Where is the President?

There is a tale of an ancient kingdom...

On day, every year, the current king would doff his royal robes, dress as a commoner, then walk alone and unguarded amongst his people...

If he came back to the palace alive, his rule was considered just, and he was considered a good man...


If he did not return to the palace alive, or if his guard was forced to restrain the people, he was considered an unjust king, and a bad man...



Cadet Bone Spurs was too busy inspecting underground bunkers, and hiding-out in the White House, to make any substantive appearance.

And, given his lack of empathy, idiotic conspiracy theories, and his shoddy articulation skills, he was better off not saying much of anything.
What, like that butt kissing minnesota mayor who got roasted by the mob when they presented him demands so radical, that he couldn't answer them, and therefore had to walk the walk of shame as they told him to get his dumb ace out of there ??? So much for his butt kissing eh ???? Never pays off, but why isn't that lesson learned in life ??

Butt kissing? What do you want the mayor should say? Support the 3 murderers that killed Loyd? I’m very happy this mayor blasted Trump stupidity. I don’t understand why this mayor walked in there in the first place when he knew what they are demanding.

Theres no explanation for police defunding. That is not new 7 years ago Camden, NJ did exactly just that. Meaning total major overhaul of the police department. Results all positive.

Los Angeles mayor plan to do just the same.... Police brutalities are not acceptable.
Nothing to do with luck .. Watched this guy Ron Davis on c-span

Ron Davis on c-span

A steelworker. Okay. So what.

Ok, so are we seeing the latter results of a war waged against conservative white skinned people, and worse now the police ??

Culture and class 'wars' have waged on for as long as there have been humans. Yet, you are a part of a majority, so it's pretty much a serious lack of critical thinking to believe you are being persecuted. These are seriously lazy pleas to emotion that I, as a Caucasian myself, dismiss. Care to try again?

Are the use of these recent incidents just exactly that "usery" ???? Otherwise usery that could be used by a movement that seeks to deconstruct white power in this country by any means nessesary, and if so why ????? What has led to this REALLY ????

I'd likely say it has a little something to do with white supremacists indiscriminately killing minorities because they feel like entitled Karens. Their shit is the weakest of the weak sauce. They are long past due for their shit getting extremely fucked up by a plethora of minorities, IMO.

The actual fact that we continue to see this separation by skin color has nothing to do with whites, but has everything to do with blacks who want White's head's on a platter these days for the past, but thank God we as white people know that all blacks aren't guilty of this outdated thinking .

No, it means you hope they aren't all guilty, for us poor whitey sake. :auiqs.jpg: Such a bitch move, IMO.

Why is it that blacks are able to have all black this, and all black that today, but whites can't do such a thing, and why ????

What do black people currently have that white people covet? Inquiring minds want to know, Galileo!

It's not adding up folks, and it's looking like we have an unequal situation going on here, and until this bullcrap is straightened out, then how can white people be discriminated against in these unequal ways ?

Umm, because they're not?

It could actually be a situation where as everytime the opportunity arises to twist the knife of vengence just a little bit farther into the wound, and for something that happened years and years ago, it is quickly taken advantage of for vengeful reasons. Now this can be conducted by all colors, and if it is, then all we have to do is just as we have always done, and that is to use the law against them, but give everyone their equal freedoms back, because right now it's not going well. Can't be hypocrite's on these race relations, it just don't work.

Profound stuff. Thanks.
Breaking my post up is a tactic that attempts to take away from the context and full meaning of it or it is that you strain over not having a decent debate rebuttal in regards to it, so break it up eh ??

You're complaining about how I prefer to comment, and now you have the nerve to correct debate rebuttal? Okay..
Tell me something, since you people believe there is system racism in law enforcement, why didn't Obama, Holder and Lynch address it during 8 years of the Obama administration?

I don't believe racism is systemic. I had a long conversation about this the other day, you muppet.
Simple question for ya.............what did Obama do to improve race relations during his 8 years?

Very little, but it wasn't for lack of trying.
Cite 1 instance where he tried. I'll wait. Good luck! :auiqs.jpg:
did. not. happen.

He revitalized the DOJ human rights division left dormant by the Dubya admin, for one.
He overlooked the systemic racism in law enforcement. The Democrat party says it's the main problem.
Who's the president of The United States?
Nothing to do with luck .. Watched this guy Ron Davis on c-span

Ron Davis on c-span

A steelworker. Okay. So what.

Ok, so are we seeing the latter results of a war waged against conservative white skinned people, and worse now the police ??

Culture and class 'wars' have waged on for as long as there have been humans. Yet, you are a part of a majority, so it's pretty much a serious lack of critical thinking to believe you are being persecuted. These are seriously lazy pleas to emotion that I, as a Caucasian myself, dismiss. Care to try again?

Are the use of these recent incidents just exactly that "usery" ???? Otherwise usery that could be used by a movement that seeks to deconstruct white power in this country by any means nessesary, and if so why ????? What has led to this REALLY ????

I'd likely say it has a little something to do with white supremacists indiscriminately killing minorities because they feel like entitled Karens. Their shit is the weakest of the weak sauce. They are long past due for their shit getting extremely fucked up by a plethora of minorities, IMO.

The actual fact that we continue to see this separation by skin color has nothing to do with whites, but has everything to do with blacks who want White's head's on a platter these days for the past, but thank God we as white people know that all blacks aren't guilty of this outdated thinking .

No, it means you hope they aren't all guilty, for us poor whitey sake. :auiqs.jpg: Such a bitch move, IMO.

Why is it that blacks are able to have all black this, and all black that today, but whites can't do such a thing, and why ????

What do black people currently have that white people covet? Inquiring minds want to know, Galileo!

It's not adding up folks, and it's looking like we have an unequal situation going on here, and until this bullcrap is straightened out, then how can white people be discriminated against in these unequal ways ?

Umm, because they're not?

It could actually be a situation where as everytime the opportunity arises to twist the knife of vengence just a little bit farther into the wound, and for something that happened years and years ago, it is quickly taken advantage of for vengeful reasons. Now this can be conducted by all colors, and if it is, then all we have to do is just as we have always done, and that is to use the law against them, but give everyone their equal freedoms back, because right now it's not going well. Can't be hypocrite's on these race relations, it just don't work.

Profound stuff. Thanks.
Breaking my post up is a tactic that attempts to take away from the context and full meaning of it or it is that you strain over not having a decent debate rebuttal in regards to it, so break it up eh ??

You're complaining about how I prefer to comment, and now you have the nerve to correct debate rebuttal? Okay..
Tell me something, since you people believe there is system racism in law enforcement, why didn't Obama, Holder and Lynch address it during 8 years of the Obama administration?

I don't believe racism is systemic. I had a long conversation about this the other day, you muppet.
Simple question for ya.............what did Obama do to improve race relations during his 8 years?

Very little, but it wasn't for lack of trying.
Cite 1 instance where he tried. I'll wait. Good luck! :auiqs.jpg:
did. not. happen.

