Which political policies implemented in Mexifornia have benefited good, real Americans?

Actually he is correct. People paying crazy taxes ending up homeless just to support their own invasion.

Nonsense. His qualifiers make it a stupid argument. Real Americans he says. Well as he defines Real Americans it is anyone who doesn’t live in California. Which is a stupid argument.

But let’s talk about California and the high taxes. Like your guns? I’ve purchased things through the Glock Store many times. The Glock Store is located in San Diego. That’s right, the largest customizing shop and website for Glocks is located in California, right near the border. Mexifornia according to the jackass.

The population has been increasing in California. California - resident population 1960-2018 | Statista

Which means that for every “real American” that leaves, at least two enter the state. Oh, just to take from the welfare or such. Bull shit again.

The GDP of California has increased by nearly a Trillion Dollars. U.S. federal state of California - real GDP 2000-2018 | Statista

So those welfare checks must be a lot bigger than we were led to believe.

Now, I don’t live in California and I am not planning on moving there ever. But I absolutely reject asinine assertions like the jackass who posted this crap. He is part of the major problem we are facing in this nation. That problem is radicals on the left and right that do nothing but wish to destroy their opponents. For generations, more than two centuries, with one or two exceptions, this nation has managed to survive with moderation, and in moderate political changes. That all changed. Now, the Radical Right, which this jibbering jackass is a cheerleader want nothing more than dead Lefties. The radical left, wants nothing more than dead righties. We the rational people are stuck in the middle between these two moronic groups who are too stupid to realize they are swallowing propaganda from their own sources.

Personally I think this nation would be best served if this jackass and all the radicals on the right and left just put their own heads in front of their shotguns, and pulled the trigger. An alternative would be to fence off an area, like the deserts of Utah and Nevada, and lock them in and let them kill each other off. Then the rest of us could get busy actually addressing the issues facing this nation instead of using those issues as a club to bash their enemies over the head with.

This thread was never meant to be about your twisted, deranged fantasies you fucking whacko…I’m simply asking the filthy fucks who vote themselves down the shitter how they have benefited from the corrupt filth they elect. I don’t believe good, real, positive contributing Americans have gained an inch...in fact, I’m sure our best have got nothing but fucked over. It seems to me that only wetbacks and Mexico have reaped reward from the anchor babies and white guilt whackos running this super shithole.

Well let’s see. Business is booming in California. It seems that they are doing all right. If you disagree then move there and run for office.

I live here bud...and generally speaking business is not booming...the businesses that are kicking ass aren’t doing so because of our fucked up pro wetback politicians or their policies.

Can you help me out? RW radicals such as yourself love to shout at people if you don’t like it here leave. So why haven’t you left California? Why haven’t you left with the Real American Exodus?

in Georgia if people don’t like it we tell them Delta is ready when you are. A play on the old advertising of years gone by.

So why haven’t you left? If the majority of the people in California vote and feel one way find somewhere you represent the ideals of the majority. Perhaps some small town in Texas will suit your idiocy. Probably not. But it is possible. I would respectfully request that you avoid Georgia. This deep red state does not subscribe to your radical ideals either.
We all know that Mexico and it’s people have been benefiting from Mexifornia’s politicians for years...Can anyone tell us how REAL Californians have benefited?

(Increaced welfare checks and Mexican food recipes don’t really count.)

You are exactly the sort of Radical I was talking about. It’s all bullshit. You radicals on both sides need to just die already.

Actually he is correct. People paying crazy taxes ending up homeless just to support their own invasion.

Nonsense. His qualifiers make it a stupid argument. Real Americans he says. Well as he defines Real Americans it is anyone who doesn’t live in California. Which is a stupid argument.

But let’s talk about California and the high taxes. Like your guns? I’ve purchased things through the Glock Store many times. The Glock Store is located in San Diego. That’s right, the largest customizing shop and website for Glocks is located in California, right near the border. Mexifornia according to the jackass.

The population has been increasing in California. California - resident population 1960-2018 | Statista

Which means that for every “real American” that leaves, at least two enter the state. Oh, just to take from the welfare or such. Bull shit again.

The GDP of California has increased by nearly a Trillion Dollars. U.S. federal state of California - real GDP 2000-2018 | Statista

So those welfare checks must be a lot bigger than we were led to believe.

Now, I don’t live in California and I am not planning on moving there ever. But I absolutely reject asinine assertions like the jackass who posted this crap. He is part of the major problem we are facing in this nation. That problem is radicals on the left and right that do nothing but wish to destroy their opponents. For generations, more than two centuries, with one or two exceptions, this nation has managed to survive with moderation, and in moderate political changes. That all changed. Now, the Radical Right, which this jibbering jackass is a cheerleader want nothing more than dead Lefties. The radical left, wants nothing more than dead righties. We the rational people are stuck in the middle between these two moronic groups who are too stupid to realize they are swallowing propaganda from their own sources.

Personally I think this nation would be best served if this jackass and all the radicals on the right and left just put their own heads in front of their shotguns, and pulled the trigger. An alternative would be to fence off an area, like the deserts of Utah and Nevada, and lock them in and let them kill each other off. Then the rest of us could get busy actually addressing the issues facing this nation instead of using those issues as a club to bash their enemies over the head with.

