Which of these was the lowest marketing ploy?

Choose one

  • George Floyd incident was because of racism in Democrat PROG language

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Rayshard Brooks incident was because of racism in Democrat PROG language

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jacob Blake incident was because of racism in Democrat PROG language

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • One or more of these injustices is because of racism

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
The left & their politicians sold these incidences as racial injustice, all so their believers would destroy their own yet support the Democrats anyway, which is exactly how it works. To do that they provided only evidence that would support their themes. They didn't tell or show............

George Floyd was a time bomb before he was apprehended by police. He resisted arrest throughout the entire ordeal, complained he couldn't breathe before he was apprehended. PROG-TV presented it as a heartless cop with no facial expression while Floyd complained he couldn't breathe.

Rayshard Brooks resisted arrest as well of course, but PROG-TV only showed him running away from the cops. They didn't show you Brooks had just assaulted the officers, ran away, and then turned a taser on a cop when he was shot.

Jacob Blake resisted arrest too. PROG-TV only showed you a poor fellow was shot-up only because he opened his car door. He just wanted to leave I suppose, he called timeout and the cops didn't play fair. They didn't tell you the guy had a knife, and PROGS never thought for a second a guy reaching into his car while resisting arrest is a TREMENDOUS KNOWN threat to police whether you have a weapon or not. It takes a split second to stab or fire, but I guess PROGS are just slow.

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