Where is the President?

I've seen that his staff is working on getting him to act interested, so maybe they'll push him out in front of a camera and fire up the teleprompter soon.

In the next week or two, I assume.

At least PRETEND, Mr. President.
If you can’t stand him, then why wonder what he is doing?

He's the President. Those people are usually considered leaders for all the American people, but I know this is a different time.

And anyway, Trumpsters have changed my mind on this. It's probably better, on balance, that he just keeps his mouth shut.

So there ya go!
You just confirmed he is our president of all Americans, even you.

thanks, finally you have seen the light. It’s a start.
Well yes, obviously. The President is the President.

So glad I cleared that up for you.
sidebar - and trying to be honest.

a month ago i could talk to you. you were not 24x7 flippant and out to attack "trumpers". now you won't hear any other viewpoint and accuse others of being closed minded along the way.

what happened?

I happened. I pressed him on some truth that he was not wiling to face, and as is normal, he has doubled down on his partisanship.
we've all gotten some jabs in but there was a time i could talk with Mac and it wasn't the total waste of time it is for many here. but that day seems over now.

more interested in whining and snark than honest conversation and resolving issues.

It was not a jab. I pushed him hard. I broke him.

I want to know, why people decided the shit they do. But when I push to far, they can't admit the truth, they just break.

My methods are deeply flawed.
oh he's been broke for all of this thread anyway. i responded and gave 4-5 links and an in depth answer to his questions - or at least how i felt about it expecting discussion. all i got was a snark reply inside of 2 minutes so i know he didn't read a thing.

if you're not going to fucking read the posts, why are you in here?

oh - to whine.

Very few of them, are capable of much more, at this point in time.
I've seen that his staff is working on getting him to act interested, so maybe they'll push him out in front of a camera and fire up the teleprompter soon.

In the next week or two, I assume.

At least PRETEND, Mr. President.
If you can’t stand him, then why wonder what he is doing?

He's the President. Those people are usually considered leaders for all the American people, but I know this is a different time.

And anyway, Trumpsters have changed my mind on this. It's probably better, on balance, that he just keeps his mouth shut.

So there ya go!
Do you want him to send the troops in with weapons a blaring? Maybe he will need to at some point. A Prog may be more willing. FDR opened up labor camps to put Japanese Americans in for gosh sakes. Now that you liked.
I've seen that his staff is working on getting him to act interested, so maybe they'll push him out in front of a camera and fire up the teleprompter soon.

In the next week or two, I assume.

At least PRETEND, Mr. President.
If you can’t stand him, then why wonder what he is doing?

He's the President. Those people are usually considered leaders for all the American people, but I know this is a different time.

And anyway, Trumpsters have changed my mind on this. It's probably better, on balance, that he just keeps his mouth shut.

So there ya go!
You just confirmed he is our president of all Americans, even you.

thanks, finally you have seen the light. It’s a start.
Well yes, obviously. The President is the President.

So glad I cleared that up for you.
sidebar - and trying to be honest.

a month ago i could talk to you. you were not 24x7 flippant and out to attack "trumpers". now you won't hear any other viewpoint and accuse others of being closed minded along the way.

what happened?
I've simply given up on asymmetrical online conversations. They bore me to tears. I can see and accurately understand both ends of most issues -- not because I'm "better" or "smarter", but because I'm curious and WANT to understand so that I'm fully comfortable with my views. If I determine that another person is not willing to do the same, my patience with them becomes very short.

In real life, it's much easier to have such conversations.
Last edited:
I've seen that his staff is working on getting him to act interested, so maybe they'll push him out in front of a camera and fire up the teleprompter soon.

In the next week or two, I assume.

At least PRETEND, Mr. President.
If you can’t stand him, then why wonder what he is doing?

He's the President. Those people are usually considered leaders for all the American people, but I know this is a different time.

And anyway, Trumpsters have changed my mind on this. It's probably better, on balance, that he just keeps his mouth shut.

So there ya go!
Do you want him to send the troops in with weapons a blaring? Maybe he will need to at some point. A Prog may be more willing. FDR opened up labor camps to put Japanese Americans in for gosh sakes. Now that you liked.
Why in the world would I "want him to send the troops in with weapons a blaring"?
I've seen that his staff is working on getting him to act interested, so maybe they'll push him out in front of a camera and fire up the teleprompter soon.

In the next week or two, I assume.

At least PRETEND, Mr. President.
If you can’t stand him, then why wonder what he is doing?

He's the President. Those people are usually considered leaders for all the American people, but I know this is a different time.

