White House Confirms It's Purging Disloyal Employees 'From the Bowels of the Federal Government

They are supposed to be loyal to our country & when they see Trump fucking America, they should speak up.

Yes, but "your country" is China.

We want people loyal to America - no democrat is loyal to America, not one.
Actually they all are.
Republicans too.
Not so sure about the tRumplings though.

Quite the opposite. You democrats are waging a civil war to destroy America. You want a Marxist dictatorship with no civil rights, a centrally planned and managed economy where our rulers control the means of production. You're loyal to the Soviet Union in America, certainly not to the Constitution of the United States.
Yet another Trumpette who has no idea what a Democratic Socialist is.

Trump is now controlling what comes out of the CDC, Intelligence community. And yet you are too fucking stupid to see that is a problem.

Why is Trump seeking to control all of this/ Why is he afraid of what these agencies might say?
How many Americans die from the flu every year?

BUT a panic over the flu won't get Socialism established instead of our Constitution...
Trump...as usual...conflates loyalty to the country (or the office of the president) with loyalty to him, personally. Perhaps that should be fealty.

Can't recall this sort of things happening before. I wonder if this means combing Facebook and private lives?

White House Confirms It's Purging Disloyal Employees 'From the Bowels of the Federal Government'

The White House this week confirmed it is combing through federal agencies to identify employees not sufficiently loyal to President Trump to facilitate their ouster, sparking concerns the administration could run afoul of long-established civil service laws.

The administration is examining employees throughout the government to find anyone taking action officials decide represents an effort to undermine Trump, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said on Fox News Monday. Gidley did not specifically mention career employees, who are statutorily protected against political retaliation, but did note the “millions” of individuals agencies employ. By contrast, there are only about 4,000 political appointees in government.

“It’s not a secret that we want people in positions that work with this president, not against him, and too often we have people in this government—I mean the federal government is massive, with millions of people—and there are a lot people out there taking action against this president and when we find them we will take appropriate action,” Gidley said.

His comments followed reports in Axios that the administration maintains “deep state” hit lists of employees to fire and the president has tasked the head of the Presidential Personnel Office, Johnny McEntee, to purge “bad people” who are not loyal to him. The latter report mentioned only political appointees, who serve at the pleasure of the president and can be dismissed at will, but Gidley’s comments this week appeared to go further.

“Time and time again we see in the media reports from people in the bowels of the federal government working against this president,” he said.

Gidley added that unelected federal workers were pushing “their own selfish political agenda” rather than advancing and executing Trump’s.

The latest comments do not mark the first time the Trump administration has stretched the limits of what is allowable under civil service protections. The number of federal employees proving their agencies took prohibited personnel practices against them reached an all-time high in Trump’s first year in office, according to the Office of Special Counsel. The State Department’s inspector general released two reports this year finding that the department illegally engaged in the political targeting of career employees. Federal law prohibits agencies from discriminating against any employee on the basis of political affiliation, or for any federal official to “coerce any applicant or employee to engage in political activity, or to retaliate against such individuals based on partisan politics.”

About bloody time.

Yeah he would have been much better off if this happened immediately.


You have to give it to Obama, he purged every last Bush appointee on day one. Trump thought he could work with these traitorous vermin. He foolishly thought they were patriotic Americans with a different view of how to govern, rather than the traitor fucks we know they are.
Lying Fuck.
Obama did no such thing.

You're just as angry as you are stupid.

Flashback: Obama Fired All Of Bush’s Politically Appointed Ambassadors In 2008

You're not stupid because you're a communist, you're a communist because you're stupid.
Trump...as usual...conflates loyalty to the country (or the office of the president) with loyalty to him, personally. Perhaps that should be fealty.

Can't recall this sort of things happening before. I wonder if this means combing Facebook and private lives?

White House Confirms It's Purging Disloyal Employees 'From the Bowels of the Federal Government'

The White House this week confirmed it is combing through federal agencies to identify employees not sufficiently loyal to President Trump to facilitate their ouster, sparking concerns the administration could run afoul of long-established civil service laws.

The administration is examining employees throughout the government to find anyone taking action officials decide represents an effort to undermine Trump, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said on Fox News Monday. Gidley did not specifically mention career employees, who are statutorily protected against political retaliation, but did note the “millions” of individuals agencies employ. By contrast, there are only about 4,000 political appointees in government.

