Where is the President?

You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

You haven't a clue. That Bible belonged to the President's mother. Idiot.

Prove it. Just do some research I did and it doesn't.
He was using a bible as a prop, insulting religion.
Who owns that bible is irrelevant.

He was demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. Your hysteria is not called for.
What Bible Verse was he preaching?

He was not preaching any bible verses, that I am aware of.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
Pat Robertson a Trump supporter BLASTED this moron for photo op disagreed what you are saying. Followed by others that includes bishop, church leaders, Republicans and others.
Trump only did that for photo op. Nothing more.

I don't care what Pat Robertson thinks, and neither do you.

If you post the specifics of his complaint, I will be happy to consider and respond to it.

My point stands.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
That is so fucking hilarious. You supported these church leader when they support Trump. Now they are against Trump ......... now you don’t care. Photo op at this time is the wrong time and the wrong place..... Even Esper didn’t know and against the photo op. Several GOPs blasted this MORON for the photo op.
So you are wrong AGAIN 100%.


When they were allying with me, on politics I was thankful and supporting them in return.

When they are choosing to oppose me and mine on political grounds, I don't support them.

For people like you, nothing the President ever does, will be the right time or the right move.

That they are treating your concerns seriously as though you are not just throwing shit against a wall, is them being stupid.
Great point at the end... That they (meaning the American people or any other), are treating these radicals concerns "seriously" is of course yes them being very, very stupid.
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

mac were have you been?......we havent had a leader in this country so far in this century....and there is none on the horizon.....

Hard to argue that, but you might even have to go all the way back to Ike to look for real leadership.

back to a normal real (R) who was pro union, had a 90% tax rate where the middle class was strong & healthy, AND warned against the military industrial complex.

that just shows how fucked the GOP really is today.
the democrats are just as fucked up today....they were different 50 years ago too....both parties are the bane of this country....

they have deviated form their ideology, no doubt - but it's a false equivalency.

the blending of religion & politics was the start of the transformation of the (R) party into the freakshow fundy extremists they have become today. the (D)s haven't blown themselves into the stratosphere anywhere like that.
no they just have moved so far left that they have become just another freakshow themselves........

no they haven't. there's a faction that's uber liberal - but most are corporate dems & that's where they lost their way. they forgot the working man & donny slithered in & faked his way into their hearts; the rust belt anyway. the that gave the (D)s the wake up call they needed to reconnect. why do you think biden & not bernie or liz warren got the nomination?
of course you dont think they have.....you might be one of them.....i aint a party person i can see how both of them are......why cant you?...

i am a center left indy; but i also know a false equivalency when i see one.

why can't you?
you aint much of an "indy" if you favor one party over the other....why cant you see that?....

LOL! dude - i've voted the spectrum. (D)s (R)s AND even green party in 2000 over W. & gore/liebertoady - - -my own state senator. & i'm married to a (R) - - who many here would think is a 'RINO' because he knows a dying party when he sees one.

so never ASSume anything about me, it just makes you look silly.
...it doesnt matter who you voted for in the past "dude"....now is what counts....it makes you look silly when you call yourself an independent yet seem to never have any thing to say about the democrats but you have plenty to say about the other people......indy yea sure prove it....

sure i have. but right now, it's either (D) or (R) as far as voting goes.

yea for the party people.....

lol... whatever. i learned in 2000 what a protest vote can do.

we got W.
yea and 8 years later we got someone almost as bad and now we have trump.....all because of you party people.....

uh-huh ... another false equivalency. you're pretty good at it.
the only false thing here is you trying to pass yourself off as an independent....

uh-huh. ^ spoken like a real trumpanzee. i'll give yer opinion the CONsideration it so richly deserves. :heehee:
There is a tale of an ancient kingdom...

On day, every year, the current king would doff his royal robes, dress as a commoner, then walk alone and unguarded amongst his people...

If he came back to the palace alive, his rule was considered just, and he was considered a good man...


If he did not return to the palace alive, or if his guard was forced to restrain the people, he was considered an unjust king, and a bad man...