And just to be clear...
Real Americans are not confused by who / what other real Americans are.
I’ll teach you though...Real Americans were born in the US to LEGAL parents...They speak the english language, they’re proud, patriotic and positive contributing....they respect and appreciate law and order, America’s right to sovereignty, American tradition, culture and history...Real Americans tend to be likeminded, they share the same goals for our country...I could carry on and on...you still confused?

Are they Veterans? Is that a requirement?

Working Americans are leaving and unskilled, illiterate, foreigners are arriving.

The California exodus is speeding up

The homeless tent communes are growing faster than any city. Democrats see this as an improvement. Just get more working American out and more tents in. Everything will be just fine.
Actually he is correct. People paying crazy taxes ending up homeless just to support their own invasion.

Nonsense. His qualifiers make it a stupid argument. Real Americans he says. Well as he defines Real Americans it is anyone who doesn’t live in California. Which is a stupid argument.

But let’s talk about California and the high taxes. Like your guns? I’ve purchased things through the Glock Store many times. The Glock Store is located in San Diego. That’s right, the largest customizing shop and website for Glocks is located in California, right near the border. Mexifornia according to the jackass.

The population has been increasing in California. California - resident population 1960-2018 | Statista

Which means that for every “real American” that leaves, at least two enter the state. Oh, just to take from the welfare or such. Bull shit again.

The GDP of California has increased by nearly a Trillion Dollars. U.S. federal state of California - real GDP 2000-2018 | Statista

So those welfare checks must be a lot bigger than we were led to believe.

Now, I don’t live in California and I am not planning on moving there ever. But I absolutely reject asinine assertions like the jackass who posted this crap. He is part of the major problem we are facing in this nation. That problem is radicals on the left and right that do nothing but wish to destroy their opponents. For generations, more than two centuries, with one or two exceptions, this nation has managed to survive with moderation, and in moderate political changes. That all changed. Now, the Radical Right, which this jibbering jackass is a cheerleader want nothing more than dead Lefties. The radical left, wants nothing more than dead righties. We the rational people are stuck in the middle between these two moronic groups who are too stupid to realize they are swallowing propaganda from their own sources.

Personally I think this nation would be best served if this jackass and all the radicals on the right and left just put their own heads in front of their shotguns, and pulled the trigger. An alternative would be to fence off an area, like the deserts of Utah and Nevada, and lock them in and let them kill each other off. Then the rest of us could get busy actually addressing the issues facing this nation instead of using those issues as a club to bash their enemies over the head with.

This thread was never meant to be about your twisted, deranged fantasies you fucking whacko…I’m simply asking the filthy fucks who vote themselves down the shitter how they have benefited from the corrupt filth they elect. I don’t believe good, real, positive contributing Americans have gained an inch...in fact, I’m sure our best have got nothing but fucked over. It seems to me that only wetbacks and Mexico have reaped reward from the anchor babies and white guilt whackos running this super shithole.

Well let’s see. Business is booming in California. It seems that they are doing all right. If you disagree then move there and run for office.

I live here bud...and generally speaking business is not booming...the businesses that are kicking ass aren’t doing so because of our fucked up pro wetback politicians or their policies.

Can you help me out? RW radicals such as yourself love to shout at people if you don’t like it here leave. So why haven’t you left California? Why haven’t you left with the Real American Exodus?

in Georgia if people don’t like it we tell them Delta is ready when you are. A play on the old advertising of years gone by.

So why haven’t you left? If the majority of the people in California vote and feel one way find somewhere you represent the ideals of the majority. Perhaps some small town in Texas will suit your idiocy. Probably not. But it is possible. I would respectfully request that you avoid Georgia. This deep red state does not subscribe to your radical ideals either.

Like all good real Americans, I’m definitely leaving this disgusting foreign shithole, it’s just a matter of time, I’ve been positioning myself for it for years. I can’t wait to watch this wetback infested hellhole burn itself to the fucking ground.
In the meantime, I bounce between here and my places in Montana and Arizona...I live and spend most of my time among other good real Americans...where I live here in Mexifornia is still bright red, affluent, safe, clean and Caucasian...weird huh?
Actually he is correct. People paying crazy taxes ending up homeless just to support their own invasion.

Nonsense. His qualifiers make it a stupid argument. Real Americans he says. Well as he defines Real Americans it is anyone who doesn’t live in California. Which is a stupid argument.

But let’s talk about California and the high taxes. Like your guns? I’ve purchased things through the Glock Store many times. The Glock Store is located in San Diego. That’s right, the largest customizing shop and website for Glocks is located in California, right near the border. Mexifornia according to the jackass.

The population has been increasing in California. California - resident population 1960-2018 | Statista

Which means that for every “real American” that leaves, at least two enter the state. Oh, just to take from the welfare or such. Bull shit again.

The GDP of California has increased by nearly a Trillion Dollars. U.S. federal state of California - real GDP 2000-2018 | Statista

So those welfare checks must be a lot bigger than we were led to believe.