He revitalized the DOJ human rights division left dormant by the Dubya admin, for one.
He overlooked the systemic racism in law enforcement. The Democrat party says it's the main problem.

Maybe they are right.
You just said you don't believe there is systemic racism in law enforcement. Are you drinking?

Learn how to properly quote. Are you?
Get your story straight.

Maybe they believe they are right. Better?
A Globalist like yourself who lives on cheap slave labor isn't a racist?! You're such an idiot!

Good Trumpsters just make shit up as they go.
So tell us which Democrat related issues you disagree and we'll see if your response matches your posting pattern.
Wow, this constant interest in my political views is flattering.

Line 2 of my sig, linked to a thread in which I (a) list my specific views on the issues, and (b) disembowel a Regressive Lefty: https://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/come-on-jake-man-up-just-this-once.590002/

You're welcome.
What's noted is your anti-MAGA, hypocritical bullshit.
You're welcome to point out any hypocrisy.

Oh, and quote me. You guys never have the balls to do that. You'd rather just make stuff up.

Thanks in advance!
Your long history of loving global slave labor is well known.
But that's expected of anyone who works as a Financial Advisor.
Slave labor? Do you know where Trump products are made? Do you know what kind of people that makes Trump products like socks and ties? Those are the products that a child labor or slave labor can make..

How are the US farmers, US Steeles, companies that are affected then layoffs are doing with the China Trade Wars? Companies are closing down in 2019 even before the Coronavirus crisis showed up.

Trump is a bad for the farmers, universities, economy, manufacturing, domestic and foreign policies. Handling of the Coronavirus pandemic and the current racism crisis now in the 16th day of demonstrations. Totally screwed up this country big time.
Wtf ever, you BS piece of shit! 'Murica! Go fuck yourself.

You have zero clues as to the reality of this situation, you leftist turd sucker!
Where are Snappys made again? You're not even American, don't even try it, you fuck!

It's srs business now, and I'm not playing your fuck-fuck games at this point, you foreign troll.

I'm for my country, and fuck you! :fu:
You are bery panny. Understand truth hurts. In what authority do you have to question me?

Showing me your deplorable low class attitude doesn’t prove anything what you are saying. Typical Trump supporter. I’m sure Trump a piece of shit is very proud of you. Go take your meth.

You are for this country? LOL. Dude you mean Russia where Trump puppet master live.
You don’t even know what you are talking about Dude.
I am for my country of USA defending against low class asshole deplorable like you ruining this country. That’s a fact.

You cannot even give me a clear rebuttal or any kinds of conversation. Meaning you don’t know anything.
Trump made this country a laughing stock, racist, bully, ignorant and dumb around the world because of people like you. Get a life.
Don’t worry you have 5 months to go to enjoy...... Biden will kick Trump ass out of the WH.
You come fucking with our country and my cracker ass and my black brethren will kill you deader that you can imagine. Bet.

Try us, you fucking turd. Be the last thing you do.
We ain't no chumps here in America, Chumpley.
Again what do you know? Nothing but your low class BULSHIT garbage attitude.
I’m not fucking with my country USA. I’m here trying to save America from people like you...... You are fucking with my country with your deplorable behavior and low class uneducated ignorant American. Go live in Russia that is where you belong...
Nothing to do with luck .. Watched this guy Ron Davis on c-span

Ron Davis on c-span

A steelworker. Okay. So what.

Ok, so are we seeing the latter results of a war waged against conservative white skinned people, and worse now the police ??

Culture and class 'wars' have waged on for as long as there have been humans. Yet, you are a part of a majority, so it's pretty much a serious lack of critical thinking to believe you are being persecuted. These are seriously lazy pleas to emotion that I, as a Caucasian myself, dismiss. Care to try again?

Are the use of these recent incidents just exactly that "usery" ???? Otherwise usery that could be used by a movement that seeks to deconstruct white power in this country by any means nessesary, and if so why ????? What has led to this REALLY ????

I'd likely say it has a little something to do with white supremacists indiscriminately killing minorities because they feel like entitled Karens. Their shit is the weakest of the weak sauce. They are long past due for their shit getting extremely fucked up by a plethora of minorities, IMO.

The actual fact that we continue to see this separation by skin color has nothing to do with whites, but has everything to do with blacks who want White's head's on a platter these days for the past, but thank God we as white people know that all blacks aren't guilty of this outdated thinking .

No, it means you hope they aren't all guilty, for us poor whitey sake. :auiqs.jpg: Such a bitch move, IMO.

Why is it that blacks are able to have all black this, and all black that today, but whites can't do such a thing, and why ????

What do black people currently have that white people covet? Inquiring minds want to know, Galileo!

It's not adding up folks, and it's looking like we have an unequal situation going on here, and until this bullcrap is straightened out, then how can white people be discriminated against in these unequal ways ?

Umm, because they're not?

It could actually be a situation where as everytime the opportunity arises to twist the knife of vengence just a little bit farther into the wound, and for something that happened years and years ago, it is quickly taken advantage of for vengeful reasons. Now this can be conducted by all colors, and if it is, then all we have to do is just as we have always done, and that is to use the law against them, but give everyone their equal freedoms back, because right now it's not going well. Can't be hypocrite's on these race relations, it just don't work.

Profound stuff. Thanks.
Breaking my post up is a tactic that attempts to take away from the context and full meaning of it or it is that you strain over not having a decent debate rebuttal in regards to it, so break it up eh ??

You're complaining about how I prefer to comment, and now you have the nerve to correct debate rebuttal? Okay..
Tell me something, since you people believe there is system racism in law enforcement, why didn't Obama, Holder and Lynch address it during 8 years of the Obama administration?

I don't believe racism is systemic. I had a long conversation about this the other day, you muppet.
Your party sure does.
Not really... They're just race baiting for votes the most of them... It ought to make black people cringe everytime they see these race baiting whites attempting to race bait them into voting for them. I mean cringe, because it shows that they think that blacks are so helpless and naive, that if they hear ole Hillary Clinton attempting to talk the ole black spiritual lingo, then it means that ole WHITE Hillary is in their corner, and she can be a very useful tool for them, because she just wanted to be drunk with power, while their agenda wasn't anywhere near what anyone thinks that it was. Hillary's loss was devastating to them, and they have waged war ever since.

Perhaps. Your sarcasm runs deep. But this perceived racism is mostly an individual practice or philosophy rather than systemic.
There is a tale of an ancient kingdom...

On day, every year, the current king would doff his royal robes, dress as a commoner, then walk alone and unguarded amongst his people...

If he came back to the palace alive, his rule was considered just, and he was considered a good man...


If he did not return to the palace alive, or if his guard was forced to restrain the people, he was considered an unjust king, and a bad man...



Cadet Bone Spurs was too busy inspecting underground bunkers, and hiding-out in the White House, to make any substantive appearance.

And, given his lack of empathy, idiotic conspiracy theories, and his shoddy articulation skills, he was better off not saying much of anything.
Oh look! Obama's tranny wife that probably is the real man in the relationship.
Michelle Obama has a penis. That ain't no bullshit.

