Where's the outrage? Glenn reacts to media coverage of Chris Lane murder

Figures - Obama and his administration isn’t even aware of the murder of a white jogger shot by ‘bored’ black teens and the media doesn’t seem overly interested in reporting the shocking crime. When asked about the tragedy today, the Obama administration said it wasn’t familiar with the case. Mmm... Obama couldn't wait to comment on George Zimmerman (who didnt shoot a man because he was "bored" but rather out of self-defense) and they couldn't scream fast enough that the white Cambridge Police "acted stupidly".

My question is, where is the outrage by wing-nuts like [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION]? I mean, when a thug beating someone gets shot, they change their avatars. But when an innocent white kid is brutally murdered, they don't seem to care. I guess the slaughter of white people simply doesn't further the liberal agenda, uh?

?Where?s the outrage?? Glenn reacts to media coverage of Chris Lane murder ? Glenn Beck

You realize that you and Glenn Beck are just race-baiting.

No, you probably don't.

Why are you so stupid?

A) White trash
B) Dropped out of school
C) Low IQ
D) Special Bus kid
E) Other

Coming from a democrap who are KING Of race baiters , Including the one that is in office
Figures - Obama and his administration isn’t even aware of the murder of a white jogger shot by ‘bored’ black teens and the media doesn’t seem overly interested in reporting the shocking crime. When asked about the tragedy today, the Obama administration said it wasn’t familiar with the case. Mmm... Obama couldn't wait to comment on George Zimmerman (who didnt shoot a man because he was "bored" but rather out of self-defense) and they couldn't scream fast enough that the white Cambridge Police "acted stupidly".

My question is, where is the outrage by wing-nuts like [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION]? I mean, when a thug beating someone gets shot, they change their avatars. But when an innocent white kid is brutally murdered, they don't seem to care. I guess the slaughter of white people simply doesn't further the liberal agenda, uh?

?Where?s the outrage?? Glenn reacts to media coverage of Chris Lane murder ? Glenn Beck

You realize that you and Glenn Beck are just race-baiting.

No, you probably don't.

Why are you so stupid?

A) White trash
B) Dropped out of school
C) Low IQ
D) Special Bus kid
E) Other

Wow - so tolerant of you [MENTION=39768]hazlnut[/MENTION]! Racism and disablism all rolled up into one neat little libtard package.

It's not enough that Hazlnut hates anyone who is white, straight, and a capitalist. Nope. His hate also has to extend to children with disabilities.

Lets see, a limp-wrested homo whose inner turmoil with his sexuality causes him to hate himself, the world, and everything in it while proclaiming to be "tolerant"? Yeah, if Hazlnut isn't the poster-child of today's modern day Dumbocrat, then nobody is....

Wow, I really got under Rottweiler's skin.

It's easy to push his buttons -- just hold up a mirror, point out the obvious and he goes nuts.

It's fun to watch.

Come on my little chew toy, Rotty.

Fetch, boy, fetch...
You realize that you and Glenn Beck are just race-baiting.

No, you probably don't.

Why are you so stupid?

A) White trash
B) Dropped out of school
C) Low IQ
D) Special Bus kid
E) Other

Wow - so tolerant of you [MENTION=39768]hazlnut[/MENTION]! Racism and disablism all rolled up into one neat little libtard package.

It's not enough that Hazlnut hates anyone who is white, straight, and a capitalist. Nope. His hate also has to extend to children with disabilities.

Lets see, a limp-wrested homo whose inner turmoil with his sexuality causes him to hate himself, the world, and everything in it while proclaiming to be "tolerant"? Yeah, if Hazlnut isn't the poster-child of today's modern day Dumbocrat, then nobody is....

Wow, I really got under Rottweiler's skin.

It's easy to push his buttons -- just hold up a mirror, point out the obvious and he goes nuts.

It's fun to watch.

Come on my little chew toy, Rotty.

Fetch, boy, fetch...

Uh-oh....someone is throwing a hissy because I exposed them for who they really are....

And speaking of who they really are, ladies & gentlemen, I give you the actual Hazlnut:


  • $democrats-party-of-tolerance.jpg
    27.3 KB · Views: 17
OP- Just race baiting- this murder is a stupid tragedy, there's no question whether a law is wrong. And yes, Zimmerman only went after blacks. He was lucky there were no eye witnesses.

