Where's the evidence of 15 years of temperature stagnation?

In a thread titled something like "More Good News on the Global Temperature Front", a conservative talking point was brought up that now appears to be widely accepted. It's that global temperatures haven't risen for the last 15 years. In that thread, the following NCDC site was given as evidence:

Climate at a Glance | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

Visually, the chart that is shown certainly seems to have risen in the last 15 years but all doubt is removed if you select years 1999 - 2014 and click the 'Display Trend' button.

So where did this erroneous notion come from that temperatures haven't risen in 15 years?

well the nation is headed for another polar freeze down next week

does that help

could be some new cold weather records broke


'Polar Vortex' in July: Record Cold Weather on the Way to U.S.
OMG I went back and did the following plot:

Parameter: Average Temperature

Time Scale: 12-Month

Start Year: 1998

State/Region: Contiguous U.S. Climate Division/City: All 48 States

Guess what it showed? -.33 oF/ decade.

I am not making this up it is for all of you to see.

Um, no. You still see an ascending trend line. Even after you pick the massive outlier of the 1998 as your baseline. Even after you omit all sea measurements for no particular reason. Even after you omit all land measurements outside the US for no reason at all.....

....you STILL get an an ascending trendline. Its only when you omit all trendline data before 1998 that you see a descending trendline. And only if in the contiguous US. And only if we omit all sea measurements. And only if we use your outlier year.

And of course, why would you omit the globe when looking at trendlines on global temperature? Its not like the atmosphere just stops at the US border. And why would we ignore the sea measurements? They're the single largest repository of thermal energy on our planet's surface. When we don't omit these ridiculously relevant factors, we see....

....wait for it.....

An ascending trendline! And if we go back to say, 1990 instead of picking your outlier year, we get a much steeper trendline. Predictably ascending.

But our temperatures aren't rising, huh?
Do you not understand your theory?

Is the more CO2 raises temperature just bs

The mechanism of CO2 absobtion and re-radiation is perfectly understood. That's the type of experiment you could do in a lab. You could also predict how much energy would be needed to raise a variety of materials by a certain temperature. You tell me what part of the other atmospheric processes that are involved in temperature rise could be performed in a lab. The processes are too large and complex. You need computer models of the entire process to make those predictions.

but you can't test for the actual effects a 120PPM increase has on temperature or pH because.....?



We can and do literally point our measuring instruments up at the sky (or down at the sky in the case of the SABER instrument on the TIMED satellite) and measure the level of IR radiation from the CO2 in our atmosphere. It radiates at an extremely specific frequency. And that IR radiation from CO2 is increasing as our atmospheric CO2 concentrations increase.

O2 and N2, the gasses that make up roughly 99% of our atmosphere don't absorb infrared radiation. Not coming in, not going out. That's why they're not greenhouse gasses. CO2 does absorb infrared radiation. Quite efficiently. And it reradiates it. Some of that reradiated IR energy going back to our planet's surface when it would have otherwise vented off into space.

And its that little extra every minute of every hour of every day that is slowly but surely increasing our global temperatures.

We can literally point an instrument up at the sky, tune it to the specific frequency of Infrared Radiation that CO2 emits and go 'huh, that's higher than it was 20 years ago'.
I don't really know what the hell you are looking at skyler but here are the numbers from the NOAA site. I am not making them up but one of us must be.

Dates Value Rank Anomaly (53.91°F)

1998-2000 Base Period

199706 - 199805 53.08°F 8 -0.83°F
199806 - 199905 54.16°F 14 0.25°F
199906 - 200005 54.50°F 16 0.59°F
200006 - 200105 52.23°F 2 -1.68°F
200106 - 200205 53.73°F 13 -0.18°F
200206 - 200305 53.09°F 9 -0.82°F
200306 - 200405 53.60°F 12 -0.31°F
200406 - 200505 53.06°F 7 -0.85°F
200506 - 200605 54.34°F 15 0.43°F
200606 - 200705 53.45°F 11 -0.46°F
200706 - 200805 53.01°F 6 -0.90°F
200806 - 200905 52.85°F 5 -1.06°F
200906 - 201005 52.05°F 1 -1.86°F
201006 - 201105 52.80°F 4 -1.11°F
201106 - 201205 55.29°F 17 1.38°F
201206 - 201305 53.31°F 10 -0.60°F
201306 - 201405 52.23°F 2 -1.68°F