And anyway, Trumpsters have changed my mind on this. It's probably better, on balance, that he just keeps his mouth shut.

So there ya go!
You just confirmed he is our president of all Americans, even you.

thanks, finally you have seen the light. It’s a start.
Well yes, obviously. The President is the President.

So glad I cleared that up for you.
sidebar - and trying to be honest.

a month ago i could talk to you. you were not 24x7 flippant and out to attack "trumpers". now you won't hear any other viewpoint and accuse others of being closed minded along the way.

what happened?
I've simply given up on asymmetrical online conversations. They bore me. I can see and accurately understand both ends of most issues -- not because I'm "better" or "smarter", but because I'm curious and WANT to understand so that I'm fully comfortable with my views. If I determine that another person is not willing to do the same, my patience with them becomes very short.

In real life, it's much easier to have such conversations.

I remember in real life, I was in a bar talking to this black guy, who claimed that Obama was really Christian.

I looked him in the eye, and said, "come on dude." YOu know he just did that to make a connection with church going American blacks.
Now when our President holds a round table with spokesmen for the protesters and their concerrns, I'll be pleased. I'm sure he DOES want to see things more peaceful. Meeting ONLY with the police and the police unions and a few of his Republican yes men is probably not going to do the trick.
18 killed in Chicago in one day. No one is concerned about that. Why?
18 killed in Chicago in one day. No one is concerned about that. Why?

Hmm...just spitballin here.
Because that's not the subject at hand?
Gotcha. THOSE black lives don't matter to you because they can't be exploited by YOU for political purporses.
Gotcha. THOSE black lives don't matter to you because they can't be exploited by YOU for political purporses.
LOL...What retarded logic. That isn't the issue at hand, dope. You're exploiting them by conflating this with police reform for your own political purposes.
I've seen that his staff is working on getting him to act interested, so maybe they'll push him out in front of a camera and fire up the teleprompter soon.

In the next week or two, I assume.

At least PRETEND, Mr. President.
If you can’t stand him, then why wonder what he is doing?

He's the President. Those people are usually considered leaders for all the American people, but I know this is a different time.

And anyway, Trumpsters have changed my mind on this. It's probably better, on balance, that he just keeps his mouth shut.

So there ya go!
You just confirmed he is our president of all Americans, even you.

thanks, finally you have seen the light. It’s a start.
Well yes, obviously. The President is the President.

So glad I cleared that up for you.
sidebar - and trying to be honest.

a month ago i could talk to you. you were not 24x7 flippant and out to attack "trumpers". now you won't hear any other viewpoint and accuse others of being closed minded along the way.

what happened?
I've simply given up on asymmetrical online conversations. They bore me to tears. I can see and accurately understand both ends of most issues -- not because I'm "better" or "smarter", but because I'm curious and WANT to understand so that I'm fully comfortable with my views. If I determine that another person is not willing to do the same, my patience with them becomes very short.

In real life, it's much easier to have such conversations.
then why start a conversation that begs for an indepth answer if that isn't want you want? hell dude - just put VENT/BITCHFEST to start your title and people will know you want to whine, not talk.

i gave you a very solid well thought out response you 100% blew off and then started insulting me and anyone who didn't "give up" like you seem to have.

so please - spare me your BULLSHIT when it comes to people not wanting to talk to you. my VERY FIRST RESPONSE was nothing but that and you were a flippant asshole from reply 1.

so no. you do not want to understand.

no longer buying the bullshit; only what you do.
I've seen that his staff is working on getting him to act interested, so maybe they'll push him out in front of a camera and fire up the teleprompter soon.

In the next week or two, I assume.

At least PRETEND, Mr. President.
If you can’t stand him, then why wonder what he is doing?

He's the President. Those people are usually considered leaders for all the American people, but I know this is a different time.

And anyway, Trumpsters have changed my mind on this. It's probably better, on balance, that he just keeps his mouth shut.

So there ya go!
You just confirmed he is our president of all Americans, even you.

thanks, finally you have seen the light. It’s a start.
Well yes, obviously. The President is the President.

So glad I cleared that up for you.
sidebar - and trying to be honest.

a month ago i could talk to you. you were not 24x7 flippant and out to attack "trumpers". now you won't hear any other viewpoint and accuse others of being closed minded along the way.

what happened?
I've simply given up on asymmetrical online conversations. They bore me to tears. I can see and accurately understand both ends of most issues -- not because I'm "better" or "smarter", but because I'm curious and WANT to understand so that I'm fully comfortable with my views. If I determine that another person is not willing to do the same, my patience with them becomes very short.