Now, I don’t live in California and I am not planning on moving there ever. But I absolutely reject asinine assertions like the jackass who posted this crap. He is part of the major problem we are facing in this nation. That problem is radicals on the left and right that do nothing but wish to destroy their opponents. For generations, more than two centuries, with one or two exceptions, this nation has managed to survive with moderation, and in moderate political changes. That all changed. Now, the Radical Right, which this jibbering jackass is a cheerleader want nothing more than dead Lefties. The radical left, wants nothing more than dead righties. We the rational people are stuck in the middle between these two moronic groups who are too stupid to realize they are swallowing propaganda from their own sources.

Personally I think this nation would be best served if this jackass and all the radicals on the right and left just put their own heads in front of their shotguns, and pulled the trigger. An alternative would be to fence off an area, like the deserts of Utah and Nevada, and lock them in and let them kill each other off. Then the rest of us could get busy actually addressing the issues facing this nation instead of using those issues as a club to bash their enemies over the head with.

This thread was never meant to be about your twisted, deranged fantasies you fucking whacko…I’m simply asking the filthy fucks who vote themselves down the shitter how they have benefited from the corrupt filth they elect. I don’t believe good, real, positive contributing Americans have gained an inch...in fact, I’m sure our best have got nothing but fucked over. It seems to me that only wetbacks and Mexico have reaped reward from the anchor babies and white guilt whackos running this super shithole.

Well let’s see. Business is booming in California. It seems that they are doing all right. If you disagree then move there and run for office.

I live here bud...and generally speaking business is not booming...the businesses that are kicking ass aren’t doing so because of our fucked up pro wetback politicians or their policies.

Can you help me out? RW radicals such as yourself love to shout at people if you don’t like it here leave. So why haven’t you left California? Why haven’t you left with the Real American Exodus?

in Georgia if people don’t like it we tell them Delta is ready when you are. A play on the old advertising of years gone by.

So why haven’t you left? If the majority of the people in California vote and feel one way find somewhere you represent the ideals of the majority. Perhaps some small town in Texas will suit your idiocy. Probably not. But it is possible. I would respectfully request that you avoid Georgia. This deep red state does not subscribe to your radical ideals either.

Question for you...why would you consider me a “radical”?
Why do you consider my willingness to be candid and vocal as “idiocy”?
Nonsense. His qualifiers make it a stupid argument. Real Americans he says. Well as he defines Real Americans it is anyone who doesn’t live in California. Which is a stupid argument.

But let’s talk about California and the high taxes. Like your guns? I’ve purchased things through the Glock Store many times. The Glock Store is located in San Diego. That’s right, the largest customizing shop and website for Glocks is located in California, right near the border. Mexifornia according to the jackass.

The population has been increasing in California. California - resident population 1960-2018 | Statista

Which means that for every “real American” that leaves, at least two enter the state. Oh, just to take from the welfare or such. Bull shit again.

The GDP of California has increased by nearly a Trillion Dollars. U.S. federal state of California - real GDP 2000-2018 | Statista

So those welfare checks must be a lot bigger than we were led to believe.

Now, I don’t live in California and I am not planning on moving there ever. But I absolutely reject asinine assertions like the jackass who posted this crap. He is part of the major problem we are facing in this nation. That problem is radicals on the left and right that do nothing but wish to destroy their opponents. For generations, more than two centuries, with one or two exceptions, this nation has managed to survive with moderation, and in moderate political changes. That all changed. Now, the Radical Right, which this jibbering jackass is a cheerleader want nothing more than dead Lefties. The radical left, wants nothing more than dead righties. We the rational people are stuck in the middle between these two moronic groups who are too stupid to realize they are swallowing propaganda from their own sources.

Personally I think this nation would be best served if this jackass and all the radicals on the right and left just put their own heads in front of their shotguns, and pulled the trigger. An alternative would be to fence off an area, like the deserts of Utah and Nevada, and lock them in and let them kill each other off. Then the rest of us could get busy actually addressing the issues facing this nation instead of using those issues as a club to bash their enemies over the head with.

This thread was never meant to be about your twisted, deranged fantasies you fucking whacko…I’m simply asking the filthy fucks who vote themselves down the shitter how they have benefited from the corrupt filth they elect. I don’t believe good, real, positive contributing Americans have gained an inch...in fact, I’m sure our best have got nothing but fucked over. It seems to me that only wetbacks and Mexico have reaped reward from the anchor babies and white guilt whackos running this super shithole.

Well let’s see. Business is booming in California. It seems that they are doing all right. If you disagree then move there and run for office.

I live here bud...and generally speaking business is not booming...the businesses that are kicking ass aren’t doing so because of our fucked up pro wetback politicians or their policies.

Can you help me out? RW radicals such as yourself love to shout at people if you don’t like it here leave. So why haven’t you left California? Why haven’t you left with the Real American Exodus?

in Georgia if people don’t like it we tell them Delta is ready when you are. A play on the old advertising of years gone by.

So why haven’t you left? If the majority of the people in California vote and feel one way find somewhere you represent the ideals of the majority. Perhaps some small town in Texas will suit your idiocy. Probably not. But it is possible. I would respectfully request that you avoid Georgia. This deep red state does not subscribe to your radical ideals either.

Like all good real Americans, I’m definitely leaving this disgusting foreign shithole, it’s just a matter of time, I’ve been positioning myself for it for years. I can’t wait to watch this wetback infested hellhole burn itself to the fucking ground.
In the meantime, I bounce between here and my places in Montana and Arizona...I live and spend most of my time among other good real Americans...where I live here in Mexifornia is still bright red, affluent, safe, clean and Caucasian...weird huh?