“It’s not a secret that we want people in positions that work with this president, not against him, and too often we have people in this government—I mean the federal government is massive, with millions of people—and there are a lot people out there taking action against this president and when we find them we will take appropriate action,” Gidley said.

His comments followed reports in Axios that the administration maintains “deep state” hit lists of employees to fire and the president has tasked the head of the Presidential Personnel Office, Johnny McEntee, to purge “bad people” who are not loyal to him. The latter report mentioned only political appointees, who serve at the pleasure of the president and can be dismissed at will, but Gidley’s comments this week appeared to go further.

“Time and time again we see in the media reports from people in the bowels of the federal government working against this president,” he said.

Gidley added that unelected federal workers were pushing “their own selfish political agenda” rather than advancing and executing Trump’s.

The latest comments do not mark the first time the Trump administration has stretched the limits of what is allowable under civil service protections. The number of federal employees proving their agencies took prohibited personnel practices against them reached an all-time high in Trump’s first year in office, according to the Office of Special Counsel. The State Department’s inspector general released two reports this year finding that the department illegally engaged in the political targeting of career employees. Federal law prohibits agencies from discriminating against any employee on the basis of political affiliation, or for any federal official to “coerce any applicant or employee to engage in political activity, or to retaliate against such individuals based on partisan politics.”

About bloody time.

... for the rise of poorly-educated, red-hat-wearing, anus-kissers that follow dear leader Donald Trump?

Trumpery is a greater danger to America than any other political ideology. Thank god most of the sufferers of Trumpery are compelled to wear red hats to identify them t the uninfected public.

The reason you're a Communist is that you're dumb as all fuck.

Barry Obama purged all Bush appointees on his first day in office.

You fucking moron.
Lying Fuck.

You really are quite stupid.

From the crooks and liars over at the communist cesspool of the same name;

{Following up on reports of Obama's intended Herculean cleaning of the Agean Stables at the Department of Defense, where the entire body of Bush-appointed deputies and under-whatevers are expected to be fired, the Washington Post now reports that the incoming Obama administration has told every single Bush political appointee as an ambassador that their services will no longer be required come January 20th.}

Cleaning The Stables At State
You worthless leftist traitors crack me up!

You are a lip-service patriot with a dirty mind.
The Deep State is a pretty dirty deal, Mr. Denizen.
deep state haahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Retards; Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper admitted on CNN that former President Obama had ordered the CIA and FBI to spy on the Trump campaign leading up to the 2016 election.

In a CNN appearance on Monday, host Jim Sciutto asked Clapper if he’s concerned that Attorney General William Barr and U.S. attorney John Durham will find wrongdoing by intelligence officials like him.

“The message I’m getting from all this is, apparently what we were supposed to have done was to ignore the Russian interference, ignore the Russian meddling and the threat that it poses to us, and oh, by the way, blown off what the then commander in chief, President Obama, told us to do, which was to assemble all the reporting that we could that we had available to us and put it in one report that the president could pass on to the Congress and to the next administration,” Clapper said.}
Video: James Clapper Admits Obama Made Deep State Officials Spy on Trump – EXPERIENCE AWARENESS

You are evidently deluded and stupid. You don't even understand the information you cite.

Zat rite sploogy?


“Thank God for the ‘deep state,'” replied the former spook, who served as acting director at the CIA in 2004.

McLaughlin appeared at the event, hosted by the Hayden Center, alongside former CIA Director John Brennan, former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. They discussed the role of the intelligence community ahead of the 2020 election. (RELATED: After Denying It Exists, Liberals Celebrate The Deep State)}

Former CIA Acting Director Praises ‘Deep State’ For Role In Trump Impeachment Push

You're a communist because you are stupid.
Yeah, how dare Trump purge people actively undermining him and his agenda.

The nerve!

Grow the fuck up, asshat.

They are supposed to be loyal to our country & when they see Trump fucking America, they should speak up.

Yes, but "your country" is China.

We want people loyal to America - no democrat is loyal to America, not one.
Actually they all are.
Republicans too.
Not so sure about the tRumplings though.

Quite the opposite. You democrats are waging a civil war to destroy America. You want a Marxist dictatorship with no civil rights, a centrally planned and managed economy where our rulers control the means of production. You're loyal to the Soviet Union in America, certainly not to the Constitution of the United States.
Yet another Trumpette who has no idea what a Democratic Socialist is.

Trump is now controlling what comes out of the CDC, Intelligence community. And yet you are too fucking stupid to see that is a problem.