What all them lumps up in them drawers? That ain't no vagina. No sir.

This is what you are good at attacking a wife..... Totally garbage. I’m sure Trump is very proud of you......

What if I post a picture of Melania naked? Is that acceptable? A model before he met Trump that is what prostitute or a hooker called themselves if you ask them what they do for a living.

Them bulges in "Michelle" Obama's pants ain't not a dick and balls, you fucking communist fuck. No, that is a dick and balls.
Prove me wrong.

Coming from you? All 100% wrong. By the way communist attacked house wife. So you proved yourself a communist.
A Globalist like yourself who lives on cheap slave labor isn't a racist?! You're such an idiot!

Good Trumpsters just make shit up as they go.
So tell us which Democrat related issues you disagree and we'll see if your response matches your posting pattern.
Wow, this constant interest in my political views is flattering.

Line 2 of my sig, linked to a thread in which I (a) list my specific views on the issues, and (b) disembowel a Regressive Lefty: https://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/come-on-jake-man-up-just-this-once.590002/

You're welcome.
What's noted is your anti-MAGA, hypocritical bullshit.
You're welcome to point out any hypocrisy.

Oh, and quote me. You guys never have the balls to do that. You'd rather just make stuff up.

Thanks in advance!
Your long history of loving global slave labor is well known.
But that's expected of anyone who works as a Financial Advisor.
Slave labor? Do you know where Trump products are made? Do you know what kind of people that makes Trump products like socks and ties? Those are the products that a child labor or slave labor can make..

How are the US farmers, US Steeles, companies that are affected then layoffs are doing with the China Trade Wars? Companies are closing down in 2019 even before the Coronavirus crisis showed up.

Trump is a bad for the farmers, universities, economy, manufacturing, domestic and foreign policies. Handling of the Coronavirus pandemic and the current racism crisis now in the 16th day of demonstrations. Totally screwed up this country big time.
Wtf ever, you BS piece of shit! 'Murica! Go fuck yourself.

You have zero clues as to the reality of this situation, you leftist turd sucker!
Where are Snappys made again? You're not even American, don't even try it, you fuck!

It's srs business now, and I'm not playing your fuck-fuck games at this point, you foreign troll.

I'm for my country, and fuck you! :fu:
You are bery panny. Understand truth hurts. In what authority do you have to question me?

Showing me your deplorable low class attitude doesn’t prove anything what you are saying. Typical Trump supporter. I’m sure Trump a piece of shit is very proud of you. Go take your meth.

You are for this country? LOL. Dude you mean Russia where Trump puppet master live.
You don’t even know what you are talking about Dude.
I am for my country of USA defending against low class asshole deplorable like you ruining this country. That’s a fact.

You cannot even give me a clear rebuttal or any kinds of conversation. Meaning you don’t know anything.
Trump made this country a laughing stock, racist, bully, ignorant and dumb around the world because of people like you. Get a life.
Don’t worry you have 5 months to go to enjoy...... Biden will kick Trump ass out of the WH.
You come fucking with our country and my cracker ass and my black brethren will kill you deader that you can imagine. Bet.

Try us, you fucking turd. Be the last thing you do.
We ain't no chumps here in America, Chumpley.
Again what do you know? Nothing but your low class BULSHIT garbage attitude.
I’m not fucking with my country USA. I’m here trying to save America from people like you...... You are fucking with my country with your deplorable behavior and low class uneducated ignorant American. Go live in Russia that is where you belong...
Bring it, you traitorous turd. You're about to have a bad time. My family built this country. Fuck you to hell and back.

You got the wrong cracker now, bitch. You're gonna have a bad time.
Nothing to do with luck .. Watched this guy Ron Davis on c-span

Ron Davis on c-span

A steelworker. Okay. So what.

Ok, so are we seeing the latter results of a war waged against conservative white skinned people, and worse now the police ??

Culture and class 'wars' have waged on for as long as there have been humans. Yet, you are a part of a majority, so it's pretty much a serious lack of critical thinking to believe you are being persecuted. These are seriously lazy pleas to emotion that I, as a Caucasian myself, dismiss. Care to try again?

Are the use of these recent incidents just exactly that "usery" ???? Otherwise usery that could be used by a movement that seeks to deconstruct white power in this country by any means nessesary, and if so why ????? What has led to this REALLY ????

I'd likely say it has a little something to do with white supremacists indiscriminately killing minorities because they feel like entitled Karens. Their shit is the weakest of the weak sauce. They are long past due for their shit getting extremely fucked up by a plethora of minorities, IMO.

The actual fact that we continue to see this separation by skin color has nothing to do with whites, but has everything to do with blacks who want White's head's on a platter these days for the past, but thank God we as white people know that all blacks aren't guilty of this outdated thinking .

No, it means you hope they aren't all guilty, for us poor whitey sake. :auiqs.jpg: Such a bitch move, IMO.

Why is it that blacks are able to have all black this, and all black that today, but whites can't do such a thing, and why ????

What do black people currently have that white people covet? Inquiring minds want to know, Galileo!

It's not adding up folks, and it's looking like we have an unequal situation going on here, and until this bullcrap is straightened out, then how can white people be discriminated against in these unequal ways ?

Umm, because they're not?

It could actually be a situation where as everytime the opportunity arises to twist the knife of vengence just a little bit farther into the wound, and for something that happened years and years ago, it is quickly taken advantage of for vengeful reasons. Now this can be conducted by all colors, and if it is, then all we have to do is just as we have always done, and that is to use the law against them, but give everyone their equal freedoms back, because right now it's not going well. Can't be hypocrite's on these race relations, it just don't work.

Profound stuff. Thanks.
Breaking my post up is a tactic that attempts to take away from the context and full meaning of it or it is that you strain over not having a decent debate rebuttal in regards to it, so break it up eh ??

You're complaining about how I prefer to comment, and now you have the nerve to correct debate rebuttal? Okay..
Tell me something, since you people believe there is system racism in law enforcement, why didn't Obama, Holder and Lynch address it during 8 years of the Obama administration?

I don't believe racism is systemic. I had a long conversation about this the other day, you muppet.
Simple question for ya.............what did Obama do to improve race relations during his 8 years?

Very little, but it wasn't for lack of trying.
Cite 1 instance where he tried. I'll wait. Good luck! :auiqs.jpg:
did. not. happen.

He revitalized the DOJ human rights division left dormant by the Dubya admin, for one.
He overlooked the systemic racism in law enforcement. The Democrat party says it's the main problem.
Who's the president of The United States?
Nothing to do with luck .. Watched this guy Ron Davis on c-span

Ron Davis on c-span

A steelworker. Okay. So what.

Ok, so are we seeing the latter results of a war waged against conservative white skinned people, and worse now the police ??

Culture and class 'wars' have waged on for as long as there have been humans. Yet, you are a part of a majority, so it's pretty much a serious lack of critical thinking to believe you are being persecuted. These are seriously lazy pleas to emotion that I, as a Caucasian myself, dismiss. Care to try again?

