White Fragility 101

I remember where I was I when I heard MLK was assassinated. I remember going to school the next day full of dread. Blacks are rioting! They will kill you! Instead we bought taffy apples and played hop scotch and tether ball and life went on. Life always goes on.
Consider what whites at the time would have done, had some black guy killed what was considered a "white leader."

You think black girls would have been able to play hopscotch and such with black girls at the time?

I want you to consider how whites responded to 9/11, as far as they treated Muslims, and anyone who happened to look like Muslims. (e.g. Shieks)
You lost me. I live and work with far more blacks than whites. Islam is perhaps the biggest mind F*ck ever. You want to believe in the chocolate Easter Bunny from the purple beyond, that's on you. It has nothing to do with this.
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I remember where I was I when I heard MLK was assassinated. I remember going to school the next day full of dread. Blacks are rioting! They will kill you! Instead we bought taffy apples and played hop scotch and tether ball and life went on. Life always goes on.
Consider what whites at the time would have done, had some black guy killed what was considered a "white leader."

You think black girls would have been able to play hopscotch and such with black girls at the time?

I want you to consider how whites responded to 9/11, as far as they treated Muslims, and anyone who happened to look like Muslims. (e.g. Shieks)
Hi kiddo. You read my post. I am honored. Well, SHH. I played with the Wells girls. Black girls, and we got along just fine. Mr. Wells had a Chevy nomad station wagon . Their mom took me to the first Macdonalds I have ever been too. What the hell do you know? I lived through the era.

I used to Double Dutch with the girls, it's all about the rhythm. You can judge me if you want, don't care. :funnyface: I bet you can't do it, and I still can to this day.
Wahhhhhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhhhhh wahhhh America is racist
This post is a live example of white fragility in action. The subject simply cannot take anything that goes contrary to his fragile white sensibilities, so the subject resorts to mocking.

We'll observe another similar response from the subject.

Sure we had a black President, but America is so racist we'll never have a black (_________)
Your blessed Constitution has only identified ONE racial group specifically. Just one. Guess which one it is, and guess what it says about them.

This is your blessed Constitution we're talking about now.

You're brave, Marc. At the risk of sounding prideful, I'm likely one of the very last people on this board with whom it'd wise to go picking a battle with in relation to the founding documents and American history in whole. It's admirable.

Anyway. It's early, so it's your lucky day, I'm not awake enough to type, and it's too early to be bothered with deep discussion. A few thoughts in response to your claim comes to mind, however, so I'll jot a few lines here this morning as a courtesy.

No black or white person was uttered in the text of the Constitution. None. Nor does it mentio nslaves or slavery. Article I, Section 2, Clause 3, Article I, Section 9, Clause 1, and Article IV, Section 2, Clause 3 does reference “other persons”, “such persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit”, and person held to service or labor in one state, under the laws thereof”.

''Persons'', Marc. Humanity.

The Constitution denied constitutional legitimacy to the institution of slavery in America. Refer to the three very critical Articles I've provided here, please. In fact, humanity was underscored in the Constitution.

Now. Putting that aside, there were slaves of many races, including whites and natives. This was clearly unconstitutional but remained legal in some states. But a slave owner could not invoke the Constitution or federal law to defend any perceived legitimacy in it which they assumed. It was tolerated at the local level, but it was neither constitutional or legal.

No clauses of the Constitution for the United States should be interpreted as applying to slaves. None.

To steal a quote from Frederick Douglas with regard to the matter, language of the law must be construed strictly in favor of justice and liberty”

Something else Frederick said, and this reflects what I'm saying to you here when I correctly tell you that the Constitution does not at all explicitly recognize slavery, not races, in any text whatsoever, nor admit that slaves were property, He had mentioned, too, that ''Anyone of these provisions in the hands of abolition statesmen, and backed up by a right moral sentiment, would put an end to slavery in America,”

These provisions which he was referencing were clear in the Constitution. I've provided them for you. Again, no race of any kind was ever mentioned in the constitution. Nor was slavery. In fact, it was clearly unconstitutional from the start.
[The only way any of what you said actually makes sense and/or is relevant...is in a vacuum. Respectfully.

