Which political party is more likely to spawn WW3? (Poll)

Which party, R or D, is more likely to trigger WW3 after winning the 2024 election?

  • Republicans

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • Democrats

    Votes: 17 51.5%
  • WW3 is very unlikely due to the economic destruction (lose-lose outcome)

    Votes: 9 27.3%
  • WW3 is probable due to a convergence of circumstances beyond control of the US

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • Other. See my post.

    Votes: 1 3.0%

  • Total voters
So what is the "proper decision" in November????????
i like the guy who supports the system, and his party.

decisions like war and peace must be decided by cool discussion of a committee with reams of rand corp input. NOT by one guy and his "gut feekingz"
The problem with Democrats is that they have no conception of cause and effect. That's why I think Democrats would be more likely to start a major war. They still wouldn't be able to figure out where they went wrong 6 months after the war started. Democrats are just dumb. Just look at our President and VP if you don't believe me. MAGA
I didn't say it was blitzkrieg.

China is methodical. They have no regime changes, ever.

They are in no hurry, but don't mistake that for a lack of determination to get the job done.
they are efficient and patient. i would not look forward that world, but if we do not curtail population growth and manage our own affairs more efficiency it will be inevitable, and necessary.
The problem with Democrats is that they have no conception of cause and effect. That's why I think Democrats would be more likely to start a major war. They still wouldn't be able to figure out where they went wrong 6 months after the war started. Democrats are just dumb. Just look at our President and VP if you don't believe me. MAGA
that is a gross overgeneralization, not based on fact.
Because with each new president the plans of the previous one are routinely put in to the shitter to appease the base of the new POTUS. This will not get better, but worse as our partisan divide grows.
Probably true, but can you put up a few examples?
For example, Biden withdrew from AFG. Trump may have kept 6,000 troops there in Bagram as requested by the Pentagon, maybe.

I think both parties will support Ukraine.
Mexico's Obrador wants $20b and other gifts.

We know Trump would tell him to fuck-off. We'll see what Biden does.

China is in Cuba. Biden is doing nothing. Biden let China's spy balloon fly across the US, sold China SPR oil, etc.
i like the guy who supports the system, and his party.

decisions like war and peace must be decided by cool discussion of a committee with reams of rand corp input. NOT by one guy and his "gut feekingz"
I like the guy who is usually right, not the "always wrong" guy where "everything he touches turns to shit"
they are efficient and patient. i would not look forward that world, but if we do not curtail population growth and manage our own affairs more efficiency it will be inevitable, and necessary.
China is waiting for the demise of the US to take over is all as they push fentanyl across the border with 200 Americans dying from overdoses every year, and with buying off US politicians as they sell America for short term gain because they are all corrupt.

Then you will see how China deals with population control, like they have done in their own country with the genocide of the Uyghurs, or welding people in their homes for a Covid shutdown, or telling people they can only have one child.

Then the Left will have their world saving utopia.
Any American political party that becomes coerced by the Deep State/Military-Industrial Complex.
Seriously? Maybe we aren't seeing what WW3 would look like.
1. Nuclear exchanges?
2. No nuclear exchanges?
3. EMPs?
4. Biological?
we have 3 parties now; the Democrats, what is left of the republican base and the cancer of MAGA.

The GOP and Dems will use force when necessary. The blob won’t because he doesn’t have the stomach to call parents and tell them their daughter or son died.
Probably true, but can you put up a few examples?
For example, Biden withdrew from AFG. Trump may have kept 6,000 troops there in Bagram as requested by the Pentagon, maybe.

But even with that Biden changed the agreed upon leaving date for no reason other than politics.

Ask yourself this, if you were an ally of the US would you trust us to have your back?

I think both parties will support Ukraine.

Will Trump keep funding Ukraine if he wins?

China is in Cuba. Biden is doing nothing.

What is there to be done?

And does the US really have the right to be upset about such things given our bases all around China?
I like the guy who is usually right, not the "always wrong" guy where "everything he touches turns to shit"
welcome aboard. i think this boat will need a lot of baleing this year. it does not make that choice easier.
1. Trump had NordStream2 stopped with sanctions. Biden lifted them.

2. Where has Biden acted as the world's policeman? I remember when ISIS spread like wildfire under Obama, and then Trump killed it.
True Biden has given Ukraine military aid, but both parties support that as it weakens Russia's military.

3,. Your claim that "the EU would have been conquered" is nonsense. Russia does NOT want to tangle with NATO.

4. Trump's destruction of ISIS shows that your claim of isolationism is bullshit.

5. One more thing. Biden's moronic withdrawal from AFG got him "held in CONTEMPT" by Britain. Giving bad actors $85b of US military equipment is also stupid.

ISIS is still around.
we have 3 parties now; the Democrats, what is left of the republican base and the cancer of MAGA.
The GOP and Dems will use force when necessary. The blob won’t because he doesn’t have the stomach to call parents and tell them their daughter or son died.
1. The "republican base" is MAGA. 74,000,000 votes in 2020. Liz Cheney and Kinzinger and Kasich and Romney are "democrats".

2. Obama let ISIS expand, Trump killed it. There goes that thesis.
Due to the strength of the US military and our global alliances, it is unlikely any power would challenge it.

But in the hypothetical of the OP, more likely Democrats.
Democrats support our global alliances while Republicans are more isolationist
But even with that Biden changed the agreed upon leaving date for no reason other than politics.
Ask yourself this, if you were an ally of the US would you trust us to have your back?

Will Trump keep funding Ukraine if he wins?

What is there to be done? And does the US really have the right to be upset about such things given our bases all around China?
1. The Pentagon wanted 6,000 troops to stay. They knew that the AFG army was useless without US air support. They knew that $85b of US military equipment was at risk. US allies were pissed that we left them hanging. The Brits hold Biden in CONTEMPT, so "no" US allies do not trust Biden.

2. I do not believe Trump would veto US funding for Ukraine.
BUT, I do believe Trump would not provide more US funding than the EU put up.

3. I think the US needs to keep China out of OUR hemisphere. We kept Russia out.

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