Which Religion Has More To Offer Men?

Which One Offers Men More?

  • Christianity?

  • Islam?

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The idea of this thread being... If an Agnostic man was looking to take up religion; and decided to shop the idea around, between the two main contenders at the moment; Christianity, and Islam...
Which would have more to offer men? Which would be the better choice, and why? Which one do you think would best suit not only his immediate interests, but also his long term planning for his family, and generational progeny?

Heaven has beer volcanoes and stripper factories.

I'm an ordaned minister if you wanna join up.
The idea of this thread being... If an Agnostic man was looking to take up religion; and decided to shop the idea around, between the two main contenders at the moment; Christianity, and Islam...
Which would have more to offer men? Which would be the better choice, and why? Which one do you think would best suit not only his immediate interests, but also his long term planning for his family, and generational progeny?

Heaven has beer volcanoes and stripper factories.

I'm an ordaned minister if you wanna join up.
Islam, or Christianity. Which one offers men more?
it's all fake crap anyway ...made up by humans--not ''god''.... ''allah'' ...etc...
That's irrelevant. Both exist. As such which religion offers more to men than the other. You can even elaborate between how its written, and how it's actually practiced, if that effected your choice.

It's an either, or proposition folks. You can even add your caveats, and "yeah-buts". Its not a tough question....
Or is it?
you might as well make up something yourself
I'm asking you...
do you really have to ask?
I'd have to go with the Christians
no burkas

How does the deletion of the Burka benefit you to the extent that this would be the deciding factor?
I'm not blind and/or gay
but nothings been provided other than desire,,,

well the generational thing is there and muzzies like to turn their children into walking bombs so I guess thats out,,,

the bacon thing would be a big game changer for me,,,
Choose. You can specify for whom, and why. Don't be scared. Though the why is important, so please do elaborate.

its really hard to explain why I like bacon,,,its just good
A cute dodge. Really... I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable; so if you'd like to abstain till you hear others responses... I understand. No hard feelings. But for the sake of the tbread; if you could stay on task that would be quite helpful.

what am I dodging??/

you ask a generic question with no details and expect me or others to understand what youre looking for,,,

if the guy is concerned about his family then islam sure isnt a good choice since they have a tendency to abuse their wives and children,,unless of course (like I asked) ,,,does he like beating women and children,,,

specifics matter bob,,,
Both have a storied history of spousal abuse. In fact... this event transcends religious boundaries. Feel free to choose one; then explain. No need to poison the well you're going to offer as an answer...
both may have a history of it but only one encourages it and puts out videos to show how to do it so no one sees the injuries, and the other has been against it for hundreds of yrs,

The idea of this thread being... If an Agnostic man was looking to take up religion; and decided to shop the idea around, between the two main contenders at the moment; Christianity, and Islam...
Which would have more to offer men? Which would be the better choice, and why? Which one do you think would best suit not only his immediate interests, but also his long term planning for his family, and generational progeny?
what are this mans desires???

does he like beating women and having sex slaves both child and adult???

does he like bacon???

does he want to conquer the world???

specifics matter bob,,,

from your specifics I can't tell the difference between islam and christianity
That's irrelevant. Both exist. As such which religion offers more to men than the other. You can even elaborate between how its written, and how it's actually practiced, if that effected your choice.

It's an either, or proposition folks. You can even add your caveats, and "yeah-buts". Its not a tough question....
Or is it?
you might as well make up something yourself
I'm asking you...
do you really have to ask?
I'd have to go with the Christians
no burkas

How does the deletion of the Burka benefit you to the extent that this would be the deciding factor?
I'm not blind and/or gay
Care to elaborate? Most men are neither blind, or gay.
The idea of this thread being... If an Agnostic man was looking to take up religion; and decided to shop the idea around, between the two main contenders at the moment; Christianity, and Islam...
Which would have more to offer men? Which would be the better choice, and why? Which one do you think would best suit not only his immediate interests, but also his long term planning for his family, and generational progeny?
They are both Abrahamic religions and there really isn't any significant difference.
Flip a coin then.... Which one; and why?
Obverse. Because I flipped a quarter and quarters land heads up most of the time.
The idea of this thread being... If an Agnostic man was looking to take up religion; and decided to shop the idea around, between the two main contenders at the moment; Christianity, and Islam...
Which would have more to offer men? Which would be the better choice, and why? Which one do you think would best suit not only his immediate interests, but also his long term planning for his family, and generational progeny?
what are this mans desires???

does he like beating women and having sex slaves both child and adult???

does he like bacon???

does he want to conquer the world???

specifics matter bob,,,

from your specifics I can't tell the difference between islam and christianity

could you be more specific???
The idea of this thread being... If an Agnostic man was looking to take up religion; and decided to shop the idea around, between the two main contenders at the moment; Christianity, and Islam...
Which would have more to offer men? Which would be the better choice, and why? Which one do you think would best suit not only his immediate interests, but also his long term planning for his family, and generational progeny?
The religion that most men want is the Christian religion, for it has the concept of finding happiness through giving. All the others have their people subject to poverty and cannot be happy unless they are impoverished, which then they are really miserable.
Three pages in, and it's clear to any reader of this thread till this point; that this simple question makes some people quite uncomfortable. Not one poster has taken it head on, and engaged the premise in it's clearly intended manner....

