Where's That $4000 Raise Republicans Promised Workers?

This thread shows that all the whining about the debt by "fiscal conservatives" is fake. They only care about tax cuts, national debt be damned.

Neither Party cares about the Debt. The Swamp Creatures who run both Parties, are addicted to spending other peoples' money. It is what it is.
This thread shows that all the whining about the debt by "fiscal conservatives" is fake. They only care about tax cuts, national debt be damned.

Neither Party cares about the Debt. The Swamp Creatures who run both Parties, are addicted to spending other peoples' money. It is what it is.
Can't argue against that. I just wanted to highlight that the right caring about the debt is a myth. I guess nowadays it is more a disagreement about where that debt money goes.
Where's my 8 years of $2500/year Obamacare savings?

I saved a lot more than 2500 a year because of Obamacare.

I have employer provided insurance. All Obamacare did was make it much better.

I no longer had to pay for a colonoscopy which was 5 grand every 5 years. The only way my insurance would previously cover it was if there was a problem or they found polyps in the images. If it was preventative like for my ex who's dad had colon cancer and it's hereditary. He had to have regular colonoscopies because of that but the insurance company didn't pay for it because there were no symptoms and no polys were found.

I no longer had to pay a portion of the MRI mammogram I have to have once a year which saves me a lot of money.

I no longer have a co pay on any mammogram. Which saves me money.

I no longer have to pay for any preventative health care services such as flu shots, mammogram, colonoscopy and many other health care services I used to have to pay for.

Which has added up to much more than 2500 dollars a year.

My premiums didn't increase in the Obama years either. My premium increased for the first time since the bush boy years this year. It always seems to increase in republican presidential years but stays stable in democratic presidential years.
You do not get the $4000.00 if your on welfare, you have to get off your brains and go get a job, they are everywhere.:113:

Where's my 8 years of $2500/year Obamacare savings?

I saved a lot more than 2500 a year because of Obamacare.

I have employer provided insurance. All Obamacare did was make it much better.

I no longer had to pay for a colonoscopy which was 5 grand every 5 years. The only way my insurance would previously cover it was if there was a problem or they found polyps in the images. If it was preventative like for my ex who's dad had colon cancer and it's hereditary. He had to have regular colonoscopies because of that but the insurance company didn't pay for it because there were no symptoms and no polys were found.

I no longer had to pay a portion of the MRI mammogram I have to have once a year which saves me a lot of money.

I no longer have a co pay on any mammogram. Which saves me money.

I no longer have to pay for any preventative health care services such as flu shots, mammogram, colonoscopy and many other health care services I used to have to pay for.

Which has added up to much more than 2500 dollars a year.

My premiums didn't increase in the Obama years either. My premium increased for the first time since the bush boy years this year. It always seems to increase in republican presidential years but stays stable in democratic presidential years.

Which has added up to much more than 2500 dollars a year.


Maybe you can send me the $2500 a year Obama promised?
Where's my 8 years of $2500/year Obamacare savings?

I saved a lot more than 2500 a year because of Obamacare.

I have employer provided insurance. All Obamacare did was make it much better.

I no longer had to pay for a colonoscopy which was 5 grand every 5 years. The only way my insurance would previously cover it was if there was a problem or they found polyps in the images. If it was preventative like for my ex who's dad had colon cancer and it's hereditary. He had to have regular colonoscopies because of that but the insurance company didn't pay for it because there were no symptoms and no polys were found.

I no longer had to pay a portion of the MRI mammogram I have to have once a year which saves me a lot of money.

I no longer have a co pay on any mammogram. Which saves me money.

I no longer have to pay for any preventative health care services such as flu shots, mammogram, colonoscopy and many other health care services I used to have to pay for.

Which has added up to much more than 2500 dollars a year.

My premiums didn't increase in the Obama years either. My premium increased for the first time since the bush boy years this year. It always seems to increase in republican presidential years but stays stable in democratic presidential years.

Yes, you saved a lot of money; money paid by other people. That's how liberalism/ socialism works.
This thread shows that all the whining about the debt by "fiscal conservatives" is fake. They only care about tax cuts, national debt be damned.

