Where's That $4000 Raise Republicans Promised Workers?

Can't argue against that. I just wanted to highlight that the right caring about the debt is a myth. I guess nowadays it is more a disagreement about where that debt money goes.

I don't know where you get your data....but I whine about debt all the time.

Nobody seems to really care.

S.S. and Medicare are sucking up more and more.

Our kids are totally screwed.

But we worry about to much other crap.

Excuse me, but SS and Medicare are paid into and are sucking nothing out of the government. I get SS and guess what? Even it is taxed. I worked from age 19 until I retired and paid into SS and Medicare every one of those years. SS has a surplus and would have even more if the GOP didn't rob from it to fund the Iraq war. And they never paid it back.

I think you have no idea what you're talking about. Go back a couple years into DumBama, and you will see he reduced the employee and employer deductions for SS on every working person and company in the US for a period of time. I don't know what that could have cost us, but I'm sure it was quite a bit.

Now it's Education Time. From one of your very own, Politifact:

Did George W. Bush 'borrow' from Social Security to fund the war in Iraq and tax cuts?
Bush hid expenses, Obama was honest about it.
Obama Bans Gimmicks, and Deficit Will Rise

Really? You are going to use this pathetic piece from the NYT to support your case? I used Politifact, a very leftist fact checking source and even they admitted Bush didn't do anything any other President did. He didn't hide anything.

Bush ran up massive debt, but DumBama doubled what Bush ran up.
The politifact article is true, it is about using social security to fund the war which is false. The times article is also true, it is about how the Bush administration hid the costs of the war on terror.
Can't argue against that. I just wanted to highlight that the right caring about the debt is a myth. I guess nowadays it is more a disagreement about where that debt money goes.

I don't know where you get your data....but I whine about debt all the time.

Nobody seems to really care.

S.S. and Medicare are sucking up more and more.

Our kids are totally screwed.

But we worry about to much other crap.
It's unfortunate how older generations put it all on a tab for their children to pay for. I'm blaming the uncaring on baby boomers doing tons of drugs and suffering from lead poisoning.

Wheels, there is a lot of truth to that. Nobody ever expected more for giving and doing less than boomers!

We boomers only expected what was promised to us. Shows what happens when you trust government.
You guys have used government for low taxes with govt benefits for years and ran up the debt. Time to be responsible and pay your way for once.

We started government benefits? When was that? Commie Care was a Republican benefit? We are going to spend more than a trillion on that alone. Food stamps, the program DumBama doubled? Republicans are responsible for that?

Government benefits are the act of Democrats--not Republicans. With the exception of Medicare part D which we Republicans were against, most all other programs were started by Democrats.
I don't know where you get your data....but I whine about debt all the time.

Nobody seems to really care.

S.S. and Medicare are sucking up more and more.

Our kids are totally screwed.

But we worry about to much other crap.

Excuse me, but SS and Medicare are paid into and are sucking nothing out of the government. I get SS and guess what? Even it is taxed. I worked from age 19 until I retired and paid into SS and Medicare every one of those years. SS has a surplus and would have even more if the GOP didn't rob from it to fund the Iraq war. And they never paid it back.

I think you have no idea what you're talking about. Go back a couple years into DumBama, and you will see he reduced the employee and employer deductions for SS on every working person and company in the US for a period of time. I don't know what that could have cost us, but I'm sure it was quite a bit.

Now it's Education Time. From one of your very own, Politifact:

Did George W. Bush 'borrow' from Social Security to fund the war in Iraq and tax cuts?
Bush hid expenses, Obama was honest about it.
Obama Bans Gimmicks, and Deficit Will Rise

Really? You are going to use this pathetic piece from the NYT to support your case? I used Politifact, a very leftist fact checking source and even they admitted Bush didn't do anything any other President did. He didn't hide anything.

Bush ran up massive debt, but DumBama doubled what Bush ran up.
The politifact article is true, it is about using social security to fund the war which is false. The times article is also true, it is about how the Bush administration hid the costs of the war on terror.

You cannot hide costs. If the government spends money, it's public record.
I don't know where you get your data....but I whine about debt all the time.

Nobody seems to really care.

S.S. and Medicare are sucking up more and more.

Our kids are totally screwed.

But we worry about to much other crap.
It's unfortunate how older generations put it all on a tab for their children to pay for. I'm blaming the uncaring on baby boomers doing tons of drugs and suffering from lead poisoning.

Wheels, there is a lot of truth to that. Nobody ever expected more for giving and doing less than boomers!

We boomers only expected what was promised to us. Shows what happens when you trust government.
You guys have used government for low taxes with govt benefits for years and ran up the debt. Time to be responsible and pay your way for once.

