Which political party is more likely to spawn WW3? (Poll)

Which party, R or D, is more likely to trigger WW3 after winning the 2024 election?

  • Republicans

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • Democrats

    Votes: 17 51.5%
  • WW3 is very unlikely due to the economic destruction (lose-lose outcome)

    Votes: 9 27.3%
  • WW3 is probable due to a convergence of circumstances beyond control of the US

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • Other. See my post.

    Votes: 1 3.0%

  • Total voters
ISIS is still around.
The Caliphate is gone. Trump killed it. There are still ISIS terrorists around, but they don't control any territory.

...this is what ISIS looked like until Trump destroyed their Caliphate.

the kurds did as much to "kill" isis asd anyone. trump sure paid them for that one

as candycorn mentioned. isis still exists and is still a problem. the arabs still dream of a "united" arab caliphate.
GOP and MAGA have some shared goals but the divide is growing.

ISIS is still around.
1. True. The GOP battle is between "populists" (Trump) and "conservatives/globalists" like Cheney & Romney.
2. True. ISIS cells are still around.
3. The democrats have a battle looming between "progressives" and "moderates".
the kurds did as much to "kill" isis asd anyone. trump sure paid them for that one

as candycorn mentioned. isis still exists and is still a problem. the arabs still dream of a "united" arab caliphate.

They can’t stop lying. If they did, they wouldn’t say anything.

"Which political party is more likely to spawn WW3?"

Any American political party that becomes coerced by the Deep State/Military-Industrial Complex.
Yes. Seriously.
Maybe we aren't seeing what WW3 would look like.
From the American point of view? Yes, maybe.
1. Nuclear exchanges?
The Deep State/Military-Industrial Complex is forever itching for such an exchange.
2. No nuclear exchanges?
Conventional weapons have been the staple income for the Deep State/Military-Industrial Complex since the end of WW II.
Give me an example of an EMP.
4. Biological?
The Deep State/Military-Industrial Complex is already up to its elbows in biological treachery.

The Bottom Line: It is easy to say that the Democrat equation is more likely to initiate WW III today, but yesterday (a figure of speech) it was the Republicans. The Two-Party American system is corrupt and fluid. I might be willing to say that Trump isn't as likely to be bribed/coerced/blackmailed into a Third-World War but as it stands the system has its dupe in place (Biden) with strings, ropes, and pulleys firmly attached to him and as long as they can keep him they won't have to worry about being challenged by someone like Trump. Keep in mind that I said, "Trump isn't as likely to be bribed/coerced/blackmailed into a Third-World War" but that can change when Biden's soiled diaper slides down his pant leg and onto the floor. That will necessitate the Deep State/Military-Industrial Complex to scramble and get really nasty in order to get Trump on board. They'll think of something. They always do.
Due to the strength of the US military and our global alliances, it is unlikely any power would challenge it.
But in the hypothetical of the OP, more likely Democrats.
Democrats support our global alliances while Republicans are more isolationist
1. The US "interest on the debt" and "entitlements" will affect the US military budget going forward. Will the dollar collapse?

2. What about tariffs? Which party is more likely to impose tariffs? How would that affect foreign relations?
1. True. The GOP battle is between "populists" (Trump) and "conservatives/globalists" like Cheney & Romney.
Its a battle between people who want to govern and people who want no government. Globalization is the only reason Texas and Florida matter.
2. True. ISIS cells are still around.
You said it was destroyed 2 minutes ago. Wow.
3. The democrats have a battle looming between "progressives" and "moderates".
Perhaps. But the recent national elections have given me (at least) some hope that the Democrats really want to win elections with the way they solved the Bernie problem, promoted MAGA loons and let Oz and Herschel hang themselves, etc...
1. The US "interest on the debt" and "entitlements" will affect the US military budget going forward. Will the dollar collapse?

2. What about tariffs? Which party is more likely to impose tariffs? How would that affect foreign relations?

The US Military will always be first in line when it comes to funding

Republicans are more likely to invoke tariffs which are paid by the American people
1. Tell them to leave.
2. If they didn't leave, turn economic screws until they did.

1. I am sure that would work.

2. Trump tried a trade war with them that hurt the US more than China, not sure there is anything we can do to them that would not hurt us more. Just a sad fact of life.