Neither Party cares about the Debt. The Swamp Creatures who run both Parties, are addicted to spending other peoples' money. It is what it is.

I don't know if it's an addiction, but I think economist Walter E Williams once explained it best. He said:

"I am going to run for the House or Senate. My platform will be I will bring no money back to our state. How many of you would honestly vote for me?"
This thread shows that all the whining about the debt by "fiscal conservatives" is fake. They only care about tax cuts, national debt be damned.

Neither Party cares about the Debt. The Swamp Creatures who run both Parties, are addicted to spending other peoples' money. It is what it is.
Can't argue against that. I just wanted to highlight that the right caring about the debt is a myth. I guess nowadays it is more a disagreement about where that debt money goes.

I don't know where you get your data....but I whine about debt all the time.

Nobody seems to really care.

S.S. and Medicare are sucking up more and more.

Our kids are totally screwed.

But we worry about to much other crap.
“Where’s that $4,000 Raise the GOP Promised Workers?”

It went to corporations to increase profits and enrich investors.

Only an idiot would believe Trump and his false claim that the GOP tax scam would in any way benefit workers.

IT DID????

Good thing my IRA is invested in the market where I am an enriched investor. Certainly can't depend on SS to hold me through my senior years.
This thread shows that all the whining about the debt by "fiscal conservatives" is fake. They only care about tax cuts, national debt be damned.

Neither Party cares about the Debt. The Swamp Creatures who run both Parties, are addicted to spending other peoples' money. It is what it is.
Can't argue against that. I just wanted to highlight that the right caring about the debt is a myth. I guess nowadays it is more a disagreement about where that debt money goes.

I don't know where you get your data....but I whine about debt all the time.

Nobody seems to really care.

S.S. and Medicare are sucking up more and more.

Our kids are totally screwed.

But we worry about to much other crap.
It's unfortunate how older generations put it all on a tab for their children to pay for. I'm blaming the uncaring on baby boomers doing tons of drugs and suffering from lead poisoning.
This thread shows that all the whining about the debt by "fiscal conservatives" is fake. They only care about tax cuts, national debt be damned.

Neither Party cares about the Debt. The Swamp Creatures who run both Parties, are addicted to spending other peoples' money. It is what it is.
Can't argue against that. I just wanted to highlight that the right caring about the debt is a myth. I guess nowadays it is more a disagreement about where that debt money goes.

I don't know where you get your data....but I whine about debt all the time.

Nobody seems to really care.

S.S. and Medicare are sucking up more and more.

Our kids are totally screwed.

But we worry about to much other crap.
It's unfortunate how older generations put it all on a tab for their children to pay for. I'm blaming the uncaring on baby boomers doing tons of drugs and suffering from lead poisoning.

Yup, it's also unfortunate so many in the younger generation expect the older generation to pay their way.
Eight years of bad economics policy under Obama does not justify continued bad economics under Trump. It would be as good as saying it's okay to beat your wife because the guy before you beat her too.
Trump, a Wharton School of economics alumnus, has implemented very sound economic policy.

Professor Kelly said about trump....."“Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had.”

Former Wharton Professor: 'Trump Was the Dumbest G*ddamn Student I Ever Had'

If he was Trump's professor, he would have to be well into his 90s and probably senile.
Last year Medicare Trust fund was solvent through 2029, This year it's projected broken by 2026. Trump has racked up 3 more years worth of debt in 1 year!!!
When Republicans in Congress passed a big, fat tax break bill in December, they insisted it meant American workers would be singing “Happy Days Are Here Again” all the way to the bank.

The payoff from the tax cut would be raises totaling $4,000 to $9,000, the President’s Council of Economic Advisors assured workers.

But something bad happened to workers on their way to the repository. They never got that money.

In fact, their real wages declined because of higher inflation. At the same time, the amount workers had to pay in interest on loans for cars and credit cards increased. And, to top it off, Republicans threatened to make workers pay for the tax break with cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

Where’s that $4,000 Raise the GOP Promised Workers?
My wife and I got ours.

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