We started government benefits? When was that? Commie Care was a Republican benefit? We are going to spend more than a trillion on that alone. Food stamps, the program DumBama doubled? Republicans are responsible for that?

Government benefits are the act of Democrats--not Republicans. With the exception of Medicare part D which we Republicans were against, most all other programs were started by Democrats.
So are all of these programs wrong? Or which ones do you think are not needed.
It's unfortunate how older generations put it all on a tab for their children to pay for. I'm blaming the uncaring on baby boomers doing tons of drugs and suffering from lead poisoning.

Wheels, there is a lot of truth to that. Nobody ever expected more for giving and doing less than boomers!

We boomers only expected what was promised to us. Shows what happens when you trust government.
You guys have used government for low taxes with govt benefits for years and ran up the debt. Time to be responsible and pay your way for once.

We started government benefits? When was that? Commie Care was a Republican benefit? We are going to spend more than a trillion on that alone. Food stamps, the program DumBama doubled? Republicans are responsible for that?

Government benefits are the act of Democrats--not Republicans. With the exception of Medicare part D which we Republicans were against, most all other programs were started by Democrats.
So are all of these programs wrong? Or which ones do you think are not needed.

Wrong...or the best answer.
It's unfortunate how older generations put it all on a tab for their children to pay for. I'm blaming the uncaring on baby boomers doing tons of drugs and suffering from lead poisoning.

Wheels, there is a lot of truth to that. Nobody ever expected more for giving and doing less than boomers!

We boomers only expected what was promised to us. Shows what happens when you trust government.

S.S. was never supposed to be a person's primary retirement vehicle. Of course, the poor could live much better on what the wealthy will get while they (the poor will get little).

Great fucking system.

You only get what you pay into. The only thing boomers are expecting is just that. SS is a forced deduction system. It's a program that you must be in whether you like it or not. Trust me, I would have rather had my money in a secure conservative growth account than SS that barely gains any interest at all.

Not entirely true. If that were the case, it would be a personalized system. Which it isn't.

Those who created it, fucked our children.

Yes they did, but when people are forced to pay into a program, they only want what was promised to them for participating whether it was optional or not. Yes, I want my SS check when I retire in a few years. Why would I pay into a system and not want anything back? That would be stupid.

But because I understood that it won't be enough to live on, I've had an IRA for over 20 years. I invested in real estate and provided I can continue being a landlord in my upcoming years, my rental income will assist in what I collect on SS and my IRA.
It's unfortunate how older generations put it all on a tab for their children to pay for. I'm blaming the uncaring on baby boomers doing tons of drugs and suffering from lead poisoning.

Wheels, there is a lot of truth to that. Nobody ever expected more for giving and doing less than boomers!

We boomers only expected what was promised to us. Shows what happens when you trust government.
You guys have used government for low taxes with govt benefits for years and ran up the debt. Time to be responsible and pay your way for once.

We started government benefits? When was that? Commie Care was a Republican benefit? We are going to spend more than a trillion on that alone. Food stamps, the program DumBama doubled? Republicans are responsible for that?

Government benefits are the act of Democrats--not Republicans. With the exception of Medicare part D which we Republicans were against, most all other programs were started by Democrats.
So are all of these programs wrong? Or which ones do you think are not needed.

I think none of them are needed. With the exception of taking care of people who are physically or mentally incapable of earning an income, we shouldn't' have any social programs and if we did, should not be run by the federal government. States should handle their own government benefits if there are to be any.
Wheels, there is a lot of truth to that. Nobody ever expected more for giving and doing less than boomers!

We boomers only expected what was promised to us. Shows what happens when you trust government.

S.S. was never supposed to be a person's primary retirement vehicle. Of course, the poor could live much better on what the wealthy will get while they (the poor will get little).

Great fucking system.

You only get what you pay into. The only thing boomers are expecting is just that. SS is a forced deduction system. It's a program that you must be in whether you like it or not. Trust me, I would have rather had my money in a secure conservative growth account than SS that barely gains any interest at all.

Not entirely true. If that were the case, it would be a personalized system. Which it isn't.

Those who created it, fucked our children.

Yes they did, but when people are forced to pay into a program, they only want what was promised to them for participating whether it was optional or not. Yes, I want my SS check when I retire in a few years. Why would I pay into a system and not want anything back? That would be stupid.

But because I understood that it won't be enough to live on, I've had an IRA for over 20 years. I invested in real estate and provided I can continue being a landlord in my upcoming years, my rental income will assist in what I collect on SS and my IRA.
You are smart. I'm a landlord too. Would you consider it fair that boomers take a cut to ss considering the massive govt debt they have ran up? Why should future generations have to pay for your debt?
Wheels, there is a lot of truth to that. Nobody ever expected more for giving and doing less than boomers!

