Zone1 White Culture holds back white people

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Show us a system created by other races that gave them preferences and has excluded others at any time in American history
How about ALL the native American tribes? No member of any other tribe had any rights, including the right to stay alive. The simple truth that you always deny is that all throughout human history, the dominant group sets the rules, and they always favor the dominant group.

How Racism Hurts White People Too

Racism coddles Whites by not requiring us to learn what all people of color must do to survive.

Susana Rinderle, MA, ACC
Susana Rinderle, MA, ACC, Contributor

Imagine you work hard your whole life: at school, work and home. You win some and you lose some, and at times it feels like there’s more losing than winning. Life’s not easy, but you hang in there and follow most of the rules. Some people are less kind than others, and your interactions with teachers, coworkers, bosses, store clerks and bureaucrats can be challenging. Like most people you know, you do all right, but sometimes struggle to pay bills, find a decent place to live, put your kids in a decent school, and get your basic needs met. You see less deserving folks get rewards or perks you don’t. You worry about the future.

And then someone says you have “white privilege.”

I get it. I’m White. Growing up with three darker-skinned family members and mostly “minority” classmates, I hated racism. I thought it meant meanness and abuse directed towards people of color, particularly Blacks, and as a teen I vowed to do my part to stop it. I bristled at the suggestion that I contributed to racism or benefitted from so-called “privilege” just because I was White. What a load of crap! I was a conscientious, empathetic person with multicolored friends. I went out of my way to treat everyone with respect and dignity, even advocate for equality. I worked my butt off in challenging social and financial circumstances to achieve a great deal. To suggest I hadn’t earned it fairly was deeply insulting. To say I got unearned advantages sounded like a copout from lazy complainers.

Eventually, I learned that my well-intended understanding of racism was woefully superficial and incomplete. I learned that I was blind to much of what was going on around me, because I’m White. I also learned a dirty secret about racism: It hurts White people too.

Racism coddles Whites by not requiring us to learn what all people of color must do to survive – how to live in multiple worlds, speak multiple languages and quickly navigate complex realities. It coddles us by making us too fragile to fully hear, understand and receive what people of color are saying, much less take responsibility for our part. It makes us too fragile to talk with people or color in any way that doesn’t meet our standards of comfort and familiarity, much less tolerate being in groups where we are the racial minority.

Susan Rinderle is right.. I've seen some of this and what she says and she is absolutely correct.

This, especially American white culture does them more harm than anything they imagine coming from whatever perceived threats some whites have concocted.

Sadly there are black people help perpetuate this lifestyle of denial.

We do things like tell them nothing is their fault and that white racism is not a problem. That all the deficits we were born into were self inflicted..

“Racism skews our sense of reality. It damages our humanity. It makes us weak.”-Susan Rinderle
For some reason my ancestors decided to leave Europe and immigrate to the United States. I am damn glad they did.

I was watching a commercial for a charity the other day that showed a mother in Africa getting foul water for her family in a bucket from a polluted stream.. If you sent money, it would go to providing clean water for the people in her area of Africa.

If I was that woman I would be wishing my ancestors had been slaves and I was in the U.S. where I would have clean water, electricity, health care and live in a home with AC and a fifty inch TV. I doubt if she can even imagine such a lifestyle.

I understand that life is far from perfect for minorities in the United States and there is no doubt that racism still exists, but things can and are being improved. We have a way to go but we also have came a long way.

For some reason my ancestors decided to leave Europe and immigrate to the United States. I am damn glad they did.

I was watching a commercial for a charity the other day that showed a mother in Africa getting foul water for her family in a bucket from a polluted stream.. If you sent money, it would go to providing clean water for the people in her area of Africa.

If I was that woman I would be wishing my ancestors had been slaves and I was in the U.S. where I would have clean water, electricity, health care and live in a home with AC and a fifty inch TV. I doubt if she can even imagine such a lifestyle.

I understand that life is far from perfect for minorities in the United States and there is no doubt that racism still exists, but things can and are being improved. We have a way to go but we also have came a long way.