Cut the crappe. 50% racist Pub dupes. Obama being a racist is ridiculous. Pointing out racism does not make one a racist- stupid new bs GOP theory, for dupes only. Big lie.
There is a bright spot even if it is the size of a pin prick.

obama is more irrelevant than he was.
Obama is complicit in every black on white crime since planting his seeds of racial divide!
Romney spoke the truth. But the majority of voting Americans didn't vote for the truth...

They voted for the tit. And they got it- twice over.

Like a dried out twice-baked potato, this President is choking the country with a gullet full of free money, free food, free phones, and freedom from physical labor.

I am a strongly independent and financially productive person today BECAUSE I have repeatedly suffered the gauntlet of poverty without aid or assistance. I chose the path of most resistance, and I triumphed.

And to that, I say a big "fuck you" to all the teat sucking lazy motherscratchers out there gleefully spending Obama bucks at my tax-paying expense.
Figures - Obama and his administration isn’t even aware of the murder of a white jogger shot by ‘bored’ black teens and the media doesn’t seem overly interested in reporting the shocking crime. When asked about the tragedy today, the Obama administration said it wasn’t familiar with the case. Mmm... Obama couldn't wait to comment on George Zimmerman (who didnt shoot a man because he was "bored" but rather out of self-defense) and they couldn't scream fast enough that the white Cambridge Police "acted stupidly".

My question is, where is the outrage by wing-nuts like [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION]? I mean, when a thug beating someone gets shot, they change their avatars. But when an innocent white kid is brutally murdered, they don't seem to care. I guess the slaughter of white people simply doesn't further the liberal agenda, uh?

?Where?s the outrage?? Glenn reacts to media coverage of Chris Lane murder ? Glenn Beck

You realize that you and Glenn Beck are just race-baiting.

No, you probably don't.

Why are you so stupid?

A) White trash
B) Dropped out of school
C) Low IQ
D) Special Bus kid
E) Other[/SIZE]

Race-baiting? Why do you use terms that you don't know the meaning of?!?

It's "race-baiting" to point out the hypocrisy of Dumbcorats? It's "race-baiting" to point out the deep racism of Dumbocrats?

It's hilarious how [MENTION=39768]hazlnut[/MENTION] completely melts down when he can't deny the despicable actions of his despicable party.

Why are you such an asshole?

A) Inner turmoil over your homosexuality
B) Inner turmoil over being a parasite
C) The realization that your worth nothing to society
D) The realization of your mental and physical inferiority
E) Other

F) disregard E) above, select, ALL THE ABOVE :lmao:
the media doesn’t seem overly interested in reporting the shocking crime.


False? I haven't heard ONE word about it other than from Glenn Beck. When the Zimmerman incident occurred, it was covered by EVERY news outlet 24x7 like the O.J. Simpson murder. And worse, in the case of NBC, the media actively participated in covering up parts of the case to incriminate Zimmerman.

We heard it on the two mainstream channels we listen to. My wife says she heard it on fox, as well.

Rottweiler, you are wrong.
Figures - Obama and his administration isn’t even aware of the murder of a white jogger shot by ‘bored’ black teens and the media doesn’t seem overly interested in reporting the shocking crime. When asked about the tragedy today, the Obama administration said it wasn’t familiar with the case. Mmm... Obama couldn't wait to comment on George Zimmerman (who didnt shoot a man because he was "bored" but rather out of self-defense) and they couldn't scream fast enough that the white Cambridge Police "acted stupidly".

My question is, where is the outrage by wing-nuts like [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION]? I mean, when a thug beating someone gets shot, they change their avatars. But when an innocent white kid is brutally murdered, they don't seem to care. I guess the slaughter of white people simply doesn't further the liberal agenda, uh?

