white female teacher violently attacked by BLACKS

I don't see that distinction being made by the racists on this post...
They just say blacks in general are violent savages.....its almost like they think blacks are responsible for 2 world wards in the span of 20 years that resulted in tens of millions of people murdered.....but since white folks did that, its different....
Or do I call them crackers, honkies, rednecks, hillbillies, elites, globalists, liberals -- or whatever other distinguishing classification you racists give to those whites you want to discard??

LOTS of hard core racist whites still in America today. But the time is coming that the tide will turn because fact of the matter is that whites will be a minority in America in another 50 years (or less).

Unfortunately, I predict racism will be just as bad against that white minority in the future as it was against blacks 100+ years ago....probably worse.

"What goes around......"
No, there is not a what goes around comes around -- that is just the fear white racists have to justify fucking over every minority they see.....

But here is a newsflash, everyone is not as depraved and sociopathic as those white racists are...….

When you see a video online of an all out brawl, 9 times out of 10 it's a bunch of black people. But you want to excoriate whites for noticing a pattern. If you're so concerned about racist white people saying out loud what everybody with eyes already knows then maybe you should have spoken up when eliminationist rhetoric against white people was normalized on college campuses and mainstream media.
You know who hate blacks more than whites do ,
It's hard working Hispanics .

In all honesty...I have seen that. Not sure how widespread it is though.

Extremely. The "racist white boogeymen" does not hold a candle to how much blacks & Hispanics hate eachother. Don't expect CNN to tell you that, though.
When I did blue collar labor, it was just shocking how hispanics and Italians and blacks would just say the worst trash about each other in a serious way.

Hispanics and Italians thought blacks were basically the least evolved of the human species, while The Hispanics would say the Italians were wicked and predisposed to evil things, and the Italians would joke that the Hispanics were hard workers but stupid.

"Why did the Puerto Rican carry a car door with him to the Sahara Desert? So he could roll down the window to cool off.

"You hear about the Italian chef who pasta way? He ran out of thyme. His wife is still upset and cheese never gotten over it. But its always here today gone tomato."


Emma, who was on a sinking ship, was thinking, 'I'm too young to die.' Then, she yelled at the people around, 'Well, if I'm going to die, I want my last minutes on earth to be memorable! Is there anyone on this ship who can make me feel like a woman?'
For a moment, there was silence.. No response came for a while.
Then an Italian man stood up. He was gorgeous, tall, well built, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He started to walk slowly up the aisle, unbuttoning his shirt...one button at a time. No one moved. He removed his shirt. Muscles rippled across his chest. ...
She gasps...
He whispers: ....
'Iron this, and get me something to eat?'

"I guess I'll have a Coke."
I don't see that distinction being made by the racists on this post...
They just say blacks in general are violent savages.....its almost like they think blacks are responsible for 2 world wards in the span of 20 years that resulted in tens of millions of people murdered.....but since white folks did that, its different....
Or do I call them crackers, honkies, rednecks, hillbillies, elites, globalists, liberals -- or whatever other distinguishing classification you racists give to those whites you want to discard??

LOTS of hard core racist whites still in America today. But the time is coming that the tide will turn because fact of the matter is that whites will be a minority in America in another 50 years (or less).

Unfortunately, I predict racism will be just as bad against that white minority in the future as it was against blacks 100+ years ago....probably worse.

"What goes around......"
No, there is not a what goes around comes around -- that is just the fear white racists have to justify fucking over every minority they see.....

But here is a newsflash, everyone is not as depraved and sociopathic as those white racists are...….

When you see a video online of an all out brawl, 9 times out of 10 it's a bunch of black people. But you want to excoriate whites for noticing a pattern. If you're so concerned about racist white people saying out loud what everybody with eyes already knows then maybe you should have spoken up when eliminationist rhetoric against white people was normalized on college campuses and mainstream media.

Funny you say that. Just for shits and grins I went to YouTube and looked up "teacher attacked". Of the first 10 videos that showed the assailants, NINE were black. The outlier was either white or Hispanic, was hard to tell due to low video quality but her vocal inflections sounded Hispanic.

But how dare you point this out, you racist!!!
..of course, as usual not national headlines because blacks are committing a violent hate crime
the real problem is Trump saying a word --any word
.. so, when you bring up WHITE police shootings of CRIMINALS/etc, we laugh--it's so ridiculous
Assault on Euclid High School teacher caught on video

Hey, funny thing. Even though this teacher wasn't killed, all the kids (some of whom appear to be white) involved are going to be charged with criminal assault.

Unlike when the police shoot black children, they are rarely brought to justice. Or if they are, it takes years to bring them to trial.

Charged as juvenile's..

Then perhaps black children should stop pointing guns at police, traitor.


LaQuan McDonald didn't have a gun
Mike Brown didn't have a gun.
Freddy Grey didn't have a gun
Tamir Rice didn't have a gun (he had a toy which he wasn't pointing at them)
Walter Scott didn't have a gun
Sandra Bland didn't have a gun

Philandro Castille had a gun, but he wasn't pointing it at anyone.

