Which would be tougher, being the only Black student in an all white school, or being the only White

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"A white person in an all black school would be the safetest (sic)person there."
Bogus.....as are you.
I could punch a Tiger in the face. That's ACT 1. Now in this Tiger case. What do you think ACT 2 would be ?

Yeah - He'd have me for breakfast

White supremacy works the same way

So yeah a black kid could attack a white kid in a black school. But that's ACT 1. ACT 2 would be immediate removal from that black kid at school and all types cuts in schools funding and resources would probably happen to, a long with more school guards and even police patrols should it get out of hand,

So racism on the part of black folks (even the most vicious) is pretty impotent.

Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And there are virtually no black folks who can do any of that to whites.

But there are white folks in positions to do those things, and who do them regularly.


How many times must I say and prove that you're a liar???


There is no 'white supremacy,' no institutional racism in America.

1. The racial group with the least political power, highest income, highest educational attainment, and least interaction with the police is not white.

2. Three rules that work for every race
a. Graduating from high school.

b. Waiting to get married until after 21 and do not have children till after being married.

c. Having a full-time job.

3. Get back to me as soon as you can explain this fact:

And here is the unmitigated proof that Liberal 'help' has actually weakened the ability of black Americans to take the steps that would move them off what Star Parker calls 'Uncle Sam's Plantation"....

Both Liberal welfare policies and Liberal propaganda ('the legacy of slavery) have persuaded large segments of the black population that they need not take the steps that lead out of poverty......rather, they cannot....and only big government programs will save them.

Here is the amazing consequence of half a century of indoctrination:


Overall, white homes had 2.5 times as many books as black homes. But the most surprising finding is that the top quintile of black homes reported having fewer books (69) than the bottom quintile of white homes (71).
Report: Negligent Parenting Hurts Black Students' Performance

Any explanation??
"A white person in an all black school would be the safetest (sic)person there."
Bogus.....as are you.
I could punch a Tiger in the face. That's ACT 1. Now in this Tiger case. What do you think ACT 2 would be ?

Yeah - He'd have me for breakfast

White supremacy works the same way

So yeah a black kid could attack a white kid in a black school. But that's ACT 1. ACT 2 would be immediate removal from that black kid at school and all types cuts in schools funding and resources would probably happen to, a long with more school guards and even police patrols should it get out of hand,

So racism on the part of black folks (even the most vicious) is pretty impotent.

Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And there are virtually no black folks who can do any of that to whites.

But there are white folks in positions to do those things, and who do them regularly.


In all fairness, the knowledge that there will likely be legal consequences for one's attackers doesn't actually make, for instance, a beating "impotent" for the person getting stomped out. The threat of reprisal for acts of violence only makes potential victims safer insofar as potential attackers actually respect that threat.

Also, danger isn't defined exclusively by the potential degree to which one might be harmed. Consider this:

When I was a teenager, I studied Tae Kwon Do under an instructor who took silver in the '88 Olympics. In theory, this guy could round kick my head off of my shoulders quicker than most people could throw a jab, but he was one of the most laid back and jovial people I've ever known.

A few years later, having gone druggie/delinquent, I had a dude I used to hang out with named Robert. White dude who was one of the most trashy motherfuckers I've ever had the displeasure of knowing. He didn't know how to fight for shit and he weighed about 105 lbs. On the other hand, he was a wannabe stick up kid who, once I'd gotten too comfortable around him, eventually put a knife to my throat from behind and robbed me for about an eighth of weed. Haven't actually seen him since then, but from what I understand the guy's doing time in Washington for attempted murder.

The fact that, out of these two men, Robert was FAR less capable of violence, he was still hands-down the riskier person with which to keep company.

Now, mind you, I'm not saying that this comparison maps directly onto the argument of this thread, but my point is simply this: The question of whether it's safe to be around someone has as much to do with their likelihood of using their available means to harm you as it does with the scope of those available means.
You know, when I was in the military, there were times that some of my friends would invite me to their place for a weekend. And yeah, some of those people were blacks who lived in AL and GA.

And, sometimes when I went to their place, I was the only white boy for several miles. We'd go out to the clubs and chase women and shoot pool.