?Where?s the outrage?? Glenn reacts to media coverage of Chris Lane murder ? Glenn Beck

In case you missed it one of the kids that were involved was white and another was half white. You probably did miss that because evidently you only listen to your puppet masters who keep you agitated at "them". You know the people that are taking your jobs, women, and real estate. You are a classic clown if you think this is in anyway comparable to the other case. Lane was not a minor and his killers were promptly arrested and will be doing long time for this stupid senseless murder.
OP- Just race baiting- this murder is a stupid tragedy, there's no question whether a law is wrong. And yes, Zimmerman only went after blacks. He was lucky there were no eye witnesses.

Cut the crappe. 50% racist Pub dupes. Obama being a racist is ridiculous. Pointing out racism does not make one a racist- stupid new bs GOP theory, for dupes only. Big lie.

Zimmerman only went after blacks? I sincerely hope you are brought up on libel charges for your outrageous lie here. You don't know George Zimmerman. You've never even been introduced to George Zimmerman. You've never even stood in the same state as George Zimmerman.

And, in fact, you only know of a SINGLE incident involving George Zimmerman [MENTION=32338]francoHFW[/MENTION]. So how can you make up such an outrageous lie? You don't have a single shred of decency left in you, do you franco? Typical fuck'n despicable libtard - lie and defame at all costs for the radical agenda...
Figures - Obama and his administration isn’t even aware of the murder of a white jogger shot by ‘bored’ black teens and the media doesn’t seem overly interested in reporting the shocking crime. When asked about the tragedy today, the Obama administration said it wasn’t familiar with the case. Mmm... Obama couldn't wait to comment on George Zimmerman (who didnt shoot a man because he was "bored" but rather out of self-defense) and they couldn't scream fast enough that the white Cambridge Police "acted stupidly".

My question is, where is the outrage by wing-nuts like [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION]? I mean, when a thug beating someone gets shot, they change their avatars. But when an innocent white kid is brutally murdered, they don't seem to care. I guess the slaughter of white people simply doesn't further the liberal agenda, uh?

?Where?s the outrage?? Glenn reacts to media coverage of Chris Lane murder ? Glenn Beck

In case you missed it one of the kids that were involved was white and another was half white. You probably did miss that because evidently you only listen to your puppet masters who keep you agitated at "them". You know the people that are taking your jobs, women, and real estate. You are a classic clown if you think this is in anyway comparable to the other case. Lane was not a minor and his killers were promptly arrested and will be doing long time for this stupid senseless murder.

So it's ok to kill him [MENTION=44774]Asclepias[/MENTION] since he was "not a minor"?!?!

Exactly what kind of a sick, twisted bitch are you?!?
Figures - Obama and his administration isn’t even aware of the murder of a white jogger shot by ‘bored’ black teens and the media doesn’t seem overly interested in reporting the shocking crime. When asked about the tragedy today, the Obama administration said it wasn’t familiar with the case. Mmm... Obama couldn't wait to comment on George Zimmerman (who didnt shoot a man because he was "bored" but rather out of self-defense) and they couldn't scream fast enough that the white Cambridge Police "acted stupidly".

My question is, where is the outrage by wing-nuts like [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION]? I mean, when a thug beating someone gets shot, they change their avatars. But when an innocent white kid is brutally murdered, they don't seem to care. I guess the slaughter of white people simply doesn't further the liberal agenda, uh?

?Where?s the outrage?? Glenn reacts to media coverage of Chris Lane murder ? Glenn Beck

In case you missed it one of the kids that were involved was white and another was half white. You probably did miss that because evidently you only listen to your puppet masters who keep you agitated at "them". You know the people that are taking your jobs, women, and real estate. You are a classic clown if you think this is in anyway comparable to the other case. Lane was not a minor and his killers were promptly arrested and will be doing long time for this stupid senseless murder.

You're absolutely right [MENTION=44774]Asclepias[/MENTION] - this is NOT like the "other" (ie Zimmerman) case. That case was a matter of justifiable self-defense, you ignorant twat. This is the sick and cold blooded murder of a white kid by some black kids. And that's why Obama is smiling giant-ear-to-giant-ear today instead of being "outraged".

He couldn't wait to open his big racist mouth about Trayvon Martin - yet he didn't even know that Chris Lane had been killed.
False? I haven't heard ONE word about it other than from Glenn Beck. When the Zimmerman incident occurred, it was covered by EVERY news outlet 24x7 like the O.J. Simpson murder. And worse, in the case of NBC, the media actively participated in covering up parts of the case to incriminate Zimmerman.

