White Genocide Coming to South Africa? Where's the Media on this?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Oh, sorry, forgot that it is more important to bitch about Trump like Jim Asscosta than it is to cover real news.

Besides, it is only white people being robbed blind so who really cares?

South Africa white farmer land grabs will be LAW after change to constitution approved

After months of talks, the country is set to go ahead with the proposals that will see farms seized without compensation – something critics have said will be devastating.

The country’s president, Cyril Ramaphosa, has been attempting to amend South Africa’s constitution for months, but has been met with stiff opposition.....

But now the controversial seizures will become legal after the changes were approved by a parliamentary review committee.

"South Africans have spoken loud and clear, and we listened to their cry," said Lewis Nzimande, the co-chair of the committee.

Critics of the plans have previously warned the land seizures will lead to mass starvation and riots.

Ian Cameron, of South African trade group AfriForum, previously warned: “We’re really heading for a state of anarchy if something doesn’t change drastically.

“I’m convinced this year we’ll see between 21,000 to 22,000 people having been murdered in the past year.”​

At one time I thought this would happen here in the USA.
Back in the 60's and 70's, the black population was poised to overtake all others, but that's changed.

The Hispanic birth rate and immigration FAR outpaces all other races here combined by a considerable margin. At the current rate, the USA will be decidedly and predominantly Hispanic in 100 years so Ida Knoe. laugh, but in 100 years, Spanish (not English) will be the primary language in the USA

Hispanic cultures relate more to white than black or non white so the minority of whites remaining may get a "pass" ? But Hispanics are also traditionally strongly Christian and the current left wing is strongly anti-Christian.... So this is going to be interesting how things will play out as the country again becomes Christian dominated but by Hispanics rather than Anglo Americans.

But then there's the China factor. China under Xi and the new, hard line Communist regime is determined to spread it's one path, one road doctrine as proven by it's declaration of ownership of the South China sea. If you think they'll stop there you are grossly mistaken. They will economically and militarily move into the western Hemisphere over the next 100 years and may have much of if not all of the Americas under their thumb in 100 years because Hispanics are not historically known for their higher learning and technological prowess as compared to Anglo and Asian cultures such as japan and China.

Hard as it may be to believe today, the land grabbing here in the USA in the future is more likely to be of Chinese origin.

Of course, all this could be rerouted dramatically should the US and China engage in military actions before then.
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OLD NEWS ----genocide of the "whites" of south Africa began in my own somewhat naïve perception in the 1960s
How did they acquire the land?

who? the "AFRIKANER INVADERS"??-------they got land via the protestant reformation. -------they brought DA WORD OF ________ to the cape.-----so in
the end-----the whole problem was created by DA POPE
They’ll all be starving in a few years...brilliant.

Only if the West doesn't trade with them as they have white farmers.

No, if they don’t properly farm the farmland they are taking.

I am pretty sure they won't have a problem farming it, the problem is going to be moving it.

why "THE WEST"?-----there are so many possible trade partners. Has
"THE WEST" been trading in agricultural goods with South Africa historically? What are we calling "the west"? I did "history of western
civ. " as a requirement in my freshman year of college-----it started in Egypt and Mesopotamia and moved along to Greece and Rome->>great
Britain, ---onward to France and thence to the Americas
Oh, sorry, forgot that it is more important to bitch about Trump like Jim Asscosta than it is to cover real news.

Besides, it is only white people being robbed blind so who really cares?

South Africa white farmer land grabs will be LAW after change to constitution approved

After months of talks, the country is set to go ahead with the proposals that will see farms seized without compensation – something critics have said will be devastating.

The country’s president, Cyril Ramaphosa, has been attempting to amend South Africa’s constitution for months, but has been met with stiff opposition.....

But now the controversial seizures will become legal after the changes were approved by a parliamentary review committee.

"South Africans have spoken loud and clear, and we listened to their cry," said Lewis Nzimande, the co-chair of the committee.

Critics of the plans have previously warned the land seizures will lead to mass starvation and riots.

Ian Cameron, of South African trade group AfriForum, previously warned: “We’re really heading for a state of anarchy if something doesn’t change drastically.

“I’m convinced this year we’ll see between 21,000 to 22,000 people having been murdered in the past year.”​

I see you must have just subscribed to Stormfront's mailing list -- because this claim is old and has been debunked quite awhile ago...

But, what are YOU going to do to stop the white genocide?

When there was an actual system of apartheid and murder against people in South Africa -- people here mobilized and helped to pressure the South African government to end apartheid

Besides whining on USMB, what else are you doing to stop genocide?
Oh, sorry, forgot that it is more important to bitch about Trump like Jim Asscosta than it is to cover real news.

Besides, it is only white people being robbed blind so who really cares?

South Africa white farmer land grabs will be LAW after change to constitution approved

After months of talks, the country is set to go ahead with the proposals that will see farms seized without compensation – something critics have said will be devastating.

The country’s president, Cyril Ramaphosa, has been attempting to amend South Africa’s constitution for months, but has been met with stiff opposition.....

But now the controversial seizures will become legal after the changes were approved by a parliamentary review committee.

"South Africans have spoken loud and clear, and we listened to their cry," said Lewis Nzimande, the co-chair of the committee.

Critics of the plans have previously warned the land seizures will lead to mass starvation and riots.

Ian Cameron, of South African trade group AfriForum, previously warned: “We’re really heading for a state of anarchy if something doesn’t change drastically.

“I’m convinced this year we’ll see between 21,000 to 22,000 people having been murdered in the past year.”​

I see you must have just subscribed to Stormfront's mailing list -- because this claim is old and has been debunked quite awhile ago...

But, what are YOU going to do to stop the white genocide?

When there was an actual system of apartheid and murder against people in South Africa -- people here mobilized and helped to pressure the South African government to end apartheid

Besides whining on USMB, what else are you doing to stop genocide?
Voting for politicians who want to deport illegal aliens.

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