We boomers only expected what was promised to us. Shows what happens when you trust government.
You guys have used government for low taxes with govt benefits for years and ran up the debt. Time to be responsible and pay your way for once.

We started government benefits? When was that? Commie Care was a Republican benefit? We are going to spend more than a trillion on that alone. Food stamps, the program DumBama doubled? Republicans are responsible for that?

Government benefits are the act of Democrats--not Republicans. With the exception of Medicare part D which we Republicans were against, most all other programs were started by Democrats.
So are all of these programs wrong? Or which ones do you think are not needed.

I think none of them are needed. With the exception of taking care of people who are physically or mentally incapable of earning an income, we shouldn't' have any social programs and if we did, should not be run by the federal government. States should handle their own government benefits if there are to be any.
We need to suspend SS and medicare immediately then until the debt is paid back. The boomer gravy train is over.
I think you have no idea what you're talking about. Go back a couple years into DumBama, and you will see he reduced the employee and employer deductions for SS on every working person and company in the US for a period of time. I don't know what that could have cost us, but I'm sure it was quite a bit.

Now it's Education Time. From one of your very own, Politifact:

Did George W. Bush 'borrow' from Social Security to fund the war in Iraq and tax cuts?
Bush hid expenses, Obama was honest about it.
Obama Bans Gimmicks, and Deficit Will Rise

Bush hid expenses, Obama was honest about it.

Every dollar Bush spent was budgeted by Congress and hit the deficit and debt.

Obama Bans Gimmicks, and Deficit Will Rise

The deficit rose because of the spending, not because any gimmick was ended.
Sure we will just take your word for it :link:

Show me how a Bush gimmick hid any expenses and I'll be happy to show you your error.
Obama Bans Gimmicks, and Deficit Will Rise

Show me how a Bush gimmick hid any expenses and I'll be happy to show you your error.

has banned four accounting gimmicks that President George W. Bush used to make deficit projections look smaller.

Projections? LOL!
You see your error yet?

As for war costs, Mr. Bush included little or none in his annual military budgets, instead routinely asking Congress for supplemental appropriations during the year.

Supplemental appropriations. You see your error yet?
Bush hid expenses, Obama was honest about it.
Obama Bans Gimmicks, and Deficit Will Rise

Bush hid expenses, Obama was honest about it.

Every dollar Bush spent was budgeted by Congress and hit the deficit and debt.

Obama Bans Gimmicks, and Deficit Will Rise

The deficit rose because of the spending, not because any gimmick was ended.
Sure we will just take your word for it :link:

Show me how a Bush gimmick hid any expenses and I'll be happy to show you your error.
Obama Bans Gimmicks, and Deficit Will Rise

Show me how a Bush gimmick hid any expenses and I'll be happy to show you your error.

has banned four accounting gimmicks that President George W. Bush used to make deficit projections look smaller.

Projections? LOL!
You see your error yet?

As for war costs, Mr. Bush included little or none in his annual military budgets, instead routinely asking Congress for supplemental appropriations during the year.

Supplemental appropriations. You see your error yet?
Still all words from you and no links to refute this link of truth:
Obama Bans Gimmicks, and Deficit Will Rise
When Republicans in Congress passed a big, fat tax break bill in December, they insisted it meant American workers would be singing “Happy Days Are Here Again” all the way to the bank.

The payoff from the tax cut would be raises totaling $4,000 to $9,000, the President’s Council of Economic Advisors assured workers.

But something bad happened to workers on their way to the repository. They never got that money.

In fact, their real wages declined because of higher inflation. At the same time, the amount workers had to pay in interest on loans for cars and credit cards increased. And, to top it off, Republicans threatened to make workers pay for the tax break with cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

Where’s that $4,000 Raise the GOP Promised Workers?

The “workers” are still waithing for their healthcare to grow down by $2,500 per year. Plus, the “workers” have more and better paying jobs vs. that guy as McCain would say.
At least Healthcare did not Explode like under Republican presidents,
Neither Party cares about the Debt. The Swamp Creatures who run both Parties, are addicted to spending other peoples' money. It is what it is.
Can't argue against that. I just wanted to highlight that the right caring about the debt is a myth. I guess nowadays it is more a disagreement about where that debt money goes.

I don't know where you get your data....but I whine about debt all the time.

Nobody seems to really care.

S.S. and Medicare are sucking up more and more.

Our kids are totally screwed.

But we worry about to much other crap.
It's unfortunate how older generations put it all on a tab for their children to pay for. I'm blaming the uncaring on baby boomers doing tons of drugs and suffering from lead poisoning.

Wheels, there is a lot of truth to that. Nobody ever expected more for giving and doing less than boomers!

We boomers only expected what was promised to us. Shows what happens when you trust government.

