans the democrats.

George Floyd death. Trump cannot even use his name in a proper manner. From Trump doing a victory lap dance about the unemployment of May..... George Floyd should be happy of the unemployment looking down. Busy blasting mayors and governors facing the crisis instead of working with them.

Pardoning? You cherry picked 3 names but you ignored most of the crooked, traitors and corrupted people that he pardoned. Here is the list of what this dude had pardoned from August 2017 to February 2020. Most of these do not even qualified or deserves to be pardoned. Since you lie a lot. Where did you get 3,000 or 1,700 numbers?

Black colleges HBCU. That’s another BS.
Trump signed a law in December restoring money that lapsed for several months when Congress failed to reauthorize some $255 million in financing on time.
Trump just signed the bill doesn’t mean he created or pushes it. If he really wants to help black colleges why didn’t he allowed it to lapsed or run out of money?

Give us one example of STIFLING regulations. Like WHAT?

I ran out of time. But I can guarantee you that 100% you have zero rebuttal of what I just said.

one simple question: what did Obama do about racism in his 8 years? Answer: ha made it worse.
...Yeah, hard take someone talking like you seriously...
Ah, yes, the final fallback position of someone who is in over their head in open debate...

...What do you want, to showcase how Trump has spoken out for me and mine, as working class Americans?
Sure, if you can... oh, by the way... be sure to include references to opposition to Free Speech and Free Press, destroying alliances, stupid conspiracy theories, showboat-fawning over Token Negroes, not taking pandemics seriously until it's too late for many who died, 110K dead, stock-market crashes, highest deficits of all time, lack of understanding-for and circumventing-of the Constitution, willingness to use Federal Regulars to shoot his own people, etc., eh?

So, you first accuse me of dodging, and then address, FROM THE NEXT SENTENCE, a clear request for your challenge. LOL. Again, zero self awarness.

AND, in response, instead of actually giving me a serious request, you put out a Gish Gallop of bullshit.

Which, ironically, is, wait for it...

"the final fallback position of someone who is in over their head in open debate.."

Try again THis time, without the histrionics.
Translation: I really can't defend my guy, but I'll duck-and-dodge-and-deflect and try to delay the final judgement (that I cannot mount a proper defense).


This is going nowhere, with a debating adversary such as yourself, incapable or unwilling to engage on substance.

Have a good day.

I asked you want you wanted, to meet a demand you made, and you dodge, and when pressed, you declare victory and go home.

...Wow, yet a other ...TDS thread...
Opposition to an ignorant, arrogant, incompetent, amoral autocratic tyrant-wannabe does NOT constitute 'derangement'.

In actuality, it constitutes the highest form of Patriotism and Love of Country, to want to vote a dangerous autocrat out of office as soon as possible.

President Trump is the most American president in ages.

Just fess up to it, you hate America, you hate the cops, you hate anything true and beautiful.

Pro criminal party of America, the criminals are their voters and Mac is not far away as a colossal insecure loser. Destruction is in the interest of these idiots.
I've seen that his staff is working on getting him to act interested, so maybe they'll push him out in front of a camera and fire up the teleprompter soon.

In the next week or two, I assume.

At least PRETEND, Mr. President.
If you can’t stand him, then why wonder what he is doing?

I've seen that his staff is working on getting him to act interested, so maybe they'll push him out in front of a camera and fire up the teleprompter soon.

In the next week or two, I assume.

At least PRETEND, Mr. President.
If you can’t stand him, then why wonder what he is doing?

He's the President. Those people are usually considered leaders for all the American people, but I know this is a different time.

And anyway, Trumpsters have changed my mind on this. It's probably better, on balance, that he just keeps his mouth shut.

So there ya go!
I've seen that his staff is working on getting him to act interested, so maybe they'll push him out in front of a camera and fire up the teleprompter soon.

In the next week or two, I assume.

At least PRETEND, Mr. President.
If you can’t stand him, then why wonder what he is doing?


