Where's the outrage? Glenn reacts to media coverage of Chris Lane murder

I did state it at least twice to my recollection. Yes it is hard to prove racisim especially when you are either that race or part of that race. If its so easy prove then prove the POTUS hates white people. This is going to be funny. :lol:

The fact that you're pretending not to know what we already both know to be true is what is funny... :lol:

I can't wait to see all the ways you try to spin this one:

"The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity, but that she is a typical white person. If she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know (pause) there's a reaction in her that doesn't go away and it comes out in the wrong way." - Barack Obama

Obama: Grandmother Was A "Typical White Person"

Whats racist about that statement? Better yet how does that prove he hates whites?

BHO's statement was accurate and not racist, whereas Rott's is clearly so.
the media doesn’t seem overly interested in reporting the shocking crime.


False? I haven't heard ONE word about it other than from Glenn Beck. When the Zimmerman incident occurred, it was covered by EVERY news outlet 24x7 like the O.J. Simpson murder. And worse, in the case of NBC, the media actively participated in covering up parts of the case to incriminate Zimmerman.

Simply a lie. WHEN the Zimmerman shooting occurred no one heard about it.....for at least a few weeks.
Figures - Obama and his administration isn’t even aware of the murder of a white jogger shot by ‘bored’ black teens and the media doesn’t seem overly interested in reporting the shocking crime. When asked about the tragedy today, the Obama administration said it wasn’t familiar with the case. Mmm... Obama couldn't wait to comment on George Zimmerman (who didnt shoot a man because he was "bored" but rather out of self-defense) and they couldn't scream fast enough that the white Cambridge Police "acted stupidly".

My question is, where is the outrage by wing-nuts like [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION]? I mean, when a thug beating someone gets shot, they change their avatars. But when an innocent white kid is brutally murdered, they don't seem to care. I guess the slaughter of white people simply doesn't further the liberal agenda, uh?

?Where?s the outrage?? Glenn reacts to media coverage of Chris Lane murder ? Glenn Beck

You realize that you and Glenn Beck are just race-baiting.

No, you probably don't.

Why are you so stupid?

A) White trash
B) Dropped out of school
C) Low IQ
D) Special Bus kid
E) Other[/SIZE]

Race-baiting? Why do you use terms that you don't know the meaning of?!?

It's "race-baiting" to point out the hypocrisy of Dumbcorats? It's "race-baiting" to point out the deep racism of Dumbocrats?

It's hilarious how [MENTION=39768]hazlnut[/MENTION] completely melts down when he can't deny the despicable actions of his despicable party.

Why are you such an asshole?

A) Inner turmoil over your homosexuality
B) Inner turmoil over being a parasite
C) The realization that your worth nothing to society
D) The realization of your mental and physical inferiority
E) Other

^ speaking of melt-downs. :D
Figures - Obama and his administration isn’t even aware of the murder of a white jogger shot by ‘bored’ black teens and the media doesn’t seem overly interested in reporting the shocking crime. When asked about the tragedy today, the Obama administration said it wasn’t familiar with the case. Mmm... Obama couldn't wait to comment on George Zimmerman (who didnt shoot a man because he was "bored" but rather out of self-defense) and they couldn't scream fast enough that the white Cambridge Police "acted stupidly".

My question is, where is the outrage by wing-nuts like @rdean? I mean, when a thug beating someone gets shot, they change their avatars. But when an innocent white kid is brutally murdered, they don't seem to care. I guess the slaughter of white people simply doesn't further the liberal agenda, uh?

?Where?s the outrage?? Glenn reacts to media coverage of Chris Lane murder ? Glenn Beck
Apparently any lie will do for this administration, but the truth is too hard for them.
The fact that you're pretending not to know what we already both know to be true is what is funny... :lol:

I can't wait to see all the ways you try to spin this one:

"The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity, but that she is a typical white person. If she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know (pause) there's a reaction in her that doesn't go away and it comes out in the wrong way." - Barack Obama

Obama: Grandmother Was A "Typical White Person"

Whats racist about that statement? Better yet how does that prove he hates whites?

BHO's statement was accurate and not racist, whereas Rott's is clearly so.

I get the feeling Rott does not know what typical means. He also doesnt seem to understand context either.

False? I haven't heard ONE word about it other than from Glenn Beck. When the Zimmerman incident occurred, it was covered by EVERY news outlet 24x7 like the O.J. Simpson murder. And worse, in the case of NBC, the media actively participated in covering up parts of the case to incriminate Zimmerman.

Simply a lie. WHEN the Zimmerman shooting occurred no one heard about it.....for at least a few weeks.

I'm not going to source for this info because I feel lazy right now so anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but it was 44 days before Zimmerman was arrested and that only happened because of public outcry.

Additionally, Martin was drug tested but Zimmerman was not. Why?

The police also did not canvas the neighborhood after the shooting to find out if Trayvon Martin belonged to anybody. They just took his body down to the morgue. Why?

In Oklahoma, the shooters were arrested immediately and I think they have already been arraigned. Again, don't feel like surfing for these lazy asses right now.
?Where?s the outrage?? Glenn reacts to media coverage of Chris Lane murder ? Glenn Beck[/quote]

Hey, Beckistan....Get your outrage right here, asshole.

Oklahoma shooting: Australian calls for boycott of US tourism
Oklahoma shooting: An Australian college baseball player was fatally shot in Oklahoma. Three teenagers are being charged with the shooting. A former Australian deputy PM has called for a tourism boycott to pressure the NRA.

Oklahoma shooting: Australian calls for boycott of US tourism - CSMonitor.com

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