Not once did I ever feel like I was being discriminated against. I remember one time in a club, I was the only white face in there and a huge dude walked up to me and said 'hey boy, you know where you are?"

I told him "yeah, I'm here in a club dancing with pretty women and drinking beer".

He then told me I was all right and bought a round of beers.

However, on the other side of the coin, I have seen blacks treated very badly in all white places. Matter of fact, in Meridian MS, there was a bar called Pott's Place, and when I tried to go there one night with a black friend of mine (and both of us were in full Navy uniforms), I was told I could get in, but the n===er had to stay out. I told him we were both military, and he said tough, it doesn't matter.

So, based on that experience, I would be willing to say it is tougher to be a black student in an all white school than it is to be a white student in an all black one.

Through some of the political stuff I do in NYC I've been to churches, dinners and political functions where I was the only white person. I was never treated with anything but open arms.

The bigots seem to project their own failed bigotry on everyone else.

And yes, I've eaten at restaurants up in Harlem and been to functions in bed stuy. And I work with people of every flavor. I have never once been treated as anything but welcome.
You know, when I was in the military, there were times that some of my friends would invite me to their place for a weekend. And yeah, some of those people were blacks who lived in AL and GA.

And, sometimes when I went to their place, I was the only white boy for several miles. We'd go out to the clubs and chase women and shoot pool.

Not once did I ever feel like I was being discriminated against. I remember one time in a club, I was the only white face in there and a huge dude walked up to me and said 'hey boy, you know where you are?"

I told him "yeah, I'm here in a club dancing with pretty women and drinking beer".

He then told me I was all right and bought a round of beers.

However, on the other side of the coin, I have seen blacks treated very badly in all white places. Matter of fact, in Meridian MS, there was a bar called Pott's Place, and when I tried to go there one night with a black friend of mine (and both of us were in full Navy uniforms), I was told I could get in, but the n===er had to stay out. I told him we were both military, and he said tough, it doesn't matter.

So, based on that experience, I would be willing to say it is tougher to be a black student in an all white school than it is to be a white student in an all black one.

Through some of the political stuff I do in NYC I've been to churches, dinners and political functions where I was the only white person. I was never treated with anything but open arms.

The bigots seem to project their own failed bigotry on everyone else.

And yes, I've eaten at restaurants up in Harlem and been to functions in bed stuy. And I work with people of every flavor. I have never once been treated as anything but welcome.

You know, you just described what I did this Thanksgiving. There is a soul food place here in Amarillo called Shi Lee's Barbeque, and they were putting on a meal for all their customers and the homeless for free.

Well, since it was a soul food place, most of the customers who showed up at the dinner were black. And, about half of the homeless that showed up were black as well.

Hanging out with the homeless and black people was probably one of the best Thanksgivings I've ever had. Good conversation, good people, and EXCELLENT food.

My white roomie and I had an excellent time, and because I decided to help out, I'm now friends with the people that run the place.
You know, when I was in the military, there were times that some of my friends would invite me to their place for a weekend. And yeah, some of those people were blacks who lived in AL and GA.

And, sometimes when I went to their place, I was the only white boy for several miles. We'd go out to the clubs and chase women and shoot pool.

Not once did I ever feel like I was being discriminated against. I remember one time in a club, I was the only white face in there and a huge dude walked up to me and said 'hey boy, you know where you are?"

I told him "yeah, I'm here in a club dancing with pretty women and drinking beer".

He then told me I was all right and bought a round of beers.

However, on the other side of the coin, I have seen blacks treated very badly in all white places. Matter of fact, in Meridian MS, there was a bar called Pott's Place, and when I tried to go there one night with a black friend of mine (and both of us were in full Navy uniforms), I was told I could get in, but the n===er had to stay out. I told him we were both military, and he said tough, it doesn't matter.

So, based on that experience, I would be willing to say it is tougher to be a black student in an all white school than it is to be a white student in an all black one.

Through some of the political stuff I do in NYC I've been to churches, dinners and political functions where I was the only white person. I was never treated with anything but open arms.

The bigots seem to project their own failed bigotry on everyone else.

And yes, I've eaten at restaurants up in Harlem and been to functions in bed stuy. And I work with people of every flavor. I have never once been treated as anything but welcome.