Don't know what more I can do for you. I provided the site which is totally objective, the numbers could have gone either way. I bolded the years that were higher then 1998 which was .25 abnormally. If you trend 1998 to 2014 it is clearly a downward trend the chart even tells you that much. Now, I am not agreeing with you, but if I did agree that 1998 was a outlier that does not change what was asked in the OP. The question was to show evidence of stagnation, that is what NOAA has done, the fact that you disagree is not only understandable but irrelevant to the OP question.
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In a thread titled something like "More Good News on the Global Temperature Front", a conservative talking point was brought up that now appears to be widely accepted. It's that global temperatures haven't risen for the last 15 years. In that thread, the following NCDC site was given as evidence:

Climate at a Glance | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

Visually, the chart that is shown certainly seems to have risen in the last 15 years but all doubt is removed if you select years 1999 - 2014 and click the 'Display Trend' button.

So where did this erroneous notion come from that temperatures haven't risen in 15 years?

well the nation is headed for another polar freeze down next week

does that help

could be some new cold weather records broke


'Polar Vortex' in July: Record Cold Weather on the Way to U.S.

Remember, when it comes to climate change, climate disruption or Global Warming, weather doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that weather is used to measure the effects and prove CC/CD/GW other then that it is meaningless.
The mechanism of CO2 absobtion and re-radiation is perfectly understood. That's the type of experiment you could do in a lab. You could also predict how much energy would be needed to raise a variety of materials by a certain temperature. You tell me what part of the other atmospheric processes that are involved in temperature rise could be performed in a lab. The processes are too large and complex. You need computer models of the entire process to make those predictions.

but you can't test for the actual effects a 120PPM increase has on temperature or pH because.....?



We can and do literally point our measuring instruments up at the sky (or down at the sky in the case of the SABER instrument on the TIMED satellite) and measure the level of IR radiation from the CO2 in our atmosphere. It radiates at an extremely specific frequency. And that IR radiation from CO2 is increasing as our atmospheric CO2 concentrations increase.

O2 and N2, the gasses that make up roughly 99% of our atmosphere don't absorb infrared radiation. Not coming in, not going out. That's why they're not greenhouse gasses. CO2 does absorb infrared radiation. Quite efficiently. And it reradiates it. Some of that reradiated IR energy going back to our planet's surface when it would have otherwise vented off into space.

And its that little extra every minute of every hour of every day that is slowly but surely increasing our global temperatures.

We can literally point an instrument up at the sky, tune it to the specific frequency of Infrared Radiation that CO2 emits and go 'huh, that's higher than it was 20 years ago'.

You fuckers avoid the lab like Dracula greeting the rising Sun.

It's a simple experiment: how much of an increase in temperature and decrease in ocean pH is caused by a 120PPM increase in CO2?

Would it be great to have lab work that shows the temperature increase and lowered pH at 20PPM increments?

Yet, that works exists nowhere in the AGWCult Universe....hmmm wonder why?

Is the lab cruel to your theory?

Has the AGWCult tried these experiments to no result?

And for all these new instruments, why do you keep "Homogenizing" the data?
I just did the trend for the US average temperature, from 1999 as suggested, -0.46 oF/decade.
Joe shows us the experiment. You know, the one that shows how a 120PPM increase in CO2 simultaneously raises temperature by 1-8 degrees and lowers ocean pH from 8.25 to 8.15



The 'experiment' would have to be the size of the Earth and is currently being performed by industrialized countries around the world.

I've never heard of any physical experiment that couldn't be performed in a lab. None.
You're just simply wrong. As are ALL the CAGW faithful...

How do you simulate a global climate in a lab? Describe it for me.
Do you not understand your theory?

Is the more CO2 raises temperature just bs

The mechanism of CO2 absobtion and re-radiation is perfectly understood. That's the type of experiment you could do in a lab. You could also predict how much energy would be needed to raise a variety of materials by a certain temperature. You tell me what part of the other atmospheric processes that are involved in temperature rise could be performed in a lab. The processes are too large and complex. You need computer models of the entire process to make those predictions.

but you can't test for the actual effects a 120PPM increase has on temperature or pH because.....?



How do you simulate a global climate in a lab? Describe it for me.
but you can't test for the actual effects a 120PPM increase has on temperature or pH because.....?



