Which Vaccine?

Leftists are just dinks. You're case in point. Figure out what gender you are yet?

Typical Trumpster response.

Angry and lacking substance.
See. Did not answer the question. Par for the course for you.

Are you still upset that America told you to go fuck yourself in the last election?

Answer my question, Trumpster.
Elections have consequences. We are living them now with our economy and the border crisis. I live in MA, a super leftist state. You fit right in, leftist.

I see you did not answer my question, Trumpster.

America disapproves of the idiot you idolize. Sucks for you.

wrong. African Americans do as the News Entertainment Media has brainwashed many. Take that vote away and it’s a completely different result. Leftist, you are a moron.
wrong. African Americans do as the News Entertainment Media has brainwashed many. Take that vote away and it’s a completely different result. Leftist, you are a moron.

Take the vote away from uneducated Trumpsters and Trump gets significantly less support and still loses.

You have no argument and you’re still not answering my question.

You’re retarded.
Ummm they are always catching up to me, so you lose that logic.

You think the medical experts are always catching up to you?

Sounds like you're delusional. Good luck with that.
See all you had to do was look up my archive posts on remedies and look at the date posted to compare that to when they finally implimented them into their covid regimen.
But nope, as your experts are, toooo lazy as well and would rather dismiss everything before researching and "following the science".
You assumed which proved my point, this is how "not to solve a problem".
To prove what I'm saying, do an experiment for yourself: Email J&J and Unilever telling them you have a solution to masks being only slightly partially affective that they already manufacture a product that could be slightly altered to produce this to cut covid cases in more then half for mask users and see how they reply:
"we do not take solicitations" aka we don't really care about helping people, because we would have come up with it ourselves if we did.
I know this because no solicitation was their reply to me just as you are doing and your so called experts would do. That ties into everything I was saying before, so don't bother arguing if you are too lazy to prove me wrong by doing the experiment and It made me be wrong.
See all you had to do was look up my archive posts on remedies

Why would I care to do that in the first place? What are your medical credentials?

Are you a doctor? A nurse? Do you have a high school diploma? Did you stay at a Holiday Inn once?
wrong. African Americans do as the News Entertainment Media has brainwashed many. Take that vote away and it’s a completely different result. Leftist, you are a moron.

Take the vote away from uneducated Trumpsters and Trump gets significantly less support and still loses.

You have no argument and you’re still not answering my question.

You’re retarded.
You didn't ask a question. Want to compare resumes in terms of education, leftist.
You didn't ask a question.

Sure I did. It's the thing with the question mark at the end.

"Are you still upset that America told you to go fuck yourself in the last election?

Answer my question, Trumpster."

Want to compare resumes in terms of education, leftist.

I noticed that you left out the question mark there. I think I found the source of your confusion.

If you want. Anyone can claim anything on the internet so I don't put much stock into what people say. Certainly not anything you would have to say.

I have a Master's degree.
See all you had to do was look up my archive posts on remedies

Why would I care to do that in the first place? What are your medical credentials?

Are you a doctor? A nurse? Do you have a high school diploma? Did you stay at a Holiday Inn once?
Just admit certain types of Liberals (like Nihilist & Hedonists) are lazy.
The Biden Administration had people too lazy to fill out paperwork and do vetting research, so they let people at the border go into the communities rather thwn do the paper work. We know terrorists and people on watch lists have been stoped, but hoe many more did laziness pass through?
Same thing, how many lives and remediation and lessened symptoms thus less stress on businesses could have been saved instead of lost through laziness and assumptions and plain outright negativity and distrust type of thinking?
See all you had to do was look up my archive posts on remedies

Why would I care to do that in the first place? What are your medical credentials?

