while repugs are held in back seat car by teabaggers car goes over cliff

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What's the point of raising taxes on the wealthy? Has that been explained?

So you are saying we don't need to increase revenue to get out of this mess? We can assign blame anywhere and everywhere we want but the fact of the matter is we are here and now and action is required. There is perfectly good reasons the government might be able to operate at under whatever it currently spends but action must be taken and taken quickly. The American people seem to agree with the President's proposal some people, cough(teabaggers), seem to be under someone other than the American people's control.

So the deficit is a problem?

If we didn't have a deficit it would pretty much change everything. Unfortunately we do. A debate about who to blame is always fun but there is a time and place for everything.
the Dems own 2/3 of the govt. and somehow it's the "repugs" fault?

wasn't it you guys that have repeatedly stated that the gop is dead?
If everyone was doing well 20 years ago under the taxes soon to come to pass then why are the democrats whining and crying?

I can now see why the Republicans are not serious about running for President. Why? Obviously it is not the majority party that runs the country it is the minority party. The House of Rep. runs the country. The speaker of the house is actually the unelected king of America.

Obama is nothing more then a figurehead he might as well go on vacation for all the good he does.

What was the GOP's net GAINS in House seats in the last election?

then Obama should have no problem getting his way.
One of the biggest sticking points of a deal with the level at which taxes will go up. The level the President is sticking to is $250K while the republicans think that is too low.

Here's a math question for those who think the $250 limit is going to make the wealthy go broke.

If for up to a dollar I pay 5% tax and I make $1 for the year at the end of the year I would own $0.05 tax.
If for anything above $1 I owe 10% tax and I make $2 for the year, how much tax do I owe at the end of the year?

It is just so hard to bring those guys out of the back seat.
You will only hear someone on Fox/MurdochTV admit that the first 250 stays at the old level for ALL wage earners if you press them on it. You have to drag that out of them for obvious reasons :wink_2:
What's the point of raising taxes on the wealthy? Has that been explained?

I notice most rw'ers never say "returning taxes to their prior levels" rather they say "raising taxes". :eusa_eh: Fox has taught you well Padawan. :thup:

BTW- everyone was doing quite well under higher tax-rates < 20 years ago before the rich's war on the middle-class perpetrated by their bought- and -paid -for, water-carriers in Congress (mostly on the Right judging from their falling on their sword practices to protect the ever increasing wage disparities).

If "returning taxes to their prior levels" was a good thing, why not return EVERYONE to their prior levels?

That's why it is a fallacy.

Obama and the Dems want to raise taxes on one group only.
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If "returning taxes to their prior levels" was a good thing, why not return EVERYONE to their prior levels?

I am for that as are a couple math-saavy economists. The only caveat being that the econ must gain more steam first then, eliminate them all :)
we should concentrate on bolstering the job market now, while working to stabilize federal finances for the future. The former ideally would involve putting more money into the pockets of the poor and middle class, who are most likely to spend it. Raising taxes on the middle class immediately would, of course, have the opposite effect.

That's why a better approach might be to preserve tax breaks on incomes up to $250,000, and to renew anti-recessionary programs like extended unemployment insurance and a payroll tax holiday, but only on a temporary basis.

Congress could try an idea economist Peter Orszag has floated: Setting these tax cuts to expire when, and only when, the economy had become stronger.
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So you are saying we don't need to increase revenue to get out of this mess? We can assign blame anywhere and everywhere we want but the fact of the matter is we are here and now and action is required. There is perfectly good reasons the government might be able to operate at under whatever it currently spends but action must be taken and taken quickly. The American people seem to agree with the President's proposal some people, cough(teabaggers), seem to be under someone other than the American people's control.

So the deficit is a problem?

If we didn't have a deficit it would pretty much change everything. Unfortunately we do. A debate about who to blame is always fun but there is a time and place for everything.

So deficits don't stimulate the economy?
What's the point of raising taxes on the wealthy? Has that been explained?

So you are saying we don't need to increase revenue to get out of this mess? We can assign blame anywhere and everywhere we want but the fact of the matter is we are here and now and action is required. There is perfectly good reasons the government might be able to operate at under whatever it currently spends but action must be taken and taken quickly. The American people seem to agree with the President's proposal some people, cough(teabaggers), seem to be under someone other than the American people's control.

Until there are definite BIG spending cuts, I say no deal!

Raising taxes on the "wealthy" won't do a damn thing to solve the problem.
Lets raise them on ALL Americans.... All of us, not just one class.

I want the dumb asshole, know nothing voters that voted for the liberal pricks in DC to pay along with everyone else.

Lets all feel the burn!!!

Empty step is so empty headed that he actually thinks that the piddling amount the rich will add to the revenue will even make a dent in the defecit.

Sheep like him don't think, they simply post articles someone else writes, most often not even understanding what the article actually says.
Who Rules America: Wealth, Income, and Power
Financial (Non-Home) Wealth

Top 1 percent --- 42.1%
Next 19 percent --- 53.5%
Bottom 80 percent --- 4.7%

So what percent of taxes would you like the bottom 80% to pay. Some one structured this country so it burns through $3.6 billion a year and you would like to put that burden where?
Who Rules America: Wealth, Income, and Power
Financial (Non-Home) Wealth

Top 1 percent --- 42.1%
Next 19 percent --- 53.5%
Bottom 80 percent --- 4.7%

So what percent of taxes would you like the bottom 80% to pay. Some one structured this country so it burns through $3.6 billion a year and you would like to put that burden where?

hell son, we burn through 4 billion a day what the hell are ewe talking about?
Here we go. I was actually trying to find the income totals since that is more to the point.