Mac hates the president so much that he is obsessed with him beyond all reason. Even during times of riots and looting arranged by democrats for democrats, it is all he can think about.
I've seen that his staff is working on getting him to act interested, so maybe they'll push him out in front of a camera and fire up the teleprompter soon.

In the next week or two, I assume.

At least PRETEND, Mr. President.
If you can’t stand him, then why wonder what he is doing?

He's the President. Those people are usually considered leaders for all the American people, but I know this is a different time.

And anyway, Trumpsters have changed my mind on this. It's probably better, on balance, that he just keeps his mouth shut.

So there ya go!

Yes, leader of all American people.

Unfortunately, rioting, looting and communism are not American values. Those are not American people, and I would call even Mac's Americanism into question. Exactly what kind of American only whines about the president no matter what the issue? America is a free nation, it is not the president's job to micro-manage your life.
I've seen that his staff is working on getting him to act interested, so maybe they'll push him out in front of a camera and fire up the teleprompter soon.

In the next week or two, I assume.

At least PRETEND, Mr. President.
If you can’t stand him, then why wonder what he is doing?

He's the President. Those people are usually considered leaders for all the American people, but I know this is a different time.

And anyway, Trumpsters have changed my mind on this. It's probably better, on balance, that he just keeps his mouth shut.

So there ya go!
You just confirmed he is our president of all Americans, even you.

thanks, finally you have seen the light. It’s a start.
What do you want him to do?
He could get on TV and give a speech.

I can't believe I had to say that.

Holy crap.
He did. Unless you failed to note it...

And is he done? Is that it?
Where is your link to your claim. Oh, and I’ll be glad to post his speech for ya, if you want. Oh, and by the way, I’m sure much to your chagrine, he set up a commission late Jan for finding ways law enforcement can regain the trust of the citizens. Bet ya didn’t know it, cause the lame msm probably didn’t mention it.
A snippet-
Therefore, we are establishing this Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement to study crime—how we can reduce it and how we can restore the public confidence in law enforcement to its rightful place. The Commission will examine the following:

How do certain social ills such as mental illness, substance abuse, and homelessness affect the ability of law enforcement to police?
How can we improve officer recruitment, training, and retention?
What are the major issues confronting rural and tribal law enforcement?
What are the major issues affecting the physical safety and mental health of police officers?
How can federal grant programs aide state, local, and tribal law enforcement?
What novel issues and criminal threats have arisen from new technologies?
What is the cause of diminished respect for law enforcement and the laws they enforce, and how does it affect both police and public safety?
What role can commercial business and community development organizations play in cultivating safe communities?
What methodologies, techniques, and targeted deterrence can be employed to reduce crime?
How can we integrate education, employment, social services, and public health services to reduce crime and ease the burden on law enforcement?
Thanks for the bullet points. So it's all about law enforcement and programs and technology and not about the racism that still exists in America.

Could you point out where he discussed how black people feel about their daily lives, why they might be frustrated beyond white people's understanding, or what it's like being pulled over SEVERAL times for no good reason -- as Republican Senator Tim Scott has described?

You couldn't have provided a better example. You folks are just not paying attention. Thank you.
Uh, that was about the commission formed back in Jan, not from the shooting. He actually recognized something needed done and started a commission to try to find solutions before this happened.
He also immediately sent in the doj and fbi.
And you weren’t aware from your sources either, were you, that the administration is weighing plans for a national listening tour in Black communities, to engage with and hear people, and putting together a task force. He is also looking at ways to start a national dialogue to help bring to light problems with racism in our country and how to solve them, rather than continuing what has not been working.

He also stated this, which you obviously did not hear-
On Saturday, Trump called the death of George Floyd “a grave tragedy” that has filled Americans “with horror, anger and grief.”
“It should never have happened,”

The guy could throw himself at your feet and you would still find fault.
More for your closed mind so that others might actually see he has been trying to work in the right direction.