Why is Trump seeking to control all of this/ Why is he afraid of what these agencies might say?

You are a Stalinist, pure and simple. You advocate crushing civil rights, particularly the rights of free speech and religion. You demand that the rulers be able to ravage the person and papers of political rivals on fishing expeditions. We know exactly what you are Comrade, an enemy dedicated to the destruction of our great nation.
They are supposed to be loyal to our country & when they see Trump fucking America, they should speak up.

Yes, but "your country" is China.

We want people loyal to America - no democrat is loyal to America, not one.
Actually they all are.
Republicans too.
Not so sure about the tRumplings though.

Quite the opposite. You democrats are waging a civil war to destroy America. You want a Marxist dictatorship with no civil rights, a centrally planned and managed economy where our rulers control the means of production. You're loyal to the Soviet Union in America, certainly not to the Constitution of the United States.
Yet another Trumpette who has no idea what a Democratic Socialist is.

Trump is now controlling what comes out of the CDC, Intelligence community. And yet you are too fucking stupid to see that is a problem.

Why is Trump seeking to control all of this/ Why is he afraid of what these agencies might say?
That's some scary shit right there, man.

Ohh, well maybe you Stalinists can create panic? Get your media stooges on it.
We live in a sad time
Yeah, how dare Trump purge people actively undermining him and his agenda.

The nerve!

Grow the fuck up, asshat.

They are supposed to be loyal to our country & when they see Trump fucking America, they should speak up.

Yes, but "your country" is China.

We want people loyal to America - no democrat is loyal to America, not one.
Fuck off Trump boy.

My country is the USA. And as an American i despise what Trump is doing & I dispise all the stupid fucks that support him.

You are waging war to try and conquer the USA, but it isn't your country and we plan to fight to keep from EVER being the Marxist totalitarian dictatorship you seek. You despise the United States Constitution and everything it stands for, particularly the Bill of Rights.
Yes, but "your country" is China.

We want people loyal to America - no democrat is loyal to America, not one.
Actually they all are.
Republicans too.
Not so sure about the tRumplings though.

Quite the opposite. You democrats are waging a civil war to destroy America. You want a Marxist dictatorship with no civil rights, a centrally planned and managed economy where our rulers control the means of production. You're loyal to the Soviet Union in America, certainly not to the Constitution of the United States.
Yet another Trumpette who has no idea what a Democratic Socialist is.

Trump is now controlling what comes out of the CDC, Intelligence community. And yet you are too fucking stupid to see that is a problem.

Why is Trump seeking to control all of this/ Why is he afraid of what these agencies might say?
That's some scary shit right there, man.

Ohh, well maybe you Stalinists can create panic? Get your media stooges on it.

So, there is this new virus spreading through the word & we are not supposed to be concerrned?

There is no panic.

We have scientists telling us to take precautions & a fat assed orange leader telling us to ignore it. If there is cause for panic, Trump's ineptitude is it.
They are supposed to be loyal to our country & when they see Trump fucking America, they should speak up.

Yes, but "your country" is China.

We want people loyal to America - no democrat is loyal to America, not one.
Actually they all are.
Republicans too.
Not so sure about the tRumplings though.

Quite the opposite. You democrats are waging a civil war to destroy America. You want a Marxist dictatorship with no civil rights, a centrally planned and managed economy where our rulers control the means of production. You're loyal to the Soviet Union in America, certainly not to the Constitution of the United States.
Yet another Trumpette who has no idea what a Democratic Socialist is.

Trump is now controlling what comes out of the CDC, Intelligence community. And yet you are too fucking stupid to see that is a problem.

Why is Trump seeking to control all of this/ Why is he afraid of what these agencies might say?

You are a Stalinist, pure and simple. You advocate crushing civil rights, particularly the rights of free speech and religion. You demand that the rulers be able to ravage the person and papers of political rivals on fishing expeditions. We know exactly what you are Comrade, an enemy dedicated to the destruction of our great nation.
Fuck off Trump boy.

Trump is silencing those in the CDC & intelligence community, not me.

I suggest you pry your head out of Trump's ass.
Yeah, how dare Trump purge people actively undermining him and his agenda.

The nerve!

Grow the fuck up, asshat.

They are supposed to be loyal to our country & when they see Trump fucking America, they should speak up.

Yes, but "your country" is China.

We want people loyal to America - no democrat is loyal to America, not one.
Fuck off Trump boy.