You know, you just described what I did this Thanksgiving. There is a soul food place here in Amarillo called Shi Lee's Barbeque, and they were putting on a meal for all their customers and the homeless for free.

Well, since it was a soul food place, most of the customers who showed up at the dinner were black. And, about half of the homeless that showed up were black as well.

Hanging out with the homeless and black people was probably one of the best Thanksgivings I've ever had. Good conversation, good people, and EXCELLENT food.

My white roomie and I had an excellent time, and because I decided to help out, I'm now friends with the people that run the place.

what allows the bigots to tell themselves these terrible things is that they have not lived with anyone who doesn't look like themselves. Then they expect the rest of us to feel bad that their delicate sensitivities are offended.
You know, when I was in the military, there were times that some of my friends would invite me to their place for a weekend. And yeah, some of those people were blacks who lived in AL and GA.

And, sometimes when I went to their place, I was the only white boy for several miles. We'd go out to the clubs and chase women and shoot pool.

Not once did I ever feel like I was being discriminated against. I remember one time in a club, I was the only white face in there and a huge dude walked up to me and said 'hey boy, you know where you are?"

I told him "yeah, I'm here in a club dancing with pretty women and drinking beer".

He then told me I was all right and bought a round of beers.

However, on the other side of the coin, I have seen blacks treated very badly in all white places. Matter of fact, in Meridian MS, there was a bar called Pott's Place, and when I tried to go there one night with a black friend of mine (and both of us were in full Navy uniforms), I was told I could get in, but the n===er had to stay out. I told him we were both military, and he said tough, it doesn't matter.

So, based on that experience, I would be willing to say it is tougher to be a black student in an all white school than it is to be a white student in an all black one.

Through some of the political stuff I do in NYC I've been to churches, dinners and political functions where I was the only white person. I was never treated with anything but open arms.

The bigots seem to project their own failed bigotry on everyone else.

And yes, I've eaten at restaurants up in Harlem and been to functions in bed stuy. And I work with people of every flavor. I have never once been treated as anything but welcome.

You know, you just described what I did this Thanksgiving. There is a soul food place here in Amarillo called Shi Lee's Barbeque, and they were putting on a meal for all their customers and the homeless for free.

Well, since it was a soul food place, most of the customers who showed up at the dinner were black. And, about half of the homeless that showed up were black as well.

Hanging out with the homeless and black people was probably one of the best Thanksgivings I've ever had. Good conversation, good people, and EXCELLENT food.

My white roomie and I had an excellent time, and because I decided to help out, I'm now friends with the people that run the place.

what allows the bigots to tell themselves these terrible things is that they have not lived with anyone who doesn't look like themselves. Then they expect the rest of us to feel bad that their delicate sensitivities are offended.

Well, to tell you the truth, the first time I saw a black person was my Senior year in high school. There was one black kid in the school and his name was Jimmy G. Not only did he dress in boots, jeans and cowboy hat like many others, he was also highly respected as a member of the football team and an all around great guy.

Unfortunately, even though he was well liked through out the school, he still encountered racist behavior. I remember that he and his girlfriend were one of the "it" couples at the school until her parents found out she was dating a black guy and made her break up with him. Not only did it upset Jimmy and his girl, but a lot of the other kids in the school were pretty upset as well.

Interestingly enough, the only racism that Jimmy experienced came from the adults, not from the kids in the school.
You know, when I was in the military, there were times that some of my friends would invite me to their place for a weekend. And yeah, some of those people were blacks who lived in AL and GA.

And, sometimes when I went to their place, I was the only white boy for several miles. We'd go out to the clubs and chase women and shoot pool.

Not once did I ever feel like I was being discriminated against. I remember one time in a club, I was the only white face in there and a huge dude walked up to me and said 'hey boy, you know where you are?"

I told him "yeah, I'm here in a club dancing with pretty women and drinking beer".

He then told me I was all right and bought a round of beers.

However, on the other side of the coin, I have seen blacks treated very badly in all white places. Matter of fact, in Meridian MS, there was a bar called Pott's Place, and when I tried to go there one night with a black friend of mine (and both of us were in full Navy uniforms), I was told I could get in, but the n===er had to stay out. I told him we were both military, and he said tough, it doesn't matter.

