Where is the wall?

The wall will be built and Mexico will pay for it, plus we'll save hundreds of billions of dollars on top of that.
The Iraq war will only cost $60 billion and will be paid for with Iraqi oil revenues. An oldie but a goodie. That too can be filed under: Stupid things believed by gullible wingnuts.

It was $70 billion idiot and no conservative believed that bull shit. Your deflection aside the wall will be built, the border will be secured, and illegals will be deported. Tissue?
The check from Mexico sure is taking it`s time getting here. Which of our mass shootings would have been prevented with your imaginary wall? We grow and arm our own shooters.

A 17 year old American girl and her father were just killed by a filthy scum illegal, this might have been prevented if Dem's would stop defending illegals who kill and rape Americans. That 6 year old girl an illegal RAPED in her own bed may not have suffered. You should run away and hide now you traitor POS illegal defender.
The wall will be built and Mexico will pay for it, plus we'll save hundreds of billions of dollars on top of that.
Oh yeah? Well then where is it. Hell there doesn't even seem to be a plan. What the hell is trump doing?
That's next round. Relax. It's almost time to go on a campaign circuit again
Campaign circuit? The campaign is long over why hasn't he collected the wall money from Mexico yet?
Neither Trump nor the Republicans want to fund a wall, it is too juicy a dividing issue that they can use to beat their base over the head with and claim 'someone else is stopping us from doing anything even though we control everything'.
I don't want to hear these crap excuses. Mexico is paying not us so whats the hold up?

Mexico told Lying Trump long ago to shove the wall up his ass with hotsauce and cilantro on it. And ever since then Lying Trump has been trying to force it up the asses of the American taxpayer and make us pay for it.

Why don't the bungs that support this leper all pool their money together and pay for it? Pussies.
Trump is going to make us pay for it? No way he promised Mexico would it was the biggest promise of his campaign.

LOL Trump and the words 'kept promise' have never met and never will. They are mutually exclusive. And the morons that still follow him are the same types of people that followed Charles Manson and Jim Jones.

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You would rather keep spending billions on the southern border invasion ? your a moron .
The wall will be built and Mexico will pay for it, plus we'll save hundreds of billions of dollars on top of that.
Oh yeah? Well then where is it. Hell there doesn't even seem to be a plan. What the hell is trump doing?

Its a negotiation just relax team Trump is on it.
Trump needs to get shit done instead of golfing constantly. Why can't he get off his fat ass and go to Mexico to retrieve the wall money.

You libs would squeal like stuck pigs if he did do you think you are fooling anyone with your faux rage? Why don't you try to get a Dem elected and stop getting your ass whooped in elections that would be a productive use of your time sour grapes lib.
That's nice. What about the wall we were promised?

Let me translate your posts, you hate Trump and you hate Trump voters even more. Why not grow a pair and say it, are you too gutless to admit it openly? Why the faux arguments and beating around the bush.
The wall will be built and Mexico will pay for it, plus we'll save hundreds of billions of dollars on top of that.
Oh yeah? Well then where is it. Hell there doesn't even seem to be a plan. What the hell is trump doing?
That's next round. Relax. It's almost time to go on a campaign circuit again
Campaign circuit? The campaign is long over why hasn't he collected the wall money from Mexico yet?
They're waiting on his credit report. It was on Hillarities hard drive with Barry's birth certificate. Things take time in the fourth world. You think this is Switzerland or something ? Sheesh
Oh yeah? Well then where is it. Hell there doesn't even seem to be a plan. What the hell is trump doing?

Its a negotiation just relax team Trump is on it.
Trump needs to get shit done instead of golfing constantly. Why can't he get off his fat ass and go to Mexico to retrieve the wall money.

You libs would squeal like stuck pigs if he did do you think you are fooling anyone with your faux rage? Why don't you try to get a Dem elected and stop getting your ass whooped in elections that would be a productive use of your time sour grapes lib.
That's nice. What about the wall we were promised?

