Which President gave us the Inflation Reduction Act?

You can name your nag after a great race horse but it doesn't mean he will be a champion. With the cooperation of the media, democrats are skilled in putting positive names on bills that do exactly the opposite of what they claim. LBJ's "Great Society" is a notable example.
Actually The Great Society was fairly successful despite what right wingers claim. And it would have done better if not for white intransigence.
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The Great Society cost trillions and did nothing but put people in poverty and tear apart the black family structure. Tell me the good parts.
The great society did none of those things. That's white racist mythology and you need to stop repeating it. Black poverty was 55 percent when the Great Society started today its 18-20 percent. The only thing the great society could not stop was the attitudes of racist whites from continuing.

Man-in-the-House Rule​

In 1968 the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the regulation as being contrary to the legislative goals of the Aid to Families of Dependent Children (AFDC) program.

In King v. Smith, 392 U.S. 309, 88 S. Ct. 2128, 20 L. Ed. 2d 1118 (1968), the U.S. Supreme Court entertained a challenge to the man-in-the-house rule brought by the four children of Mrs. Sylvester Smith, a widow. These children were denied benefits by Dallas County, Alabama, welfare authorities, based on their knowledge that a man named Williams was visiting Smith on weekends and had sexual relations with her.

The children of Smith filed a CLASS ACTION suit in federal court on behalf of other children in Alabama who were denied benefits under Alabama's "substitute father" regulation. This regulation considered a man a substitute father if (1) he lived in the home with the mother; (2) he visited the home frequently for the purpose of living with the mother; or (3) he cohabited with the mother elsewhere (King, citing Alabama Manual for Administration of Public Assistance, pt. I, ch. II, § VI). Testimony in the case revealed that there was some confusion among the authorities over how to interpret the regulation. One official testified that the regulation applied only if the parties had sex at least once a week, another official testified that sex every three months was sufficient, and still another placed the frequency at once every six months.

According to the High Court, Congress did not intend that the AFDC program require children "to look for their food to a man who is not in the least obliged to support them." The Court maintained that when Congress used the term parent in the SOCIAL SECURITY ACT, it was referring to "an individual who owed to the child a state-imposed legal duty of support." Ultimately, the Court struck down the man-in-the-house rule by holding that under the AFDC provisions in the Social Security Act, "destitute children who are legally fatherless cannot be flatly denied federally funded assistance on the transparent fiction that they have a substitute father."

So the claim of black families being destroyed by the Great Society Programs is a lie. The no man in the house provision was struck down by the SCOTUS in 1968. It's time to stop repeating lies. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.

Well, it was obviously President Biden - so why does Trump try to take credit for it? What do you think?

Because it is a FACT! Not that anyone is surprised by your ignorance on so many topics.

President Trump Announces Lower Out of Pocket Insulin Costs for Medicare’s Seniors

May 26, 2020

Today, under President Trump’s leadership, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that over 1,750 standalone Medicare Part D prescription drug plans and Medicare Advantage plans with prescription drug coverage have applied to offer lower insulin costs through the Part D Senior Savings Model for the 2021 plan year. Across the nation, participating enhanced Part D prescription drug plans will provide Medicare beneficiaries access to a broad set of insulins at a maximum $35 copay for a month’s supply, from the beginning of the year through the Part D coverage gap. The model follows on the Trump Administration’s previously announced 13.5 percent decline in the average monthly basic Part D premium since 2017 to the lowest level in seven years.

President Trump Announces Lower Out of Pocket Insulin Costs for Medicare’s Seniors | CMS


Biden Administration Rescinds Trump Administration Insulin Pricing Rule

By Thomas Sullivan Last Updated Oct 24, 2021

One of the final healthcare actions made by the Trump Administration has been rescinded by the Biden Administration. On December 23, 2020, the Trump Administration finalized a rule that directed the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to take action to require that federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) make insulin and injectable epinephrine available to certain patients at 340B prices. The Biden Administration delayed the rule twice before it became effective on July 20, 2021, and the first opportunity for HHS to impose the requirements of the rule would have been through grants awarded in fiscal year 2022. So, while the rule has been in effect since July, it has yet to be implemented.

He's so far gone he may actually think he did it.

Trump claims credit for Biden’s insulin price cap

  • Former President Donald Trump recognized that the price of insulin is lower under President Joe Biden but still tried to take credit for it.
  • Trump has lagged Biden on the issue of health care in recent voter surveys.
  • Trump spent much of his term trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which covers roughly 45 million Americans, without offering an alternative health-care option.
Because it is a FACT! Not that anyone is surprised by your ignorance on so many topics.

