Which is Better?


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Which is better... Raw, unfettered Capitalism or Capitalism that's guided and directed?

'Intelligent Design' :dunno: 'Survival of the Most Fit'​

:eusa_think: Could what's 'better' change over history?
Which is better... Raw, unfettered Capitalism or Capitalism that's guided and directed?

'Intelligent Design' :dunno: 'Survival of the Most Fit'​

:eusa_think: Could what's 'better' change over history?

we already know, based on the failure of laissez faire capitalism, that there need to be rules... rules preventing monopolies, rules for fair labor standards, rules for fair wages... rules for workplace safety. anyone who says we shouldn't have those rules doesn't know their history.
Which is better... Raw, unfettered Capitalism or Capitalism that's guided and directed?

'Intelligent Design' :dunno: 'Survival of the Most Fit'​

:eusa_think: Could what's 'better' change over history?

Which is better, thoughtful thread starts or those with piss poor strawman premises?
Unfettered capitalism is championed by people that believe everyone is in it for themselves and don't have the best interests of the country in mind.
Study the economic growth from 1950-1970

Compare to economic growth now, after 30 years of neoliberalism.

There is enough data to make this an easy questions.

Markets are better than government at calibrating supply and demand, but their terminal drive for cheap labor damages the spending power of consumers to the point where credit is over-relied upon. Therefore, I would support "after-market" policies to bolster the solvency of the middle class.
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Study the economic growth from 1950-1970

Compare to economic growth now, after 30 years of neoliberalism.

There is enough data to make this an easy questions.

Markets are better than government at calibrating supply and demand, but their terminal drive for cheap labor damages the spending power of consumers to the point where credit is over-relied upon. Therefore, I would support "after-market" policies to bolster the solvency of the middle class.

Perhaps we should bomb the world out again and return to your good ol' days of having over half of the world's manufacturing capacity?

Unfettered capitalism is championed by people that believe everyone is in it for themselves and don't have the best interests of the country in mind.

Did you just describe a liberal left wing Democrat? :confused:

You know the ones...give me what you worked for so I can have it too. The Kumbaya crowd.
Unfettered capitalism is championed by people that believe everyone is in it for themselves and don't have the best interests of the country in mind.

No one risks everything to open a business in order to help the country.

None of you are going to be there to help if a business fails are you?
"Capitalism that's guided and directed"

Do you mean the Government and the Central Bank saving private corporations asses??

Capitalism without bankruptcies is like Christianity without Heaven and Hell
"Capitalism that's guided and directed"

Do you mean the Government and the Central Bank saving private corporations asses??

Capitalism without bankruptcies is like Christianity without Heaven and Hell

i think he just means what he said ... which is "unfettered" laissez faire capitalism versus capitalism that has some rules.
Which is better... Raw, unfettered Capitalism or Capitalism that's guided and directed?

'Intelligent Design' :dunno: 'Survival of the Most Fit'​

:eusa_think: Could what's 'better' change over history?

Which is better, thoughtful thread starts or those with piss poor strawman premises?

thoughtful threads like joe's as opposed to lunatic threads posted by 'sniperfire' the wanna be tough guy.
Which is better... Raw, unfettered Capitalism or Capitalism that's guided and directed?

'Intelligent Design' :dunno: 'Survival of the Most Fit'​

:eusa_think: Could what's 'better' change over history?

unfettered got us a burning Great Lake from all the polution.

guided and directed got us what we have now.

So I'd say both are good in small doses

minimum regulation to prevent harm, and nothing more from the government.
Which is better... Raw, unfettered Capitalism or Capitalism that's guided and directed?

'Intelligent Design' :dunno: 'Survival of the Most Fit'​

:eusa_think: Could what's 'better' change over history?

we already know, based on the failure of laissez faire capitalism, that there need to be rules... rules preventing monopolies, rules for fair labor standards, rules for fair wages... rules for workplace safety. anyone who says we shouldn't have those rules doesn't know their history.

We know based on something that never happened?

When did laizzes faire capitalism fail?
Which is better... Raw, unfettered Capitalism or Capitalism that's guided and directed?

'Intelligent Design' :dunno: 'Survival of the Most Fit'​

:eusa_think: Could what's 'better' change over history?

we already know, based on the failure of laissez faire capitalism, that there need to be rules... rules preventing monopolies, rules for fair labor standards, rules for fair wages... rules for workplace safety. anyone who says we shouldn't have those rules doesn't know their history.

We know based on something that never happened?

When did laizzes faire capitalism fail?

When the government had to step in and insist on limiting labor to adult workers getting time and a half over 40, profits be damned.
Which is better... Raw, unfettered Capitalism or Capitalism that's guided and directed?

'Intelligent Design' :dunno: 'Survival of the Most Fit'​

:eusa_think: Could what's 'better' change over history?

unfettered got us a burning Great Lake from all the polution.

guided and directed got us what we have now.

So I'd say both are good in small doses

minimum regulation to prevent harm, and nothing more from the government.

I'd say that if the US doesn't figure out how to best use the tool of government in its economy, the Chinese are going to be the economic force for the foreseeable future. Those people run their country like a big, ruthless corporation.

Guided capitalism can beat communism with market-place freedoms, but not with its head up its ass arguing social and cultural conflict on a national scale.

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