Are the use of these recent incidents just exactly that "usery" ???? Otherwise usery that could be used by a movement that seeks to deconstruct white power in this country by any means nessesary, and if so why ????? What has led to this REALLY ????

I'd likely say it has a little something to do with white supremacists indiscriminately killing minorities because they feel like entitled Karens. Their shit is the weakest of the weak sauce. They are long past due for their shit getting extremely fucked up by a plethora of minorities, IMO.

The actual fact that we continue to see this separation by skin color has nothing to do with whites, but has everything to do with blacks who want White's head's on a platter these days for the past, but thank God we as white people know that all blacks aren't guilty of this outdated thinking .

No, it means you hope they aren't all guilty, for us poor whitey sake. :auiqs.jpg: Such a bitch move, IMO.

Why is it that blacks are able to have all black this, and all black that today, but whites can't do such a thing, and why ????

What do black people currently have that white people covet? Inquiring minds want to know, Galileo!

It's not adding up folks, and it's looking like we have an unequal situation going on here, and until this bullcrap is straightened out, then how can white people be discriminated against in these unequal ways ?

Umm, because they're not?

It could actually be a situation where as everytime the opportunity arises to twist the knife of vengence just a little bit farther into the wound, and for something that happened years and years ago, it is quickly taken advantage of for vengeful reasons. Now this can be conducted by all colors, and if it is, then all we have to do is just as we have always done, and that is to use the law against them, but give everyone their equal freedoms back, because right now it's not going well. Can't be hypocrite's on these race relations, it just don't work.

Profound stuff. Thanks.
Breaking my post up is a tactic that attempts to take away from the context and full meaning of it or it is that you strain over not having a decent debate rebuttal in regards to it, so break it up eh ??

You're complaining about how I prefer to comment, and now you have the nerve to correct debate rebuttal? Okay..
Tell me something, since you people believe there is system racism in law enforcement, why didn't Obama, Holder and Lynch address it during 8 years of the Obama administration?

I don't believe racism is systemic. I had a long conversation about this the other day, you muppet.
Simple question for ya.............what did Obama do to improve race relations during his 8 years?

Very little, but it wasn't for lack of trying.
Cite 1 instance where he tried. I'll wait. Good luck! :auiqs.jpg:
did. not. happen.

He revitalized the DOJ human rights division left dormant by the Dubya admin, for one.
He overlooked the systemic racism in law enforcement. The Democrat party says it's the main problem.

Maybe they are right.
You just said you don't believe there is systemic racism in law enforcement. Are you drinking?

Learn how to properly quote. Are you?
Get your story straight.

Maybe they believe they are right. Better?
What they believe is inconsequential. Hitler believed he was right. Idiot.
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?


The interesting thing about Trump is he lacks both intelligence and ingenuity. He uses the same tactic over and over again to change the subject. In this case he used his appointed secretary of defense, Mark Esper, to invent a issue for him.

Just two days after Esper and Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy said they were open to renaming Army installations that were named after Confederate generals, Trump imagined himself a hero by coming to the rescue.

"It has been suggested that we should rename as many as 10 of our Legendary Military Bases," Trump tweeted. "These Monumental and very Powerful Bases have become part of a Great American Heritage, and a history of Winning, Victory, and Freedom. The United States of America trained and deployed our HEROES on these Hallowed Grounds, and won two World Wars."

"Therefore, my Administration will not even consider the renaming of these Magnificent and Fabled Military Installations," Trump continued. "Our history as the Greatest Nation in the World will not be tampered with. Respect our Military!"

Wow, does that sound Presidential or what? He is saving the tradition of the Confederacy for posterity. There is little doubt. Trump is proud of himself.

Better yet, in the mind of Trump, it detracts from his failure to handle the pandemic. Currently there are over two million cases and over 115,000 Americans have died and counting. Because Trump urged the reopening of the economy too early, Covid-19 is surging.

Trump's hero mentality also distracts from his contrived and laughable photo op in front of a church, is incommunicado (for ten days he has not allowed questions from reporters, depriving Americans the ability to communicate with their President), calling for 10,000 army troops to occupy the streets of Washington, accusing a 75-year old white male protester of being a member of antifa and staging a severe blow to the head, and the fact that his former secretary of defense, Marine Four-star General James Mattis (who resigned after receiving Trump's retreat order), and his former chief of staff, army General John Kelly, declared Trump incompetent and a major threat to our country.

He doesn't want Americans talking about such things. He wants Americans to think he is some kind of a hero because of a totally meaningless issue, the names of our military bases.

Which is not even an issue. Trump invented a myth. That is what he does.
Here's my guess: He was convinced early on (most likely by people like his good friends Hannity & Limbaugh) that the key to winning in 2016 was by energizing "the base" through whatever means were necessary -- and, importantly, to the exclusion of absolutely everything else. Just focus like a laser beam on that one thing. And, by golly, it worked. Obviously he was greatly assisted by the weakness of his opponent, but it worked.

Well, his entire presidency has simply been a continuation of that approach. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. And he's going to keep riding that horse into November, come Hell or High Water. He clearly doesn't possess the capacity for much more than that, but what the hell, it worked once.

Regarding your "hero mentality" point: It occurred to me recently that this moment in our history seemed familiar: A bold, brash, pugilistic, nationalistic strongman of European descent somehow convinces millions of frustrated voters that he's going to rid them of millions of undesirables and save the country. And they completely and emotionally fall under his spell. For a while.

As Mark Twain said, "History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme".
Last edited:
A Globalist like yourself who lives on cheap slave labor isn't a racist?! You're such an idiot!

Good Trumpsters just make shit up as they go.
So tell us which Democrat related issues you disagree and we'll see if your response matches your posting pattern.
Wow, this constant interest in my political views is flattering.

Line 2 of my sig, linked to a thread in which I (a) list my specific views on the issues, and (b) disembowel a Regressive Lefty: https://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/come-on-jake-man-up-just-this-once.590002/

You're welcome.
What's noted is your anti-MAGA, hypocritical bullshit.
You're welcome to point out any hypocrisy.

Oh, and quote me. You guys never have the balls to do that. You'd rather just make stuff up.

Thanks in advance!
Your long history of loving global slave labor is well known.
But that's expected of anyone who works as a Financial Advisor.
Slave labor? Do you know where Trump products are made? Do you know what kind of people that makes Trump products like socks and ties? Those are the products that a child labor or slave labor can make..

How are the US farmers, US Steeles, companies that are affected then layoffs are doing with the China Trade Wars? Companies are closing down in 2019 even before the Coronavirus crisis showed up.

Trump is a bad for the farmers, universities, economy, manufacturing, domestic and foreign policies. Handling of the Coronavirus pandemic and the current racism crisis now in the 16th day of demonstrations. Totally screwed up this country big time.
Wtf ever, you BS piece of shit! 'Murica! Go fuck yourself.

