While Democrats Claim They Treated President Bush Better Than Obama Is Being Treated....


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
The "Way Back Machine" of the internet proves them the liars they are.

Democrats Are United in Plans To Block Top Bush Initiatives washingtonpost.com
As President Bush prepares for his second term, Democrats in Washington and around the country are organizing for a year of confrontation and resistance, saying they are determined to block Bush's major initiatives and thereby deny him the mandate he has claimed from his reelection victory last November.

Pelosi calls Bush a total failure - politics - Capitol Hill NBC News
President Bush has been a "total failure" in everything from the economy to the war to energy policy, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday.

Barney Frank Accuses Bush Of Deliberate Ethnic Cleansing In New Orleans
Barney Frank Accuses Bush Of Deliberate "Ethnic Cleansing" In New Orleans

House Democrats Calling President Bush A Liar - YouTube
House Democrats Calling President Bush A Liar - YouTube

Key Democrats vow to block Bush nominee - USATODAY.com
Senate Democrats will block Ted Olson from succeeding Alberto Gonzales as attorney general if President Bush nominates him, Majority Leader Harry Reid said Wednesday.

Senate Democrats Block 3 More Bush Judicial Nominees washingtonpost.com
Senate Democrats blocked three more Bush nominees for federal appeals courts yesterday as Republicans and Democrats accused each other of trampling Senate rules, tradition and comity to advance their political agendas.

Democrats Bush Tax Plan is Dead - ABC News
"I think that President Bush's tax plan is dead in the Senate and it has died of its own weight. It is too large and therefore fiscally irresponsible," Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.) said on ABCNEWS' This Week on Sunday.

Democrats block Senate vote on Bush tax cuts Jamie Dupree s Washington Insider www.ajc.com
The bottom line boils down to this - Democrats blocked a vote on the President's plan to extend some of the Bush tax cuts.
Democrats also blocked a vote on a GOP plan to extend all of the Bush tax rates for one year.
The "Way Back Machine" of the internet proves them the liars they are.

Democrats Are United in Plans To Block Top Bush Initiatives washingtonpost.com
As President Bush prepares for his second term, Democrats in Washington and around the country are organizing for a year of confrontation and resistance, saying they are determined to block Bush's major initiatives and thereby deny him the mandate he has claimed from his reelection victory last November.

Pelosi calls Bush a total failure - politics - Capitol Hill NBC News
President Bush has been a "total failure" in everything from the economy to the war to energy policy, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday.

Barney Frank Accuses Bush Of Deliberate Ethnic Cleansing In New Orleans
Barney Frank Accuses Bush Of Deliberate "Ethnic Cleansing" In New Orleans

House Democrats Calling President Bush A Liar - YouTube
House Democrats Calling President Bush A Liar - YouTube

Key Democrats vow to block Bush nominee - USATODAY.com
Senate Democrats will block Ted Olson from succeeding Alberto Gonzales as attorney general if President Bush nominates him, Majority Leader Harry Reid said Wednesday.

Senate Democrats Block 3 More Bush Judicial Nominees washingtonpost.com
Senate Democrats blocked three more Bush nominees for federal appeals courts yesterday as Republicans and Democrats accused each other of trampling Senate rules, tradition and comity to advance their political agendas.

Democrats Bush Tax Plan is Dead - ABC News
"I think that President Bush's tax plan is dead in the Senate and it has died of its own weight. It is too large and therefore fiscally irresponsible," Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.) said on ABCNEWS' This Week on Sunday.

Democrats block Senate vote on Bush tax cuts Jamie Dupree s Washington Insider www.ajc.com
The bottom line boils down to this - Democrats blocked a vote on the President's plan to extend some of the Bush tax cuts.
Democrats also blocked a vote on a GOP plan to extend all of the Bush tax rates for one year.

He deserved it.

We show disdain for Obama and his policies because we cant stand a black man in the oval office.
Looks like each is just a statement of fact.

What's wrong with that?

W has always been treated a lot better than he ever deserved and still is. Not to mention the dick of a veep.

Interesting to note that while Republicans can't remember the name of our last president, both Presidents Obama and Clinton have both treated him with respect.

Hell, his own family won't even mention his name.
Interesting to note that while Republicans can't remember the name of our last president, both Presidents Obama and Clinton have both treated him with respect.

Hell, his own family won't even mention his name.
Your an idiot Obama has blamed Bush for most of his screw ups.
The "Way Back Machine" of the internet proves them the liars they are.

Democrats Are United in Plans To Block Top Bush Initiatives washingtonpost.com
As President Bush prepares for his second term, Democrats in Washington and around the country are organizing for a year of confrontation and resistance, saying they are determined to block Bush's major initiatives and thereby deny him the mandate he has claimed from his reelection victory last November.

Pelosi calls Bush a total failure - politics - Capitol Hill NBC News
President Bush has been a "total failure" in everything from the economy to the war to energy policy, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday.

Barney Frank Accuses Bush Of Deliberate Ethnic Cleansing In New Orleans
Barney Frank Accuses Bush Of Deliberate "Ethnic Cleansing" In New Orleans

House Democrats Calling President Bush A Liar - YouTube
House Democrats Calling President Bush A Liar - YouTube

Key Democrats vow to block Bush nominee - USATODAY.com
Senate Democrats will block Ted Olson from succeeding Alberto Gonzales as attorney general if President Bush nominates him, Majority Leader Harry Reid said Wednesday.

Senate Democrats Block 3 More Bush Judicial Nominees washingtonpost.com
Senate Democrats blocked three more Bush nominees for federal appeals courts yesterday as Republicans and Democrats accused each other of trampling Senate rules, tradition and comity to advance their political agendas.

Democrats Bush Tax Plan is Dead - ABC News
"I think that President Bush's tax plan is dead in the Senate and it has died of its own weight. It is too large and therefore fiscally irresponsible," Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.) said on ABCNEWS' This Week on Sunday.

Democrats block Senate vote on Bush tax cuts Jamie Dupree s Washington Insider www.ajc.com
The bottom line boils down to this - Democrats blocked a vote on the President's plan to extend some of the Bush tax cuts.
Democrats also blocked a vote on a GOP plan to extend all of the Bush tax rates for one year.

Second term?

The Bush lies about WMDs had already been revealed. His Iraq invasion was already falling apart. We weren't being treated as liberators

Of course Democrats opposed him in 2005

But take your Way-back machine to 2001 and you will see Bush with 86% approval ratings, Bush getting any legislation he said he needed to fight terrorism. You may even see some Democrats agreeing to his stupid war
Interesting to note that while Republicans can't remember the name of our last president, both Presidents Obama and Clinton have both treated him with respect.

Hell, his own family won't even mention his name.
Your an idiot Obama has blamed Bush for most of his screw ups.

Poor W - blamed for everything he did and then left for the black guy to clean up.



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