From the same document-
Civil rights organizations, civic leaders, defense bar associations, victims’ rights organizations, and community organizations, should and will help this important mission. They will have opportunities to provide advice, counsel and input to the Commission in its study of the relevant issues and solutions.

So Trump wants to make certain civic rights are upheld. But I guess you need the word Black in there, because you see it as a black and white issue, not a human rights issue.

Now for some other things he has done to help minorities.
The First Step Act which has seen people such as Alice Marie Johnson, Taneesha Bannister, Matthew Charles, along with more than 3000 others. Another 1700+ have had their sentences reduced. It also revised sentencing guidelines.
They have also applied the Second Step Act, under a previous version from 2007, to help with their re-entry into society, with job training, and much more-
Transitional services to assist in the reintegration of offenders into the community, including-
  • Educational, literacy, and vocational, services and the transitional jobs strategy;
  • Substance use disorder treatment and services;
  • Coordinated supervision and services for offenders, including physical health care and comprehensive housing and mental health care;
  • Family services​
Funding for historically Black colleges, improving the economy which has reduced unemployment for minorities and restoring dignity to those that want to be able to feed their families themselves, tax cuts that have helped minorities

He has created opportunity zones in minority neighborhoods so it is easier them to start their own businesses without stifling regulations. $10 billion in funding for minority owned businesses.

He has directed more than $200 million a year to technology education grants for women and minorities.
Public housing is being cleaned up and made safer. Contractors
must comply with the training requirements included in their contracts and implementing valid apprenticeship programs for residents of the projects. At the completion of the training participants have a skill and are able to leave public housing.
Lowest Black unemployment.

These are just a few of the things Trump has done. Think what could have been done if the Dems had tried to work with Trump rather than against for 3 years.

Now tell us what Dems have done besides pandering...

That is just a bunch of totally HOGWASH. Are you forgetting something?

Trump has done NOTHING about racism here in US except giving these racist Americans and groups more vicious and emboldened like we never seen before. Right wing racist group was also invited in the WH. We have crisis right now about police brutality and racism but has done nothing to diffuse except fanning more hatred. Trump also instigating violence against Americans the democrats.

George Floyd death. Trump cannot even use his name in a proper manner. From Trump doing a victory lap dance about the unemployment of May..... George Floyd should be happy of the unemployment looking down. Busy blasting mayors and governors facing the crisis instead of working with them.

Pardoning? You cherry picked 3 names but you ignored most of the crooked, traitors and corrupted people that he pardoned. Here is the list of what this dude had pardoned from August 2017 to February 2020. Most of these do not even qualified or deserves to be pardoned. Since you lie a lot. Where did you get 3,000 or 1,700 numbers?

Black colleges HBCU. That’s another BS.
Trump signed a law in December restoring money that lapsed for several months when Congress failed to reauthorize some $255 million in financing on time.
Trump just signed the bill doesn’t mean he created or pushes it. If he really wants to help black colleges why didn’t he allowed it to lapsed or run out of money?

Give us one example of STIFLING regulations. Like WHAT?

I ran out of time. But I can guarantee you that 100% you have zero rebuttal of what I just said.

one simple question: what did Obama do about racism in his 8 years? Answer: ha made it worse.

...after all, if Hussein had a son, he'd be like Trayvon Martin.
I've seen that his staff is working on getting him to act interested, so maybe they'll push him out in front of a camera and fire up the teleprompter soon.

In the next week or two, I assume.

At least PRETEND, Mr. President.
If you can’t stand him, then why wonder what he is doing?

He's the President. Those people are usually considered leaders for all the American people, but I know this is a different time.

And anyway, Trumpsters have changed my mind on this. It's probably better, on balance, that he just keeps his mouth shut.

So there ya go!
You just confirmed he is our president of all Americans, even you.

thanks, finally you have seen the light. It’s a start.
Well yes, obviously. The President is the President.