Not at all surprising. Isolated white folks tend to be frightened easily.

Nonsense. His qualifiers make it a stupid argument. Real Americans he says. Well as he defines Real Americans it is anyone who doesn’t live in California. Which is a stupid argument.

But let’s talk about California and the high taxes. Like your guns? I’ve purchased things through the Glock Store many times. The Glock Store is located in San Diego. That’s right, the largest customizing shop and website for Glocks is located in California, right near the border. Mexifornia according to the jackass.

The population has been increasing in California. California - resident population 1960-2018 | Statista

Which means that for every “real American” that leaves, at least two enter the state. Oh, just to take from the welfare or such. Bull shit again.

The GDP of California has increased by nearly a Trillion Dollars. U.S. federal state of California - real GDP 2000-2018 | Statista

So those welfare checks must be a lot bigger than we were led to believe.

Now, I don’t live in California and I am not planning on moving there ever. But I absolutely reject asinine assertions like the jackass who posted this crap. He is part of the major problem we are facing in this nation. That problem is radicals on the left and right that do nothing but wish to destroy their opponents. For generations, more than two centuries, with one or two exceptions, this nation has managed to survive with moderation, and in moderate political changes. That all changed. Now, the Radical Right, which this jibbering jackass is a cheerleader want nothing more than dead Lefties. The radical left, wants nothing more than dead righties. We the rational people are stuck in the middle between these two moronic groups who are too stupid to realize they are swallowing propaganda from their own sources.

Personally I think this nation would be best served if this jackass and all the radicals on the right and left just put their own heads in front of their shotguns, and pulled the trigger. An alternative would be to fence off an area, like the deserts of Utah and Nevada, and lock them in and let them kill each other off. Then the rest of us could get busy actually addressing the issues facing this nation instead of using those issues as a club to bash their enemies over the head with.

This thread was never meant to be about your twisted, deranged fantasies you fucking whacko…I’m simply asking the filthy fucks who vote themselves down the shitter how they have benefited from the corrupt filth they elect. I don’t believe good, real, positive contributing Americans have gained an inch...in fact, I’m sure our best have got nothing but fucked over. It seems to me that only wetbacks and Mexico have reaped reward from the anchor babies and white guilt whackos running this super shithole.

Well let’s see. Business is booming in California. It seems that they are doing all right. If you disagree then move there and run for office.

I live here bud...and generally speaking business is not booming...the businesses that are kicking ass aren’t doing so because of our fucked up pro wetback politicians or their policies.

Can you help me out? RW radicals such as yourself love to shout at people if you don’t like it here leave. So why haven’t you left California? Why haven’t you left with the Real American Exodus?

in Georgia if people don’t like it we tell them Delta is ready when you are. A play on the old advertising of years gone by.

So why haven’t you left? If the majority of the people in California vote and feel one way find somewhere you represent the ideals of the majority. Perhaps some small town in Texas will suit your idiocy. Probably not. But it is possible. I would respectfully request that you avoid Georgia. This deep red state does not subscribe to your radical ideals either.

Question for you...why would you consider me a “radical”?
Why do you consider my willingness to be candid and vocal as “idiocy”?

Easy. If you wanted a serious discussion on immigration I might even agree. I have written many times of the dangers. The dangers I see are potential criminals, and disease. The danger you see is brown people. In your replies and posts it is always Whites are superior. That is absolutely crap. It is discredited eugenics. It is the battle cry of the last Master Race crap.

I will always eschew the race based beliefs. My Father had friends of all races and so do I. I also know a few proud whites like yourself. They are not friends. They will never be friends.

Racists like yourself give Conservatives a bad name just as socialists like Bernie and AOC or Dean give Liberals a bad name. You are the opposite end of the spectrum. Just as much scum as you shout they are. You literally are the mirror image of that which you profess to hate. Of course you are too stupid to realize that is exactly what happens when you hate. You inevitably become that which you hate.

I could quote the Bible, but you would reject it. I could quote philosophers and you would denounce them. You are entrenched in your hatred. Convinced that you must man the proverbial ramparts to stop them. Yes. You are a radical just as the people you profess to detest. You only imagine that you are justified in your hatred. But hatred is never justified. It is a path to certain self destruction.
This thread was never meant to be about your twisted, deranged fantasies you fucking whacko…I’m simply asking the filthy fucks who vote themselves down the shitter how they have benefited from the corrupt filth they elect. I don’t believe good, real, positive contributing Americans have gained an inch...in fact, I’m sure our best have got nothing but fucked over. It seems to me that only wetbacks and Mexico have reaped reward from the anchor babies and white guilt whackos running this super shithole.

Well let’s see. Business is booming in California. It seems that they are doing all right. If you disagree then move there and run for office.

I live here bud...and generally speaking business is not booming...the businesses that are kicking ass aren’t doing so because of our fucked up pro wetback politicians or their policies.

Can you help me out? RW radicals such as yourself love to shout at people if you don’t like it here leave. So why haven’t you left California? Why haven’t you left with the Real American Exodus?

in Georgia if people don’t like it we tell them Delta is ready when you are. A play on the old advertising of years gone by.

