Which GOP Candidate Would The Founders Support?...

Grunt11B, all people who participated in slavery (white, red, brown, yellow, black) at the time (and all races did) were racist. Your statement indicates you have almost no understanding of the historical narrative of slavery in the world in the 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. Almost none.

Question for you: which two nations in the Western Hemisphere required major warfare to end slavery?

Answer: America and Haiti.

How is it racist for one African to trade another African captive of a tribal war for something else?
They had one basic principle that was uncompromising for them. It's was liberty and freedom of choice.

For white male land owners, everyone else, not so much. They were just fine with only a minority of the population having full voting rights.
Maybe they just figured that for a race to sell it's own people into slavery that that race was not equal enough to cast a vote for the direction of the country.

Well no.

Because they held the same opinion of everyone not Christain, male and white.

But thanks for playing.
Grunt11B, all people who participated in slavery (white, red, brown, yellow, black) at the time (and all races did) were racist. Your statement indicates you have almost no understanding of the historical narrative of slavery in the world in the 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. Almost none.

Question for you: which two nations in the Western Hemisphere required major warfare to end slavery?

Answer: America and Haiti.

How is it racist for one African to trade another African captive of a tribal war for something else?

Probably as "racist" as when the Greeks and Italians did it.
Grunt11B, all people who participated in slavery (white, red, brown, yellow, black) at the time (and all races did) were racist. Your statement indicates you have almost no understanding of the historical narrative of slavery in the world in the 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. Almost none.

Question for you: which two nations in the Western Hemisphere required major warfare to end slavery?

Answer: America and Haiti.

How is it racist for one African to trade another African captive of a tribal war for something else?

Probably as "racist" as when the Greeks and Italians did it.
Or when the English did it to the Irish or Scottish
Grunt11B, all people who participated in slavery (white, red, brown, yellow, black) at the time (and all races did) were racist. Your statement indicates you have almost no understanding of the historical narrative of slavery in the world in the 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. Almost none.

Question for you: which two nations in the Western Hemisphere required major warfare to end slavery?

Answer: America and Haiti.

How is it racist for one African to trade another African captive of a tribal war for something else?

As racist as a white, black, yellow, red, or brown person to buy another. No one is excusing racism for, and of, anybody, bigreb.
You have no definition of marxism or socialism, bigreb, that approaches reality.
Grunt11B, all people who participated in slavery (white, red, brown, yellow, black) at the time (and all races did) were racist. Your statement indicates you have almost no understanding of the historical narrative of slavery in the world in the 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. Almost none.

Question for you: which two nations in the Western Hemisphere required major warfare to end slavery?

Answer: America and Haiti.

How is it racist for one African to trade another African captive of a tribal war for something else?

As racist as a white, black, yellow, red, or brown person to buy another. No one is excusing racism for, and of, anybody, bigreb.

You are nothing but a troll. Slavery was not about race you fucking idiot. You have played that race card so much it has consumed you. Let it go.
You are making a racist statement.

African slavery in British North America was everything about race after 1750, mindless one.

Chattel slavery was limited to the descendents of Africans and African Americans who were slaves.

You truly don't know the narrative.
Anybody can read this page and find it.

You continue to lie, just like your dear leader, Obama.
Nope, you do your own lifting. Every time you deny that you are a racist is a racist statement. You have been weighed and found wanting.
I backed it up many times in the past, you made another racist statement above, and yet you reinforce your racism by continuing to lie about it.
I backed it up many times in the past, you made another racist statement above, and yet you reinforce your racism by continuing to lie about it.

The only thing you have back up is your ass in the corner. Post the racist comment that that was attacking someone because of their race you fucking troll.
You continue to deny you are a racist, you continue to post racist comments, you try to dodge it all, and you are just a miserable fail.

Sux to be u.
Nope, you do your own lifting. Every time you deny that you are a racist is a racist statement. You have been weighed and found wanting.

You made the accusation now it's time for you to back it up junior.

hey, big reb, isn't it possible that even if one isn't racist, they might support policies which either seem racist or can be racist in actual effect?

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