We can and do literally point our measuring instruments up at the sky (or down at the sky in the case of the SABER instrument on the TIMED satellite) and measure the level of IR radiation from the CO2 in our atmosphere. It radiates at an extremely specific frequency. And that IR radiation from CO2 is increasing as our atmospheric CO2 concentrations increase.

O2 and N2, the gasses that make up roughly 99% of our atmosphere don't absorb infrared radiation. Not coming in, not going out. That's why they're not greenhouse gasses. CO2 does absorb infrared radiation. Quite efficiently. And it reradiates it. Some of that reradiated IR energy going back to our planet's surface when it would have otherwise vented off into space.

And its that little extra every minute of every hour of every day that is slowly but surely increasing our global temperatures.

We can literally point an instrument up at the sky, tune it to the specific frequency of Infrared Radiation that CO2 emits and go 'huh, that's higher than it was 20 years ago'.

You fuckers avoid the lab like Dracula greeting the rising Sun.

It's a simple experiment: how much of an increase in temperature and decrease in ocean pH is caused by a 120PPM increase in CO2?

Would it be great to have lab work that shows the temperature increase and lowered pH at 20PPM increments?

Yet, that works exists nowhere in the AGWCult Universe....hmmm wonder why?

Is the lab cruel to your theory?

Has the AGWCult tried these experiments to no result?

And for all these new instruments, why do you keep "Homogenizing" the data?

well they like the lab

when they inject several hundred times the CO2 expected to happen

into a jar of sea water

throw in a couple of shrimp

and when their tails start to peal

say see i told ya


People are never told that the most powerful greenhouse gases by orders of magnitude is water vapor and clouds. When only human emitted CO2 is considered, less than one percent of the greenhouse gas potential comes from human activity. Yet, all the global warming is supposed to be attributed to it. Water vapor plays a huge role in keeping the earth warm; 70 times more powerful than the CO2 emitted by human activity. When clouds are added, CO2 becomes even less important. However, clouds not only trap heat, low elevation clouds also reflect much of the incoming solar radiation, so the sun's heat never reaches the earth's surface which cools the earth. It is this mechanism that a growing number of scientists believe is one of the primary mechanisms warming and cooling the earth

I'm aware that water vapor is the primary greenhouse gas but i don't that's rising. And the CO2 graph is a little suspect seeing as the CO2 concentration has risen by 30% since the industrial revolution.
In a thread titled something like "More Good News on the Global Temperature Front", a conservative talking point was brought up that now appears to be widely accepted. It's that global temperatures haven't risen for the last 15 years. In that thread, the following NCDC site was given as evidence:

Climate at a Glance | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

Visually, the chart that is shown certainly seems to have risen in the last 15 years but all doubt is removed if you select years 1999 - 2014 and click the 'Display Trend' button.

So where did this erroneous notion come from that temperatures haven't risen in 15 years?

Without the trend line, and I am not sure how they trend it, it is not obvious that the temperature has increased or decreased that just isn't true. 2000 and 2001 were obviously the real outliers on the chart they raise the slope of the line. Do a run from 2002 to 2014 and look at the trend a straight line. So OK there was slight warming, with 2001 and 2000 thrown in but since 2002 there certainly has not been any warming or cooling. I think the fact that the numbers are better, been taken longer and the fudged factors have been in place for 10 or so years has level out the temperature data. (don't forget to change both dates or you get the same trend.)

2001 wasn't an outlier. In fact, its the exact same temperatures as 2003, which you insist we include. Nor was 2000 an outlier. As we saw something similar in 2004 and 2008, both of which you insist we include. You're omitting them 'just because'.

And if the question is 'has the temperature gone up in the last 15 years', I'd go back 15 years and check. And we have an ascending trendline. Even if we inexplicably lop off 2000 and 2001 'just because', we still have an ascending trendline.

Look at them in 5 year chunks and it gets even more stark. From 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003, the average was 0.54. For 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014, the average is 0.67. A nearly 25% increase in land and sea temperature anomalies. But the temperature is flat, huh?

Go back to say, 1990, and it gets even more stark. 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, and 1994, the average is 0.35. That's an astonishing 91% increase in land and sea anomalies.

Go back to 1980, and wow. 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, and 1984.....and the average anomoly is 0.26. With our last 5 year average about 2 and half times higher.

There's a reason why 97% of publishing earth scientists are on one side of this issue; the evidence is pretty damn clear.