So why haven’t you left? If the majority of the people in California vote and feel one way find somewhere you represent the ideals of the majority. Perhaps some small town in Texas will suit your idiocy. Probably not. But it is possible. I would respectfully request that you avoid Georgia. This deep red state does not subscribe to your radical ideals either.

Like all good real Americans, I’m definitely leaving this disgusting foreign shithole, it’s just a matter of time, I’ve been positioning myself for it for years. I can’t wait to watch this wetback infested hellhole burn itself to the fucking ground.
In the meantime, I bounce between here and my places in Montana and Arizona...I live and spend most of my time among other good real Americans...where I live here in Mexifornia is still bright red, affluent, safe, clean and Caucasian...weird huh?

Not at all surprising. Isolated white folks tend to be frightened easily.

It’s weird that you dark folks always like to use the words “frightened” and “scared” to describe those whom develop preferences based on statistics and facts. It can’t at all be that good, quality people PREFER to live among other good quality people in decent, productive, clean, safe communities....We like to best our odds by simply looking at race populations in various communities. Weird that it’s that simple huh?
This thread was never meant to be about your twisted, deranged fantasies you fucking whacko…I’m simply asking the filthy fucks who vote themselves down the shitter how they have benefited from the corrupt filth they elect. I don’t believe good, real, positive contributing Americans have gained an inch...in fact, I’m sure our best have got nothing but fucked over. It seems to me that only wetbacks and Mexico have reaped reward from the anchor babies and white guilt whackos running this super shithole.

Well let’s see. Business is booming in California. It seems that they are doing all right. If you disagree then move there and run for office.

I live here bud...and generally speaking business is not booming...the businesses that are kicking ass aren’t doing so because of our fucked up pro wetback politicians or their policies.

Can you help me out? RW radicals such as yourself love to shout at people if you don’t like it here leave. So why haven’t you left California? Why haven’t you left with the Real American Exodus?

in Georgia if people don’t like it we tell them Delta is ready when you are. A play on the old advertising of years gone by.

So why haven’t you left? If the majority of the people in California vote and feel one way find somewhere you represent the ideals of the majority. Perhaps some small town in Texas will suit your idiocy. Probably not. But it is possible. I would respectfully request that you avoid Georgia. This deep red state does not subscribe to your radical ideals either.

Question for you...why would you consider me a “radical”?
Why do you consider my willingness to be candid and vocal as “idiocy”?

Easy. If you wanted a serious discussion on immigration I might even agree. I have written many times of the dangers. The dangers I see are potential criminals, and disease. The danger you see is brown people. In your replies and posts it is always Whites are superior. That is absolutely crap. It is discredited eugenics. It is the battle cry of the last Master Race crap.

I will always eschew the race based beliefs. My Father had friends of all races and so do I. I also know a few proud whites like yourself. They are not friends. They will never be friends.

Racists like yourself give Conservatives a bad name just as socialists like Bernie and AOC or Dean give Liberals a bad name. You are the opposite end of the spectrum. Just as much scum as you shout they are. You literally are the mirror image of that which you profess to hate. Of course you are too stupid to realize that is exactly what happens when you hate. You inevitably become that which you hate.

I could quote the Bible, but you would reject it. I could quote philosophers and you would denounce them. You are entrenched in your hatred. Convinced that you must man the proverbial ramparts to stop them. Yes. You are a radical just as the people you profess to detest. You only imagine that you are justified in your hatred. But hatred is never justified. It is a path to certain self destruction.

You nutless traditional conservatives have done nothing but surrender this nation to the evil Left for decades...you pathetic old fucks couldn’t even keep white people and God cool in a white Christian nation. You are completely pussified and self cucked, harnessed by the Left through political correctness. Face it, the Left owns your sorry asses.
The Left has been at war with all things RIGHT for decades...When will you spineless cowards stop pretending all is well...when will you become retaliatory? You’ve sat on their hands clutching your Bibles and AR-15’s watching this nation collapse all around you long enough haven’t you?. NOTHING spawned from Leftist ideology has been of any benefit to good, real Americans and the traditional Right are such fucking pussies they can’t dig deep, get aggressive and expose the filth of the Left at its core because the Left has them by the nuts by way of PC programming. This new-age RIGHT is courageous, we’ll get your nuts back for you by saying “FUCK PC”.
Enjoy the ride pussies.
Well let’s see. Business is booming in California. It seems that they are doing all right. If you disagree then move there and run for office.

I live here bud...and generally speaking business is not booming...the businesses that are kicking ass aren’t doing so because of our fucked up pro wetback politicians or their policies.

Can you help me out? RW radicals such as yourself love to shout at people if you don’t like it here leave. So why haven’t you left California? Why haven’t you left with the Real American Exodus?

in Georgia if people don’t like it we tell them Delta is ready when you are. A play on the old advertising of years gone by.

So why haven’t you left? If the majority of the people in California vote and feel one way find somewhere you represent the ideals of the majority. Perhaps some small town in Texas will suit your idiocy. Probably not. But it is possible. I would respectfully request that you avoid Georgia. This deep red state does not subscribe to your radical ideals either.

