Which Vaccine?

Per my MD if you had the virus and still have the antibodies the impact of the vaccine will be heavier than if you never had the virus. Fun times. When it is my turn, I'll just punch myself in the face and grin and bear it. Sucks that I had to deal with the virus and now have to deal with the vaccine because the medical experts don't know how long antibodies last.

Hmmm, I heard exactly the opposite, that if you already had it, the side effects were less. I had COVID in Dec, tested positive for anti-bodies in Jan, and my got my first Pfizer shot a couple of weeks ago, with no side effects. We'll see how the second one goes.
Trumpster Q-tards believe in all kinds of stupid conspiracy theories.
I'm not an anti vaxer but I believe everyone has a right to transparency and all the info to decide and weigh their risks.

I didn’t say otherwise.

They have the right to do what they want. I have the right to point out that they’re inclined to believe in all kinds of conspiracy theories.
But in all seriousness when you do it in a blanket way you miss some of the valuable truths mixed in with propaganda and ignore data you might need yourself.

That's why I go with the input from our medical experts and not some random idiot with a 5th-grade education who is inclined to believe in all kinds of ridiculous nonsense.
TODAY a Pharmacist in person blurted out to me, that this was all way over blown, but I don't know his perception of that, as it's such a broad statement, but was unexpected an admission.
He felt comfortable enough because of something I admited to know.
If people can't speak freely then you lose that open opportunity to know what people really think as opposed to people holding back. Furthwrmore ideas and solutions get lost by that attitude.
My opinion is from science data, I have privy to and facts on the virus and those who get infected, so that being said, I feel that the virus although very contagious, itself is not what is dangerous, it's our immune systems reaction and how "some" over produce *certain Proteins* which is causing people who over produce these to get hospitalized, that's why to many it's nothing but to the small percentage they stated it seemed like people's own immune system was fighting the body itself instead of just the virus.

*Excess alpha defensin protein in the blood causes the clotting that causes severe issues with the virus Inflaming lungs or causing heart conditions from that clotting (blood thinners do not work).

We went about this problem all wrong thanks to media naysayers who believe anyone denying the severity of the Virus is quack. We should have addressed the immune system issue not just the virus which was not the culprit of the severe symptoms, as the virus wasn't attacking the heart or lungs and anti viral anti inflamatories exist in the aproved market that hinders those alpha defensin protein produced in the blood so you won't be hospitalized thus less then a common flu.
Per my MD if you had the virus and still have the antibodies the impact of the vaccine will be heavier than if you never had the virus. Fun times. When it is my turn, I'll just punch myself in the face and grin and bear it. Sucks that I had to deal with the virus and now have to deal with the vaccine because the medical experts don't know how long antibodies last.

Hmmm, I heard exactly the opposite, that if you already had it, the side effects were less. I had COVID in Dec, tested positive for anti-bodies in Jan, and my got my first Pfizer shot a couple of weeks ago, with no side effects. We'll see how the second one goes.
Thanks. That makes me feel a lot better about my shot.
Per my MD if you had the virus and still have the antibodies the impact of the vaccine will be heavier than if you never had the virus. Fun times. When it is my turn, I'll just punch myself in the face and grin and bear it. Sucks that I had to deal with the virus and now have to deal with the vaccine because the medical experts don't know how long antibodies last.

Hmmm, I heard exactly the opposite, that if you already had it, the side effects were less. I had COVID in Dec, tested positive for anti-bodies in Jan, and my got my first Pfizer shot a couple of weeks ago, with no side effects. We'll see how the second one goes.
TODAY a Pharmacist in person blurted out to me, that this was all way over blown, but I don't know his perception of that, as it's such a broad statement, but was unexpected an admission.

I don't care what people blurt out to you. I'll just go with the medical experts. Thanks though.
Per my MD if you had the virus and still have the antibodies the impact of the vaccine will be heavier than if you never had the virus. Fun times. When it is my turn, I'll just punch myself in the face and grin and bear it. Sucks that I had to deal with the virus and now have to deal with the vaccine because the medical experts don't know how long antibodies last.

Hmmm, I heard exactly the opposite, that if you already had it, the side effects were less. I had COVID in Dec, tested positive for anti-bodies in Jan, and my got my first Pfizer shot a couple of weeks ago, with no side effects. We'll see how the second one goes.
Thanks. I also had no symptoms when I actually had COVID, so that might make a difference.
Per my MD if you had the virus and still have the antibodies the impact of the vaccine will be heavier than if you never had the virus. Fun times. When it is my turn, I'll just punch myself in the face and grin and bear it. Sucks that I had to deal with the virus and now have to deal with the vaccine because the medical experts don't know how long antibodies last.