So, based on that experience, I would be willing to say it is tougher to be a black student in an all white school than it is to be a white student in an all black one.

Through some of the political stuff I do in NYC I've been to churches, dinners and political functions where I was the only white person. I was never treated with anything but open arms.

The bigots seem to project their own failed bigotry on everyone else.

And yes, I've eaten at restaurants up in Harlem and been to functions in bed stuy. And I work with people of every flavor. I have never once been treated as anything but welcome.

You know, you just described what I did this Thanksgiving. There is a soul food place here in Amarillo called Shi Lee's Barbeque, and they were putting on a meal for all their customers and the homeless for free.

Well, since it was a soul food place, most of the customers who showed up at the dinner were black. And, about half of the homeless that showed up were black as well.

Hanging out with the homeless and black people was probably one of the best Thanksgivings I've ever had. Good conversation, good people, and EXCELLENT food.

My white roomie and I had an excellent time, and because I decided to help out, I'm now friends with the people that run the place.

what allows the bigots to tell themselves these terrible things is that they have not lived with anyone who doesn't look like themselves. Then they expect the rest of us to feel bad that their delicate sensitivities are offended.

Well, to tell you the truth, the first time I saw a black person was my Senior year in high school. There was one black kid in the school and his name was Jimmy G. Not only did he dress in boots, jeans and cowboy hat like many others, he was also highly respected as a member of the football team and an all around great guy.

Unfortunately, even though he was well liked through out the school, he still encountered racist behavior. I remember that he and his girlfriend were one of the "it" couples at the school until her parents found out she was dating a black guy and made her break up with him. Not only did it upset Jimmy and his girl, but a lot of the other kids in the school were pretty upset as well.

Interestingly enough, the only racism that Jimmy experienced came from the adults, not from the kids in the school.

I've heard stories like that from the man I work for. He said he'd be friends with white kids growing up down south and then after they got to a certain age, the white parents would end the friendships.

Me? My high school graduating class in brooklyn had 980 people. We were not homogeneous
You know, when I was in the military, there were times that some of my friends would invite me to their place for a weekend. And yeah, some of those people were blacks who lived in AL and GA.

And, sometimes when I went to their place, I was the only white boy for several miles. We'd go out to the clubs and chase women and shoot pool.

Not once did I ever feel like I was being discriminated against. I remember one time in a club, I was the only white face in there and a huge dude walked up to me and said 'hey boy, you know where you are?"

I told him "yeah, I'm here in a club dancing with pretty women and drinking beer".

He then told me I was all right and bought a round of beers.

However, on the other side of the coin, I have seen blacks treated very badly in all white places. Matter of fact, in Meridian MS, there was a bar called Pott's Place, and when I tried to go there one night with a black friend of mine (and both of us were in full Navy uniforms), I was told I could get in, but the n===er had to stay out. I told him we were both military, and he said tough, it doesn't matter.

So, based on that experience, I would be willing to say it is tougher to be a black student in an all white school than it is to be a white student in an all black one.

Through some of the political stuff I do in NYC I've been to churches, dinners and political functions where I was the only white person. I was never treated with anything but open arms.

The bigots seem to project their own failed bigotry on everyone else.

And yes, I've eaten at restaurants up in Harlem and been to functions in bed stuy. And I work with people of every flavor. I have never once been treated as anything but welcome.

You know, you just described what I did this Thanksgiving. There is a soul food place here in Amarillo called Shi Lee's Barbeque, and they were putting on a meal for all their customers and the homeless for free.

Well, since it was a soul food place, most of the customers who showed up at the dinner were black. And, about half of the homeless that showed up were black as well.

Hanging out with the homeless and black people was probably one of the best Thanksgivings I've ever had. Good conversation, good people, and EXCELLENT food.

My white roomie and I had an excellent time, and because I decided to help out, I'm now friends with the people that run the place.

what allows the bigots to tell themselves these terrible things is that they have not lived with anyone who doesn't look like themselves. Then they expect the rest of us to feel bad that their delicate sensitivities are offended.