In real life, it's much easier to have such conversations.
then why start a conversation that begs for an indepth answer if that isn't want you want? hell dude - just put VENT/BITCHFEST to start your title and people will know you want to whine, not talk.

i gave you a very solid well thought out response you 100% blew off and then started insulting me and anyone who didn't "give up" like you seem to have.

so please - spare me your BULLSHIT when it comes to people not wanting to talk to you. my VERY FIRST RESPONSE was nothing but that and you were a flippant asshole from reply 1.

so no. you do not want to understand.

no longer buying the bullshit; only what you do.
You asked, I answered. That's what I get, I guess.
Nothing to do with luck .. Watched this guy Ron Davis on c-span

Ron Davis on c-span

A steelworker. Okay. So what.

Ok, so are we seeing the latter results of a war waged against conservative white skinned people, and worse now the police ??

Culture and class 'wars' have waged on for as long as there have been humans. Yet, you are a part of a majority, so it's pretty much a serious lack of critical thinking to believe you are being persecuted. These are seriously lazy pleas to emotion that I, as a Caucasian myself, dismiss. Care to try again?

Are the use of these recent incidents just exactly that "usery" ???? Otherwise usery that could be used by a movement that seeks to deconstruct white power in this country by any means nessesary, and if so why ????? What has led to this REALLY ????

I'd likely say it has a little something to do with white supremacists indiscriminately killing minorities because they feel like entitled Karens. Their shit is the weakest of the weak sauce. They are long past due for their shit getting extremely fucked up by a plethora of minorities, IMO.

The actual fact that we continue to see this separation by skin color has nothing to do with whites, but has everything to do with blacks who want White's head's on a platter these days for the past, but thank God we as white people know that all blacks aren't guilty of this outdated thinking .

No, it means you hope they aren't all guilty, for us poor whitey sake. :auiqs.jpg: Such a bitch move, IMO.

Why is it that blacks are able to have all black this, and all black that today, but whites can't do such a thing, and why ????

What do black people currently have that white people covet? Inquiring minds want to know, Galileo!

It's not adding up folks, and it's looking like we have an unequal situation going on here, and until this bullcrap is straightened out, then how can white people be discriminated against in these unequal ways ?

Umm, because they're not?

It could actually be a situation where as everytime the opportunity arises to twist the knife of vengence just a little bit farther into the wound, and for something that happened years and years ago, it is quickly taken advantage of for vengeful reasons. Now this can be conducted by all colors, and if it is, then all we have to do is just as we have always done, and that is to use the law against them, but give everyone their equal freedoms back, because right now it's not going well. Can't be hypocrite's on these race relations, it just don't work.

Profound stuff. Thanks.
Breaking my post up is a tactic that attempts to take away from the context and full meaning of it or it is that you strain over not having a decent debate rebuttal in regards to it, so break it up eh ??

You're complaining about how I prefer to comment, and now you have the nerve to correct debate rebuttal? Okay..
Tell me something, since you people believe there is system racism in law enforcement, why didn't Obama, Holder and Lynch address it during 8 years of the Obama administration?
Tell me something, since you people believe there is system racism in law enforcement, why didn't Obama, Holder and Lynch address it during 8 years of the Obama administration?
Uff....they did.
I've seen that his staff is working on getting him to act interested, so maybe they'll push him out in front of a camera and fire up the teleprompter soon.

In the next week or two, I assume.

At least PRETEND, Mr. President.
If you can’t stand him, then why wonder what he is doing?

He's the President. Those people are usually considered leaders for all the American people, but I know this is a different time.

And anyway, Trumpsters have changed my mind on this. It's probably better, on balance, that he just keeps his mouth shut.

So there ya go!
You just confirmed he is our president of all Americans, even you.

thanks, finally you have seen the light. It’s a start.
Well yes, obviously. The President is the President.

So glad I cleared that up for you.
sidebar - and trying to be honest.

a month ago i could talk to you. you were not 24x7 flippant and out to attack "trumpers". now you won't hear any other viewpoint and accuse others of being closed minded along the way.

what happened?
I've simply given up on asymmetrical online conversations. They bore me to tears. I can see and accurately understand both ends of most issues -- not because I'm "better" or "smarter", but because I'm curious and WANT to understand so that I'm fully comfortable with my views. If I determine that another person is not willing to do the same, my patience with them becomes very short.

In real life, it's much easier to have such conversations.