My country is the USA. And as an American i despise what Trump is doing & I dispise all the stupid fucks that support him.

You are waging war to try and conquer the USA, but it isn't your country and we plan to fight to keep from EVER being the Marxist totalitarian dictatorship you seek. You despise the United States Constitution and everything it stands for, particularly the Bill of Rights.
Actually they all are.
Republicans too.
Not so sure about the tRumplings though.

Quite the opposite. You democrats are waging a civil war to destroy America. You want a Marxist dictatorship with no civil rights, a centrally planned and managed economy where our rulers control the means of production. You're loyal to the Soviet Union in America, certainly not to the Constitution of the United States.
Yet another Trumpette who has no idea what a Democratic Socialist is.

Trump is now controlling what comes out of the CDC, Intelligence community. And yet you are too fucking stupid to see that is a problem.

Why is Trump seeking to control all of this/ Why is he afraid of what these agencies might say?
That's some scary shit right there, man.

Ohh, well maybe you Stalinists can create panic? Get your media stooges on it.

So, there is this new virus spreading through the word & we are not supposed to be concerrned?

There is no panic.

We have scientists telling us to take precautions & a fat assed orange leader telling us to ignore it. If there is cause for panic, Trump's ineptitude is it.
Link to Trump telling us to ignore it?

surely you aren’t lying again.....
Yes, but "your country" is China.

We want people loyal to America - no democrat is loyal to America, not one.
Actually they all are.
Republicans too.
Not so sure about the tRumplings though.

Quite the opposite. You democrats are waging a civil war to destroy America. You want a Marxist dictatorship with no civil rights, a centrally planned and managed economy where our rulers control the means of production. You're loyal to the Soviet Union in America, certainly not to the Constitution of the United States.
Yet another Trumpette who has no idea what a Democratic Socialist is.

Trump is now controlling what comes out of the CDC, Intelligence community. And yet you are too fucking stupid to see that is a problem.

Why is Trump seeking to control all of this/ Why is he afraid of what these agencies might say?

You are a Stalinist, pure and simple. You advocate crushing civil rights, particularly the rights of free speech and religion. You demand that the rulers be able to ravage the person and papers of political rivals on fishing expeditions. We know exactly what you are Comrade, an enemy dedicated to the destruction of our great nation.
Fuck off Trump boy.

Trump is silencing those in the CDC & intelligence community, not me.

I suggest you pry your head out of Trump's ass.
Silencing the CDC?
I saw a CDC official on TV this morning talking about it.

More lies by you.
Trump...as usual...conflates loyalty to the country (or the office of the president) with loyalty to him, personally. Perhaps that should be fealty.

Can't recall this sort of things happening before. I wonder if this means combing Facebook and private lives?

White House Confirms It's Purging Disloyal Employees 'From the Bowels of the Federal Government'

The White House this week confirmed it is combing through federal agencies to identify employees not sufficiently loyal to President Trump to facilitate their ouster, sparking concerns the administration could run afoul of long-established civil service laws.

The administration is examining employees throughout the government to find anyone taking action officials decide represents an effort to undermine Trump, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said on Fox News Monday. Gidley did not specifically mention career employees, who are statutorily protected against political retaliation, but did note the “millions” of individuals agencies employ. By contrast, there are only about 4,000 political appointees in government.

“It’s not a secret that we want people in positions that work with this president, not against him, and too often we have people in this government—I mean the federal government is massive, with millions of people—and there are a lot people out there taking action against this president and when we find them we will take appropriate action,” Gidley said.

His comments followed reports in Axios that the administration maintains “deep state” hit lists of employees to fire and the president has tasked the head of the Presidential Personnel Office, Johnny McEntee, to purge “bad people” who are not loyal to him. The latter report mentioned only political appointees, who serve at the pleasure of the president and can be dismissed at will, but Gidley’s comments this week appeared to go further.

“Time and time again we see in the media reports from people in the bowels of the federal government working against this president,” he said.

Gidley added that unelected federal workers were pushing “their own selfish political agenda” rather than advancing and executing Trump’s.

The latest comments do not mark the first time the Trump administration has stretched the limits of what is allowable under civil service protections. The number of federal employees proving their agencies took prohibited personnel practices against them reached an all-time high in Trump’s first year in office, according to the Office of Special Counsel. The State Department’s inspector general released two reports this year finding that the department illegally engaged in the political targeting of career employees. Federal law prohibits agencies from discriminating against any employee on the basis of political affiliation, or for any federal official to “coerce any applicant or employee to engage in political activity, or to retaliate against such individuals based on partisan politics.”