Well, to tell you the truth, the first time I saw a black person was my Senior year in high school. There was one black kid in the school and his name was Jimmy G. Not only did he dress in boots, jeans and cowboy hat like many others, he was also highly respected as a member of the football team and an all around great guy.

Unfortunately, even though he was well liked through out the school, he still encountered racist behavior. I remember that he and his girlfriend were one of the "it" couples at the school until her parents found out she was dating a black guy and made her break up with him. Not only did it upset Jimmy and his girl, but a lot of the other kids in the school were pretty upset as well.

Interestingly enough, the only racism that Jimmy experienced came from the adults, not from the kids in the school.

I've heard stories like that from the man I work for. He said he'd be friends with white kids growing up down south and then after they got to a certain age, the white parents would end the friendships.

Me? My high school graduating class in brooklyn had 980 people. We were not homogeneous

You know, seeing what the adults treated Jimmy like kinda turned me off of racists. And..............even my own Grandparents were pretty racist. When I went to boot camp for the Navy, they told me that I was going to meet some of the best people I would ever know, and I could bring anyone home with me.

I just had to make sure they were white. Yeah, my Grandparents actually said that to me the morning I left.

Too bad they felt that way. Why? Because some of the best friends I had and some of the people I trusted to watch my back were black. I would have liked my Grandparents to meet my friends, but I wasn't going to put them through talking to my Grandfather.
Through some of the political stuff I do in NYC I've been to churches, dinners and political functions where I was the only white person. I was never treated with anything but open arms.

The bigots seem to project their own failed bigotry on everyone else.

And yes, I've eaten at restaurants up in Harlem and been to functions in bed stuy. And I work with people of every flavor. I have never once been treated as anything but welcome.

You know, you just described what I did this Thanksgiving. There is a soul food place here in Amarillo called Shi Lee's Barbeque, and they were putting on a meal for all their customers and the homeless for free.

Well, since it was a soul food place, most of the customers who showed up at the dinner were black. And, about half of the homeless that showed up were black as well.

Hanging out with the homeless and black people was probably one of the best Thanksgivings I've ever had. Good conversation, good people, and EXCELLENT food.

My white roomie and I had an excellent time, and because I decided to help out, I'm now friends with the people that run the place.

what allows the bigots to tell themselves these terrible things is that they have not lived with anyone who doesn't look like themselves. Then they expect the rest of us to feel bad that their delicate sensitivities are offended.

Well, to tell you the truth, the first time I saw a black person was my Senior year in high school. There was one black kid in the school and his name was Jimmy G. Not only did he dress in boots, jeans and cowboy hat like many others, he was also highly respected as a member of the football team and an all around great guy.

Unfortunately, even though he was well liked through out the school, he still encountered racist behavior. I remember that he and his girlfriend were one of the "it" couples at the school until her parents found out she was dating a black guy and made her break up with him. Not only did it upset Jimmy and his girl, but a lot of the other kids in the school were pretty upset as well.

Interestingly enough, the only racism that Jimmy experienced came from the adults, not from the kids in the school.

I've heard stories like that from the man I work for. He said he'd be friends with white kids growing up down south and then after they got to a certain age, the white parents would end the friendships.

Me? My high school graduating class in brooklyn had 980 people. We were not homogeneous

You know, seeing what the adults treated Jimmy like kinda turned me off of racists. And..............even my own Grandparents were pretty racist. When I went to boot camp for the Navy, they told me that I was going to meet some of the best people I would ever know, and I could bring anyone home with me.

I just had to make sure they were white. Yeah, my Grandparents actually said that to me the morning I left.

Too bad they felt that way. Why? Because some of the best friends I had and some of the people I trusted to watch my back were black. I would have liked my Grandparents to meet my friends, but I wasn't going to put them through talking to my Grandfather.

Old people can be funny that way. It's sad. My dad can be generically race-inappropriate as I like to put it. But when he meets people on an individual basis he's fine. It's a really odd thing.
I went to a high school that was 90 percent white. I had a lot of friends who were white because I was a good athlete and my brothers were good athletes. But once we graduated many of the same whites "friends" stopped speaking to me and hey started to show their racism. It's not always the old folks. And see some of the tales being told cancels itself when the person telling the story believes in genetic IQ superiority by race.
I attended Catholic school (St. Francis Xavier) in Brooklyn in the 40s and 50s, wherein I recall only a few Black kids, maybe four or five in the entire school, and there was just one in my classes. I remember his name was Elroy and he got along just fine with everyone. There were never any problems with violence, or even significant disagreements between students in that school and I've come to realize the reason for that was the rigid discipline imposed on us.