Cadet Bone Spurs was too busy inspecting underground bunkers, and hiding-out in the White House, to make any substantive appearance.

And, given his lack of empathy, idiotic conspiracy theories, and his shoddy articulation skills, he was better off not saying much of anything.
What, like that butt kissing minnesota mayor who got roasted by the mob when they presented him demands so radical, that he couldn't answer them, and therefore had to walk the walk of shame as they told him to get his dumb ace out of there ??? So much for his butt kissing eh ???? Never pays off, but why isn't that lesson learned in life ??
Translation: "My Orange Baboon-God fails the test, so I'll try to deflect attention away from that oh-so-salient fact."
There is a tale of an ancient kingdom...

On day, every year, the current king would doff his royal robes, dress as a commoner, then walk alone and unguarded amongst his people...

If he came back to the palace alive, his rule was considered just, and he was considered a good man...


If he did not return to the palace alive, or if his guard was forced to restrain the people, he was considered an unjust king, and a bad man...



Cadet Bone Spurs was too busy inspecting underground bunkers, and hiding-out in the White House, to make any substantive appearance.

And, given his lack of empathy, idiotic conspiracy theories, and his shoddy articulation skills, he was better off not saying much of anything.
Oh look! Obama's tranny wife that probably is the real man in the relationship.
Michelle Obama has a penis. That ain't no bullshit.

What all them lumps up in them drawers? That ain't no vagina. No sir.

Translation: "My Orange Baboon-God fails the test, so I'll try to deflect attention away from that oh-so-salient fact."
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

You haven't a clue. That Bible belonged to the President's mother. Idiot.

Prove it. Just do some research I did and it doesn't.
He was using a bible as a prop, insulting religion.
Who owns that bible is irrelevant.

He was demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. Your hysteria is not called for.
What Bible Verse was he preaching?

He was not preaching any bible verses, that I am aware of.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
Pat Robertson a Trump supporter BLASTED this moron for photo op disagreed what you are saying. Followed by others that includes bishop, church leaders, Republicans and others.
Trump only did that for photo op. Nothing more.

I don't care what Pat Robertson thinks, and neither do you.

If you post the specifics of his complaint, I will be happy to consider and respond to it.

My point stands.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
That is so fucking hilarious. You supported these church leader when they support Trump. Now they are against Trump ......... now you don’t care. Photo op at this time is the wrong time and the wrong place..... Even Esper didn’t know and against the photo op. Several GOPs blasted this MORON for the photo op.
So you are wrong AGAIN 100%.


When they were allying with me, on politics I was thankful and supporting them in return.

When they are choosing to oppose me and mine on political grounds, I don't support them.

For people like you, nothing the President ever does, will be the right time or the right move.

That they are treating your concerns seriously as though you are not just throwing shit against a wall, is them being stupid.
Great point at the end... That they (meaning the American people or any other), are treating these radicals concerns "seriously" is of course yes them being very, very stupid.

This lib needed it explained that sometimes I support what someone does and sometimes I don't.

I saw a youtuber yesterday, he said, "we are living in clown world".

It's a good analysis.
There is a tale of an ancient kingdom...

On day, every year, the current king would doff his royal robes, dress as a commoner, then walk alone and unguarded amongst his people...

If he came back to the palace alive, his rule was considered just, and he was considered a good man...


If he did not return to the palace alive, or if his guard was forced to restrain the people, he was considered an unjust king, and a bad man...



Cadet Bone Spurs was too busy inspecting underground bunkers, and hiding-out in the White House, to make any substantive appearance.

And, given his lack of empathy, idiotic conspiracy theories, and his shoddy articulation skills, he was better off not saying much of anything.
What, like that butt kissing minnesota mayor who got roasted by the mob when they presented him demands so radical, that he couldn't answer them, and therefore had to walk the walk of shame as they told him to get his dumb ace out of there ??? So much for his butt kissing eh ???? Never pays off, but why isn't that lesson learned in life ??
Translation: "My Orange Baboon-God fails the test, so I'll try to deflect attention away from that oh-so-salient fact."