I find that fascinating...
Choose. You can specify for whom, and why. Don't be scared. Though the why is important, so please do elaborate.

its really hard to explain why I like bacon,,,its just good
A cute dodge. Really... I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable; so if you'd like to abstain till you hear others responses... I understand. No hard feelings. But for the sake of the tbread; if you could stay on task that would be quite helpful.

what am I dodging??/

you ask a generic question with no details and expect me or others to understand what youre looking for,,,

if the guy is concerned about his family then islam sure isnt a good choice since they have a tendency to abuse their wives and children,,unless of course (like I asked) ,,,does he like beating women and children,,,

specifics matter bob,,,
Both have a storied history of spousal abuse. In fact... this event transcends religious boundaries. Feel free to choose one; then explain. No need to poison the well you're going to offer as an answer...
both may have a history of it but only one encourages it and puts out videos to show how to do it so no one sees the injuries, and the other has been against it for hundreds of yrs,

Interesting video.

Where is the rest of it?

I feel like the NY post is censoring it. I want to know now what the problem with equality is. :71:
The idea of this thread being... If an Agnostic man was looking to take up religion; and decided to shop the idea around, between the two main contenders at the moment; Christianity, and Islam...
Which would have more to offer men? Which would be the better choice, and why? Which one do you think would best suit not only his immediate interests, but also his long term planning for his family, and generational progeny?
The religion that most men want is the Christian religion, for it has the concept of finding happiness through giving. All the others have their people subject to poverty and cannot be happy unless they are impoverished, which then they are really miserable.
Does happiness through giving position these men advantagously?
its really hard to explain why I like bacon,,,its just good
A cute dodge. Really... I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable; so if you'd like to abstain till you hear others responses... I understand. No hard feelings. But for the sake of the tbread; if you could stay on task that would be quite helpful.

what am I dodging??/

you ask a generic question with no details and expect me or others to understand what youre looking for,,,

if the guy is concerned about his family then islam sure isnt a good choice since they have a tendency to abuse their wives and children,,unless of course (like I asked) ,,,does he like beating women and children,,,

specifics matter bob,,,
Both have a storied history of spousal abuse. In fact... this event transcends religious boundaries. Feel free to choose one; then explain. No need to poison the well you're going to offer as an answer...
both may have a history of it but only one encourages it and puts out videos to show how to do it so no one sees the injuries, and the other has been against it for hundreds of yrs,

Interesting video.

Where is the rest of it?

I feel like the NY post is censoring it. I want to know now what the problem with equality is. :71:

It is merely an abstract. It's a social construct of sorts only applicable in mathematics. That's kind of a problem. Well... If your looking to find it outside the purview of numbers that is...
The idea of this thread being... If an Agnostic man was looking to take up religion; and decided to shop the idea around, between the two main contenders at the moment; Christianity, and Islam...
Which would have more to offer men? Which would be the better choice, and why? Which one do you think would best suit not only his immediate interests, but also his long term planning for his family, and generational progeny?
The religion that most men want is the Christian religion, for it has the concept of finding happiness through giving. All the others have their people subject to poverty and cannot be happy unless they are impoverished, which then they are really miserable.
Does happiness through giving position these men advantagously?
Do you know anything about being self sufficient in your ways? When you become that, many(but not all, especially liberals) want to share in their success by giving to those in need, thus helping others achieve.

Give a man a fish, he eats for the day.
Teach a man to fish, he eats for the rest of his life.
The question isn't, 'which religion offers more to men?'. The question is ... 'which religion offers more women?'

its really hard to explain why I like bacon,,,its just good
A cute dodge. Really... I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable; so if you'd like to abstain till you hear others responses... I understand. No hard feelings. But for the sake of the tbread; if you could stay on task that would be quite helpful.

what am I dodging??/

you ask a generic question with no details and expect me or others to understand what youre looking for,,,

if the guy is concerned about his family then islam sure isnt a good choice since they have a tendency to abuse their wives and children,,unless of course (like I asked) ,,,does he like beating women and children,,,

specifics matter bob,,,
Both have a storied history of spousal abuse. In fact... this event transcends religious boundaries. Feel free to choose one; then explain. No need to poison the well you're going to offer as an answer...
both may have a history of it but only one encourages it and puts out videos to show how to do it so no one sees the injuries, and the other has been against it for hundreds of yrs,

Interesting video.

Where is the rest of it?

I feel like the NY post is censoring it. I want to know now what the problem with equality is. :71:

here let me google that for you,,,NOT!!!

I rest my case,,,
The idea of this thread being... If an Agnostic man was looking to take up religion; and decided to shop the idea around, between the two main contenders at the moment; Christianity, and Islam...
Which would have more to offer men? Which would be the better choice, and why? Which one do you think would best suit not only his immediate interests, but also his long term planning for his family, and generational progeny?
Also, I got to spend 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia, the home of the two holy cities. The men there were miserable wretches because they could not, while in the country do anything other than what Allah had decreed in the Quran. If they didnt pray 5 times a day, and were caught they could be flogged. If you dont pray 5 times a day as a Christian, there is no flogging. Everything if FORCED upon you in Islam, sorta like Obama's admin forcing everyone to bow down to his will, taking over car companies, attacking conservatives with the IRS, spying on a 2016 candidate. Liberalism and Islam have very much in common.


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