If only was calming to understand something the same as demonstrating the understanding of something. I understand the proof of the Riemann hypothesis I assure you. No, you can't have the proof.

The fact is to the contrary, most people here understand very well what TDS is and can see this one member having a bad case trying to mop it up by claims of "understanding".
I've seen that his staff is working on getting him to act interested, so maybe they'll push him out in front of a camera and fire up the teleprompter soon.

In the next week or two, I assume.

At least PRETEND, Mr. President.
If you can’t stand him, then why wonder what he is doing?

He's the President. Those people are usually considered leaders for all the American people, but I know this is a different time.

And anyway, Trumpsters have changed my mind on this. It's probably better, on balance, that he just keeps his mouth shut.

So there ya go!
You just confirmed he is our president of all Americans, even you.

thanks, finally you have seen the light. It’s a start.
Well yes, obviously. The President is the President.

So glad I cleared that up for you.
sidebar - and trying to be honest.

a month ago i could talk to you. you were not 24x7 flippant and out to attack "trumpers". now you won't hear any other viewpoint and accuse others of being closed minded along the way.

what happened?
I've simply given up on asymmetrical online conversations. They bore me to tears. I can see and accurately understand both ends of most issues -- not because I'm "better" or "smarter", but because I'm curious and WANT to understand so that I'm fully comfortable with my views. If I determine that another person is not willing to do the same, my patience with them becomes very short.

In real life, it's much easier to have such conversations.

If only was calming to understand something the same as demonstrating the understanding of something. I understand the proof of the Riemann hypothesis I assure you. No, you can't have the proof.

The fact is to the contrary, most people here understand very well what TDS is and can see this one member having a bad case trying to mop it up by claims of "understanding".
You're a good Trumpster. I'm not trying to convince you of anything.
Nothing to do with luck .. Watched this guy Ron Davis on c-span

Ron Davis on c-span

A steelworker. Okay. So what.

Ok, so are we seeing the latter results of a war waged against conservative white skinned people, and worse now the police ??

Culture and class 'wars' have waged on for as long as there have been humans. Yet, you are a part of a majority, so it's pretty much a serious lack of critical thinking to believe you are being persecuted. These are seriously lazy pleas to emotion that I, as a Caucasian myself, dismiss. Care to try again?

Are the use of these recent incidents just exactly that "usery" ???? Otherwise usery that could be used by a movement that seeks to deconstruct white power in this country by any means nessesary, and if so why ????? What has led to this REALLY ????

I'd likely say it has a little something to do with white supremacists indiscriminately killing minorities because they feel like entitled Karens. Their shit is the weakest of the weak sauce. They are long past due for their shit getting extremely fucked up by a plethora of minorities, IMO.

The actual fact that we continue to see this separation by skin color has nothing to do with whites, but has everything to do with blacks who want White's head's on a platter these days for the past, but thank God we as white people know that all blacks aren't guilty of this outdated thinking .

No, it means you hope they aren't all guilty, for us poor whitey sake. :auiqs.jpg: Such a bitch move, IMO.

Why is it that blacks are able to have all black this, and all black that today, but whites can't do such a thing, and why ????

What do black people currently have that white people covet? Inquiring minds want to know, Galileo!

It's not adding up folks, and it's looking like we have an unequal situation going on here, and until this bullcrap is straightened out, then how can white people be discriminated against in these unequal ways ?

Umm, because they're not?

It could actually be a situation where as everytime the opportunity arises to twist the knife of vengence just a little bit farther into the wound, and for something that happened years and years ago, it is quickly taken advantage of for vengeful reasons. Now this can be conducted by all colors, and if it is, then all we have to do is just as we have always done, and that is to use the law against them, but give everyone their equal freedoms back, because right now it's not going well. Can't be hypocrite's on these race relations, it just don't work.

Profound stuff. Thanks.
Breaking my post up is a tactic that attempts to take away from the context and full meaning of it or it is that you strain over not having a decent debate rebuttal in regards to it, so break it up eh ??

You're complaining about how I prefer to comment, and now you have the nerve to correct debate rebuttal? Okay..
Tell me something, since you people believe there is system racism in law enforcement, why didn't Obama, Holder and Lynch address it during 8 years of the Obama administration?
Tell me something, since you people believe there is system racism in law enforcement, why didn't Obama, Holder and Lynch address it during 8 years of the Obama administration?
Uff....they did.
How come Obama couldn't fix Chicago?
I've seen that his staff is working on getting him to act interested, so maybe they'll push him out in front of a camera and fire up the teleprompter soon.