Obama was loved by the mob, because he was part of them.

Trump is not. He opposes them and stands up to them.

That you side with the Mob, is about you being a barbarian wanting to destroy this society.
There is a tale of an ancient kingdom...

On day, every year, the current king would doff his royal robes, dress as a commoner, then walk alone and unguarded amongst his people...

If he came back to the palace alive, his rule was considered just, and he was considered a good man...


If he did not return to the palace alive, or if his guard was forced to restrain the people, he was considered an unjust king, and a bad man...



Cadet Bone Spurs was too busy inspecting underground bunkers, and hiding-out in the White House, to make any substantive appearance.

And, given his lack of empathy, idiotic conspiracy theories, and his shoddy articulation skills, he was better off not saying much of anything.
What, like that butt kissing minnesota mayor who got roasted by the mob when they presented him demands so radical, that he couldn't answer them, and therefore had to walk the walk of shame as they told him to get his dumb ace out of there ??? So much for his butt kissing eh ???? Never pays off, but why isn't that lesson learned in life ??
Translation: "My Orange Baboon-God fails the test, so I'll try to deflect attention away from that oh-so-salient fact."

Obama was loved by the mob, because he was part of them.

Trump is not. He opposes them and stands up to them.

That you side with the Mob, is about you being a barbarian wanting to destroy this society.
Translation: "My Orange Baboon-God fails the test, so I'll try to deflect attention away from that oh-so-salient fact."


...Obama was loved by the mob, because he was part of them...
Yes. I agree. Say what you will, Obumble was a "Man of the People".

...Trump is not...
Yes. I agree. Rump is definitely NOT a "Man of the People"

...He opposes them and stands up to them...
Yes. I agree. Rump was willing to go so far as to call in 10,000 Federal troops to shoot down his own People.

And he beat-back a large crowd of peaceful demonstrators in Lafayette Park in DC prior to curfew merely for a crappy meaningless silent-movie photo op.

...That you side with the Mob, is about you being a barbarian wanting to destroy this society...
No. I do not agree. My soldier's oath to defend the Republic against all enemies foreign AND domestic has no expiration date.

Someone who destroys our strategic alliances and foments unrest and divisiveness and labels a Free Press as an Enemy is clearly wrong for the job.

He is presently the standard bearer of the Republican National White People's Trumpian Cult Party, so he has still has some leverage, although it is slipping.

Hell, even some of his silent, complicit Minions in the US Senate are beginning to sense that the time has come to take a stand against such abomination.

Personally, I actually want several of the things that your Baboon-God is selling; it's just that HE is FAR too high a price, to get what I want.

He is incompetent, and morally and intellectually unfit for high office; he is in wwwaaayyyy over his head, and he has to go in November.
Last edited:
There is a tale of an ancient kingdom...

On day, every year, the current king would doff his royal robes, dress as a commoner, then walk alone and unguarded amongst his people...

If he came back to the palace alive, his rule was considered just, and he was considered a good man...


If he did not return to the palace alive, or if his guard was forced to restrain the people, he was considered an unjust king, and a bad man...



Cadet Bone Spurs was too busy inspecting underground bunkers, and hiding-out in the White House, to make any substantive appearance.

And, given his lack of empathy, idiotic conspiracy theories, and his shoddy articulation skills, he was better off not saying much of anything.
What, like that butt kissing minnesota mayor who got roasted by the mob when they presented him demands so radical, that he couldn't answer them, and therefore had to walk the walk of shame as they told him to get his dumb ace out of there ??? So much for his butt kissing eh ???? Never pays off, but why isn't that lesson learned in life ??
Translation: "My Orange Baboon-God fails the test, so I'll try to deflect attention away from that oh-so-salient fact."

Obama was loved by the mob, because he was part of them.

Trump is not. He opposes them and stands up to them.

That you side with the Mob, is about you being a barbarian wanting to destroy this society.
Yes if choosing to side with every aspect of the mob, then of course they have become barbarian's for sure, but isn't it strange how they can't see that ??
There is a tale of an ancient kingdom...