About bloody time.

... for the rise of poorly-educated, red-hat-wearing, anus-kissers that follow dear leader Donald Trump?

Trumpery is a greater danger to America than any other political ideology. Thank god most of the sufferers of Trumpery are compelled to wear red hats to identify them t the uninfected public.

The reason you're a Communist is that you're dumb as all fuck.

Barry Obama purged all Bush appointees on his first day in office.

You fucking moron.
Lying Fuck.

You really are quite stupid.

From the crooks and liars over at the communist cesspool of the same name;

{Following up on reports of Obama's intended Herculean cleaning of the Agean Stables at the Department of Defense, where the entire body of Bush-appointed deputies and under-whatevers are expected to be fired, the Washington Post now reports that the incoming Obama administration has told every single Bush political appointee as an ambassador that their services will no longer be required come January 20th.}

Cleaning The Stables At State

Ambassadors are typically changed when a new administration takes over.

Ambassadors are not the only appointed employees.

Trump is going through career professionals.
Trump...as usual...conflates loyalty to the country (or the office of the president) with loyalty to him, personally. Perhaps that should be fealty.

Can't recall this sort of things happening before. I wonder if this means combing Facebook and private lives?

White House Confirms It's Purging Disloyal Employees 'From the Bowels of the Federal Government'

The White House this week confirmed it is combing through federal agencies to identify employees not sufficiently loyal to President Trump to facilitate their ouster, sparking concerns the administration could run afoul of long-established civil service laws.

The administration is examining employees throughout the government to find anyone taking action officials decide represents an effort to undermine Trump, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said on Fox News Monday. Gidley did not specifically mention career employees, who are statutorily protected against political retaliation, but did note the “millions” of individuals agencies employ. By contrast, there are only about 4,000 political appointees in government.

“It’s not a secret that we want people in positions that work with this president, not against him, and too often we have people in this government—I mean the federal government is massive, with millions of people—and there are a lot people out there taking action against this president and when we find them we will take appropriate action,” Gidley said.

His comments followed reports in Axios that the administration maintains “deep state” hit lists of employees to fire and the president has tasked the head of the Presidential Personnel Office, Johnny McEntee, to purge “bad people” who are not loyal to him. The latter report mentioned only political appointees, who serve at the pleasure of the president and can be dismissed at will, but Gidley’s comments this week appeared to go further.

“Time and time again we see in the media reports from people in the bowels of the federal government working against this president,” he said.

Gidley added that unelected federal workers were pushing “their own selfish political agenda” rather than advancing and executing Trump’s.

The latest comments do not mark the first time the Trump administration has stretched the limits of what is allowable under civil service protections. The number of federal employees proving their agencies took prohibited personnel practices against them reached an all-time high in Trump’s first year in office, according to the Office of Special Counsel. The State Department’s inspector general released two reports this year finding that the department illegally engaged in the political targeting of career employees. Federal law prohibits agencies from discriminating against any employee on the basis of political affiliation, or for any federal official to “coerce any applicant or employee to engage in political activity, or to retaliate against such individuals based on partisan politics.”

Good. Trumps the boss. If you don't want to further the bosses agenda, leave. If you don't leave you'll be thrown out. It's called at will employment.

The past 3 years is a prime example of why you DON'T leave people in your administration who are not on your side.
Actually they all are.
Republicans too.
Not so sure about the tRumplings though.

Quite the opposite. You democrats are waging a civil war to destroy America. You want a Marxist dictatorship with no civil rights, a centrally planned and managed economy where our rulers control the means of production. You're loyal to the Soviet Union in America, certainly not to the Constitution of the United States.
Yet another Trumpette who has no idea what a Democratic Socialist is.

Trump is now controlling what comes out of the CDC, Intelligence community. And yet you are too fucking stupid to see that is a problem.

Why is Trump seeking to control all of this/ Why is he afraid of what these agencies might say?

You are a Stalinist, pure and simple. You advocate crushing civil rights, particularly the rights of free speech and religion. You demand that the rulers be able to ravage the person and papers of political rivals on fishing expeditions. We know exactly what you are Comrade, an enemy dedicated to the destruction of our great nation.
Fuck off Trump boy.

Trump is silencing those in the CDC & intelligence community, not me.