You have zero clues as to the reality of this situation, you leftist turd sucker!
Where are Snappys made again? You're not even American, don't even try it, you fuck!

It's srs business now, and I'm not playing your fuck-fuck games at this point, you foreign troll.

I'm for my country, and fuck you! :fu:
You are bery panny. Understand truth hurts. In what authority do you have to question me?

Showing me your deplorable low class attitude doesn’t prove anything what you are saying. Typical Trump supporter. I’m sure Trump a piece of shit is very proud of you. Go take your meth.

You are for this country? LOL. Dude you mean Russia where Trump puppet master live.
You don’t even know what you are talking about Dude.
I am for my country of USA defending against low class asshole deplorable like you ruining this country. That’s a fact.

You cannot even give me a clear rebuttal or any kinds of conversation. Meaning you don’t know anything.
Trump made this country a laughing stock, racist, bully, ignorant and dumb around the world because of people like you. Get a life.
Don’t worry you have 5 months to go to enjoy...... Biden will kick Trump ass out of the WH.
Oaaaa you bwerry bwerry funny liddle one, now you won on back to China and tell yor people not make world sick no more, bad, bad china man, baaaad. We take care of united states, you go back to Yina now. LOL
Where is the President? Where is his leadership, for all Americans?
What business is that of yours? By what authority do you ask that question?
Uh, as a citizen of the United States. He's the President.

That's gotta be one of the stranger questions I've gotten here, and that's saying something.

I thought he was the President for ALL American citizens, not just his obedient pet Trumpsters. Maybe not, huh?
Last edited:
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?


The interesting thing about Trump is he lacks both intelligence and ingenuity. He uses the same tactic over and over again to change the subject. In this case he used his appointed secretary of defense, Mark Esper, to invent a issue for him.

Just two days after Esper and Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy said they were open to renaming Army installations that were named after Confederate generals, Trump imagined himself a hero by coming to the rescue.

"It has been suggested that we should rename as many as 10 of our Legendary Military Bases," Trump tweeted. "These Monumental and very Powerful Bases have become part of a Great American Heritage, and a history of Winning, Victory, and Freedom. The United States of America trained and deployed our HEROES on these Hallowed Grounds, and won two World Wars."

"Therefore, my Administration will not even consider the renaming of these Magnificent and Fabled Military Installations," Trump continued. "Our history as the Greatest Nation in the World will not be tampered with. Respect our Military!"

Wow, does that sound Presidential or what? He is saving the tradition of the Confederacy for posterity. There is little doubt. Trump is proud of himself.

Better yet, in the mind of Trump, it detracts from his failure to handle the pandemic. Currently there are over two million cases and over 115,000 Americans have died and counting. Because Trump urged the reopening of the economy too early, Covid-19 is surging.

Trump's hero mentality also distracts from his contrived and laughable photo op in front of a church, is incommunicado (for ten days he has not allowed questions from reporters, depriving Americans the ability to communicate with their President), calling for 10,000 army troops to occupy the streets of Washington, accusing a 75-year old white male protester of being a member of antifa and staging a severe blow to the head, and the fact that his former secretary of defense, Marine Four-star General James Mattis (who resigned after receiving Trump's retreat order), and his former chief of staff, army General John Kelly, declared Trump incompetent and a major threat to our country.

He doesn't want Americans talking about such things. He wants Americans to think he is some kind of a hero because of a totally meaningless issue, the names of our military bases.

Which is not even an issue. Trump invented a myth. That is what he does.
Here's my guess: He was convinced early on (most likely by people like his good friends Hannity & Limbaugh) that the key to winning in 2016 was by energizing "the base" through whatever means were necessary -- and, importantly, to the exclusion of absolutely everything else. Just focus like a laser beam on that one thing. And, by golly, it worked. Obviously he was greatly assisted by the weakness of his opponent, but it worked.

Well, his entire presidency has simply been a continuation of that approach. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. And he's going to keep riding that horse into November, come Hell or High Water. He clearly doesn't possess the capacity for much more than that, but what the hell, it worked once.

Regarding your "hero mentality" point: It occurred to me recently that this moment in our history seemed familiar: A bold, brash, pugilistic, nationalistic strongman of European descent somehow convinces millions of frustrated voters that he's going to rid them of millions of undesirables and save the country. And they completely and emotionally fall under his spell. For a while.

As Mark Twain said, "History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme".
And you discarding all the problems demoncrats have posed or caused in this country is simply amazing. How can you sleep at night in your attempts to just ignore the truths in it all ??? They are their own worst enemy, and you are simply aiding and abetting them. Most Americans want what Trump wants for the country, and no it's not to rid the country of your so called undesirables, but more or less it's just to get people out of the ruts that they had got themselves into over time. He has done that in proof there of, and even while under extreme pressure from your so called undesirables who want the country to fall into the hands of the globalist forever. Wake up dude.
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?


The interesting thing about Trump is he lacks both intelligence and ingenuity. He uses the same tactic over and over again to change the subject. In this case he used his appointed secretary of defense, Mark Esper, to invent a issue for him.

Just two days after Esper and Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy said they were open to renaming Army installations that were named after Confederate generals, Trump imagined himself a hero by coming to the rescue.

"It has been suggested that we should rename as many as 10 of our Legendary Military Bases," Trump tweeted. "These Monumental and very Powerful Bases have become part of a Great American Heritage, and a history of Winning, Victory, and Freedom. The United States of America trained and deployed our HEROES on these Hallowed Grounds, and won two World Wars."

"Therefore, my Administration will not even consider the renaming of these Magnificent and Fabled Military Installations," Trump continued. "Our history as the Greatest Nation in the World will not be tampered with. Respect our Military!"

Wow, does that sound Presidential or what? He is saving the tradition of the Confederacy for posterity. There is little doubt. Trump is proud of himself.

Better yet, in the mind of Trump, it detracts from his failure to handle the pandemic. Currently there are over two million cases and over 115,000 Americans have died and counting. Because Trump urged the reopening of the economy too early, Covid-19 is surging.

Trump's hero mentality also distracts from his contrived and laughable photo op in front of a church, is incommunicado (for ten days he has not allowed questions from reporters, depriving Americans the ability to communicate with their President), calling for 10,000 army troops to occupy the streets of Washington, accusing a 75-year old white male protester of being a member of antifa and staging a severe blow to the head, and the fact that his former secretary of defense, Marine Four-star General James Mattis (who resigned after receiving Trump's retreat order), and his former chief of staff, army General John Kelly, declared Trump incompetent and a major threat to our country.

He doesn't want Americans talking about such things. He wants Americans to think he is some kind of a hero because of a totally meaningless issue, the names of our military bases.

Which is not even an issue. Trump invented a myth. That is what he does.
Here's my guess: He was convinced early on (most likely by people like his good friends Hannity & Limbaugh) that the key to winning in 2016 was by energizing "the base" through whatever means were necessary -- and, importantly, to the exclusion of absolutely everything else. Just focus like a laser beam on that one thing. And, by golly, it worked. Obviously he was greatly assisted by the weakness of his opponent, but it worked.