Let me translate your posts, you hate Trump and you hate Trump voters even more. Why not grow a pair and say it, are you too gutless to admit it openly? Why the faux arguments and beating around the bush.
That's nice. What about the wall we were promised?
The wall will be built and Mexico will pay for it, plus we'll save hundreds of billions of dollars on top of that.
Oh yeah? Well then where is it. Hell there doesn't even seem to be a plan. What the hell is trump doing?
That's next round. Relax. It's almost time to go on a campaign circuit again
Campaign circuit? The campaign is long over why hasn't he collected the wall money from Mexico yet?
They're waiting on his credit report. It was on Hillarities hard drive with Barry's birth certificate. Things take time in the fourth world. You think this is Switzerland or something ? Sheesh
Everyone knows trump has bad credit I thought he had a deal Mexico is paying. What gives?
Its a negotiation just relax team Trump is on it.
Trump needs to get shit done instead of golfing constantly. Why can't he get off his fat ass and go to Mexico to retrieve the wall money.

You libs would squeal like stuck pigs if he did do you think you are fooling anyone with your faux rage? Why don't you try to get a Dem elected and stop getting your ass whooped in elections that would be a productive use of your time sour grapes lib.
That's nice. What about the wall we were promised?

Let me translate your posts, you hate Trump and you hate Trump voters even more. Why not grow a pair and say it, are you too gutless to admit it openly? Why the faux arguments and beating around the bush.
That's nice. What about the wall we were promised?

I see you are being a troll, post after post troll responses. I have no further use for you get lost punk.
Oh yeah? Well then where is it. Hell there doesn't even seem to be a plan. What the hell is trump doing?

Its a negotiation just relax team Trump is on it.
Trump needs to get shit done instead of golfing constantly. Why can't he get off his fat ass and go to Mexico to retrieve the wall money.

You libs would squeal like stuck pigs if he did do you think you are fooling anyone with your faux rage? Why don't you try to get a Dem elected and stop getting your ass whooped in elections that would be a productive use of your time sour grapes lib.
That's nice. What about the wall we were promised?

Let me translate your posts, you hate Trump and you hate Trump voters even more. Why not grow a pair and say it, are you too gutless to admit it openly? Why the faux arguments and beating around the bush.
Bush ? He's been out of office a decade
The wall will be built and Mexico will pay for it, plus we'll save hundreds of billions of dollars on top of that.
Oh yeah? Well then where is it. Hell there doesn't even seem to be a plan. What the hell is trump doing?

Its a negotiation just relax team Trump is on it.
Trump needs to get shit done instead of golfing constantly. Why can't he get off his fat ass and go to Mexico to retrieve the wall money.

“Get shit done”?
Where the fuck have you been wack...Trump has got more shit done than any past POTUS did in their first 18 months. Further, his golfing spawns all the great ideas he comes up with to bitch-slap and fuck Lefties over.
Trump needs to get shit done instead of golfing constantly. Why can't he get off his fat ass and go to Mexico to retrieve the wall money.

You libs would squeal like stuck pigs if he did do you think you are fooling anyone with your faux rage? Why don't you try to get a Dem elected and stop getting your ass whooped in elections that would be a productive use of your time sour grapes lib.
That's nice. What about the wall we were promised?

Let me translate your posts, you hate Trump and you hate Trump voters even more. Why not grow a pair and say it, are you too gutless to admit it openly? Why the faux arguments and beating around the bush.
That's nice. What about the wall we were promised?

I see you are being a troll, post after post troll responses. I have no further use for you get lost punk.
Hey there is no need to be a melting snowflake like that. I simply want some answers about the wall, it's going on two years now. I will admit I am growing impatient.
The wall will be built and Mexico will pay for it, plus we'll save hundreds of billions of dollars on top of that.
Oh yeah? Well then where is it. Hell there doesn't even seem to be a plan. What the hell is trump doing?

Its a negotiation just relax team Trump is on it.
Trump needs to get shit done instead of golfing constantly. Why can't he get off his fat ass and go to Mexico to retrieve the wall money.

“Get shit done”?
Where the fuck have you been wack...Trump has got more shit done than any past POTUS did in their first 18 months. Further, his golfing spawns all the great ideas he comes up with to bitch-slap and fuck Lefties over.

These liberal clowns are not worth your time BL, nothing but pathetic trolling and whining :206: Trump won :206: Trump voters are dumb :206: talk about sore losers. I just roll my eyes at them anymore.
You libs would squeal like stuck pigs if he did do you think you are fooling anyone with your faux rage? Why don't you try to get a Dem elected and stop getting your ass whooped in elections that would be a productive use of your time sour grapes lib.
That's nice. What about the wall we were promised?