I suggest you pry your head out of Trump's ass.
Silencing the CDC?
I saw a CDC official on TV this morning talking about it.

More lies by you.

Your gay bashing VP said all communications must be approved.

Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging From Health Officials
Trump...as usual...conflates loyalty to the country (or the office of the president) with loyalty to him, personally. Perhaps that should be fealty.

Can't recall this sort of things happening before. I wonder if this means combing Facebook and private lives?

White House Confirms It's Purging Disloyal Employees 'From the Bowels of the Federal Government'

The White House this week confirmed it is combing through federal agencies to identify employees not sufficiently loyal to President Trump to facilitate their ouster, sparking concerns the administration could run afoul of long-established civil service laws.

The administration is examining employees throughout the government to find anyone taking action officials decide represents an effort to undermine Trump, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said on Fox News Monday. Gidley did not specifically mention career employees, who are statutorily protected against political retaliation, but did note the “millions” of individuals agencies employ. By contrast, there are only about 4,000 political appointees in government.

“It’s not a secret that we want people in positions that work with this president, not against him, and too often we have people in this government—I mean the federal government is massive, with millions of people—and there are a lot people out there taking action against this president and when we find them we will take appropriate action,” Gidley said.

His comments followed reports in Axios that the administration maintains “deep state” hit lists of employees to fire and the president has tasked the head of the Presidential Personnel Office, Johnny McEntee, to purge “bad people” who are not loyal to him. The latter report mentioned only political appointees, who serve at the pleasure of the president and can be dismissed at will, but Gidley’s comments this week appeared to go further.

“Time and time again we see in the media reports from people in the bowels of the federal government working against this president,” he said.

Gidley added that unelected federal workers were pushing “their own selfish political agenda” rather than advancing and executing Trump’s.

The latest comments do not mark the first time the Trump administration has stretched the limits of what is allowable under civil service protections. The number of federal employees proving their agencies took prohibited personnel practices against them reached an all-time high in Trump’s first year in office, according to the Office of Special Counsel. The State Department’s inspector general released two reports this year finding that the department illegally engaged in the political targeting of career employees. Federal law prohibits agencies from discriminating against any employee on the basis of political affiliation, or for any federal official to “coerce any applicant or employee to engage in political activity, or to retaliate against such individuals based on partisan politics.”

Good. Trumps the boss. If you don't want to further the bosses agenda, leave. If you don't leave you'll be thrown out. It's called at will employment.

The past 3 years is a prime example of why you DON'T leave people in your administration who are not on your side.
They work for the United States of America assfuck. Trump is just an employee & not the owner.
Quite the opposite. You democrats are waging a civil war to destroy America. You want a Marxist dictatorship with no civil rights, a centrally planned and managed economy where our rulers control the means of production. You're loyal to the Soviet Union in America, certainly not to the Constitution of the United States.
Yet another Trumpette who has no idea what a Democratic Socialist is.

Trump is now controlling what comes out of the CDC, Intelligence community. And yet you are too fucking stupid to see that is a problem.

Why is Trump seeking to control all of this/ Why is he afraid of what these agencies might say?

You are a Stalinist, pure and simple. You advocate crushing civil rights, particularly the rights of free speech and religion. You demand that the rulers be able to ravage the person and papers of political rivals on fishing expeditions. We know exactly what you are Comrade, an enemy dedicated to the destruction of our great nation.
Fuck off Trump boy.

Trump is silencing those in the CDC & intelligence community, not me.

I suggest you pry your head out of Trump's ass.
Silencing the CDC?
I saw a CDC official on TV this morning talking about it.

More lies by you.

Your gay bashing VP said all communications must be approved.

Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging From Health Officials
You are changing your story.
Trump...as usual...conflates loyalty to the country (or the office of the president) with loyalty to him, personally. Perhaps that should be fealty.

Can't recall this sort of things happening before. I wonder if this means combing Facebook and private lives?

White House Confirms It's Purging Disloyal Employees 'From the Bowels of the Federal Government'

The White House this week confirmed it is combing through federal agencies to identify employees not sufficiently loyal to President Trump to facilitate their ouster, sparking concerns the administration could run afoul of long-established civil service laws.

The administration is examining employees throughout the government to find anyone taking action officials decide represents an effort to undermine Trump, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said on Fox News Monday. Gidley did not specifically mention career employees, who are statutorily protected against political retaliation, but did note the “millions” of individuals agencies employ. By contrast, there are only about 4,000 political appointees in government.