Me, I'm sick of paying for million dollar settlements to families of people who are murdered by cops.
You mentioned six people out of how many arrests? Here is the thing. You’re dumb.

He's really dumb and his idol is Identity.
..of course, as usual not national headlines because blacks are committing a violent hate crime
the real problem is Trump saying a word --any word
.. so, when you bring up WHITE police shootings of CRIMINALS/etc, we laugh--it's so ridiculous
Assault on Euclid High School teacher caught on video

Everyone sit back and marvel--really--that there's a teacher shortage coast to coast.

It's an optical illusion. They're really the same height they always were they're just wider than they used to be.
Then they shouldn't have attacked the police/resisted arrest or any of the other ways black animals do when confronted by police. And liar, only one of those you mention was a child. And, you weren't there and saw nothing.

actually, three of them were, but never mind.

I wasn't there, but most of those incidents were caught on tape, and we saw what happened.
Wth does the police have to do with a bunch of out of control punks assaulting a teacher?

Ask the OP, he's the one who said it was okay that the police shoot kids because some dumb-ass teacher got into the middle of a schoolyard fight.
You mentioned six people out of how many arrests? Here is the thing. You’re dumb.

Here is the thing.. those are just the ones we caught on tape.

So consider LaQuan McDonald. Shot 16 times by a rogue cop, who had previously racked up 20 violations or complaints by citizens, but amazingly, still had a job. In one of those previous cases, he dislocated a man's shoulder and the city paid out $375,000.

Well, after he emptied his whole clip into this kid, six other cops on the scene went around and confiscated all the CCTV footage from surrounding buildings, submitted false statements that the kid was the aggressor, and issued a public statement the kid had only been shot once. The city also tried to pay off the family with a five million dollar settlement and an NDA.

A year later, they finally released the one tape that hadn't been deleted. And it STILL took another three years to bring him to trial. A jury found him guilty on something like 20 counts, and the judge, being in the pocket of the FOP, gave him three years at a Club Fed.

Now, you almost stumbled into a point, that most cops are good guys, doing a difficult job. But the problem is, as institutions, the police departments feel a need to protect the bad apples.
We need to bring back the electric chair and give a few of these punks a ride on it.

Yup, we should definitely execute black children for a schoolyard fight.

So long as we give white kids the exact same punishment for the exact same crime.
where to start!!
..you just proved yourself wrong!!! the cop who shot Scott went to jail

After two trials, when the had him on tape, shooting the guy in the back and then planting a weapon on him.

..you lost it when you brought up MBrown

Shot eight times when he had his hands up, 150 feet away from the cop.

..Gray was not killed by a cop

He was beaten up, thrown into a paddy wagon, and they took their sweet-ass time getting him to a hospital.

..McDonald WAS armed

With a boy scout knife.

etc etc
most of these are all jackass criminals--the teacher is not a criminal

Most of these people were black... unlike the teacher who was white... The Lynch Mob is alive and well, protecting white womanhood.
where to start!!
..you just proved yourself wrong!!! the cop who shot Scott went to jail

After two trials, when the had him on tape, shooting the guy in the back and then planting a weapon on him.

..you lost it when you brought up MBrown

Shot eight times when he had his hands up, 150 feet away from the cop.

..Gray was not killed by a cop

He was beaten up, thrown into a paddy wagon, and they took their sweet-ass time getting him to a hospital.

..McDonald WAS armed

With a boy scout knife.

etc etc
most of these are all jackass criminals--the teacher is not a criminal

Most of these people were black... unlike the teacher who was white... The Lynch Mob is alive and well, protecting white womanhood.
Dead thugs are a good thing, doncha think?
Then they shouldn't have attacked the police/resisted arrest or any of the other ways black animals do when confronted by police. And liar, only one of those you mention was a child. And, you weren't there and saw nothing.

actually, three of them were, but never mind.

I wasn't there, but most of those incidents were caught on tape, and we saw what happened.
Fake news.
Then perhaps black children should stop pointing guns at police, traitor.


LaQuan McDonald didn't have a gun
Mike Brown didn't have a gun.
Freddy Grey didn't have a gun
Tamir Rice didn't have a gun (he had a toy which he wasn't pointing at them)
Walter Scott didn't have a gun
Sandra Bland didn't have a gun

Philandro Castille had a gun, but he wasn't pointing it at anyone.

Me, I'm sick of paying for million dollar settlements to families of people who are murdered by cops.
Liar, you don't need a gun to kill someone. Stop lying.
..of course, as usual not national headlines because blacks are committing a violent hate crime
the real problem is Trump saying a word --any word
.. so, when you bring up WHITE police shootings of CRIMINALS/etc, we laugh--it's so ridiculous
Assault on Euclid High School teacher caught on video

Everyone sit back and marvel--really--that there's a teacher shortage coast to coast.
Soon to be a cop shortage. Who wants to be a cop when they crucify you for defending yourself from some black pos?

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