Like all good real Americans, I’m definitely leaving this disgusting foreign shithole, it’s just a matter of time, I’ve been positioning myself for it for years. I can’t wait to watch this wetback infested hellhole burn itself to the fucking ground.
In the meantime, I bounce between here and my places in Montana and Arizona...I live and spend most of my time among other good real Americans...where I live here in Mexifornia is still bright red, affluent, safe, clean and Caucasian...weird huh?

Not at all surprising. Isolated white folks tend to be frightened easily.

It’s weird that you dark folks always like to use the words “frightened” and “scared” to describe those whom develop preferences based on statistics and facts. It can’t at all be that good, quality people PREFER to live among other good quality people in decent, productive, clean, safe communities....We like to best our odds by simply looking at race populations in various communities. Weird that it’s that simple huh?

Wrong. My ancestors came from Norway. Which means I am a pasty faced white boy. One of those “good decent” folks you claim prefer your company and ideals.
I live here bud...and generally speaking business is not booming...the businesses that are kicking ass aren’t doing so because of our fucked up pro wetback politicians or their policies.

Can you help me out? RW radicals such as yourself love to shout at people if you don’t like it here leave. So why haven’t you left California? Why haven’t you left with the Real American Exodus?

in Georgia if people don’t like it we tell them Delta is ready when you are. A play on the old advertising of years gone by.

So why haven’t you left? If the majority of the people in California vote and feel one way find somewhere you represent the ideals of the majority. Perhaps some small town in Texas will suit your idiocy. Probably not. But it is possible. I would respectfully request that you avoid Georgia. This deep red state does not subscribe to your radical ideals either.

Like all good real Americans, I’m definitely leaving this disgusting foreign shithole, it’s just a matter of time, I’ve been positioning myself for it for years. I can’t wait to watch this wetback infested hellhole burn itself to the fucking ground.
In the meantime, I bounce between here and my places in Montana and Arizona...I live and spend most of my time among other good real Americans...where I live here in Mexifornia is still bright red, affluent, safe, clean and Caucasian...weird huh?

Not at all surprising. Isolated white folks tend to be frightened easily.

It’s weird that you dark folks always like to use the words “frightened” and “scared” to describe those whom develop preferences based on statistics and facts. It can’t at all be that good, quality people PREFER to live among other good quality people in decent, productive, clean, safe communities....We like to best our odds by simply looking at race populations in various communities. Weird that it’s that simple huh?

Wrong. My ancestors came from Norway. Which means I am a pasty faced white boy. One of those “good decent” folks you claim prefer your company and ideals.

Got it...so you’ve subscribed to the White Guilt Whackos Club...also established by your masters of the a Left?
Is that you shown below in the middle?
Well let’s see. Business is booming in California. It seems that they are doing all right. If you disagree then move there and run for office.

I live here bud...and generally speaking business is not booming...the businesses that are kicking ass aren’t doing so because of our fucked up pro wetback politicians or their policies.

Can you help me out? RW radicals such as yourself love to shout at people if you don’t like it here leave. So why haven’t you left California? Why haven’t you left with the Real American Exodus?

in Georgia if people don’t like it we tell them Delta is ready when you are. A play on the old advertising of years gone by.

So why haven’t you left? If the majority of the people in California vote and feel one way find somewhere you represent the ideals of the majority. Perhaps some small town in Texas will suit your idiocy. Probably not. But it is possible. I would respectfully request that you avoid Georgia. This deep red state does not subscribe to your radical ideals either.

Question for you...why would you consider me a “radical”?
Why do you consider my willingness to be candid and vocal as “idiocy”?

Easy. If you wanted a serious discussion on immigration I might even agree. I have written many times of the dangers. The dangers I see are potential criminals, and disease. The danger you see is brown people. In your replies and posts it is always Whites are superior. That is absolutely crap. It is discredited eugenics. It is the battle cry of the last Master Race crap.

I will always eschew the race based beliefs. My Father had friends of all races and so do I. I also know a few proud whites like yourself. They are not friends. They will never be friends.

Racists like yourself give Conservatives a bad name just as socialists like Bernie and AOC or Dean give Liberals a bad name. You are the opposite end of the spectrum. Just as much scum as you shout they are. You literally are the mirror image of that which you profess to hate. Of course you are too stupid to realize that is exactly what happens when you hate. You inevitably become that which you hate.

I could quote the Bible, but you would reject it. I could quote philosophers and you would denounce them. You are entrenched in your hatred. Convinced that you must man the proverbial ramparts to stop them. Yes. You are a radical just as the people you profess to detest. You only imagine that you are justified in your hatred. But hatred is never justified. It is a path to certain self destruction.

You nutless traditional conservatives have done nothing but surrender this nation to the evil Left for decades...you pathetic old fucks couldn’t even keep white people and God cool in a white Christian nation. You are completely pussified and self cucked, harnessed by the Left through political correctness. Face it, the Left owns your sorry asses.
The Left has been at war with all things RIGHT for decades...When will you spineless cowards stop pretending all is well...when will you become retaliatory? You’ve sat on their hands clutching your Bibles and AR-15’s watching this nation collapse all around you long enough haven’t you?. NOTHING spawned from Leftist ideology has been of any benefit to good, real Americans and the traditional Right are such fucking pussies they can’t dig deep, get aggressive and expose the filth of the Left at its core because the Left has them by the nuts by way of PC programming. This new-age RIGHT is courageous, we’ll get your nuts back for you by saying “FUCK PC”.
Enjoy the ride pussies.

the New Age Right is a carbon copy of the Nazi Right. No difference.