Hmmm, I heard exactly the opposite, that if you already had it, the side effects were less. I had COVID in Dec, tested positive for anti-bodies in Jan, and my got my first Pfizer shot a couple of weeks ago, with no side effects. We'll see how the second one goes.
Thanks. I also had no symptoms when I actually had COVID, so that might make a difference.
I had symptoms. Not fever or shortness of breath but fatigue and lack of appetite. Bleh.
Leftists are just dinks. You're case in point. Figure out what gender you are yet?

Typical Trumpster response.

Angry and lacking substance.
See. Did not answer the question. Par for the course for you.

Are you still upset that America told you to go fuck yourself in the last election?

Answer my question, Trumpster.
Elections have consequences. We are living them now with our economy and the border crisis. I live in MA, a super leftist state. You fit right in, leftist.
Leftists are just dinks. You're case in point. Figure out what gender you are yet?

Typical Trumpster response.

Angry and lacking substance.
See. Did not answer the question. Par for the course for you.

Are you still upset that America told you to go fuck yourself in the last election?

Answer my question, Trumpster.
Elections have consequences. We are living them now with our economy and the border crisis. I live in MA, a super leftist state. You fit right in, leftist.

I see you did not answer my question, Trumpster.

America disapproves of the idiot you idolize. Sucks for you.
Trumpster Q-tards believe in all kinds of stupid conspiracy theories.
I'm not an anti vaxer but I believe everyone has a right to transparency and all the info to decide and weigh their risks.

I didn’t say otherwise.

They have the right to do what they want. I have the right to point out that they’re inclined to believe in all kinds of conspiracy theories.
But in all seriousness when you do it in a blanket way you miss some of the valuable truths mixed in with propaganda and ignore data you might need yourself.

That's why I go with the input from our medical experts and not some random idiot with a 5th-grade education who is inclined to believe in all kinds of ridiculous nonsense.
TODAY a Pharmacist in person blurted out to me, that this was all way over blown, but I don't know his perception of that, as it's such a broad statement, but was unexpected an admission.
He felt comfortable enough because of something I admited to know.
If people can't speak freely then you lose that open opportunity to know what people really think as opposed to people holding back. Furthwrmore ideas and solutions get lost by that attitude.
My opinion is from science data, I have privy to and facts on the virus and those who get infected, so that being said, I feel that the virus although very contagious, itself is not what is dangerous, it's our immune systems reaction and how "some" over produce *certain Proteins* which is causing people who over produce these to get hospitalized, that's why to many it's nothing but to the small percentage they stated it seemed like people's own immune system was fighting the body itself instead of just the virus.

*Excess alpha defensin protein in the blood causes the clotting that causes severe issues with the virus Inflaming lungs or causing heart conditions from that clotting (blood thinners do not work).

We went about this problem all wrong thanks to media naysayers who believe anyone denying the severity of the Virus is quack. We should have addressed the immune system issue not just the virus which was not the culprit of the severe symptoms, as the virus wasn't attacking the heart or lungs and anti viral anti inflamatories exist in the aproved market that hinders those alpha defensin protein produced in the blood so you won't be hospitalized thus less then a common flu.
It is interesting to note that originally fascism was defined in the dictionary as the merger of corporations and the government... Ifthis holds true then today we have full blown fascism because the government and the corporations seem to be in lock step together not just in banking where the too bigs were bailed out but in the media business ( that we saw in this last election) but also now in big pharma...Where is the open and honest reporting or questioning of the part line like there used to be...It seems non existent and we are told to obey without question.. You made an extremely valid point regarding the Alfa defensin enzymes that produce scary results in some of the people who get Covid 19 but no one really wants to pursue this as they should treating the patients with colchine to stop these reactions but that drug is an old one with small profits compared to vaccinating the whole population not just once but on an ongoing basis because well hey the Covid is mutating and there are different varieties... This would be humorous if it wasn’t so darn rediculous and I could say more but I might be labeled as a conspiracy theorist...rolling my eyes...
It is interesting to note that originally fascism was defined in the dictionary as the merger of corporations and the government...

Link? I've heard this interpretation before, but never that it was the "original" definition.
TODAY a Pharmacist in person blurted out to me, that this was all way over blown, but I don't know his perception of that, as it's such a broad statement, but was unexpected an admission.

I don't care what people blurt out to you. I'll just go with the medical experts. Thanks though.
Your medical experts don't know squat, because you are only as good as the info
"allowed to get through to you"
And you allow yourself to research.
Notice you never asked me what medicine that is?
Well the experts do the same thing, pretentious people think they know what's going on and they are happy to let people die of blood clots as they keep trying blood thinners that don't work, and anti inflamatories that don't work, which they'll just blame on the virus instead of themselves. As in these can be prevented, but not as long as you/they have that attitude you just showed.
Your medical experts don't know squat

That's nice. We disagree.

I'll go with their input over what you or any conspiracy theory nut thinks.
Ummm they are always catching up to me, so you lose that logic.
You proved my point, you are willing to risk your life and family members and friends lives over pride, mostly affiliation pride. So doesn't that make you as bad as the people you mock?

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