So glad I cleared that up for you.
I've seen that his staff is working on getting him to act interested, so maybe they'll push him out in front of a camera and fire up the teleprompter soon.

In the next week or two, I assume.

At least PRETEND, Mr. President.
If you can’t stand him, then why wonder what he is doing?

He's the President. Those people are usually considered leaders for all the American people, but I know this is a different time.

And anyway, Trumpsters have changed my mind on this. It's probably better, on balance, that he just keeps his mouth shut.

So there ya go!
You just confirmed he is our president of all Americans, even you.

thanks, finally you have seen the light. It’s a start.
Well yes, obviously. The President is the President.

So glad I cleared that up for you.
sidebar - and trying to be honest.

a month ago i could talk to you. you were not 24x7 flippant and out to attack "trumpers". now you won't hear any other viewpoint and accuse others of being closed minded along the way.

what happened?
I've seen that his staff is working on getting him to act interested, so maybe they'll push him out in front of a camera and fire up the teleprompter soon.

In the next week or two, I assume.

At least PRETEND, Mr. President.
If you can’t stand him, then why wonder what he is doing?

He's the President. Those people are usually considered leaders for all the American people, but I know this is a different time.

And anyway, Trumpsters have changed my mind on this. It's probably better, on balance, that he just keeps his mouth shut.

So there ya go!
You just confirmed he is our president of all Americans, even you.

thanks, finally you have seen the light. It’s a start.
Well yes, obviously. The President is the President.

So glad I cleared that up for you.
sidebar - and trying to be honest.

a month ago i could talk to you. you were not 24x7 flippant and out to attack "trumpers". now you won't hear any other viewpoint and accuse others of being closed minded along the way.

what happened?

I happened. I pressed him on some truth that he was not wiling to face, and as is normal, he has doubled down on his partisanship.
I've seen that his staff is working on getting him to act interested, so maybe they'll push him out in front of a camera and fire up the teleprompter soon.

In the next week or two, I assume.

At least PRETEND, Mr. President.
If you can’t stand him, then why wonder what he is doing?

He's the President. Those people are usually considered leaders for all the American people, but I know this is a different time.

And anyway, Trumpsters have changed my mind on this. It's probably better, on balance, that he just keeps his mouth shut.

So there ya go!
You just confirmed he is our president of all Americans, even you.

thanks, finally you have seen the light. It’s a start.
Well yes, obviously. The President is the President.

So glad I cleared that up for you.
sidebar - and trying to be honest.

a month ago i could talk to you. you were not 24x7 flippant and out to attack "trumpers". now you won't hear any other viewpoint and accuse others of being closed minded along the way.

what happened?

I happened. I pressed him on some truth that he was not wiling to face, and as is normal, he has doubled down on his partisanship.
we've all gotten some jabs in but there was a time i could talk with Mac and it wasn't the total waste of time it is for many here. but that day seems over now.

more interested in whining and snark than honest conversation and resolving issues.
I've seen that his staff is working on getting him to act interested, so maybe they'll push him out in front of a camera and fire up the teleprompter soon.

In the next week or two, I assume.

At least PRETEND, Mr. President.
If you can’t stand him, then why wonder what he is doing?

He's the President. Those people are usually considered leaders for all the American people, but I know this is a different time.

And anyway, Trumpsters have changed my mind on this. It's probably better, on balance, that he just keeps his mouth shut.

So there ya go!
You just confirmed he is our president of all Americans, even you.

thanks, finally you have seen the light. It’s a start.
Well yes, obviously. The President is the President.

So glad I cleared that up for you.
sidebar - and trying to be honest.

a month ago i could talk to you. you were not 24x7 flippant and out to attack "trumpers". now you won't hear any other viewpoint and accuse others of being closed minded along the way.

what happened?