President Trump Announces Lower Out of Pocket Insulin Costs for Medicare’s Seniors

May 26, 2020

Today, under President Trump’s leadership, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that over 1,750 standalone Medicare Part D prescription drug plans and Medicare Advantage plans with prescription drug coverage have applied to offer lower insulin costs through the Part D Senior Savings Model for the 2021 plan year. Across the nation, participating enhanced Part D prescription drug plans will provide Medicare beneficiaries access to a broad set of insulins at a maximum $35 copay for a month’s supply, from the beginning of the year through the Part D coverage gap. The model follows on the Trump Administration’s previously announced 13.5 percent decline in the average monthly basic Part D premium since 2017 to the lowest level in seven years.

President Trump Announces Lower Out of Pocket Insulin Costs for Medicare’s Seniors | CMS


Biden Administration Rescinds Trump Administration Insulin Pricing Rule

By Thomas Sullivan Last Updated Oct 24, 2021

One of the final healthcare actions made by the Trump Administration has been rescinded by the Biden Administration. On December 23, 2020, the Trump Administration finalized a rule that directed the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to take action to require that federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) make insulin and injectable epinephrine available to certain patients at 340B prices. The Biden Administration delayed the rule twice before it became effective on July 20, 2021, and the first opportunity for HHS to impose the requirements of the rule would have been through grants awarded in fiscal year 2022. So, while the rule has been in effect since July, it has yet to be implemented.

  • Fake News
Reactions: Lakhota

So what is "FAKE" Lakhota? Along with your reliable source and working link. You know, like I posted.
How about we take a look at one item the Inflation Reduction Act intended to help.

When President Biden signed the IRA in 2022, Democrats in Washington boldly promised the law would lower Medicare costs for America's seniors. They touted the newfound ability of Medicare to set prices on popular drugs starting on January 1, 2026, along with the law's $2,000 cap on annual out-of-pocket prescription costs and its 6% limit on yearly increases in Part D premiums. Among those drugs subject to the first round of controls are Eliquis, Jardiance, and Enbrel.

Unfortunately, they neglected to inform seniors who's paying for those savings. The answer? Seniors themselves—through skyrocketing premiums hidden behind Washington accounting gimmicks.

The reality is that the IRA is slowly, but predictably, destroying Medicare's "Part D" drug benefit, which for years managed to keep costs low by harnessing the power of market forces and pitting private insurers against each other in fierce competition for seniors' business.

Biden's Inflation Reduction Act Unravels Medicare Part D

Biden Administration Rescinds Trump Administration Insulin Pricing Rule

By Thomas Sullivan Last Updated Oct 24, 2021

One of the final healthcare actions made by the Trump Administration has been rescinded by the Biden Administration. On December 23, 2020, the Trump Administration finalized a rule that directed the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to take action to require that federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) make insulin and injectable epinephrine available to certain patients at 340B prices. The Biden Administration delayed the rule twice before it became effective on July 20, 2021, and the first opportunity for HHS to impose the requirements of the rule would have been through grants awarded in fiscal year 2022. So, while the rule has been in effect since July, it has yet to be implemented.


Well, it was obviously President Biden - so why does Trump try to take credit for it? What do you think?

Did he not?

And then you had this?

If my reading is correct, we would have had $35 insulin years ago, but Biden blocked it, then came back and did it himself….so he could take credit?
Did he not?

And then you had this?

If my reading is correct, we would have had $35 insulin years ago, but Biden blocked it, then came back and did it himself….so he could take credit?

Never underestimate xiden's ability to screw shit up.

Actually The Great Society was fairly successful despite what right wingers claim. And it would have done better if not for white intransigence.
It was good. It had no circuit breakers and forced restrictions and allowed cheating. A nation of many cultures and many lawyers opened the doors. Things that can be good are abused with government involved. The costs of Medicare and Medicaid are massive. And eventually will not be sustainable. Medicine is a business now and has for decades. So, the costs as government gets more and more involved mushrooms more. Currently we accept the costs, and this will not last.
My good liberal friends, IM2, Crepitus, Lakhota, and a few others would rather take a sharp stick in the eye than say that they were wrong about ANYTHING.

They could have tapped out early and saved their humiliation. But nooooo...


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