Clean water systems for Africans and for native Americans are two of my charities. 😇
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Clean water systems for Africans and for native Americans are two of my charities. 😇
We don’t realize just how lucky we are to have good quality water in most cities in our nation.
Show us a system created by other races that gave them preferences and has excluded others at any time in American history

Study the history of the Comanche plains Indians and you will see something quite different than you would think.
They tortured and enslaved all their enemies wether They be Apaches, other tribes, Spaniards, Texans, Americans.. they were pretty much the most fierce and had no respect for anyone other than other Comanche...and even then not always.
They would burn the noses off women and cut off their breasts.. You cant even blame this behaviour on Whites. They had already thought themselves superior to everyone else.

They did however single handedly prevent the Westward expansion of the U.S. until the civil war was over. And they were probably very responsible, for th ehatred and mistrust of Indians when settlers had to go through them to get to California.

Though they had dealt with the Spanish LONG before the Americans arrived.

"By sweeping into Apache villages in the dark of night, destroying their food storages, killing their livestock, burning their homes, and quickly disappearing into the night, the Comanche wore down their competitors on the plains. They combined this type of swift, guerilla style attack with massive frontal assaults that focused on killing as many Apache men and enslaving as many women and children as possible. Following a practice that was widespread amongst indigenous peoples in the region, some of these slaves were sold on the thriving New Mexican slave markets, while others were adopted or married into families and eventually became Comanches themselves. "
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You see, this is the problem yoou raciists have.. You think a black person has to be unhappy because they oppose your bs.. I would be unhappy if I was like Clarence Thomas.. Nothing makes me happier than busting racists like you. And that chip on my shoulder thing, LOL! I'm just not the black man to grin and smile with racists.. My life has been great, you are the one iin misery
you realize the party you vote for is made up of majority racist white men, right?
As "racism" is deleterious to humanity, it is essentially "racist" to identify only "whites" in the title.
"Middle-class values" work for everyone. Get as much education as you are capable of absorbing. Stay out of trouble. Spend your money wisely - don't waste it on crap. Get and retain a job. Don't have kids until you are married and can afford to raise them. Black people and all POC's, as well as any other "oppressed" group would all do well if they simply adopted middle-class values.

The Left abhors middle-class values because they are all about oppressors and oppressed. They cannot acknowledge that some people fail because they deserve to fail, and not because someone oppressed them.

The OP turns reality on its head. It is BLACK culture that works to harm BLACK people, especially the tendency to blame failure on others and not one's self.
To be black and conscious in America is to be in a constant state of rage.-James A. Baldwin

You guys make stuff up to be mad about, so don't tell me about angry..
Really? Pot meet Kettle lol.

I'll paraphrase Bill Mahr, the left look for racism to fight than fight racism. That is all you do IM2.
Most of these responses are evidence of a culture that believes a big lie about themselves and other cultures.
Really? Pot meet Kettle lol.

I'll paraphrase Bill Mahr, the left look for racism to fight than fight racism. That is all you do IM2.
Another example. Bill Maher is FOS. No black person looks for racism and whites who are racists think that what they believe is normal and not racist. I'm black, left or right has nothing to do with this.
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According to the Smithsonian Institution of African American History, the traits associated with “whiteness” are those that are correlated with success, like meeting schedules, respecting authority, working hard, speaking English properly, and being polite.

So, contrary to what the OP says, white culture does NOT hold whites back….it helps move them forward. If you have a problem with that, take it up with the libs on the Smithsonian BoD who said so.
Not to be inflammatory, but if you were to imagine a big warehouse containing all the valuable "stuff" contributed to Western Civilization by different demographic groups, the quadrant containing the "white" male stuff would be full to the brim. Architecture, engineering, science, the Arts, crafts, advanced mathematics, the list is almost endless.

The Asian quadrant would also be quite full.

Women? Not so much. Black Africans? Not so much.
When it comes to liberals and the garbage in their heads, then yes, white culture is holding whites back.

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