Which America Would You Like? : Pajama Boys America or Phil Robertson's America


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
I would want to live in Phil's America where good wholesome Christian family traditions are upheld so America can thrive as a society that our founders wanted. In Phil's America, your right to free speech and the right to bear arms is encouraged. In Phil's America, many Americans learn to survive off the land by learning conservation, hunting and fishing in order to put healthy food on the table for your family. In Phil's America, you make yourself by your own doing and not living off other people who work for a living to make ends meet. In Phil's America, you love your country, it's military and you embrace patriotism. And lastly, in Phil's America, you believe in traditional marriage..........marriage between one man and one woman.

Now when it comes to Pajama Boy's America, there is not much to say except that it will be catastrophic for America as it's slowly becoming under Obama. In Pajama Boy's America, men are being feminized at a rapid rate and our children at a young age are being taught that being gay is ok in grade school. In Pajama Boy's America, marriage is between same-sex couples which rips the fabric and moral values from our nation that our founders intended for our citizens. In Pajama Boy's America, political correctness dictates your life or else you will be vilified and financially ruined if you don't fall in with the minority. In Pajama Boy's America, you are called a racist is you criticize any policy of the putative negro president. In Pajama Boys America, you are required to embrace diversity and illegal immigration and if you don't.............you are a racist. In Pajama Boy's America, you embrace infanticide. And lastly, in Pajama Boys America, they want to take your 1st and 2nd Amendment rights from you. So who's America would you want to live in?

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I wouldn't even want to be in the same room with that pj wearing little bubble headed leftard pussy. I just get an uncontrollable urge to bitch slap the smirk off the little twats face and ask him why he's such a feminine little butt boy.
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Women will always be attracted to men. Beards or no beards. They'll get to like beards if need be.
Women will always be attracted to men. Beards or no beards. They'll get to like beards if need be.

I'm attracted to men. But I like my men to be secure enough with themselves and their own sexuality to not throw a temper tantrum of whiny homophobic self-pity every time a gay or metrosexual guy dare breathe the same air as them.

Insecurity isn't an attractive quality, gentlemen.
You guys want to live in an America where you can revel in your homophobia, ignorance and superstition....

No, we want an America where we all try to travel the moral high road instead of the path that leads to moral decay, mediocrity and the acceptance, even preference, for the lowest common denominator.

Darling, the lowest common denominator is YOU.
Men can be secure in their own sexuality whether it be straight, gay, zoophiliac or necrophiliac. I want to be secure that the guy isn't fucking an ass, dog or corpse.

Personally it doesn't bother me what they do as long as I don't have to pretend it's normal. Except for raping animals or children. Then they should get the death penalty.
If Obama had a son he'd wear a onesie.

Unless he were visiting his family back in the old country in which case......no, you don't want the picture.
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I'd rather live in Phil's world because he advocates love for all, freedom of expression, and he speaks his mind. I disagree with what he says (or more accurately I disagree with his interpretation of to apply Biblical teachings in today's society), but the remedy for distasteful free speech is more free speech.

I don't like Pajamaboy's world because it is filled with government propaganda about a massive intrusion into the private sector that was not needed, doesn't actually solve most of the problems behind public demand for this program, and in the end is going to fail because it was designed by a group of incompetent bureaucrats. The opposition to this program is vilified, demonized, and subject to government oppression. When these Progressives can't win on the merits of their arguments they punish through selective IRS audits.

So while my preferences would generally lean more towards Pajamaboy in abstract (I detest Phil's attention-whoring antics), I'd rather tough it out in the world of political freedom and not the world of conform or be punished.
I would want to live in Phil's America where good wholesome Christian family traditions are upheld so America can thrive as a society that our founders wanted. In Phil's America, your right to free speech and the right to bear arms is encouraged. In Phil's America, many Americans learn to survive off the land by learning conservation, hunting and fishing in order to put healthy food on the table for your family. In Phil's America, you make yourself by your own doing and not living off other people who work for a living to make ends meet. In Phil's America, you love your country, it's military and you embrace patriotism. And lastly, in Phil's America, you believe in traditional marriage..........marriage between one man and one woman.

Now when it comes to Pajama Boy's America, there is not much to say except that it will be catastrophic for America as it's slowly becoming under Obama. In Pajama Boy's America, men are being feminized at a rapid rate and our children at a young age are being taught that being gay is ok in grade school. In Pajama Boy's America, marriage is between same-sex couples which rips the fabric and moral values from our nation that our founders intended for our citizens. In Pajama Boy's America, political correctness dictates your life or else you will be vilified and financially ruined if you don't fall in with the minority. In Pajama Boy's America, you are called a racist is you criticize any policy of the putative negro president. In Pajama Boys America, you are required to embrace diversity and illegal immigration and if you don't.............you are a racist. In Pajama Boy's America, you embrace infanticide. And lastly, in Pajama Boys America, they want to take your 1st and 2nd Amendment rights from you. So who's America would you want to live in?


Well now...let's see. Given what seems, at best, to be a hallucenogenic resemblence to reality shown in those choices....I'm going to choose option #3 (it's on the back of the card) and vote for "most retarded thread of the day-what the hell drugs was the writer on when he wrote this?". You might actually get a reward for that.

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