Also, just seems very hypocritical
What exactly did Trump do to kill ISIS?
Air power, coordinating allies like the Kurds.
It came up most recently in the vice presidential debate, when Mike Pence boasted, “We destroyed the ISIS caliphate. … You know when President Trump came into office, ISIS had captured an area of the Middle East the size of Pennsylvania. President Trump unleashed the American military, and our armed forces destroyed the ISIS caliphate and took down their leader al-Baghdadi without one American casualty.”
Similar victory claims have been made by Trump himself dating back to October 2017 and include him saying “We’ve done more against ISIS in nine months than the previous administration has done during its whole administration – by far, by far.” Other statements in March 2018 and February 2019 include Trump’s boast “on terrorism, in Iraq and Syria, we’ve taken back almost 100%, in a very short period of time, of the land that they took. And it all took place since our election.”
According to US Central Command, ISIS is still around.
Your link is from 2020.
So how much land do they control in 2024?
What is Biden doing about their attacks on US troops?
Air power, coordinating allies like the Kurds.
It came up most recently in the vice presidential debate, when Mike Pence boasted, “We destroyed the ISIS caliphate. … You know when President Trump came into office, ISIS had captured an area of the Middle East the size of Pennsylvania. President Trump unleashed the American military, and our armed forces destroyed the ISIS caliphate and took down their leader al-Baghdadi without one American casualty.”
Similar victory claims have been made by Trump himself dating back to October 2017 and include him saying “We’ve done more against ISIS in nine months than the previous administration has done during its whole administration – by far, by far.” Other statements in March 2018 and February 2019 include Trump’s boast “on terrorism, in Iraq and Syria, we’ve taken back almost 100%, in a very short period of time, of the land that they took. And it all took place since our election.”

well fuck, if Trump and Pence said it, then it has to be true.

My bad. :oops: :cheers2:
...a link from 2019:
Moreover, China—largely a third party during the Cold War—has emerged as the U.S.'s foremost economic challenger, and has answered Russia's calls for closer ties, including in the military realm.

So in 2019 China didn't make the list of threats to start WW3. Has China's threats to take Taiwan moved the needle closer to WW3 now?
North Korea is now making aggressive threats against South Korea. NK should have been on the list.

This thread wants to discuss the probability of WW3 based on which party is in the Whitehouse.

1. If Joe Biden wins a 2nd term: (I don't see Michele Obama or Gavin Newsome replacing Biden so late in the cycle)
Biden's WH is less likely to take action to limit aggressive moves by aggressor nations, like Russia in Ukraine, China in Taiwan, NK against SK, or Iran in the ME. The formation of the BRIC nations has limited the US as far as imposing crippling sanctions on aggressor nations, leaving limited military action as the only punishing action available. The US is NOT the world's policeman. The feckless UN is no help either.

2. If Trump, Nikki Haley, or Ron Desantis win the Whitehouse in 2024:
Would Republican foreign policies be more aggressive toward aggressor nations?
Would the Republican led US make the world safer or would they move the world closer to WW3?

Which party, R or D, is more likely to trigger WW3 after winning the 2024 election?
As long as a total lunatic doesn’t become the head of a country, I don’t see a nuclear WW III happening. The downside is too great and Russia and China don’t have the military capability to stand up to the US in a conventional war. Russia’s military has been severely downgraded by the “special operation” and China’s Navy is so weak, invading Taiwan is a pipe dream.
Yes. Seriously.
From the American point of view? Yes, maybe.
The Deep State/Military-Industrial Complex is forever itching for such an exchange.
Conventional weapons have been the staple income for the Deep State/Military-Industrial Complex since the end of WW II.
Give me an example of an EMP
The Deep State/Military-Industrial Complex is already up to its elbows in biological treachery.

The Bottom Line: It is easy to say that the Democrat equation is more likely to initiate WW III today, but yesterday (a figure of speech) it was the Republicans. The Two-Party American system is corrupt and fluid. I might be willing to say that Trump isn't as likely to be bribed/coerced/blackmailed into a Third-World War but as it stands the system has its dupe in place (Biden) with strings, ropes, and pulleys firmly attached to him and as long as they can keep him they won't have to worry about being challenged by someone like Trump. Keep in mind that I said, "Trump isn't as likely to be bribed/coerced/blackmailed into a Third-World War" but that can change when Biden's soiled diaper slides down his pant leg and onto the floor. That will necessitate the Deep State/Military-Industrial Complex to scramble and get really nasty in order to get Trump on board. They'll think of something. They always do.
An EMP destroys all electronics.
Its a battle between people who want to govern and people who want no government. Globalization is the only reason Texas and Florida matter.

You said it was destroyed 2 minutes ago. Wow.

Perhaps. But the recent national elections have given me (at least) some hope that the Democrats really want to win elections with the way they solved the Bernie problem, promoted MAGA loons and let Oz and Herschel hang themselves, etc...
1. Populists and globalists both govern. One is "America First" and the other moves factories overseas to make more money.

2. The Caliphate was destroyed. There are still cells around, but ISIS does not control a land mass the size of PA anymore.

3. Biden is too old. The dems have a 75% wrong track to deal with. I like the GOP's chances in November.

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