Let me translate your posts, you hate Trump and you hate Trump voters even more. Why not grow a pair and say it, are you too gutless to admit it openly? Why the faux arguments and beating around the bush.
That's nice. What about the wall we were promised?

I see you are being a troll, post after post troll responses. I have no further use for you get lost punk.
Hey there is no need to be a melting snowflake like that. I simply want some answers about the wall, it's going on two years now. I will admit I am growing impatient.

^^^ :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
The wall will be built and Mexico will pay for it, plus we'll save hundreds of billions of dollars on top of that.
Oh yeah? Well then where is it. Hell there doesn't even seem to be a plan. What the hell is trump doing?

Its a negotiation just relax team Trump is on it.
Trump needs to get shit done instead of golfing constantly. Why can't he get off his fat ass and go to Mexico to retrieve the wall money.

“Get shit done”?
Where the fuck have you been wack...Trump has got more shit done than any past POTUS did in their first 18 months. Further, his golfing spawns all the great ideas he comes up with to bitch-slap and fuck Lefties over.

These liberal clowns are not worth your time BL, nothing but pathetic trolling and whining :206: Trump won :206: Trump voters are dumb :206: talk about sore losers. I just roll my eyes at them anymore.

Haha...I love it. The more Liberal filth bitches the better we know Trump is doing.
It’s when they stop all the crybaby shit that we’ll have to worry.
The wall will be built and Mexico will pay for it, plus we'll save hundreds of billions of dollars on top of that.
Oh yeah? Well then where is it. Hell there doesn't even seem to be a plan. What the hell is trump doing?

Its a negotiation just relax team Trump is on it.
Trump needs to get shit done instead of golfing constantly. Why can't he get off his fat ass and go to Mexico to retrieve the wall money.

“Get shit done”?
Where the fuck have you been wack...Trump has got more shit done than any past POTUS did in their first 18 months. Further, his golfing spawns all the great ideas he comes up with to bitch-slap and fuck Lefties over.
So the pres golfing is good now and it spawns great ideas. I don't buy that excuse how about trump gets off the damn golf course and travels to Mexico to collect the wall money
And where is the money from Mexico?

Trump needs to get his shit together with this, and he better not add it to the national debt like the reckless republicans did with their tax cuts while increasing spending.
Federal deficit is already up $97 billion just 6 months into the year. Will top $1 trillion by the end of the year. We don't need any more.
That's nice. What about the wall we were promised?

Let me translate your posts, you hate Trump and you hate Trump voters even more. Why not grow a pair and say it, are you too gutless to admit it openly? Why the faux arguments and beating around the bush.
That's nice. What about the wall we were promised?

I see you are being a troll, post after post troll responses. I have no further use for you get lost punk.
Hey there is no need to be a melting snowflake like that. I simply want some answers about the wall, it's going on two years now. I will admit I am growing impatient.

^^^ :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
Why are you posting trumps tweet to stormy what does that have to do with the wall?
The wall will be built and Mexico will pay for it, plus we'll save hundreds of billions of dollars on top of that.
Oh yeah? Well then where is it. Hell there doesn't even seem to be a plan. What the hell is trump doing?

Its a negotiation just relax team Trump is on it.
Trump needs to get shit done instead of golfing constantly. Why can't he get off his fat ass and go to Mexico to retrieve the wall money.

“Get shit done”?
Where the fuck have you been wack...Trump has got more shit done than any past POTUS did in their first 18 months. Further, his golfing spawns all the great ideas he comes up with to bitch-slap and fuck Lefties over.

These liberal clowns are not worth your time BL, nothing but pathetic trolling and whining :206: Trump won :206: Trump voters are dumb :206: talk about sore losers. I just roll my eyes at them anymore.
So no wall?
And where is the money from Mexico?

Trump needs to get his shit together with this, and he better not add it to the national debt like the reckless republicans did with their tax cuts while increasing spending.

Nobody seems to care about the magnificent wall anymore

What I care about though is locking Hillary up like the orange saviour promised but nobody seems to care about that either,,,,



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