Actually boomers as a whole believe they are owed far more than they put in, far more.
It's unfortunate how older generations put it all on a tab for their children to pay for. I'm blaming the uncaring on baby boomers doing tons of drugs and suffering from lead poisoning.

Wheels, there is a lot of truth to that. Nobody ever expected more for giving and doing less than boomers!

We boomers only expected what was promised to us. Shows what happens when you trust government.
You guys have used government for low taxes with govt benefits for years and ran up the debt. Time to be responsible and pay your way for once.

We started government benefits? When was that? Commie Care was a Republican benefit? We are going to spend more than a trillion on that alone. Food stamps, the program DumBama doubled? Republicans are responsible for that?

Government benefits are the act of Democrats--not Republicans. With the exception of Medicare part D which we Republicans were against, most all other programs were started by Democrats.
So are all of these programs wrong? Or which ones do you think are not needed.

I can answer this one for you easily wheels. Anything that does not benefit Ray should be abolished. If it benefits Ray not only is it great, it had to be a Rethugicon initiative.
Can't argue against that. I just wanted to highlight that the right caring about the debt is a myth. I guess nowadays it is more a disagreement about where that debt money goes.

I don't know where you get your data....but I whine about debt all the time.

Nobody seems to really care.

S.S. and Medicare are sucking up more and more.

Our kids are totally screwed.

But we worry about to much other crap.
It's unfortunate how older generations put it all on a tab for their children to pay for. I'm blaming the uncaring on baby boomers doing tons of drugs and suffering from lead poisoning.

Wheels, there is a lot of truth to that. Nobody ever expected more for giving and doing less than boomers!

We boomers only expected what was promised to us. Shows what happens when you trust government.

Actually boomers as a whole believe they are owed far more than they put in, far more.

I don't know where you get that idea; at least with Republican boomers. From my discussions, we always thought SS was a ripoff, and Medicare has been ripping off healthcare providers for many years. That's one of the main reasons our private health insurance is so high.
We boomers only expected what was promised to us. Shows what happens when you trust government.
You guys have used government for low taxes with govt benefits for years and ran up the debt. Time to be responsible and pay your way for once.

We started government benefits? When was that? Commie Care was a Republican benefit? We are going to spend more than a trillion on that alone. Food stamps, the program DumBama doubled? Republicans are responsible for that?

Government benefits are the act of Democrats--not Republicans. With the exception of Medicare part D which we Republicans were against, most all other programs were started by Democrats.
So are all of these programs wrong? Or which ones do you think are not needed.

I think none of them are needed. With the exception of taking care of people who are physically or mentally incapable of earning an income, we shouldn't' have any social programs and if we did, should not be run by the federal government. States should handle their own government benefits if there are to be any.
We need to suspend SS and medicare immediately then until the debt is paid back. The boomer gravy train is over.

So you're saying screw the people who have paid into these programs their entire working lives; just take their money and don't give them anything back. Yep, that would be the Democrat way.
We boomers only expected what was promised to us. Shows what happens when you trust government.

S.S. was never supposed to be a person's primary retirement vehicle. Of course, the poor could live much better on what the wealthy will get while they (the poor will get little).

Great fucking system.

You only get what you pay into. The only thing boomers are expecting is just that. SS is a forced deduction system. It's a program that you must be in whether you like it or not. Trust me, I would have rather had my money in a secure conservative growth account than SS that barely gains any interest at all.

Not entirely true. If that were the case, it would be a personalized system. Which it isn't.

Those who created it, fucked our children.

Yes they did, but when people are forced to pay into a program, they only want what was promised to them for participating whether it was optional or not. Yes, I want my SS check when I retire in a few years. Why would I pay into a system and not want anything back? That would be stupid.

But because I understood that it won't be enough to live on, I've had an IRA for over 20 years. I invested in real estate and provided I can continue being a landlord in my upcoming years, my rental income will assist in what I collect on SS and my IRA.
You are smart. I'm a landlord too. Would you consider it fair that boomers take a cut to ss considering the massive govt debt they have ran up? Why should future generations have to pay for your debt?

Boomers didn't run up the debt, politicians on both sides did. The left started these Ponzi schemes many years ago, and like any other social program, once you put it in place, it's impossible to get rid of. I call it my Raccoon theory.

You see a raccoon digging in your garbage can, so you go inside the house and fetch that half ham you were going to throw away anyhow. The animal eats in delight knowing you gave him his meal. Now give it about ten seconds and try to take that ham back.

Politicians (particularly on the left) have been aware of my Raccoon Theory for decades now. Even when Republicans get in power, they know that taking that ham away will only get you bit. Look at the hysteria over Commie Care now, and that's a ham that's only been in place for a couple of years.

The problem is the federal government should not be creating and maintaining these social programs, that's for the state to do if they want.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right to expend on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

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