Which Of These Directly Due To Democrat Party???

The child by the seaside
While St. Augustine was working on his book On the Trinity, he was walking by the seaside one day, meditating on the difficult problem of how God could be three Persons at once. He came upon a little child. The child had dug a hole in the sand, and with a small seashell was scooping water from the sea and pouring it into the hole. Augustine watched him for a while and finally asked the child what he was doing. The child answered that he wanted to scoop all the water from the sea and pour it into the hole in the sand. ‘What?’ Augustine said. ‘That is impossible. Obviously, the sea is too large and the hole too small.’ ‘Indeed,’ said the child, ‘but I will sooner draw all the water from the sea and empty it into this hole than you will succeed in penetrating the mystery of the Holy Trinity with your limited understanding.’ Augustine turned away in amazement and when he looked back the child had disappeared.
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And now here you are trying to explain to us how a rational intelligent man can not only defend the wiles and creeds of the democrat party, but actually believe they are good for America. That task is just as impossible as Augustine’s endeavor.

Very well done.

Two points.

One, we need more educated and articulate posters, like you, on the board. Sadly, we get to view what government school turns out.

Two....although a political pessimist, I am an inveterate optimist when it comes to believing what truth will produce in readers: 5 to 10 times more read a thread than post in it, and these are the folks I hope to convince.

It's my Asian: better to light one candle......

.although a political pessimist, I am an inveterate optimist when it comes to believing what truth will produce in readers: 5 to 10 times more read a thread than post in it, and these are the folks I hope to convince. It's my Asian: better to light one candle......
>> although a political pessimist, I am an inveterate optimist when it comes to believing what truth will produce in readers:
I am a Catholic pessimist, not advisable, but I am not going to lie about it either. This nation has been blessed in so many ways, and yet, these lukewarm “believers’ act as though they are the “good guys” and God will shine favor upon them. No, not so. They / we take horrible risks with our eternities.

>> It's my Asian: better to light one candle......
You light more forest fires than candles in the dark. But there is nothing wrong with that when applied properly. You deserve a lot of credit. You research and think through your posts, and respond to all adversaries.
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They always try to claim the Dems shut down the US in 2020, they seem to forget who was president and who shut down the feds and the states followed.
/-----/ Wrong again, Spanky:
As COVID wanes, state legislatures are limiting governors' emergency powers. Why it matters
"Right from the start, there was a big philosophical difference between Democrats who wanted to keep things closed to protect public health and Republicans who wanted to reopen everything to protect the economy," said Terry Madonna, senior fellow for political affairs at Millersville University.

And President Trump fought with Govoners to reopen early.

A better thread title would be:

Which things are right wingers lying about and blaming on Democrats? And the answer is all of the above.

Why is it that you don't post your right wing agenda and plans for the government once you get into power??? Where is your promotion of Donald Trump's policies and agenda??? Why are all of your posts simply attacking the left?

Why don't YOU ever post anything about your party's agenda, just lies about leftists??? Is it because you have nothing to promote, other than another Donald Trump revenge tour????
A better thread title would be:

Which things are right wingers lying about and blaming on Democrats? And the answer is all of the above.

Why is it that you don't post your right wing agenda and plans for the government once you get into power??? Where is your promotion of Donald Trump's policies and agenda??? Why are all of your posts simply attacking the left?

Why don't YOU ever post anything about your party's agenda, just lies about leftists??? Is it because you have nothing to promote, other than another Donald Trump revenge tour????
do you mean Trump's policies that created energy independence, the lowest unemployment on record, highest stock market ever, consumer confidence at record highs, low inflation, and the vax that you morons claim saved millions of lives. But during the campaign Biden and Harris said they would not take it. Now they hype it. hypocrisy much?
it was the dems that pulled off the coup of 2020 and its the dems that opened our borders to millions of illegals and tons of drugs. you have it backwards as usual.
Republicans attacked our Capitol in an attempt to overturn a lawful election
Republicans attacked our Capitol in an attempt to overturn a lawful election
wrong, but lets talk about the hundreds or left wing riots during 2020 that destroyed billions in public and private property and killed or injured hundreds of innocent people. you idiots support BLM and Antifa which were real riots. Jan 6 was the creation of the left. Why did the capital cops encourage the people to enter the capital? Why did Pelosi refuse Trump's offer of federal troops to protect the capital? why was the so-called jan 6 committee all made up of Trump haters and america haters? This country is screwed up today because of you communist socialists libtards who put the kenyan imposter and his man/wife in the white house and now you have a senile puppet who is controlled by obozo and soros. you libs are destroying this great country and you are too stupid to realize it.
wrong, but lets talk about the hundreds or left wing riots during 2020 that destroyed billions in public and private property and killed or injured hundreds of innocent people. you idiots support BLM and Antifa which were real riots. Jan 6 was the creation of the left. Why did the capital cops encourage the people to enter the capital? Why did Pelosi refuse Trump's offer of federal troops to protect the capital? why was the so-called jan 6 committee all made up of Trump haters and america haters? This country is screwed up today because of you communist socialists libtards who put the kenyan imposter and his man/wife in the white house and now you have a senile puppet who is controlled by obozo and soros. you libs are destroying this great country and you are too stupid to realize it.
Nice deflection

But had nothing to do with the Democratic Party
Very well done.

Two points.

One, we need more educated and articulate posters, like you, on the board. Sadly, we get to view what government school turns out.

Two....although a political pessimist, I am an inveterate optimist when it comes to believing what truth will produce in readers: 5 to 10 times more read a thread than post in it, and these are the folks I hope to convince.

It's my Asian: better to light one candle......

My but you're funny today.
Superman is a Democrat?

No Superman is a Liberal. Superman is Canadian.

A better thread title would be:

Which things are right wingers lying about and blaming on Democrats? And the answer is all of the above.

Why is it that you don't post your right wing agenda and plans for the government once you get into power??? Where is your promotion of Donald Trump's policies and agenda??? Why are all of your posts simply attacking the left?

Why don't YOU ever post anything about your party's agenda, just lies about leftists??? Is it because you have nothing to promote, other than another Donald Trump revenge tour????

1. Everything I post about the Democrat Party is 100% true, correct and accurate.

2. The agenda of the other party conforms with America's history, heritage and values.

And now for your remedial:

The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives
a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Democrats
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

None of the totalitarian forms of political plague have the slightest concern for human life: not communism (gulags), not Nazism (concentration camps), not Liberalism (abortion), not Progressivism (eugenics), not socialism (theft), not fascism (murder).

They only differ in the final outcome: slavery, serfdom, or death.

They all follow Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."

Whether personal beliefs, or what we call 'politics,' or perhaps 'religion,' the real idea that determines what we will do in any and every situation, is one simple idea. Either one believes that human lives are sacred, or one believes that they can be exchanged to achieve some secular material goal.

Choose a. or b.
a. From Schindler's List: “Whoever saves one life saves the world entire.”
b. Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."

" Franklin Roosevelt had pictured a place where citizens were joined in a collective enterprise ... Reagan pictured a more individualistic America where everyone would flourish once freed from the shackles of the state, and so the watchwords became self-reliance and small government."
The Liberal Crackup
Get it now????

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