White Guilt? What Is White Guilt?

I took the USPS test to try and get a job at the post office. ..... I was never contacted for any of the positions I put in for.

Wow, you must have been a real piece of work to not get a position with the USPS. I wonder why Harvard never called.... :rolleyes:
It's "racist" to say blacks don't do well on tests and have the skills to do anything well?

It's also racist to say that whites get paid more than blacks, which is BULLSHIT. It's racist to say whites get better positions because of their color, which is BULLSHIT.

Blacks get paid more than whites, I've seen it for myself many times over, for decades. I was even told by one of my previous managers, "We HAVE to pay blacks more, because they can sue the company over it, and the company can lose 'affirmative action money' from the government if they don't have a certain number of blacks on the payroll and pay them more than whites".

I've worked in retail, fast food, warehousing, delivery driving, public transportation, and corporate America at the executive level. And I've seen and heard it all, first hand.

99% of this "racist" drama is 100% BULLSHIT and lies!!! MOST of what blacks get in this country is FREE to them!
Whites have to PAY for it all. My grandma was denied food stamps because she was white. When I lost my job years ago and had run out of my savings to pay rent, I was denied food stamps because I was white. I was also denied rent assistance.

Yet, ALL of the blacks and Mexicans that drove to the welfare office in their $60,000 SUV's and hopped up trucks, gold plated Cadillacs, Beemers, and Mercedes ALL walked out with handfuls of food stamps, rent vouchers, utility vouchers, etc...

Blacks are taught from birth to be greedy, money grubbing, abusive, violent, narcissistic, lying hypocrites.
THEY are taught to be racist and use racism as a tool to get FREE stuff, or to get people in trouble that don't kiss their fat asses!!

This isn't all blacks, but it is the majority. Just like all white people aren't "go getters", and not all Asian people are walking calculators!!!
White guilt was all those "white" people who had to vote for the brown turd Obammy the 1st time so then they could say "See i am not a racist because i voted for the 1st black president". Then after they found out what a shit for brains, pajama boy pussy, Obammy was, they didnt vote for him the 2nd time, because they woke the fuck upped..

Except that didn't really constitute that many people.

Obama got 69 million votes in 2008
And 66 million in 2012.

And it wasn't because the Weird Mormon Robot he ran against got those votes. He only did marginally better than McCain did.

(Full Disclosure, I voted for McCain in 2008, but vote for Obama in 2012 because I really, really fucking hate Mormons.)

My buddy here found his white privilege and moved out of the victimHOOD, thus becoming his own business owner. I must admit that in 2008 he did vote for Obama, but then after we started talking, he quickly changed to a Libertarian/Conservative like me. We are brothers from other mothers..

I'm glad you found someone to validate your bigotries...
I can sort of hear a conversation on the TV news in the other room, something about "articulating white guilt". My wife is chuckling.

Any white people got this and care to explain it, cuz I sure don't.

I still wear white after Labor Day?

The only thing we're guilty of is dragging humanity into the modern age ....for better or worse


It is butt hurt of people that can't build a first world civilization that provides a high standard of living. They can't do it so leftist want us to feel bad because we can...Pretty much that.
White guilt is what I have been feeling ever since 1962 when my mom took me to the department store and I ripped off that "do not remove under penalty of law" tag from a twin sized mattress.

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