Which President gave us the Inflation Reduction Act?

Did he not?

He did not. He signed a fake election year EO. Vapor ware that at no point lowered the cost of insulin for a single person.

Biden, on the other hand, got through legislation that is lowering insulin costs as we speak and will continue to do so in perpetuity.
LIE hide the real facts, cheat to keep your government job
Vote ONLY for party party preference or to damage the other party
No one seems to be working very hard at doing what is better for the largest group.
US, the working and retired working class.
He did not. He signed a fake election year EO. Vapor ware that at no point lowered the cost of insulin for a single person.

Biden, on the other hand, got through legislation that is lowering insulin costs as we speak and will continue to do so in perpetuity.
Then why did Biden block it?
Then why did Biden block it?

It was election year vapor ware, it was never intended to be implemented. Which is why it never was. It was as fake as Trump's imaginary $200 drug coupons, another empty election year promise.

Passing and implementing the IRA is what actually intending to lower insulin costs looks like. Which is why under Biden people have lower insulin costs and under Trump they never did.
It was election year vapor ware, it was never intended to be implemented. Which is why it never was. It was as fake as Trump's imaginary $200 drug coupons, another empty election year promise.

Passing and implementing the IRA is what actually intending to lower insulin costs looks like. Which is why under Biden people have lower insulin costs and under Trump they never did.
But, if it was never a real thing, then Biden would have had no reason to block it.

Trump made an EO that directed entities funded under the public health services act to start offering insulin and other medications at lower prices. Biden then came in and froze that. Had Biden not done that, insulin would already be at the lower price.

Why did Biden need legislation to do something that trump did by EO? Trump said “if you’re going to receive government funding, then we will require you to do these certain things”.
But, if it was never a real thing, then Biden would have had no reason to block it.

It was never a real thing and was never intended to be implemented, on account of being administratively and legally unworkable. No American ever paid less for insulin due to it. I'm sorry you fell for Trump's snake oil.

In real life, $35 insulin is now a reality thanks to Biden.
It was never a real thing and was never intended to be implemented, on account of being administratively and legally unworkable. No American ever paid less for insulin due to it. I'm sorry you fell for Trump's snake oil.

In real life, $35 insulin is now a reality thanks to Biden.

You don’t know that because it never got going. Biden froze it. Also, what exactly did Biden really do? Turns out, he overstated the cost of insulin anyway

Where did you read that it was never intended to be implemented? The EO was put into place so therefore it would seem that it was indeed supposed to have been implemented.

This article says that the $400 per month claim is an exaggeration. Most people on Medicare were already paying about $452 per year (not month) meaning people were already paying about $38 per month for insulin, some were more, but not the $400 per month they were claiming.
It was never a real thing and was never intended to be implemented, on account of being administratively and legally unworkable. No American ever paid less for insulin due to it. I'm sorry you fell for Trump's snake oil.

In real life, $35 insulin is now a reality thanks to Biden.
Yeah...about that...

Biden's Inflation Reduction Act Unravels Medicare Part D
Sally Pipes
I cover health policy as President of the Pacific Research Institute
May 31, 2024,08:00am EDT


Unfortunately, they neglected to inform seniors who's paying for those savings. The answer? Seniors themselves—through skyrocketing premiums hidden behind Washington accounting gimmicks.

The reality is that the IRA is slowly, but predictably, destroying Medicare's "Part D" drug benefit, which for years managed to keep costs low by harnessing the power of market forces and pitting private insurers against each other in fierce competition for seniors' business.

You don’t know that because it never got going.

That's how I know it. Election year bullshit from a huckster. Just like his fake $200 drug coupons for seniors that somehow never materialized.

Yeah...about that...

Biden's Inflation Reduction Act Unravels Medicare Part D
Sally Pipes

Some "unraveling."

Medicare Patients on Pricey Drugs Are Saving Big This Year | Wall Street Journal
Medicare patients lining up to fill pricey prescriptions at the pharmacy counter this year will realize some good news: For the first time, there is a ceiling on how much they will pay in 2024 for their Part D drugs.

Changes brought about by the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act mean that people on Part D plans now pay no more than roughly $3,300 on drugs annually—a number that could shift a bit based on whether they take brand or generic medications. In 2025, that cap will change again to a flat $2,000.

Biden's the one who got $35 insulin. Something that didn't happen during the Trump administration.

That's the difference.

Denying the obvious, okie!

Biden got $35 insulin after he blocked trumps EO, and then came back and did it himself.

So, if trump wins, he can negate a bunch of Biden stuff, then turn around and do it himself and take credit for it?
Denying the obvious, okie!

Biden got $35 insulin after he blocked trumps EO, and then came back and did it himself.

So, if trump wins, he can negate a bunch of Biden stuff, then turn around and do it himself and take credit for it?

Trump can't "negate" Biden's $35 insulin because Biden got it passed into law. It's not a gimmick or a press release, it's an actual law that's lowering real people's costs. Something Trump didn't get around to doing at any point during his presidency.
Trump can't "negate" Biden's $35 insulin because Biden got it passed into law. It's not a gimmick or a press release, it's an actual law that's lowering real people's costs. Something Trump didn't get around to doing at any point during his presidency.

I meant future things like any Biden EOs. Trump can just undo them, then redo them and take credit for it.

EOs are not a gimmick, he was just telling companies “if we’re going to provide funding to you, then you are going to help out by lowering insulin and epi prices”.

Also, what exactly did bidens “law” do? Nobody was really paying the $400 per month price he claimed anyway. Many on Medicare were already paying about $38 per month.

Look, I know it pains you to give trump credit for anything, but the EO was there, it would have taken effect had Biden not stopped it

FAKE act that drove up inflation. Just another Dem bill name that's a LIE.
You are fake news-ing again.
Why do you MAGAts think that every hairbrained opinion you just pull straight outta your asses becomes a "fact" just because you say it?

Inflation started its rise at the beginning of the pandemic (Trump's last year) and continued to rise sharply in the first year of the Biden administration before it started to come back down. The reasons are complex but the fact that it was lower under Trump is simply a matter of timing. Trump's economy was good but it wasn't great even before the pandemic. He had higher unemployment than we have now, he blew out the deficit with his tax cuts and his tariffs accomplished zilch. Sure, the stock market was roaring but it's even higher now.

Unlike Trump, who simply rode an already good economy, Biden started out with the massive crisis Trump left him and managed to dig out from under it in record time. No other country in the world has recovered as quickly and had Trump won re-election there's little evidence in his record that he could have done the same. All he knows is tariffs and and tax cuts and he's promising more of the same.

Trump can't "negate" Biden's $35 insulin because Biden got it passed into law. It's not a gimmick or a press release, it's an actual law that's lowering real people's costs. Something Trump didn't get around to doing at any point during his presidency.
What was the reason for President Biden reversing Trump's lowering of costs to those on Social Security? If what Trump did was terrible for recipients, what made it good when it was done by Biden?

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