White Christian Conservatives Demographic Disappearing in USA

Why is it so freaking easy to get hysterical these days about a non-issue? The post is based on the opinion of a nobody named Jason Wilson who works for a Brit blog.
We're at the end of white Christian America. What will that mean?
What will this mean for the future of the United States? I think it will have a negative impact and marks the downfall of our nation. I hope when the tumult comes all those suburbanite whites that voted Democrat for generations suffer greatly. Hypocrite Hollywood liberals will pay for private security to protect their estates with assault weapons. Rest of the white Christian Conservatives in the United States will have to fend for themselves. I would like to see Nancy, Bernie, Beto, Lizzie, Clinton’s and Mayor Pete try to negotiate with gangs of Black Lives Matter and illegals when they come after them.
When we lose our moral compass we create a monster. Hope Democrats can deal with it.
Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
that article is two years old.
Howbout something more recent.
Donald Trump has made it clear: the only 'real Americans' are white and Christian

To be fair to the practice and the "demand" of head coverings for Christians there are multiple interpretations and opinions from scholars of what Paul was speaking about in 1 Corinthians regarding head coverings and vary depending on the denomination, so it's not really definitive. Some see that passage as a clear demand to wear a head covering while praying but others view the historical context of life in the city of Corinth at the time and that the passage and command from Paul was specific for that time and location. Hard to truly know though.

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