We were "there to learn" and the Franciscan brothers and Carmelite nuns didn't tolerate the slightest diversionary conduct. We wore uniforms and walked in silent twos in the corridors. There was a test every Friday afternoon. Failure meant overtime. The slightest disrespect to either the robed or lay teachers called for serious punishment.

While I don't know anything about the situation in today's parochial schools I am absolutely certain the absence of discipline is the root cause of the failure and impending ruin of our public education system. And there is ample evidence to place the blame for this on the presence of unruly, belligerent, violence-prone Black students -- many of whom are inclined to physically attack teachers.

More racist bullshit that's untrue.
Specifically what in my above comment do you believe is "untrue?"

And specifically what about my comment do you regard as "racist bullshit?"
I went to a high school that was 90 percent white. I had a lot of friends who were white because I was a good athlete and my brothers were good athletes. But once we graduated many of the same whites "friends" stopped speaking to me and hey started to show their racism. It's not always the old folks. And see some of the tales being told cancels itself when the person telling the story believes in genetic IQ superiority by race.
While the status of being on my high school's wrestling team attracted the attention of a few sycophantic (typically physically inferior) admirers, I can't say that status as an "athlete" earned any true friends -- and there is no conceivable reason why it would. So is it possible that what you perceived as friendship and admiration was in fact a pre-conscious effort by some Whites to demonstrate an accepting, non-prejudiced disposition toward you?

The idea that those same individuals would stop talking to you after graduation is beyond my understanding. And what do you mean by, ". . . started to show their racism?" How did that manifest?

Re: your reference to "old folks," are you one of those Blacks who subscribe to the myth that because a White person is old enough to have lived during the Jim Crow era he or she necessarily harbors a KKK disposition?

Can it be your perception of White disposition toward Blacks in general is somewhat paranoid?
I went to a high school that was 90 percent white. I had a lot of friends who were white because I was a good athlete and my brothers were good athletes. But once we graduated many of the same whites "friends" stopped speaking to me and hey started to show their racism. It's not always the old folks. And see some of the tales being told cancels itself when the person telling the story believes in genetic IQ superiority by race.
You think people who understand math are untrustworthy? Maybe that the kind of "reasoning" that led to this:

"A white person in an all black school would be the safetest (sic)person there."
Bogus.....as are you.
I could punch a Tiger in the face. That's ACT 1. Now in this Tiger case. What do you think ACT 2 would be ?

Yeah - He'd have me for breakfast

White supremacy works the same way

So yeah a black kid could attack a white kid in a black school. But that's ACT 1. ACT 2 would be immediate removal from that black kid at school and all types cuts in schools funding and resources would probably happen to, a long with more school guards and even police patrols should it get out of hand,

So racism on the part of black folks (even the most vicious) is pretty impotent.
Getting beaten does not equal being safe. You might have a point if the expectation of ACT 2 prevented ACT 1, but we all know that blacks have very poor ability to plan for the future and act based on calm analysis of the consequences.
Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And there are virtually no black folks who can do any of that to whites.

But there are white folks in positions to do those things, and who do them regularly.

White people deny blacks freedom/etc... when the blacks commit violent crimes. Are you suggesting we should place the violent black criminals in positions of power to do it to innocent whites just to make it racially "equal?"
Which would be tougher, being the only Black student in an all White school, or being the only White student in an all Black school?

where is there a black school that had to be forceably desegregated by federal troops?
Do you really think they kept them segregated to protect the black kids from the whites?

I think they keep them
Separated because they're disgusting bigots.
They kept them separated because integrating people with violent animals in a learning environment is stupid.
"A white person in an all black school would be the safetest (sic)person there."
Bogus.....as are you.
I could punch a Tiger in the face. That's ACT 1. Now in this Tiger case. What do you think ACT 2 would be ?