On day, every year, the current king would doff his royal robes, dress as a commoner, then walk alone and unguarded amongst his people...

If he came back to the palace alive, his rule was considered just, and he was considered a good man...


If he did not return to the palace alive, or if his guard was forced to restrain the people, he was considered an unjust king, and a bad man...



Cadet Bone Spurs was too busy inspecting underground bunkers, and hiding-out in the White House, to make any substantive appearance.

And, given his lack of empathy, idiotic conspiracy theories, and his shoddy articulation skills, he was better off not saying much of anything.
What, like that butt kissing minnesota mayor who got roasted by the mob when they presented him demands so radical, that he couldn't answer them, and therefore had to walk the walk of shame as they told him to get his dumb ace out of there ??? So much for his butt kissing eh ???? Never pays off, but why isn't that lesson learned in life ??
Translation: "My Orange Baboon-God fails the test, so I'll try to deflect attention away from that oh-so-salient fact."

Obama was loved by the mob, because he was part of them.

Trump is not. He opposes them and stands up to them.

That you side with the Mob, is about you being a barbarian wanting to destroy this society.
Translation: "My Orange Baboon-God fails the test, so I'll try to deflect attention away from that oh-so-salient fact."
I can see you in a circle chanting this with your pals as a college professor speaks it through a mega phone before you take your places upon the lines. Otherwise sounding like a bunch of crazies doing a sayonce to somehow summons up the devil to ride with you into the flames created by his followers. LOL
There is a tale of an ancient kingdom...

On day, every year, the current king would doff his royal robes, dress as a commoner, then walk alone and unguarded amongst his people...

If he came back to the palace alive, his rule was considered just, and he was considered a good man...


If he did not return to the palace alive, or if his guard was forced to restrain the people, he was considered an unjust king, and a bad man...



Cadet Bone Spurs was too busy inspecting underground bunkers, and hiding-out in the White House, to make any substantive appearance.

And, given his lack of empathy, idiotic conspiracy theories, and his shoddy articulation skills, he was better off not saying much of anything.
What, like that butt kissing minnesota mayor who got roasted by the mob when they presented him demands so radical, that he couldn't answer them, and therefore had to walk the walk of shame as they told him to get his dumb ace out of there ??? So much for his butt kissing eh ???? Never pays off, but why isn't that lesson learned in life ??
Translation: "My Orange Baboon-God fails the test, so I'll try to deflect attention away from that oh-so-salient fact."

Obama was loved by the mob, because he was part of them.

Trump is not. He opposes them and stands up to them.

That you side with the Mob, is about you being a barbarian wanting to destroy this society.
Yes if choosing to side with every aspect of the mob, then of course they have become barbarian's for sure, but isn't it strange how they can't see that ??

It's like I can FEEL our civilization as a plane, nosing into a dive, with the pilot, pushing the engines to max, determined to see how big of a crater we can make, when we crash and burn.

New Dark Age? Mad Max meets Thunderdome? How far will we fall?

What an exciting game!

There is a tale of an ancient kingdom...

On day, every year, the current king would doff his royal robes, dress as a commoner, then walk alone and unguarded amongst his people...

If he came back to the palace alive, his rule was considered just, and he was considered a good man...


If he did not return to the palace alive, or if his guard was forced to restrain the people, he was considered an unjust king, and a bad man...



Cadet Bone Spurs was too busy inspecting underground bunkers, and hiding-out in the White House, to make any substantive appearance.

And, given his lack of empathy, idiotic conspiracy theories, and his shoddy articulation skills, he was better off not saying much of anything.
What, like that butt kissing minnesota mayor who got roasted by the mob when they presented him demands so radical, that he couldn't answer them, and therefore had to walk the walk of shame as they told him to get his dumb ace out of there ??? So much for his butt kissing eh ???? Never pays off, but why isn't that lesson learned in life ??
Translation: "My Orange Baboon-God fails the test, so I'll try to deflect attention away from that oh-so-salient fact."

Obama was loved by the mob, because he was part of them.

Trump is not. He opposes them and stands up to them.