Well, his entire presidency has simply been a continuation of that approach. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. And he's going to keep riding that horse into November, come Hell or High Water. He clearly doesn't possess the capacity for much more than that, but what the hell, it worked once.

Regarding your "hero mentality" point: It occurred to me recently that this moment in our history seemed familiar: A bold, brash, pugilistic, nationalistic strongman of European descent somehow convinces millions of frustrated voters that he's going to rid them of millions of undesirables and save the country. And they completely and emotionally fall under his spell. For a while.

As Mark Twain said, "History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme".
And you discarding all the problems demoncrats have posed or caused in this country is simply amazing. How can you sleep at night in your attempts to just ignore the truths in it all ??? They are their own worst enemy, and you are simply aiding and abetting them. Most Americans want what Trump wants for the country, and no it's not to rid the country of your so called undesirables, but more or less it's just to get people out of the ruts that they had got themselves into over time. He has done that in proof there of, and even while under extreme pressure from your so called undesirables who want the country to fall into the hands of the globalist forever. Wake up dude.
Ignorant post. I hold the Left accountable regularly. I'll be more than happy to provide examples upon request. Or, you can utilize the search engine here and type in "Regressive Left" and my name.

Your use of the word "demoncrats" is telling. Perhaps you can show me some examples of YOU holding YOUR side accountable.

Otherwise, you'd pretty much be just another standard-issue hypocrite.

I'll wait here.
There is a tale of an ancient kingdom...

On day, every year, the current king would doff his royal robes, dress as a commoner, then walk alone and unguarded amongst his people...

If he came back to the palace alive, his rule was considered just, and he was considered a good man...


If he did not return to the palace alive, or if his guard was forced to restrain the people, he was considered an unjust king, and a bad man...



Cadet Bone Spurs was too busy inspecting underground bunkers, and hiding-out in the White House, to make any substantive appearance.

And, given his lack of empathy, idiotic conspiracy theories, and his shoddy articulation skills, he was better off not saying much of anything.
What, like that butt kissing minnesota mayor who got roasted by the mob when they presented him demands so radical, that he couldn't answer them, and therefore had to walk the walk of shame as they told him to get his dumb ace out of there ??? So much for his butt kissing eh ???? Never pays off, but why isn't that lesson learned in life ??

Butt kissing? What do you want the mayor should say? Support the 3 murderers that killed Loyd? I’m very happy this mayor blasted Trump stupidity. I don’t understand why this mayor walked in there in the first place when he knew what they are demanding.

Theres no explanation for police defunding. That is not new 7 years ago Camden, NJ did exactly just that. Meaning total major overhaul of the police department. Results all positive.

Los Angeles mayor plan to do just the same.... Police brutalities are not acceptable.
Call it what it is then "reforming the police offices", instead of this idiotic term "defund" in which was used as a divisive weapon to just stirr up more bullcrap... Look I really don't got time for your bullcrap today, but here I am being temporarily insane again... LOL
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?


The interesting thing about Trump is he lacks both intelligence and ingenuity. He uses the same tactic over and over again to change the subject. In this case he used his appointed secretary of defense, Mark Esper, to invent a issue for him.

Just two days after Esper and Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy said they were open to renaming Army installations that were named after Confederate generals, Trump imagined himself a hero by coming to the rescue.

"It has been suggested that we should rename as many as 10 of our Legendary Military Bases," Trump tweeted. "These Monumental and very Powerful Bases have become part of a Great American Heritage, and a history of Winning, Victory, and Freedom. The United States of America trained and deployed our HEROES on these Hallowed Grounds, and won two World Wars."

"Therefore, my Administration will not even consider the renaming of these Magnificent and Fabled Military Installations," Trump continued. "Our history as the Greatest Nation in the World will not be tampered with. Respect our Military!"

Wow, does that sound Presidential or what? He is saving the tradition of the Confederacy for posterity. There is little doubt. Trump is proud of himself.

Better yet, in the mind of Trump, it detracts from his failure to handle the pandemic. Currently there are over two million cases and over 115,000 Americans have died and counting. Because Trump urged the reopening of the economy too early, Covid-19 is surging.

Trump's hero mentality also distracts from his contrived and laughable photo op in front of a church, is incommunicado (for ten days he has not allowed questions from reporters, depriving Americans the ability to communicate with their President), calling for 10,000 army troops to occupy the streets of Washington, accusing a 75-year old white male protester of being a member of antifa and staging a severe blow to the head, and the fact that his former secretary of defense, Marine Four-star General James Mattis (who resigned after receiving Trump's retreat order), and his former chief of staff, army General John Kelly, declared Trump incompetent and a major threat to our country.

He doesn't want Americans talking about such things. He wants Americans to think he is some kind of a hero because of a totally meaningless issue, the names of our military bases.

Which is not even an issue. Trump invented a myth. That is what he does.
Here's my guess: He was convinced early on (most likely by people like his good friends Hannity & Limbaugh) that the key to winning in 2016 was by energizing "the base" through whatever means were necessary -- and, importantly, to the exclusion of absolutely everything else. Just focus like a laser beam on that one thing. And, by golly, it worked. Obviously he was greatly assisted by the weakness of his opponent, but it worked.

Well, his entire presidency has simply been a continuation of that approach. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. And he's going to keep riding that horse into November, come Hell or High Water. He clearly doesn't possess the capacity for much more than that, but what the hell, it worked once.

Regarding your "hero mentality" point: It occurred to me recently that this moment in our history seemed familiar: A bold, brash, pugilistic, nationalistic strongman of European descent somehow convinces millions of frustrated voters that he's going to rid them of millions of undesirables and save the country. And they completely and emotionally fall under his spell. For a while.

As Mark Twain said, "History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme".
And you discarding all the problems demoncrats have posed or caused in this country is simply amazing. How can you sleep at night in your attempts to just ignore the truths in it all ??? They are their own worst enemy, and you are simply aiding and abetting them. Most Americans want what Trump wants for the country, and no it's not to rid the country of your so called undesirables, but more or less it's just to get people out of the ruts that they had got themselves into over time. He has done that in proof there of, and even while under extreme pressure from your so called undesirables who want the country to fall into the hands of the globalist forever. Wake up dude.
Ignorant post. I hold the Left accountable regularly. I'll be more than happy to provide examples upon request. Or, you can utilize the search engine here and type in "Regressive Left" and my name.

Your use of the word "demoncrats" is telling. Perhaps you can show me some examples of YOU holding YOUR side accountable.

Otherwise, you'd pretty much be just another standard-issue hypocrite.

I'll wait here.
Why the flip then ??
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?


The interesting thing about Trump is he lacks both intelligence and ingenuity. He uses the same tactic over and over again to change the subject. In this case he used his appointed secretary of defense, Mark Esper, to invent a issue for him.

Just two days after Esper and Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy said they were open to renaming Army installations that were named after Confederate generals, Trump imagined himself a hero by coming to the rescue.