Are you a doctor? A nurse? Do you have a high school diploma? Did you stay at a Holiday Inn once?
Just admit certain types of Liberals (like Nihilist & Hedonists) are lazy.
The Biden Administration had people too lazy to fill out paperwork and do vetting research, so they let people at the border go into the communities rather thwn do the paper work. We know terrorists and people on watch lists have been stoped, but hoe many more did laziness pass through?
Same thing, how many lives and remediation and lessened symptoms thus less stress on businesses could have been saved instead of lost through laziness and assumptions and plain outright negativity and distrust type of thinking?

Hmmm, I couldn't help noticing that you completely ignored answering what your medical credentials are.

Hmmmm, I wonder why that is.
You didn't ask a question.

Sure I did. It's the thing with the question mark at the end.

"Are you still upset that America told you to go fuck yourself in the last election?

Answer my question, Trumpster."

Want to compare resumes in terms of education, leftist.

I noticed that you left out the question mark there. I think I found the source of your confusion.

If you want. Anyone can claim anything on the internet so I don't put much stock into what people say. Certainly not anything you would have to say.

I have a Master's degree.
Me too. I did answer you. Moron. You have a Masters in what? I have an MBA from NU and undergrad from Duke. So fuck off, uneducated scum. You never answered me. Are you identifying as a man or a woman today? Dumb leftist.
See all you had to do was look up my archive posts on remedies

Why would I care to do that in the first place? What are your medical credentials?

Are you a doctor? A nurse? Do you have a high school diploma? Did you stay at a Holiday Inn once?
Just admit certain types of Liberals (like Nihilist & Hedonists) are lazy.
The Biden Administration had people too lazy to fill out paperwork and do vetting research, so they let people at the border go into the communities rather thwn do the paper work. We know terrorists and people on watch lists have been stoped, but hoe many more did laziness pass through?
Same thing, how many lives and remediation and lessened symptoms thus less stress on businesses could have been saved instead of lost through laziness and assumptions and plain outright negativity and distrust type of thinking?

Hmmm, I couldn't help noticing that you completely ignored answering what your medical credentials are.

Hmmmm, I wonder why that is.
Where is your question mark? Fucking hypocrite
You have a Masters in what? I have an MBA from NU and undergrad from Duke. So fuck off, uneducated scum. You never answered me. Are you identifying as a man or a woman today? Dumb leftist.


Did NU forget to teach you how to identify questions? Retard.

Are you upset that America told you to go fuck yourself? Yes or no. Answer the question, Trumpster.
See all you had to do was look up my archive posts on remedies

Why would I care to do that in the first place? What are your medical credentials?

Are you a doctor? A nurse? Do you have a high school diploma? Did you stay at a Holiday Inn once?
Just admit certain types of Liberals (like Nihilist & Hedonists) are lazy.
The Biden Administration had people too lazy to fill out paperwork and do vetting research, so they let people at the border go into the communities rather thwn do the paper work. We know terrorists and people on watch lists have been stoped, but hoe many more did laziness pass through?
Same thing, how many lives and remediation and lessened symptoms thus less stress on businesses could have been saved instead of lost through laziness and assumptions and plain outright negativity and distrust type of thinking?

Hmmm, I couldn't help noticing that you completely ignored answering what your medical credentials are.

Hmmmm, I wonder why that is.
Where is your question mark? Fucking hypocrite

Holy shit you're stupid.

"Why would I care to do that in the first place? What are your medical credentials?"

"Are you a doctor? A nurse? Do you have a high school diploma? Did you stay at a Holiday Inn once?"

Does that help? You seem really confused.
Which covid vaccine prevents one from being infected? Which one prevents transmission?

The question is can you trust them with their side effects.
Vaccine side effects are better than COVID side effects so best for everybody to just take the shot when they can. Doesn’t matter that they may have tracking chips and sterilization hormones in them, don’t think about those things

I plan to take the vaccine when Trump comes back.

I sure the hell ain't going to do anything for Sleepy Joe's benefit.