In the next week or two, I assume.

At least PRETEND, Mr. President.
If you can’t stand him, then why wonder what he is doing?

He's the President. Those people are usually considered leaders for all the American people, but I know this is a different time.

And anyway, Trumpsters have changed my mind on this. It's probably better, on balance, that he just keeps his mouth shut.

So there ya go!
You just confirmed he is our president of all Americans, even you.

thanks, finally you have seen the light. It’s a start.
Well yes, obviously. The President is the President.

So glad I cleared that up for you.
sidebar - and trying to be honest.

a month ago i could talk to you. you were not 24x7 flippant and out to attack "trumpers". now you won't hear any other viewpoint and accuse others of being closed minded along the way.

what happened?
I've simply given up on asymmetrical online conversations. They bore me to tears. I can see and accurately understand both ends of most issues -- not because I'm "better" or "smarter", but because I'm curious and WANT to understand so that I'm fully comfortable with my views. If I determine that another person is not willing to do the same, my patience with them becomes very short.

In real life, it's much easier to have such conversations.

If only was calming to understand something the same as demonstrating the understanding of something. I understand the proof of the Riemann hypothesis I assure you. No, you can't have the proof.

The fact is to the contrary, most people here understand very well what TDS is and can see this one member having a bad case trying to mop it up by claims of "understanding".
You're a good Trumpster. I'm not trying to convince you of anything.

Of course you aren't., You can't convince me of anything since you have close to zero understanding of any issue you speak off. You have already admitted that you won't even try producing a coherent argument. From what I have seen it is down to ability and nothing else. You should get better... nothing fosters socialist thought more than being a loser who can't compete.
I've seen that his staff is working on getting him to act interested, so maybe they'll push him out in front of a camera and fire up the teleprompter soon.

In the next week or two, I assume.

At least PRETEND, Mr. President.
If you can’t stand him, then why wonder what he is doing?

He's the President. Those people are usually considered leaders for all the American people, but I know this is a different time.

And anyway, Trumpsters have changed my mind on this. It's probably better, on balance, that he just keeps his mouth shut.

So there ya go!
You just confirmed he is our president of all Americans, even you.

thanks, finally you have seen the light. It’s a start.
Well yes, obviously. The President is the President.

So glad I cleared that up for you.
sidebar - and trying to be honest.

a month ago i could talk to you. you were not 24x7 flippant and out to attack "trumpers". now you won't hear any other viewpoint and accuse others of being closed minded along the way.

what happened?
I've simply given up on asymmetrical online conversations. They bore me to tears. I can see and accurately understand both ends of most issues -- not because I'm "better" or "smarter", but because I'm curious and WANT to understand so that I'm fully comfortable with my views. If I determine that another person is not willing to do the same, my patience with them becomes very short.

In real life, it's much easier to have such conversations.

If only was calming to understand something the same as demonstrating the understanding of something. I understand the proof of the Riemann hypothesis I assure you. No, you can't have the proof.

The fact is to the contrary, most people here understand very well what TDS is and can see this one member having a bad case trying to mop it up by claims of "understanding".
You're a good Trumpster. I'm not trying to convince you of anything.

Of course you aren't., You can't convince me of anything since you have close to zero understanding of any issue you speak off. You have already admitted that you won't even try producing a coherent argument. From what I have seen it is down to ability and nothing else. You should get better... nothing fosters socialist thought more than being a loser who can't compete.
Okay great!
I've seen that his staff is working on getting him to act interested, so maybe they'll push him out in front of a camera and fire up the teleprompter soon.

In the next week or two, I assume.

At least PRETEND, Mr. President.
If you can’t stand him, then why wonder what he is doing?

He's the President. Those people are usually considered leaders for all the American people, but I know this is a different time.

And anyway, Trumpsters have changed my mind on this. It's probably better, on balance, that he just keeps his mouth shut.

So there ya go!
You just confirmed he is our president of all Americans, even you.

thanks, finally you have seen the light. It’s a start.
Well yes, obviously. The President is the President.

So glad I cleared that up for you.
sidebar - and trying to be honest.

a month ago i could talk to you. you were not 24x7 flippant and out to attack "trumpers". now you won't hear any other viewpoint and accuse others of being closed minded along the way.

what happened?
I've simply given up on asymmetrical online conversations. They bore me to tears. I can see and accurately understand both ends of most issues -- not because I'm "better" or "smarter", but because I'm curious and WANT to understand so that I'm fully comfortable with my views. If I determine that another person is not willing to do the same, my patience with them becomes very short.