Things the Liberal Left have done. The Tennessee Valley Authority that provides power to an entire region. The Rural Electrification Project. Social Security. Miranda. Shall I continue?

Liberals went to argue that your right to say words like fuck was protected by the First Amendment. Liberals won that case.

Liberals taught you the Constitution in Civics class. Not that you actually like that document or what it represents.

Liberals find evidence to get innocent men and women out of prison. DNA is a real letdown for folks like you.

I think that is enough. For now. If you hate darkies so much. Get off your computer. They couldn’t exist without contributions and patented inventions from Minorities. Jackass.
Can you help me out? RW radicals such as yourself love to shout at people if you don’t like it here leave. So why haven’t you left California? Why haven’t you left with the Real American Exodus?

in Georgia if people don’t like it we tell them Delta is ready when you are. A play on the old advertising of years gone by.

So why haven’t you left? If the majority of the people in California vote and feel one way find somewhere you represent the ideals of the majority. Perhaps some small town in Texas will suit your idiocy. Probably not. But it is possible. I would respectfully request that you avoid Georgia. This deep red state does not subscribe to your radical ideals either.

Like all good real Americans, I’m definitely leaving this disgusting foreign shithole, it’s just a matter of time, I’ve been positioning myself for it for years. I can’t wait to watch this wetback infested hellhole burn itself to the fucking ground.
In the meantime, I bounce between here and my places in Montana and Arizona...I live and spend most of my time among other good real Americans...where I live here in Mexifornia is still bright red, affluent, safe, clean and Caucasian...weird huh?

Not at all surprising. Isolated white folks tend to be frightened easily.

It’s weird that you dark folks always like to use the words “frightened” and “scared” to describe those whom develop preferences based on statistics and facts. It can’t at all be that good, quality people PREFER to live among other good quality people in decent, productive, clean, safe communities....We like to best our odds by simply looking at race populations in various communities. Weird that it’s that simple huh?

Wrong. My ancestors came from Norway. Which means I am a pasty faced white boy. One of those “good decent” folks you claim prefer your company and ideals.

Got it...so you’ve subscribed to the White Guilt Whackos Club...also established by your masters of the a Left?
Is that you shown below in the middle?

No. A belief that all men are created Equally by God. If you want to be one of God’s chosen you need to convert to Judaism. Revelations. 12,000 from the Twelve Tribes of Israel were sealed with God’s own seal. Then came a multitude too numerous to count washed white in the blood of the Lamb.

If you ain’t Jewish, you aren’t God’s chosen cupcake.
I live here bud...and generally speaking business is not booming...the businesses that are kicking ass aren’t doing so because of our fucked up pro wetback politicians or their policies.

Can you help me out? RW radicals such as yourself love to shout at people if you don’t like it here leave. So why haven’t you left California? Why haven’t you left with the Real American Exodus?

in Georgia if people don’t like it we tell them Delta is ready when you are. A play on the old advertising of years gone by.

So why haven’t you left? If the majority of the people in California vote and feel one way find somewhere you represent the ideals of the majority. Perhaps some small town in Texas will suit your idiocy. Probably not. But it is possible. I would respectfully request that you avoid Georgia. This deep red state does not subscribe to your radical ideals either.

Question for you...why would you consider me a “radical”?
Why do you consider my willingness to be candid and vocal as “idiocy”?

Easy. If you wanted a serious discussion on immigration I might even agree. I have written many times of the dangers. The dangers I see are potential criminals, and disease. The danger you see is brown people. In your replies and posts it is always Whites are superior. That is absolutely crap. It is discredited eugenics. It is the battle cry of the last Master Race crap.

I will always eschew the race based beliefs. My Father had friends of all races and so do I. I also know a few proud whites like yourself. They are not friends. They will never be friends.

Racists like yourself give Conservatives a bad name just as socialists like Bernie and AOC or Dean give Liberals a bad name. You are the opposite end of the spectrum. Just as much scum as you shout they are. You literally are the mirror image of that which you profess to hate. Of course you are too stupid to realize that is exactly what happens when you hate. You inevitably become that which you hate.

I could quote the Bible, but you would reject it. I could quote philosophers and you would denounce them. You are entrenched in your hatred. Convinced that you must man the proverbial ramparts to stop them. Yes. You are a radical just as the people you profess to detest. You only imagine that you are justified in your hatred. But hatred is never justified. It is a path to certain self destruction.

You nutless traditional conservatives have done nothing but surrender this nation to the evil Left for decades...you pathetic old fucks couldn’t even keep white people and God cool in a white Christian nation. You are completely pussified and self cucked, harnessed by the Left through political correctness. Face it, the Left owns your sorry asses.
The Left has been at war with all things RIGHT for decades...When will you spineless cowards stop pretending all is well...when will you become retaliatory? You’ve sat on their hands clutching your Bibles and AR-15’s watching this nation collapse all around you long enough haven’t you?. NOTHING spawned from Leftist ideology has been of any benefit to good, real Americans and the traditional Right are such fucking pussies they can’t dig deep, get aggressive and expose the filth of the Left at its core because the Left has them by the nuts by way of PC programming. This new-age RIGHT is courageous, we’ll get your nuts back for you by saying “FUCK PC”.
Enjoy the ride pussies.

the New Age Right is a carbon copy of the Nazi Right. No difference.