Oh, and if you hear a 'skeptic' tell you that our temperature has been flat since 1998, what they *actually* mean is that we had a temperature spike in 1998, going from .035 in 1995 to 0.39 in 1996 to 0.43 in 1997, to a whopping 0.67 in 1998, back down to a 0.41 in 1999.

1998 was an outlier. And a pretty stark one. It was the largest anomoly we'd ever recorded. Here's the scary part:

The temperature has increased so much, that our 5 year AVERAGE from 2010 to 2014 is now at almost exactly at the same place now the 'largest anomoly ever recorded' in 1998. 0.72 in 2010, 0.54 in 2011, 0.68 in 2012, 0.66 in 2013 and 0.74 so far in 2014.

Which the 'skeptics' know perfectly well. But really hope you don't.

I had never even considered the possibility that the supposed temperature increase flattening was a comparison of 1998 with today but I think you're on to something. Holy crap, these guys are even more simple minded than i thought.
In a thread titled something like "More Good News on the Global Temperature Front", a conservative talking point was brought up that now appears to be widely accepted. It's that global temperatures haven't risen for the last 15 years. In that thread, the following NCDC site was given as evidence:

Climate at a Glance | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

Visually, the chart that is shown certainly seems to have risen in the last 15 years but all doubt is removed if you select years 1999 - 2014 and click the 'Display Trend' button.

So where did this erroneous notion come from that temperatures haven't risen in 15 years?

Here it is, moron:


BTW, the NCDC has been caught doctoring its data so flagrantly that you have to be terminally gullible to accept anything they claim.
In a thread titled something like "More Good News on the Global Temperature Front", a conservative talking point was brought up that now appears to be widely accepted. It's that global temperatures haven't risen for the last 15 years. In that thread, the following NCDC site was given as evidence:

Climate at a Glance | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

Visually, the chart that is shown certainly seems to have risen in the last 15 years but all doubt is removed if you select years 1999 - 2014 and click the 'Display Trend' button.

So where did this erroneous notion come from that temperatures haven't risen in 15 years?

Joe shows us the experiment. You know, the one that shows how a 120PPM increase in CO2 simultaneously raises temperature by 1-8 degrees and lowers ocean pH from 8.25 to 8.15


The 'experiment' would have to be the size of the Earth and is currently being performed by industrialized countries around the world.

How are the isolating the independent variables?
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People are never told that the most powerful greenhouse gases by orders of magnitude is water vapor and clouds. When only human emitted CO2 is considered, less than one percent of the greenhouse gas potential comes from human activity. Yet, all the global warming is supposed to be attributed to it. Water vapor plays a huge role in keeping the earth warm; 70 times more powerful than the CO2 emitted by human activity. When clouds are added, CO2 becomes even less important. However, clouds not only trap heat, low elevation clouds also reflect much of the incoming solar radiation, so the sun's heat never reaches the earth's surface which cools the earth. It is this mechanism that a growing number of scientists believe is one of the primary mechanisms warming and cooling the earth

I'm aware that water vapor is the primary greenhouse gas but i don't that's rising. And the CO2 graph is a little suspect seeing as the CO2 concentration has risen by 30% since the industrial revolution.

How do you know? Here are four water vapor generator in action. there are thousands of more just like them.

In a thread titled something like "More Good News on the Global Temperature Front", a conservative talking point was brought up that now appears to be widely accepted. It's that global temperatures haven't risen for the last 15 years. In that thread, the following NCDC site was given as evidence:

Climate at a Glance | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

Visually, the chart that is shown certainly seems to have risen in the last 15 years but all doubt is removed if you select years 1999 - 2014 and click the 'Display Trend' button.

So where did this erroneous notion come from that temperatures haven't risen in 15 years?

Here it is, moron:


BTW, the NCDC has been caught doctoring its data so flagrantly that you have to be terminally gullible to accept anything they claim.

No, in my opinion that is exactly why to use them. As I have said, look at the US trend for average temperature since 1998, definite downward slope. The global not so much but I tend to believe the US numbers are more representation of reality.
Without the trend line, and I am not sure how they trend it, it is not obvious that the temperature has increased or decreased that just isn't true. 2000 and 2001 were obviously the real outliers on the chart they raise the slope of the line. Do a run from 2002 to 2014 and look at the trend a straight line. So OK there was slight warming, with 2001 and 2000 thrown in but since 2002 there certainly has not been any warming or cooling. I think the fact that the numbers are better, been taken longer and the fudged factors have been in place for 10 or so years has level out the temperature data. (don't forget to change both dates or you get the same trend.)