That you side with the Mob, is about you being a barbarian wanting to destroy this society.
Yes if choosing to side with every aspect of the mob, then of course they have become barbarian's for sure, but isn't it strange how they can't see that ??

It's like I can FEEL our civilization as a plane, nosing into a dive, with the pilot, pushing the engines to max, determined to see how big of a crater we can make, when we crash and burn.

New Dark Age? Mad Max meets Thunderdome? How far will we fall?

What an exciting game!

Funny, a new version of Mad Max, Road Warrior or what ever was on the other night. Could very well reach that status, but hopefully not. We'll let the Lord decide our fate, and his righteousness certainly will prevail.
There is a tale of an ancient kingdom...

On day, every year, the current king would doff his royal robes, dress as a commoner, then walk alone and unguarded amongst his people...

If he came back to the palace alive, his rule was considered just, and he was considered a good man...


If he did not return to the palace alive, or if his guard was forced to restrain the people, he was considered an unjust king, and a bad man...



Cadet Bone Spurs was too busy inspecting underground bunkers, and hiding-out in the White House, to make any substantive appearance.

And, given his lack of empathy, idiotic conspiracy theories, and his shoddy articulation skills, he was better off not saying much of anything.
What, like that butt kissing minnesota mayor who got roasted by the mob when they presented him demands so radical, that he couldn't answer them, and therefore had to walk the walk of shame as they told him to get his dumb ace out of there ??? So much for his butt kissing eh ???? Never pays off, but why isn't that lesson learned in life ??
Translation: "My Orange Baboon-God fails the test, so I'll try to deflect attention away from that oh-so-salient fact."

Obama was loved by the mob, because he was part of them.

Trump is not. He opposes them and stands up to them.

That you side with the Mob, is about you being a barbarian wanting to destroy this society.
Translation: "My Orange Baboon-God fails the test, so I'll try to deflect attention away from that oh-so-salient fact."
I can see you in a circle chanting this with your pals as a college professor speaks it through a mega phone before you take your places upon the lines. Otherwise sounding like a bunch of crazies doing a sayonce to somehow summons up the devil to ride with you into the flames created by his followers. LOL
Blah, blah, blah... endless phukking blah... wake me up when you have something substantive to say in defense of your Baboon-God.

Your boy is in way over his head and needs to go in November.
There is a tale of an ancient kingdom...

On day, every year, the current king would doff his royal robes, dress as a commoner, then walk alone and unguarded amongst his people...

If he came back to the palace alive, his rule was considered just, and he was considered a good man...


If he did not return to the palace alive, or if his guard was forced to restrain the people, he was considered an unjust king, and a bad man...



Cadet Bone Spurs was too busy inspecting underground bunkers, and hiding-out in the White House, to make any substantive appearance.

And, given his lack of empathy, idiotic conspiracy theories, and his shoddy articulation skills, he was better off not saying much of anything.
What, like that butt kissing minnesota mayor who got roasted by the mob when they presented him demands so radical, that he couldn't answer them, and therefore had to walk the walk of shame as they told him to get his dumb ace out of there ??? So much for his butt kissing eh ???? Never pays off, but why isn't that lesson learned in life ??
Translation: "My Orange Baboon-God fails the test, so I'll try to deflect attention away from that oh-so-salient fact."

Obama was loved by the mob, because he was part of them.

Trump is not. He opposes them and stands up to them.

That you side with the Mob, is about you being a barbarian wanting to destroy this society.
Translation: "My Orange Baboon-God fails the test, so I'll try to deflect attention away from that oh-so-salient fact."
I can see you in a circle chanting this with your pals as a college professor speaks it through a mega phone before you take your places upon the lines. Otherwise sounding like a bunch of crazies doing a sayonce to somehow summons up the devil to ride with you into the flames created by his followers. LOL
Blah, blah, blah... endless phukking blah... wake me up when you have something substantive to say in defense of your Baboon-God.

Your boy is in way over his head and needs to go in November.

Hee-hee. You are talking shit about "Baboon-God" in the same sentence you attack the other poster for a lack of substance.