We've had hundreds of years where whites were given assistance by the government and blacks were simultaneously repressed. You can't suddenly just label it "big government" and say no help to no one and stop paying victim. This makes no sense. There is a thing called history sir. We're where we are for a reason.

You do realize that your blessed constitution has only identified one racial group specifically, right? Guess what group that is, and guess what it says about them?

You really need to cut these radical, nonsensical arguments out.

Lastly, I don't recall the doctor specifying Democrats vs. Republicans. However, I'll listen to the podcast again tomorrow to confirm.

See my previous communication.

I forgot to say Good Morning. Sorry, Marc. Good Morning!
By the way, while I'm reminded of it by way of Marc's falsehoods that specific groups or people or even slavery, for that metter, was ever mentioned in the Constitution, and I'm kind of chuckling here, for anyone who wants to see what a racist and pro-slavery Constitution would look like, have a gander at the Confederate Constitution of 1861. It is replete with reference to ''the institution of negro slavery,'' ''negroes of the African race,'' and ''negro slaves.'' In fact, it specifically forbids the Confederate Congress from passing ''any law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves.''

Here you go. The Confederate Constitution of 1861. - Avalon Project - Constitution of the Confederate States; March 11, 1861
If they don't have a system where they can slap that black person down and for the most part white people only interact with black people when they can slap that black person down, then they often get scared and nervous

White people (or any non black person) don't step to black person on some 1 on 1 shit. They get tough with black people when they have system behind them.
I love always racism and race to white people. If they don't have a system where they can slap that black person down and for the most part white people only interact with black people when they can slap that black person down, then they often get scared and nervous
give examples of slapping black people down, and describe that system
The system of white supremacy. The police. Basically unless a white person feels they have a system behind them which can slap that black person down then they wimp out. So you'll get a white (non black person) act tough with a black person at a job, in court or any were they know they have a system behind them.
If they don't have a system where they can slap that black person down and for the most part white people only interact with black people when they can slap that black person down, then they often get scared and nervous

White people (or any non black person) don't step to black person on some 1 on 1 shit. They get tough with black people when they have system behind them.

So sorry, but this cracker ain't like that. My family never owned slaves, and came over right after Christopher Columbus. Never ventured N of the Suwanee much. We don't put up with much shit. My grandma stopped 3 Klansmen from hanging her daddy with a butcher knife. True story.
Wahhhhhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhhhhh wahhhh America is racist
This post is a live example of white fragility in action. The subject simply cannot take anything that goes contrary to his fragile white sensibilities, so the subject resorts to mocking.

We'll observe another similar response from the subject.

^ Not really a black guy, but puts on blackface make up for USMB posts

We interact with black people as equals all the time. That is the reality. Your arguments against that, but definition, fail.
It's not about equality. It's about dominance. Nothing in nature is equal.

NOt sure what to tell you. Because everyone reading this knows that white people and black people interact together all the time as equals.

Do you imagine that when you interact with white people and they don't treat you like shit, that you are being dominate to them?

Why don't you let them know that you think that, and let us know how that works out for you?
I love always racism and race to white people. If they don't have a system where they can slap that black person down and for the most part white people only interact with black people when they can slap that black person down, then they often get scared and nervous
give examples of slapping black people down, and describe that system
The system of white supremacy. The police. Basically unless a white person feels they have a system behind them which can slap that black person down then they wimp out. So you'll get a white (non black person) act tough with a black person at a job, in court or any were they know they have a system behind them.

The police? Really?

If I ever catch that jitterbug nig police that slammed me after handcuffed and fucked up my arm? He won't be having a good day. He may have quite a few bad after that.
NOt sure what to tell you. Because everyone reading this knows that white people and black people interact together all the time as equals.
Do you imagine that when you interact with white people and they don't treat you like shit, that you are being dominate to them?

Why don't you let them know that you think that, and let us know how that works out for you?
To most blacks ? Racism is systemic. To most whites ? Racism is personal that's why you focus so heavy on how you treat people but that's an individual thing.

Racism is a system. It is the experience of systematized discrimination in housing, employment, schools or the justice system. It is the knowledge that one’s entire group is under suspicion, at risk of being treated negatively because of stereotypes held by persons with the power to act on the basis of those beliefs.