"It has been suggested that we should rename as many as 10 of our Legendary Military Bases," Trump tweeted. "These Monumental and very Powerful Bases have become part of a Great American Heritage, and a history of Winning, Victory, and Freedom. The United States of America trained and deployed our HEROES on these Hallowed Grounds, and won two World Wars."

"Therefore, my Administration will not even consider the renaming of these Magnificent and Fabled Military Installations," Trump continued. "Our history as the Greatest Nation in the World will not be tampered with. Respect our Military!"

Wow, does that sound Presidential or what? He is saving the tradition of the Confederacy for posterity. There is little doubt. Trump is proud of himself.

Better yet, in the mind of Trump, it detracts from his failure to handle the pandemic. Currently there are over two million cases and over 115,000 Americans have died and counting. Because Trump urged the reopening of the economy too early, Covid-19 is surging.

Trump's hero mentality also distracts from his contrived and laughable photo op in front of a church, is incommunicado (for ten days he has not allowed questions from reporters, depriving Americans the ability to communicate with their President), calling for 10,000 army troops to occupy the streets of Washington, accusing a 75-year old white male protester of being a member of antifa and staging a severe blow to the head, and the fact that his former secretary of defense, Marine Four-star General James Mattis (who resigned after receiving Trump's retreat order), and his former chief of staff, army General John Kelly, declared Trump incompetent and a major threat to our country.

He doesn't want Americans talking about such things. He wants Americans to think he is some kind of a hero because of a totally meaningless issue, the names of our military bases.

Which is not even an issue. Trump invented a myth. That is what he does.
Here's my guess: He was convinced early on (most likely by people like his good friends Hannity & Limbaugh) that the key to winning in 2016 was by energizing "the base" through whatever means were necessary -- and, importantly, to the exclusion of absolutely everything else. Just focus like a laser beam on that one thing. And, by golly, it worked. Obviously he was greatly assisted by the weakness of his opponent, but it worked.

Well, his entire presidency has simply been a continuation of that approach. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. And he's going to keep riding that horse into November, come Hell or High Water. He clearly doesn't possess the capacity for much more than that, but what the hell, it worked once.

Regarding your "hero mentality" point: It occurred to me recently that this moment in our history seemed familiar: A bold, brash, pugilistic, nationalistic strongman of European descent somehow convinces millions of frustrated voters that he's going to rid them of millions of undesirables and save the country. And they completely and emotionally fall under his spell. For a while.

As Mark Twain said, "History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme".
And you discarding all the problems demoncrats have posed or caused in this country is simply amazing. How can you sleep at night in your attempts to just ignore the truths in it all ??? They are their own worst enemy, and you are simply aiding and abetting them. Most Americans want what Trump wants for the country, and no it's not to rid the country of your so called undesirables, but more or less it's just to get people out of the ruts that they had got themselves into over time. He has done that in proof there of, and even while under extreme pressure from your so called undesirables who want the country to fall into the hands of the globalist forever. Wake up dude.
Ignorant post. I hold the Left accountable regularly. I'll be more than happy to provide examples upon request. Or, you can utilize the search engine here and type in "Regressive Left" and my name.

Your use of the word "demoncrats" is telling. Perhaps you can show me some examples of YOU holding YOUR side accountable.

Otherwise, you'd pretty much be just another standard-issue hypocrite.

I'll wait here.
Why the flip then ??
What "flip"?
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?


The interesting thing about Trump is he lacks both intelligence and ingenuity. He uses the same tactic over and over again to change the subject. In this case he used his appointed secretary of defense, Mark Esper, to invent a issue for him.

Just two days after Esper and Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy said they were open to renaming Army installations that were named after Confederate generals, Trump imagined himself a hero by coming to the rescue.

"It has been suggested that we should rename as many as 10 of our Legendary Military Bases," Trump tweeted. "These Monumental and very Powerful Bases have become part of a Great American Heritage, and a history of Winning, Victory, and Freedom. The United States of America trained and deployed our HEROES on these Hallowed Grounds, and won two World Wars."

"Therefore, my Administration will not even consider the renaming of these Magnificent and Fabled Military Installations," Trump continued. "Our history as the Greatest Nation in the World will not be tampered with. Respect our Military!"

Wow, does that sound Presidential or what? He is saving the tradition of the Confederacy for posterity. There is little doubt. Trump is proud of himself.

Better yet, in the mind of Trump, it detracts from his failure to handle the pandemic. Currently there are over two million cases and over 115,000 Americans have died and counting. Because Trump urged the reopening of the economy too early, Covid-19 is surging.

Trump's hero mentality also distracts from his contrived and laughable photo op in front of a church, is incommunicado (for ten days he has not allowed questions from reporters, depriving Americans the ability to communicate with their President), calling for 10,000 army troops to occupy the streets of Washington, accusing a 75-year old white male protester of being a member of antifa and staging a severe blow to the head, and the fact that his former secretary of defense, Marine Four-star General James Mattis (who resigned after receiving Trump's retreat order), and his former chief of staff, army General John Kelly, declared Trump incompetent and a major threat to our country.

He doesn't want Americans talking about such things. He wants Americans to think he is some kind of a hero because of a totally meaningless issue, the names of our military bases.

Which is not even an issue. Trump invented a myth. That is what he does.
Here's my guess: He was convinced early on (most likely by people like his good friends Hannity & Limbaugh) that the key to winning in 2016 was by energizing "the base" through whatever means were necessary -- and, importantly, to the exclusion of absolutely everything else. Just focus like a laser beam on that one thing. And, by golly, it worked. Obviously he was greatly assisted by the weakness of his opponent, but it worked.

Well, his entire presidency has simply been a continuation of that approach. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. And he's going to keep riding that horse into November, come Hell or High Water. He clearly doesn't possess the capacity for much more than that, but what the hell, it worked once.

Regarding your "hero mentality" point: It occurred to me recently that this moment in our history seemed familiar: A bold, brash, pugilistic, nationalistic strongman of European descent somehow convinces millions of frustrated voters that he's going to rid them of millions of undesirables and save the country. And they completely and emotionally fall under his spell. For a while.

As Mark Twain said, "History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme".
And you discarding all the problems demoncrats have posed or caused in this country is simply amazing. How can you sleep at night in your attempts to just ignore the truths in it all ??? They are their own worst enemy, and you are simply aiding and abetting them. Most Americans want what Trump wants for the country, and no it's not to rid the country of your so called undesirables, but more or less it's just to get people out of the ruts that they had got themselves into over time. He has done that in proof there of, and even while under extreme pressure from your so called undesirables who want the country to fall into the hands of the globalist forever. Wake up dude.
Ignorant post. I hold the Left accountable regularly. I'll be more than happy to provide examples upon request. Or, you can utilize the search engine here and type in "Regressive Left" and my name.

Your use of the word "demoncrats" is telling. Perhaps you can show me some examples of YOU holding YOUR side accountable.

Otherwise, you'd pretty much be just another standard-issue hypocrite.