2001 wasn't an outlier. In fact, its the exact same temperatures as 2003, which you insist we include. Nor was 2000 an outlier. As we saw something similar in 2004 and 2008, both of which you insist we include. You're omitting them 'just because'.

And if the question is 'has the temperature gone up in the last 15 years', I'd go back 15 years and check. And we have an ascending trendline. Even if we inexplicably lop off 2000 and 2001 'just because', we still have an ascending trendline.

Look at them in 5 year chunks and it gets even more stark. From 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003, the average was 0.54. For 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014, the average is 0.67. A nearly 25% increase in land and sea temperature anomalies. But the temperature is flat, huh?

Go back to say, 1990, and it gets even more stark. 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, and 1994, the average is 0.35. That's an astonishing 91% increase in land and sea anomalies.

Go back to 1980, and wow. 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, and 1984.....and the average anomoly is 0.26. With our last 5 year average about 2 and half times higher.

There's a reason why 97% of publishing earth scientists are on one side of this issue; the evidence is pretty damn clear.

Oh, and if you hear a 'skeptic' tell you that our temperature has been flat since 1998, what they *actually* mean is that we had a temperature spike in 1998, going from .035 in 1995 to 0.39 in 1996 to 0.43 in 1997, to a whopping 0.67 in 1998, back down to a 0.41 in 1999.

1998 was an outlier. And a pretty stark one. It was the largest anomoly we'd ever recorded. Here's the scary part:

The temperature has increased so much, that our 5 year AVERAGE from 2010 to 2014 is now at almost exactly at the same place now the 'largest anomoly ever recorded' in 1998. 0.72 in 2010, 0.54 in 2011, 0.68 in 2012, 0.66 in 2013 and 0.74 so far in 2014.

Which the 'skeptics' know perfectly well. But really hope you don't.

I had never even considered the possibility that the supposed temperature increase flattening was a comparison of 1998 with today but I think you're on to something. Holy crap, these guys are even more simple minded than i thought.

Holy crap can you be more disingenuous??? Your subject line said 15 years and now you claim your ignorance. You have been shown, you ignore, typical fearist.
I don't really know what the hell you are looking at skyler but here are the numbers from the NOAA site. I am not making them up but one of us must be.
You're measuring the month of June against the month of May in a different year. Look at the dates offfered; 200106. That's year first, month second. Or as we put it 06/2001.

I'm measuring the annual January to December average v the annual January to December average of each year.

Just change the setting to 'annual', and get the data set I've cited. And its by far the most relevant data set available, more so than the default setting of the website, which is month over month.

Global Land and Ocean Temperature Anomalies, January-December
Units: Degrees Celsius

And measuring the *annual* January to December averages, it shows clearly that 1998 is an outlier. A spike that was the highest the temperature anomaly ever recorded. One so high that it wasn't until 2010 that the 1998 record was broken.

That you'd select 1998 as baseline is obtusely dishonest. As going with the 5 year average demonstrates.

Going 2 years before and 2 years after 1998, we get an 5 average temperature anomaly of 0.47. Our current 5 year average temperature anomaly (using annual averages) is 0.60.

A 27.6% increase. And a 27% increase is not 'flat temperatures'.

Worse, 1998 isn't 15 years. Its 17 years. It wasn't randomly selected by you. It was picked specifically because you *knew* it was an outlier. You knew it was the 2nd highest temperature anomaly ever recorded. You just really hoped we didn't know this.

But now everyone does.

Our temperatures have increased so much, that .64, which was an extreme outlier in 1998 is now close to our running 5 year average (through 2013) of .60 (using the annual January to December averages). With 2014 looking to be one of the hottest on record. Perhaps the hottest. May of 2014 was the hottest May ever recorded at a .74. If that trend continues, it will push our 5 year average even higher.

All of which you already know.

Don't know what more I can do for you. I provided the site which is totally objective, the numbers could have gone either way.

My source is your source. I'm simply using the annual averages from January to December. And going back to 1990 instead of choosing the second highest temperature anomaly we've ever recorded as my 135 year baseline, as you did.