You seem to think to be a racist is to be a completely terrible, evil person. This is why when the likes me IM2 MarcATL point out racism, you and others see it as a threat to their self-image, which they protect at all costs. You want all the advantages of living in a racist society, but do not want to face up to the fact that that is what they are doing.

And US society is built so that most Whites never have to face up to that fact. About 80% of whites live in White neighbourhoods, White schools, White churches, White families, White friends, White teachers, White managers, White magazines – all White everything.
NOt sure what to tell you. Because everyone reading this knows that white people and black people interact together all the time as equals.
Do you imagine that when you interact with white people and they don't treat you like shit, that you are being dominate to them?

Why don't you let them know that you think that, and let us know how that works out for you?
To most blacks ? Racism is systemic. To most whites ? Racism is personal that's why you focus so heavy on how you treat people but that's an individual thing.

Racism is a system. It is the experience of systematized discrimination in housing, employment, schools or the justice system. It is the knowledge that one’s entire group is under suspicion, at risk of being treated negatively because of stereotypes held by persons with the power to act on the basis of those beliefs.

You seem to think to be a racist is to be a completely terrible, evil person. This is why when the likes me IM2 MarcATL point out racism, you and others see it as a threat to their self-image, which they protect at all costs. You want all the advantages of living in a racist society, but do not want to face up to the fact that that is what they are doing.

And US society is built so that most Whites never have to face up to that fact. About 80% of whites live in White neighbourhoods, White schools, White churches, White families, White friends, White teachers, White managers, White magazines – all White everything.

Bullshit. I've hired blacks, and rented housing to blacks and called the police on blacks.

The system I was a part of when I hired blacks, was not only not racist towards blacks, but actively discriminated in favor of them.

The blacks I rented to, paid the same as the asians, and less than the whites (just happened to raise the rent at that time)

The black guy I called the cop on, was trying to commit suicide, and I would have called the cops on anyone doing what he was doing, regardless of race.
Bullshit. I've hired blacks, and rented housing to blacks and called the police on blacks.
Is that supposed to impress me ?

Sure a white supremacist would employ black people just as long as whites were in charge of employing

Sure a white supremacist would rent to a person, just as long as whites were in charge of the renting.

There were many whites who supported slavery and Jim Crow but still employed black people are gardeners and nannies.

It's when you have to go to black person for a job, you have to go to black person to rent, a black person ordering you about, a black person raising the rent on you. Whites are very fine just as long as they are in the superior position.
Bullshit. I've hired blacks, and rented housing to blacks and called the police on blacks.
Is that supposed to impress me ?

Sure a white supremacist would employ black people just as long as whites were in charge of employing

Sure a white supremacist would rent to a person, just as long as whites were in charge of the renting.

There were many whites who supported slavery and Jim Crow but still employed black people are gardeners and nannies.

It's when you have to go to black person for a job, you have to go to black person to rent, a black person ordering you about, a black person raising the rent on you. Whites are very fine just as long as they are in the superior position.

I've had black bosses, and been fine with it. Could not have cared less. Hell, right now, I sometimes report to a black guy. I almost forgot, had to come back to this point to put it in.

Because I don't give a fuck about it.
I've had black bosses, and been fine with it. Could not have cared less. Hell, right now, I sometimes report to a black guy. I almost forgot, had to come back to this point to put it in.

Because I don't give a fuck about it.
You are lying.

I don't believe you have had and have black bosses.
I've had black bosses, and been fine with it. Could not have cared less. Hell, right now, I sometimes report to a black guy. I almost forgot, had to come back to this point to put it in.

Because I don't give a fuck about it.
You are lying.

I don't believe you have had and have black bosses.


Seriously? Are you a rich shut in? A survivalist living in a bunker? Chained to a wall in a sewer?
I hire a lot of sub contractors for projects I do. A lot of times I'm in highly sensitive areas. Once, the company I hired to come tear down the network in the building I was doing sent me a crew of white nationalists. I could tell right away, too. The gentleman who was the site contact was a black man, a real nice guy, he politely asked the guys to move their equipment out of the hallway since the building was occupied, and the one guy yelled out "I ain't takin no shit off no shine."

I was like, aw man. I ejected the crew from the site and never used the company again, but that black gentleman, the site contact, was very nice, even after the punk yelled that at him the way he did. It was a bad situation.

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