I happened. I pressed him on some truth that he was not wiling to face, and as is normal, he has doubled down on his partisanship.
we've all gotten some jabs in but there was a time i could talk with Mac and it wasn't the total waste of time it is for many here. but that day seems over now.

more interested in whining and snark than honest conversation and resolving issues.

It was not a jab. I pushed him hard. I broke him.

I want to know, why people decided the shit they do. But when I push to far, they can't admit the truth, they just break.

My methods are deeply flawed.
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

Why should he do anything? 80% think the country is out of control that means they will vote "law and order Trump" over "pro-crime Democrats." Might be busy dealing with China, Russia, or global terrorism.

yeah trump been doing such a great job people will want more of this garbage.
What are the Democrats offering? More crime, less police, let Iran build a bike, more PC cultural communism in our public schools, reparations for people who were never a slave, Green New Deal to wreck economy, and a weak military. Yep, Trump victory in 2020.
Well it was a hell of a lot better 4 years ago. My kids could even go to school then.
The local schools are using Zoom.
Oh well goody. Clearly you don’t have kids. This presidency is a disaster.
I have 2 kids; one just started a job as a Physical Therapist.
So not in school which is the point.
Who cares?
All I can perceive is that your life has been affected in an adverse manner and I don't believe for a moment it was any better under Obama or GW.
The country didn’t close down during Obama or GW. What could be worse than that?
Only 4+ million foreclosures, divorces, families breaking up.
It good times!
And Obama ran on MAGA and didn't deliver.

Look! You're boring me into a coma.
Just start a Thread and tell us about your life so I can perhaps care.
Or simply admit you hate the letter "R" or have a Trespasser in your life.
So you can’t link any fact of anything that is improved?
Can you link your newfound level of poverty?
ICE operates in Nassau County, despite the objection of our Democratic Supervisor, and more Black than ever are working.
All the tech companies are hiring American graduates and hospitals and have sent the Indian Business Visas home and have hired Americans.
These events may not be happening where you live and you won't tell anybody where you live so I am free to post that I don't give a shit about your attitude.
My son-in-law is in Commercial Real Estate and if I know where you live I can have him research the current state of your local economy.

Until you do, I will no longer respond because all you're doing is bitching.
You need a link that much of the country is closed down? That kids couldn’t go to school? You under a rock? I see you can’t give any way trump has improved the country. Go figure.
Yes. How about some facts and not what MSNBC told you. Robot.
I've seen that his staff is working on getting him to act interested, so maybe they'll push him out in front of a camera and fire up the teleprompter soon.

In the next week or two, I assume.

At least PRETEND, Mr. President.
If you can’t stand him, then why wonder what he is doing?

He's the President. Those people are usually considered leaders for all the American people, but I know this is a different time.

And anyway, Trumpsters have changed my mind on this. It's probably better, on balance, that he just keeps his mouth shut.

So there ya go!
You just confirmed he is our president of all Americans, even you.

thanks, finally you have seen the light. It’s a start.
Well yes, obviously. The President is the President.

So glad I cleared that up for you.
sidebar - and trying to be honest.

a month ago i could talk to you. you were not 24x7 flippant and out to attack "trumpers". now you won't hear any other viewpoint and accuse others of being closed minded along the way.

what happened?

I happened. I pressed him on some truth that he was not wiling to face, and as is normal, he has doubled down on his partisanship.
we've all gotten some jabs in but there was a time i could talk with Mac and it wasn't the total waste of time it is for many here. but that day seems over now.

more interested in whining and snark than honest conversation and resolving issues.

It was not a jab. I pushed him hard. I broke him.

I want to know, why people decided the shit they do. But when I push to far, they can't admit the truth, they just break.

My methods are deeply flawed.
oh he's been broke for all of this thread anyway. i responded and gave 4-5 links and an in depth answer to his questions - or at least how i felt about it expecting discussion. all i got was a snark reply inside of 2 minutes so i know he didn't read a thing.

if you're not going to fucking read the posts, why are you in here?

oh - to whine.

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