I'll wait here.
Why the flip then ??
What "flip"?
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

The guy can’t fix anything, he has probably given up trying. His followers are good with constant failure.

yep - just like the wall.

first donny sold them on the whole 'mexico will pay for the wall'
they swallowed his load.

then it was 'mexico will reimburse us for the wall'
they swallowed again.

then he said he take money earmarked for things like military housing & schools
they swallowed yet again.

they love donny & donny loves them long time.
you are an idiot.

spin why he started out with mexico is paying for the wall to they will reemburse us to an EO stripping cash from the military to pay for it.


do better.

Spin? No spin needed. YOu are an idiot. You make up shit, because you are an asshole.

I had a choice between a candidate that was promising to be tougher on border security and one that was talking about amnesty.

I went with the one that was not an anti-American piece of shit.

Making Mexico pay for it, was never a requirement nor did I assume that he would make it a priority or believe that it was a done deal.

What I wanted, and what I voted for, was more border security.

YOur assumption that because we supported him on his policy, that we "swallowed his load" is just you being a ****.


so donny DIDN'T say that mexico would pay for the wall?

so donny DIDN'T say they would reimburse us when they said to vete a la mierda?

so donny DIDN'T sign an EO designating funds earmarked to the militray for housing & schools to instead be directed to his silly wall?

<pfffft> i could show you links - but you'll ignore them just like when i gave you links on this thread, with a preacher telling you exactly why donny went to st johns .... & i gave you several links showing that antifa in all likelihood is not a part of the destruction that has occurred - but rather white supreeeeemacists & wack job trumpanzees.

when you say FUCK YOU in ALL CAPS ... that just translates into you being triggered which makes me very happy.

You know, most of the time it is the Trump supporters that are hurling insults and screaming fuck you in all caps. Especially when they can't defend the actions that Trump has taken.

And they have the gall to say you are triggered.......................

Playtime is a self admitted troll. She is a sadist and a piece of human garbage. If you want to be her friend BECAUSE of that, that reflects quite poorly on you.

Just saying.

oooOOOOooo ... now you hurt my feelings, CB.... since i only troll you.

you came to me on this thread. don't ferget that & don't start something then whine like a bitch when you get it back in spades.

I've already told you, that I don't care that you are too stupid to realize when you are being an asshole.

You called me names, so I called you names back.

The difference is, that you were lying, when the names I call you, are all true.

AND, you know it. And it does not bother you. Because you are comfortable being human garbage.

learn to recognise that i consider the source. you - the opinion of a basket dwelling deplorable, who cheers & makes excuses for the most vile sociopath, who is a fascist in training; & that this nation hasn't seen for a very long time - means nothing to me.

Oh, nothing I said is meant to imply that me as an Authority has any weight for you.

NO, it is the Truth of my words, that matter.

YOu know, that the shit you say about me is just you talking shit.

the same way you know that the harsh words I have for you, are all true.

ne'eh..... i am a very nice person CB.

oh & i have empathy. lots & lots of empathy.

you got triggered bigley over my saying donny is devoid of such human emotion & you trolled me. you troll me - you get a flying bitch slap back.

tutt tutt - such is life.

You are a self admitted troll. Trolls are by definition, sadists who get off on being assholes to other people.

Your claim of being a nice person, is nonsense, and you know it.

That you are such a reflexive troll, that you didn't even realize you were being a fucking asshole, is not a defense, but just a description on what type of fucking asshole you are.

And again, to be clear, I do not believe that my words have weight because of ME, but because they are True you know it.

So, don't play stupid and pretend otherwise again, liar.

the day you called me antifa is the day i wrote you off, CB.

oh & when you thought i was an elitist college grad just shows how fucked up yer opinions --- based on nothing but yer own delusions, are. you couldn't be more off the mark, so you think your 'words' are truth?

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! more delusional thinking from you is really kinda sad.


You are a race baiting troll and an vile person. YOur excuses or rationalizations for your behavior are bullshit.
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

You haven't a clue. That Bible belonged to the President's mother. Idiot.

Prove it. Just do some research I did and it doesn't.
He was using a bible as a prop, insulting religion.
Who owns that bible is irrelevant.

He was demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. Your hysteria is not called for.
What Bible Verse was he preaching?

He was not preaching any bible verses, that I am aware of.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
Pat Robertson a Trump supporter BLASTED this moron for photo op disagreed what you are saying. Followed by others that includes bishop, church leaders, Republicans and others.
Trump only did that for photo op. Nothing more.

I don't care what Pat Robertson thinks, and neither do you.

If you post the specifics of his complaint, I will be happy to consider and respond to it.

My point stands.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
That is so fucking hilarious. You supported these church leader when they support Trump. Now they are against Trump ......... now you don’t care. Photo op at this time is the wrong time and the wrong place..... Even Esper didn’t know and against the photo op. Several GOPs blasted this MORON for the photo op.
So you are wrong AGAIN 100%.


When they were allying with me, on politics I was thankful and supporting them in return.

When they are choosing to oppose me and mine on political grounds, I don't support them.

For people like you, nothing the President ever does, will be the right time or the right move.

That they are treating your concerns seriously as though you are not just throwing shit against a wall, is them being stupid.
He is busy prepping for one of the most trying times in his presidency...he is busy thinking of a new campign slogan,,shhh, don't disturb him.. Trump takes zero responsibility for what happens in the USA...
You believe that the President is a dictator. Then you believe he is not a dictator. A Prog may be a dictator. Obam did very little to stop BLM and Antifa. Because it suited his agendas. If Trump forced a stoppage of the riots then he would be called every name in the book. A fool would vote Prog Socialist in November. And we have many fools. It will be fun to see the chaos if you win though. You see, you can not make it better. You would have to force people like you did with the virus in more and more issues and agendas. How about forcing the public schools to educate the children. Change the curriculum to real courses also. Throw out the trouble makers and have people employed in the schools who will match the violence. You will see massive improvements with several per cent of the students out of the schools. You can't help everyone. That is the first lesson. Is that responsibility? I bet Trump can think of that, but not be successful implementing it as the teachers union and the residents will be in upheavel status. So nothing will change.
After 3 1/2 years did Trump makes the antifa and BLM better or worse than Obama? We are in the middle of of 2 crisis here is this moron fanning more violence, instigating violence against his own people the democrats, blasting mayors and governors instead of working with them, tweeting conspiracies, nonsense bullshit. Trump made this country ignorant, racist, bully around the world. A total disgusting FREAK.

So a mayor and a governor allow a city to be destroyed and it's Trump's fault...
Wrong. I never said it’s Trump fault.
It’s Trump ineptness and unable to work with these local authorities makes him look unfit and incompetent leader. Followed by bullshit and nonsense tweets..... Right in the middle of 2 crisis that US has never seen before....... If he doesn’t have anything positive to say why not just STFU.

Trump doesn’t even show or pretend to be a president or a leader....... That makes it Trump’s fault.

Mayors and governors NEVER allowed their city to be destroyed. They mobilized their local forces and helped from other cities and national guards.

someone needs to say this out loud:


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