They are talking about it but nothing about it being caused by race..

Is there any evidence to suggest it was caused by race?

Since these thugs were hunting to kill a 'wood', they would not have shot a random jogger who was black.

So, yes, it was about race, especially in view of the fact that one of them tweeted that 90% of whites are 'nasty' and he hates them.
Figures - Obama and his administration isn’t even aware of the murder of a white jogger shot by ‘bored’ black teens and the media doesn’t seem overly interested in reporting the shocking crime. When asked about the tragedy today, the Obama administration said it wasn’t familiar with the case. Mmm... Obama couldn't wait to comment on George Zimmerman (who didnt shoot a man because he was "bored" but rather out of self-defense) and they couldn't scream fast enough that the white Cambridge Police "acted stupidly".

My question is, where is the outrage by wing-nuts like [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION]? I mean, when a thug beating someone gets shot, they change their avatars. But when an innocent white kid is brutally murdered, they don't seem to care. I guess the slaughter of white people simply doesn't further the liberal agenda, uh?

?Where?s the outrage?? Glenn reacts to media coverage of Chris Lane murder ? Glenn Beck

You realize that you and Glenn Beck are just race-baiting.

No, you probably don't.

Why are you so stupid?

A) White trash
B) Dropped out of school
C) Low IQ
D) Special Bus kid
E) Other[/SIZE]

Race-baiting? Why do you use terms that you don't know the meaning of?!?

It's "race-baiting" to point out the hypocrisy of Dumbcorats? It's "race-baiting" to point out the deep racism of Dumbocrats?

It's hilarious how [MENTION=39768]hazlnut[/MENTION] completely melts down when he can't deny the despicable actions of his despicable party.

Why are you such an asshole?

A) Inner turmoil over your homosexuality
B) Inner turmoil over being a parasite
C) The realization that your worth nothing to society
D) The realization of your mental and physical inferiority
E) Other

In hazlnut's case, F) All of the above.
Figures - Obama and his administration isn’t even aware of the murder of a white jogger shot by ‘bored’ black teens and the media doesn’t seem overly interested in reporting the shocking crime. When asked about the tragedy today, the Obama administration said it wasn’t familiar with the case. Mmm... Obama couldn't wait to comment on George Zimmerman (who didnt shoot a man because he was "bored" but rather out of self-defense) and they couldn't scream fast enough that the white Cambridge Police "acted stupidly".

My question is, where is the outrage by wing-nuts like [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION]? I mean, when a thug beating someone gets shot, they change their avatars. But when an innocent white kid is brutally murdered, they don't seem to care. I guess the slaughter of white people simply doesn't further the liberal agenda, uh?

?Where?s the outrage?? Glenn reacts to media coverage of Chris Lane murder ? Glenn Beck

In case you missed it one of the kids that were involved was white and another was half white. You probably did miss that because evidently you only listen to your puppet masters who keep you agitated at "them". You know the people that are taking your jobs, women, and real estate. You are a classic clown if you think this is in anyway comparable to the other case. Lane was not a minor and his killers were promptly arrested and will be doing long time for this stupid senseless murder.

You're absolutely right [MENTION=44774]Asclepias[/MENTION] - this is NOT like the "other" (ie Zimmerman) case. That case was a matter of justifiable self-defense, you ignorant twat. This is the sick and cold blooded murder of a white kid by some black kids. And that's why Obama is smiling giant-ear-to-giant-ear today instead of being "outraged".

He couldn't wait to open his big racist mouth about Trayvon Martin - yet he didn't even know that Chris Lane had been killed.

It became a case of justifiable defense after it went to trial. My point is that it should have went to trial and not just swept under the rug on GZ's say so. Police should not be the one to decide innocence or guilt unless there are witnesses and proof that there was not a crime committed. Thats where the outrage came from. Stopped being PO'd that the POTUS considers himself Black It doesnt make him racist that he could ID with Trayvon more easily than with Lane. Again you ignorant Stormfront members dont seem to get that if a killer is arrested and facing trial then the justice system is working

So lets see. No one asked Obama to comment on this case. No one cares that this guy killed a Mother and Son.

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