Things the Liberal Left have done. The Tennessee Valley Authority that provides power to an entire region. The Rural Electrification Project. Social Security. Miranda. Shall I continue?

Liberals went to argue that your right to say words like fuck was protected by the First Amendment. Liberals won that case.

Liberals taught you the Constitution in Civics class. Not that you actually like that document or what it represents.

Liberals find evidence to get innocent men and women out of prison. DNA is a real letdown for folks like you.

I think that is enough. For now. If you hate darkies so much. Get off your computer. They couldn’t exist without contributions and patented inventions from Minorities. Jackass.

Well, you’ve definitely confirmed you are one sick twisted fuck....How can you lie to yourself and pretend that these new disgusting fucks whom call themselves liberals are anything like the traditional liberals you describe from our past?
I suppose you believe Democrats haven’t morphed into Mexicrats either huh?
Can you help me out? RW radicals such as yourself love to shout at people if you don’t like it here leave. So why haven’t you left California? Why haven’t you left with the Real American Exodus?

in Georgia if people don’t like it we tell them Delta is ready when you are. A play on the old advertising of years gone by.

So why haven’t you left? If the majority of the people in California vote and feel one way find somewhere you represent the ideals of the majority. Perhaps some small town in Texas will suit your idiocy. Probably not. But it is possible. I would respectfully request that you avoid Georgia. This deep red state does not subscribe to your radical ideals either.

Question for you...why would you consider me a “radical”?
Why do you consider my willingness to be candid and vocal as “idiocy”?

Easy. If you wanted a serious discussion on immigration I might even agree. I have written many times of the dangers. The dangers I see are potential criminals, and disease. The danger you see is brown people. In your replies and posts it is always Whites are superior. That is absolutely crap. It is discredited eugenics. It is the battle cry of the last Master Race crap.

I will always eschew the race based beliefs. My Father had friends of all races and so do I. I also know a few proud whites like yourself. They are not friends. They will never be friends.

Racists like yourself give Conservatives a bad name just as socialists like Bernie and AOC or Dean give Liberals a bad name. You are the opposite end of the spectrum. Just as much scum as you shout they are. You literally are the mirror image of that which you profess to hate. Of course you are too stupid to realize that is exactly what happens when you hate. You inevitably become that which you hate.

I could quote the Bible, but you would reject it. I could quote philosophers and you would denounce them. You are entrenched in your hatred. Convinced that you must man the proverbial ramparts to stop them. Yes. You are a radical just as the people you profess to detest. You only imagine that you are justified in your hatred. But hatred is never justified. It is a path to certain self destruction.

You nutless traditional conservatives have done nothing but surrender this nation to the evil Left for decades...you pathetic old fucks couldn’t even keep white people and God cool in a white Christian nation. You are completely pussified and self cucked, harnessed by the Left through political correctness. Face it, the Left owns your sorry asses.
The Left has been at war with all things RIGHT for decades...When will you spineless cowards stop pretending all is well...when will you become retaliatory? You’ve sat on their hands clutching your Bibles and AR-15’s watching this nation collapse all around you long enough haven’t you?. NOTHING spawned from Leftist ideology has been of any benefit to good, real Americans and the traditional Right are such fucking pussies they can’t dig deep, get aggressive and expose the filth of the Left at its core because the Left has them by the nuts by way of PC programming. This new-age RIGHT is courageous, we’ll get your nuts back for you by saying “FUCK PC”.
Enjoy the ride pussies.

the New Age Right is a carbon copy of the Nazi Right. No difference.

Things the Liberal Left have done. The Tennessee Valley Authority that provides power to an entire region. The Rural Electrification Project. Social Security. Miranda. Shall I continue?

Liberals went to argue that your right to say words like fuck was protected by the First Amendment. Liberals won that case.

Liberals taught you the Constitution in Civics class. Not that you actually like that document or what it represents.

Liberals find evidence to get innocent men and women out of prison. DNA is a real letdown for folks like you.

I think that is enough. For now. If you hate darkies so much. Get off your computer. They couldn’t exist without contributions and patented inventions from Minorities. Jackass.

Well, you’ve definitely confirmed you are one sick twisted fuck....How can you lie to yourself and pretend that these new disgusting fucks whom call themselves liberals are anything like the traditional liberals you describe from our past?
I suppose you believe Democrats haven’t morphed into Mexicrats either huh?

You really are an idiot. In an earlier reply I said that the RW Radicals like yourself were just as bad as the Leftist Radicals. You see. It is that my way or death attitude that marks you as a radical. Anyone who disagrees with your asinine statements must be a socialist. Nonsense.

I even named the LW radicals I thought were bad. But of course you ignored that. Proving you are a knee jerk radical yourself.

Hate on man. You have become that which you hate. A closed minded idiot who is incapable of anything but propaganda.

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