Just choose 'annual'. Its the best standard when trying to measure yearly temperature shifts, as its an average of the whole year.

I bolded the years that were higher then 1998 which was .25 abnormally.

Not when you're running January to December annual averages it isn't. Not when you're running month by month checks either. Month by month are the default for the website. Annual is something you have to pick.

Either debunk your claim. And don't pretend that 1998 being a massive outlier and you just happening to pick it as your 135 year baseline is a coincidence. You did it because it was the 2nd highest temperature anomly in history.

If you trend 1998 to 2014 it is clearly a downward trend the chart even tells you that much.
Not in the annual, not in the default, not in the month to month. All show an ascending trend. Which you already know. Which is why you're not using the default setting. Or the annual setting. Or the Year to Date Setting. Any method of measurement that doesn't give you the outcome you want, you discard. Even when they're clearly the best settings. If you want to know a yearly average, look at the annual average.

That's also why you're picking an outlier year of 1998. When you go back to say, 1990, the ascending trendline is even more stark. Which, of course, you already know as well. Which is why you're not using 1990.

And why you cut off at 1998. And why you won't go forward from it, as temperature anomalies drop sharply after 1998 and don't return to its level until 2010.

I challenge anyone here to go to the website, check the annual averages over both land and sea and look at the trendline from 1990 to 2014. Its a steep ascent. As the 5 year average startling increase of 27% demonstrates elegantly. Skyrocketing from .47 to .60 less than 20 years.

Climate at a Glance | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

The results show an undeniable and utterly obvious trend upward.

There's a reason why 97% of publishing earth scientists are one side of this argument....and Freewill is on the other.
And exactly as I predicted, you picked 1998 as your baseline. The all time highest temperature anomaly when it occurred as your 135 year baseline. You really don't want us seeing the years before 1998, do you?
Clearly it is not an outlier, according to the NOAA data. Higher then most yes, outlier no.

Not an outlier? It was the highest temperature anomoly ever recorded in history of land and sea measurements. It remained the highest until 2010. It is still the second highest annual average ever recorded. But its 'not an outlier'.

Lets see how your claim holds up when we *don't* use 1998 as our baseline:
Global Land and Ocean Temperature Anomalies, January-December
Units: Degrees Celsius

And there's your outlier. A sudden peak that was unprecedented in our entire history of land and sea measurements. And still remains the 2nd highest annual temperature anomaly in the entire 135 year history of land and sea measurements.

Which you've inexplicably chosen as your baseline. That's profoundly dishonest. No one actually trying to figure out whats happening would choose an outlier as their baseline. All of which you already know.

Your entire argument relies on the ignorance of your audience.
You know 1998 is an enormous outlier. But you really hope your audience doesn't. You hope that they don't ask why you picked 1998 out of all the years in the last 135 to start all your measurements. And you hope they don't conduct some average temperature anomoly calculations. Because if they do any of those things, your entire argument collapses.

Lets do those averages, shall we?

Going 2 years before and 2 years after 1998, we get an 5 average temperature anomaly of 0.47. Our current 5 year average temperature anomaly (using annual averages) is 0.60.

A 27.6% increase. But the temperature is flat, huh?

C'mon dude. You might be able to sell your 'I just happened to pick an enormous outlier as my baseline' to someone who doesn't have an even passing acquaintance with the data. But anyone who does will see through your nonsense is a heartbeat.

Which is why you're on one side of the issue.....and 97% of publishing earth scientists are on the other.

Worse, you've been trying to push the idea of global *cooling*. That our temperatures are going down. When anyone who takes even a glance at the data above can see you're completely wrong. You've already seen the data. So you know you're wrong. You're intentionally pitching a narrative that you know is factually inaccurate.

And hoping no one checks. Um, I checked. And your narrative falls to pieces.

Well hell. If you're going to talk about cherry picking your start time for the graph lets do a real look shall we? Jeez. Looky there. It was a WHOLE heck of a lot warmer in the not so distant past. In fact we're STILL not back up to what it was....:eusa_whistle:

Joe shows us the experiment. You know, the one that shows how a 120PPM increase in CO2 simultaneously raises temperature by 1-8 degrees and lowers ocean pH from 8.25 to 8.15



The 'experiment' would have to be the size of the Earth and is currently being performed by industrialized countries around the world.

How are the isolating the independent variables?

Please rephrase in English.

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