My God, you libs have the self awareness of a dead potted plant.
...Hee-hee. You are talking shit about "Baboon-God" in the same sentence you attack the other poster for a lack of substance...
Indeed. It is possible to (a) throw rocks and (b) serve-up substantive argument within a single post, as I have done in this series.

Given that we are dealing with something beyond the realm of Bumper-Sticker Memes, I can understand why this confuses you.

...My God, you libs have the self awareness of a dead potted plant.
This from a Cult-Follower of the Orange Baboon God, who - along with what's left of his Party - have the worst sense of Optics on the face of the planet.

You will come to understand - and regret - your lack of Optics Savvy on January 20, 2021, when you lose power for a generation or more to come.

It didn't have to come to that - but you thick-skulls just don't get it - perhaps it's just as well - you were getting far too arrogant to be of any real use.
Last edited:
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?


Wow, yet a other Mac TDS thread. Focusing on the important as usual, the president instead of the looters and rioters. TDS reduces IQ by 50 points folks, that's a fact.

The whole thing is manufactured fiasco. People bowing for a home invader who died while resisting arrest sky high. You have to be a total moron to spend any time on this. Blacks are more likely die falling from bed / struck by lightning / drowning on a bath tub than from being shot by cops while unarmed. And those are innocent blacks as well.

Leftists want to destroy the country by siding with the criminals, attempting to defund the police now... and who does Mac side with... with the criminals.

People, it's time to call it a day, we can not coexist with the leftists. Peaceful separation it is, and if they refuse to separate peacefully, then shoot them all. Send Mac to the utopia without cops, and build that wall.
...Hee-hee. You are talking shit about "Baboon-God" in the same sentence you attack the other poster for a lack of substance...
Indeed. It is possible to (a) throw rocks and (b) serve-up substantive argument within a single post, as I have done in this series.

Given that we are dealing with something beyond the realm of Bumper-Sticker Memes, I can understand why this confuses you.


There was no substance. You called names and embarrassed yourself.
...Wow, yet a other ...TDS thread...
Opposition to an ignorant, arrogant, incompetent, amoral autocratic tyrant-wannabe does NOT constitute 'derangement'.

In actuality, it constitutes the highest form of Patriotism and Love of Country, to want to vote a dangerous autocrat out of office as soon as possible.
...Hee-hee. You are talking shit about "Baboon-God" in the same sentence you attack the other poster for a lack of substance...
Indeed. It is possible to (a) throw rocks and (b) serve-up substantive argument within a single post, as I have done in this series.

Given that we are dealing with something beyond the realm of Bumper-Sticker Memes, I can understand why this confuses you.


There was no substance. You called names and embarrassed yourself.
The substance exists within the series, not a particular post...

Oh, and... by the way... you continue to fail to substantively defend your Baboon-God as a Man of the People...
...Hee-hee. You are talking shit about "Baboon-God" in the same sentence you attack the other poster for a lack of substance...
Indeed. It is possible to (a) throw rocks and (b) serve-up substantive argument within a single post, as I have done in this series.

Given that we are dealing with something beyond the realm of Bumper-Sticker Memes, I can understand why this confuses you.


There was no substance. You called names and embarrassed yourself.
The substance exists within the series, not a particular post...

Oh, and... by the way... you continue to fail to substantively defend your Baboon-God as a Man of the People...

Yeah, hard take someone talking like you seriously.

What do you want, to showcase how Trump has spoken out for me and mine, as working class Americans?
...Yeah, hard take someone talking like you seriously...
Ah, yes, the final fallback position of someone who is in over their head in open debate...

...What do you want, to showcase how Trump has spoken out for me and mine, as working class Americans?
Sure, if you can... oh, by the way... be sure to include references to opposition to Free Speech and Free Press, destroying alliances, stupid conspiracy theories, showboat-fawning over Token Negroes, not taking pandemics seriously until it's too late for many who died, 110K dead, stock-market crashes, highest deficits of all time, lack of understanding-for and circumventing-of the Constitution, willingness to use Federal Regulars to shoot his own people, etc., eh?

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