Top 1 percent Next 19 percent Bottom 80 percent
2006 21.3% 40.1% 38.6%
Who Rules America: Wealth, Income, and Power
Financial (Non-Home) Wealth

Top 1 percent --- 42.1%
Next 19 percent --- 53.5%
Bottom 80 percent --- 4.7%

So what percent of taxes would you like the bottom 80% to pay. Some one structured this country so it burns through $3.6 billion a year and you would like to put that burden where?

hell son, we burn through 4 billion a day what the hell are ewe talking about?

The "revenues" gained from stealing it from the evil rich would run the govt for about a week and a half.

It's a way to patronize the know nothing idiots that voted for the libtards. Nothing more
Who Rules America: Wealth, Income, and Power
Financial (Non-Home) Wealth

Top 1 percent --- 42.1%
Next 19 percent --- 53.5%
Bottom 80 percent --- 4.7%

So what percent of taxes would you like the bottom 80% to pay. Some one structured this country so it burns through $3.6 billion a year and you would like to put that burden where?

On everyone

Everybody should have skin in the game

If you're not paying in, you don't get a say in how it works...how's that?
Who Rules America: Wealth, Income, and Power
Financial (Non-Home) Wealth

Top 1 percent --- 42.1%
Next 19 percent --- 53.5%
Bottom 80 percent --- 4.7%

So what percent of taxes would you like the bottom 80% to pay. Some one structured this country so it burns through $3.6 billion a year and you would like to put that burden where?

hell son, we burn through 4 billion a day what the hell are ewe talking about?

I am saying that if ones looks at this chart where the questionable funds are being spent disproportionately benefit the wealthy but the wealthy want to pay disproportionately under their share for it. Kind of like those wars voted for to be fought by other people's children.
Who Rules America: Wealth, Income, and Power
Financial (Non-Home) Wealth

Top 1 percent --- 42.1%
Next 19 percent --- 53.5%
Bottom 80 percent --- 4.7%

So what percent of taxes would you like the bottom 80% to pay. Some one structured this country so it burns through $3.6 billion a year and you would like to put that burden where?

hell son, we burn through 4 billion a day what the hell are ewe talking about?

The "revenues" gained from stealing it from the evil rich would run the govt for about a week and a half.

It's a way to patronize the know nothing idiots that voted for the libtards. Nothing more

That's how we know obamer is obsessed for obsessions sake. nothing more.He's a true nutter.
One of the biggest sticking points of a deal with the level at which taxes will go up. The level the President is sticking to is $250K while the republicans think that is too low.

Here's a math question for those who think the $250 limit is going to make the wealthy go broke.

If for up to a dollar I pay 5% tax and I make $1 for the year at the end of the year I would own $0.05 tax.
If for anything above $1 I owe 10% tax and I make $2 for the year, how much tax do I owe at the end of the year?

It is just so hard to bring those guys out of the back seat.
All of our politicians should follow T.E.A. party policies.

Here is a better exercise for you.

While the Dems may get some tax increases on the top 2%, guess what? IT won't do a fucking thing to solve the problems we face. This is nothing more than ego stroking.

Do the fucking math. You can take ALL of their income and it won't pay for more than 8 days spending.

I swear, people who think taxes are the answer are mindless sheep, dancing to their puppeteers wishes.

Cut the fucking spending!

That is what every American should be demanding, and every politician should adhere to.

Yet you people keep electing the fuckers.
Who Rules America: Wealth, Income, and Power
Financial (Non-Home) Wealth

Top 1 percent --- 42.1%
Next 19 percent --- 53.5%
Bottom 80 percent --- 4.7%

So what percent of taxes would you like the bottom 80% to pay. Some one structured this country so it burns through $3.6 billion a year and you would like to put that burden where?

hell son, we burn through 4 billion a day what the hell are ewe talking about?

I am saying that if ones looks at this chart where the questionable funds are being spent disproportionately benefit the wealthy but the wealthy want to pay disproportionately under their share for it. Kind of like those wars voted for to be fought by other people's children.

that chart is fucked up cause we don't spend by the billions in a year we spend by the trillions? Who made that chart? Ewe?
hell son, we burn through 4 billion a day what the hell are ewe talking about?

I am saying that if ones looks at this chart where the questionable funds are being spent disproportionately benefit the wealthy but the wealthy want to pay disproportionately under their share for it. Kind of like those wars voted for to be fought by other people's children.

that chart is fucked up cause we don't spend by the billions in a year we spend by the trillions? Who made that chart? Ewe?

$3,598B = $3.598T Have more coffee. :D
One of the biggest sticking points of a deal with the level at which taxes will go up. The level the President is sticking to is $250K while the republicans think that is too low.

Here's a math question for those who think the $250 limit is going to make the wealthy go broke.

If for up to a dollar I pay 5% tax and I make $1 for the year at the end of the year I would own $0.05 tax.
If for anything above $1 I owe 10% tax and I make $2 for the year, how much tax do I owe at the end of the year?

It is just so hard to bring those guys out of the back seat.
All of our politicians should follow T.E.A. party policies.

Here is a better exercise for you.

While the Dems may get some tax increases on the top 2%, guess what? IT won't do a fucking thing to solve the problems we face. This is nothing more than ego stroking.

Do the fucking math. You can take ALL of their income and it won't pay for more than 8 days spending.

I swear, people who think taxes are the answer are mindless sheep, dancing to their puppeteers wishes.

Cut the fucking spending!

That is what every American should be demanding, and every politician should adhere to.

Yet you people keep electing the fuckers.

The people holding up the budget the most are people squealing about having their taxes raised, not about cutting spending. Just another day in the federal government.

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