That goes for washing my hands after using the can as well.
The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine has a very bad reputation many people died as a result of venous thrombosis and the government continue to use but a mayor in the Pas De Calais sadly saw his villagers flee when they saw that the vaccine was Oxford-AstraZeneca.
Which covid vaccine prevents one from being infected? Which one prevents transmission?

The question is can you trust them with their side effects.
Vaccine side effects are better than COVID side effects so best for everybody to just take the shot when they can. Doesn’t matter that they may have tracking chips and sterilization hormones in them, don’t think about those things

I plan to take the vaccine when Trump comes back.

I sure the hell ain't going to do anything for Sleepy Joe's benefit.

That goes for washing my hands after using the can as well.
That’s awesome... make sure you rub your eyes a lot. Theres no better way to stick it to Joe than getting the pink eye!!
See all you had to do was look up my archive posts on remedies

Why would I care to do that in the first place? What are your medical credentials?

Are you a doctor? A nurse? Do you have a high school diploma? Did you stay at a Holiday Inn once?
Just admit certain types of Liberals (like Nihilist & Hedonists) are lazy.
The Biden Administration had people too lazy to fill out paperwork and do vetting research, so they let people at the border go into the communities rather thwn do the paper work. We know terrorists and people on watch lists have been stoped, but hoe many more did laziness pass through?
Same thing, how many lives and remediation and lessened symptoms thus less stress on businesses could have been saved instead of lost through laziness and assumptions and plain outright negativity and distrust type of thinking?

Hmmm, I couldn't help noticing that you completely ignored answering what your medical credentials are.

Hmmmm, I wonder why that is.
What are Biden's credential's again?
Yet his own party's commentator analysis says he's been on the wrong side of every single policy.
He's had 47 years and got nothing done except for his son brother sister and self.
Credentials of Doctors that lose patients when remedies existed? Credentials of environmental scientist who kvetch about car polution and the environment, yet never solve a simple problem of charging stations infrastructure for electric vehicles. You once again proved my point, you assume credentials makes one an expert and nobody can solve a problem unless they have credentials. WRONG. I can solve the infrastructure charging stations problem without being a Tesla exec,
I can solve big city's waste disposal issues without being in waste management, I can solve "the impossible" debate on abortion without being a feminist or priest, I can solve the mask inefficiency without being a scientists (although some would say I am).
So once again you proved my point.
You already admited trolling for chaos. It's in your name....you chose to see people as failures to "deliver" (HaShev) what you yourself can't achieve, this is called fear of inadequacy. It's ok to let people achieve things, it benefits you too.
The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine has a very bad reputation many people died as a result of venous thrombosis and the government continue to use but a mayor in the Pas De Calais sadly saw his villagers flee when they saw that the vaccine was Oxford-AstraZeneca.
I wouldn't say many, as expected the same numbers should exist in the vaccine as in actual covid- those over producing those alpha defensin protein's I discussed that make covid patients more ill then the usual carriers. That is at least what I believe is causing the clotting, although without full disclosure and transparancy I would need more info to be sure. AZ uses a different method of creating the antibodies then the other 3 vaccines.
What are Biden's credential's again?

Your second attempt to deflect is noted.

After much careful thought I have decided that I’ll go with medical advice from medical experts and not from someone with zero medical credentials.

It was a very difficult decision and I thank you for your time.
The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine has a very bad reputation many people died as a result of venous thrombosis and the government continue to use but a mayor in the Pas De Calais sadly saw his villagers flee when they saw that the vaccine was Oxford-AstraZeneca.
I wouldn't say many, as expected the same numbers should exist in the vaccine as in actual covid- those over producing those alpha defensin protein's I discussed that make covid patients more ill then the usual carriers. That is at least what I believe is causing the clotting, although without full disclosure and transparancy I would need more info to be sure. AZ uses a different method of creating the antibodies then the other 3 vaccines.
There is an ongoing European investigation into reports that a small number of people have died from blood clots, after receiving the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine.

I give a link

Is the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine safe? Blood clot cases and efficacy rates explained

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