In real life, it's much easier to have such conversations.
then why start a conversation that begs for an indepth answer if that isn't want you want? hell dude - just put VENT/BITCHFEST to start your title and people will know you want to whine, not talk.

i gave you a very solid well thought out response you 100% blew off and then started insulting me and anyone who didn't "give up" like you seem to have.

so please - spare me your BULLSHIT when it comes to people not wanting to talk to you. my VERY FIRST RESPONSE was nothing but that and you were a flippant asshole from reply 1.

so no. you do not want to understand.

no longer buying the bullshit; only what you do.
You asked, I answered. That's what I get, I guess.
yea, you asked initially, i answered with a long post. you replied in less than 3 minutes with snark.

please explain that or just admit valid conversation was never your goal.
I've seen that his staff is working on getting him to act interested, so maybe they'll push him out in front of a camera and fire up the teleprompter soon.

In the next week or two, I assume.

At least PRETEND, Mr. President.
If you can’t stand him, then why wonder what he is doing?

He's the President. Those people are usually considered leaders for all the American people, but I know this is a different time.

And anyway, Trumpsters have changed my mind on this. It's probably better, on balance, that he just keeps his mouth shut.

So there ya go!
You just confirmed he is our president of all Americans, even you.

thanks, finally you have seen the light. It’s a start.
Well yes, obviously. The President is the President.

So glad I cleared that up for you.
sidebar - and trying to be honest.

a month ago i could talk to you. you were not 24x7 flippant and out to attack "trumpers". now you won't hear any other viewpoint and accuse others of being closed minded along the way.

what happened?
I've simply given up on asymmetrical online conversations. They bore me to tears. I can see and accurately understand both ends of most issues -- not because I'm "better" or "smarter", but because I'm curious and WANT to understand so that I'm fully comfortable with my views. If I determine that another person is not willing to do the same, my patience with them becomes very short.

In real life, it's much easier to have such conversations.

If only was calming to understand something the same as demonstrating the understanding of something. I understand the proof of the Riemann hypothesis I assure you. No, you can't have the proof.

The fact is to the contrary, most people here understand very well what TDS is and can see this one member having a bad case trying to mop it up by claims of "understanding".
You're a good Trumpster. I'm not trying to convince you of anything.
all this "good trumpster" really speaks volumes to you, mac. you can't see anyone besides TRUMP yet you don't have TDS.

ok - all you said before about being centric was bullshit.

have a day.
I've seen that his staff is working on getting him to act interested, so maybe they'll push him out in front of a camera and fire up the teleprompter soon.

In the next week or two, I assume.

At least PRETEND, Mr. President.
If you can’t stand him, then why wonder what he is doing?

He's the President. Those people are usually considered leaders for all the American people, but I know this is a different time.

And anyway, Trumpsters have changed my mind on this. It's probably better, on balance, that he just keeps his mouth shut.

So there ya go!
You just confirmed he is our president of all Americans, even you.

thanks, finally you have seen the light. It’s a start.
Well yes, obviously. The President is the President.

So glad I cleared that up for you.
sidebar - and trying to be honest.

a month ago i could talk to you. you were not 24x7 flippant and out to attack "trumpers". now you won't hear any other viewpoint and accuse others of being closed minded along the way.

what happened?
I've simply given up on asymmetrical online conversations. They bore me to tears. I can see and accurately understand both ends of most issues -- not because I'm "better" or "smarter", but because I'm curious and WANT to understand so that I'm fully comfortable with my views. If I determine that another person is not willing to do the same, my patience with them becomes very short.

In real life, it's much easier to have such conversations.
then why start a conversation that begs for an indepth answer if that isn't want you want? hell dude - just put VENT/BITCHFEST to start your title and people will know you want to whine, not talk.

i gave you a very solid well thought out response you 100% blew off and then started insulting me and anyone who didn't "give up" like you seem to have.

so please - spare me your BULLSHIT when it comes to people not wanting to talk to you. my VERY FIRST RESPONSE was nothing but that and you were a flippant asshole from reply 1.

so no. you do not want to understand.

no longer buying the bullshit; only what you do.
You asked, I answered. That's what I get, I guess.
yea, you asked initially, i answered with a long post. you replied in less than 3 minutes with snark.

please explain that or just admit valid conversation was never your goal.

He has already admitted that to me. If I recall correctly, twice in fact.

Mac is a troll who tries to be just a bit more reserved in a poor attempt to convince others that he is not a troll.

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