Yeah - He'd have me for breakfast

White supremacy works the same way

So yeah a black kid could attack a white kid in a black school. But that's ACT 1. ACT 2 would be immediate removal from that black kid at school and all types cuts in schools funding and resources would probably happen to, a long with more school guards and even police patrols should it get out of hand,

So racism on the part of black folks (even the most vicious) is pretty impotent.
Getting beaten does not equal being safe. You might have a point if the expectation of ACT 2 prevented ACT 1, but we all know that blacks have very poor ability to plan for the future and act based on calm analysis of the consequences.
Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And there are virtually no black folks who can do any of that to whites.

But there are white folks in positions to do those things, and who do them regularly.

White people deny blacks freedom/etc... when the blacks commit violent crimes. Are you suggesting we should place the violent black criminals in positions of power to do it to innocent whites just to make it racially "equal?"

The record shows that it is whites who are the mist violent race here.
"A white person in an all black school would be the safetest (sic)person there."
Bogus.....as are you.
I could punch a Tiger in the face. That's ACT 1. Now in this Tiger case. What do you think ACT 2 would be ?

Yeah - He'd have me for breakfast

White supremacy works the same way

So yeah a black kid could attack a white kid in a black school. But that's ACT 1. ACT 2 would be immediate removal from that black kid at school and all types cuts in schools funding and resources would probably happen to, a long with more school guards and even police patrols should it get out of hand,

So racism on the part of black folks (even the most vicious) is pretty impotent.
Getting beaten does not equal being safe. You might have a point if the expectation of ACT 2 prevented ACT 1, but we all know that blacks have very poor ability to plan for the future and act based on calm analysis of the consequences.
Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And there are virtually no black folks who can do any of that to whites.

But there are white folks in positions to do those things, and who do them regularly.

White people deny blacks freedom/etc... when the blacks commit violent crimes. Are you suggesting we should place the violent black criminals in positions of power to do it to innocent whites just to make it racially "equal?"

The record shows that it is whites who are the mist violent race here.
Per capita or per individual, blacks are more violent. When looking at an individual candidate for college, you have to use per capita if you want to use statistics.
Getting beaten does not equal being safe. You might have a point if the expectation of ACT 2 prevented ACT 1, but we all know that blacks have very poor ability to plan for the future and act based on calm analysis of the consequences.
There is no such as thing black racism. Black people are the most peaceful people on the face of the earth.
  • Black people could never red-line white areas from credit, the way whites red-line black areas from credit.
  • Black people could never use white people as guinea pigs in black hospitals, the way whites use blacks as guinea pigs in white hospitals.
  • Black people could never rip up white CV's and resumes the way white people rip up black Cv's resumes.
  • Black people could never poison the water supply in white areas, the way white people poison the water supply in black areas.
God did not make us that way. He just did not give us that heart.

Why is the black man so feared ?
  • Is it because the Black-man built the world’s first civilizations?
  • Is it because the Black-man is the only man to surpass White men in every field of human achievement?
  • Is it the White-man’s sexual inferiority complex they feel regarding the Black Man?
White people like Meathead Taz SobieskiSavedEurope MikeK like to talk Asian and there high IQ's

Well surely Asian men should be the ones they fear the most

But the fact is.

Black men threaten White men in a way that Hispanic, Asian and Arab men don't. This fear is ancient and you can trace it to its origins in the first Indo-Aryan invasions of Black civilization.

Whites fear black men because we are seen and thought of as so physical we can hurt you

That's the reason behind this post and you getting scared and you not being man enough to step to a black man face to face and say what you say on here. You know you act real gangster on here but when it comes to black men everyday.


Fking pussy.

"And what can black men do to ur women?"

This comes back to the black physical; the black potency, the black strength. That fear partly sexual goes back a long way, and that comes down to the fact that white men regard black men as better sexual performers than u are.

U don't say this publicly, but u say, 'gee they're so natural' and u begin to wonder. 'Our women could they not be attracted to that?

Therefore all whites efforts to de-man black men. The most graphic was lynching but now they put blk men in cages, called prisons, again to de-male them. whites can't call tus 'boy' but they still somehow can make sure black men don’t have jobs, make sure we don't threaten them in other ways
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