Where Marijuana Is Legal, Opioid Prescriptions Fall

Oh and some "experts" say pot is addictive. Can you prove them wrong? I can't.

Physical addiction and mental addiction are not the same. Marijuana doesn't give you withdrawals when you stop taking it.

So say some. And others say different. :dunno:

Sure, but those that say different are uninformed idiots.

IYO, right? Bwhahahha!

Yes, in my opinion. I am neither qualified nor equipped to make that claim based on my own research, but I don't have a problem accepting the findings of the AMA and virtually every other credible research organization. Marijuana can be harmful to lungs, and might increase the chances for a heart attack for those who have already had at least one heart attack, but it is not physically addictive. Do you have a credible source that says it is physically addictive, or that you experience physical withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking it?

Never said I did. BUT I did say I was pulling your chain. Did you miss that?
Marijuana is not addictive. I've been smoking it half my life and if it was addictive, I would be addicted by now.

:lol: If you are still smoking it how do you know you aren't?
It's pretty simple, Kat. A pot smoker can stop any time, and not suffer any of the symptoms associated with other drugs like alcohol, nicotine, opioids, etc.
That's not to say he/she won't chase when dry, but, like chocolate, it's very nice, and many people like it.
And it doesn't make you fat!
Get on it!
Physical addiction and mental addiction are not the same. Marijuana doesn't give you withdrawals when you stop taking it.

So say some. And others say different. :dunno:

Sure, but those that say different are uninformed idiots.

IYO, right? Bwhahahha!

Yes, in my opinion. I am neither qualified nor equipped to make that claim based on my own research, but I don't have a problem accepting the findings of the AMA and virtually every other credible research organization. Marijuana can be harmful to lungs, and might increase the chances for a heart attack for those who have already had at least one heart attack, but it is not physically addictive. Do you have a credible source that says it is physically addictive, or that you experience physical withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking it?

Never said I did. BUT I did say I was pulling your chain. Did you miss that?

I noticed that. I usually don't call it pulling my chain, but you can call it anything you want. Just don't stop yet..
Tis not! Maybe I used a bad comparison, but not THAT bad. Still drugs are drugs are drugs.

Oh and some "experts" say pot is addictive. Can you prove them wrong? I can't.
mentally addictive.
You guys are a hoot. Well, some of you are. I swear you'd argue over the shade of purple. I was pulling chains, and you fell. Not that I didn't mean it. Or did I?? :eusa_think:
Is the healthcare forum a proper place for a MOD to troll?
I wonder why big pharma lobbies against legal marijuana. :eusa_think:

Where Marijuana Is Legal, Opioid Prescriptions Fall

As more states legalize medical and recreational marijuana, doctors may be replacing opioid prescriptions with suggestions to visit a local marijuana dispensary. Two papers published Monday in JAMA Internal Medicine analyzing more than five years of Medicare Part D and Medicaid prescription data found that after states legalized weed, the number of opioid prescriptions and the daily dose of opioids went way down.
Not at all surprising but thank you for the post!
Tis not! Maybe I used a bad comparison, but not THAT bad. Still drugs are drugs are drugs.

Oh and some "experts" say pot is addictive. Can you prove them wrong? I can't.
Uhhh, no, they are not. Unless you are saying caffeine is meth and acne pills are heroin.
You can debate whether Pot is addictive or not. It certainly has a strong appeal to it's users that appears to be psychological. But what is undeniable is no one has ever died from a Marijuana overdose.

You 100% positive? :lol:

Yes - there was one guy in Seattle who OD'd on edibles and jumped off a balcony.

Probably suicidal already.
I stopped the opioid prescription madness four years ago and haven't regretted one minute.....Hand me the bong son...
One of my favorite drugs is Visine allergy relief eye drops, so trippin' man...
I will, 9 times out of 10, pick pot over medications. I enjoy the natural thing. Not man made bullshit that will get you so addicted you will kill for it.
But by gawd big pharma called a flower a drug so NOPE! US FASCISTS MUST BAN THE FLOWER because we know whats better for you than you do. And by gawd opiates are the shit!
Did i get that right? :rolleyes:

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