“It’s not a secret that we want people in positions that work with this president, not against him, and too often we have people in this government—I mean the federal government is massive, with millions of people—and there are a lot people out there taking action against this president and when we find them we will take appropriate action,” Gidley said.

His comments followed reports in Axios that the administration maintains “deep state” hit lists of employees to fire and the president has tasked the head of the Presidential Personnel Office, Johnny McEntee, to purge “bad people” who are not loyal to him. The latter report mentioned only political appointees, who serve at the pleasure of the president and can be dismissed at will, but Gidley’s comments this week appeared to go further.

“Time and time again we see in the media reports from people in the bowels of the federal government working against this president,” he said.

Gidley added that unelected federal workers were pushing “their own selfish political agenda” rather than advancing and executing Trump’s.

The latest comments do not mark the first time the Trump administration has stretched the limits of what is allowable under civil service protections. The number of federal employees proving their agencies took prohibited personnel practices against them reached an all-time high in Trump’s first year in office, according to the Office of Special Counsel. The State Department’s inspector general released two reports this year finding that the department illegally engaged in the political targeting of career employees. Federal law prohibits agencies from discriminating against any employee on the basis of political affiliation, or for any federal official to “coerce any applicant or employee to engage in political activity, or to retaliate against such individuals based on partisan politics.”

Good. Trumps the boss. If you don't want to further the bosses agenda, leave. If you don't leave you'll be thrown out. It's called at will employment.

The past 3 years is a prime example of why you DON'T leave people in your administration who are not on your side.
They work for the United States of America assfuck. Trump is just an employee & not the owner.
They work for the Executive Branch. Trump is the boss of that, Assfuck.
Trump...as usual...conflates loyalty to the country (or the office of the president) with loyalty to him, personally. Perhaps that should be fealty.

Can't recall this sort of things happening before. I wonder if this means combing Facebook and private lives?

White House Confirms It's Purging Disloyal Employees 'From the Bowels of the Federal Government'

The White House this week confirmed it is combing through federal agencies to identify employees not sufficiently loyal to President Trump to facilitate their ouster, sparking concerns the administration could run afoul of long-established civil service laws.

The administration is examining employees throughout the government to find anyone taking action officials decide represents an effort to undermine Trump, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said on Fox News Monday. Gidley did not specifically mention career employees, who are statutorily protected against political retaliation, but did note the “millions” of individuals agencies employ. By contrast, there are only about 4,000 political appointees in government.

“It’s not a secret that we want people in positions that work with this president, not against him, and too often we have people in this government—I mean the federal government is massive, with millions of people—and there are a lot people out there taking action against this president and when we find them we will take appropriate action,” Gidley said.

His comments followed reports in Axios that the administration maintains “deep state” hit lists of employees to fire and the president has tasked the head of the Presidential Personnel Office, Johnny McEntee, to purge “bad people” who are not loyal to him. The latter report mentioned only political appointees, who serve at the pleasure of the president and can be dismissed at will, but Gidley’s comments this week appeared to go further.

“Time and time again we see in the media reports from people in the bowels of the federal government working against this president,” he said.

Gidley added that unelected federal workers were pushing “their own selfish political agenda” rather than advancing and executing Trump’s.

The latest comments do not mark the first time the Trump administration has stretched the limits of what is allowable under civil service protections. The number of federal employees proving their agencies took prohibited personnel practices against them reached an all-time high in Trump’s first year in office, according to the Office of Special Counsel. The State Department’s inspector general released two reports this year finding that the department illegally engaged in the political targeting of career employees. Federal law prohibits agencies from discriminating against any employee on the basis of political affiliation, or for any federal official to “coerce any applicant or employee to engage in political activity, or to retaliate against such individuals based on partisan politics.”

Good. Trumps the boss. If you don't want to further the bosses agenda, leave. If you don't leave you'll be thrown out. It's called at will employment.

The past 3 years is a prime example of why you DON'T leave people in your administration who are not on your side.
They work for the United States of America assfuck. Trump is just an employee & not the owner.

Trump is the president. He is the top dog. The big cheese. And everyone who works at his pleasure may be removed at his will. Everyone working in his administration is working FOR HIM. He hires and fires. They ALL work for the USA but that's like saying the CEO of Wal Mart can't hire or fire who he wants to because they all work for the stockholders. You really sound that stupid.

Learn civics dumb fuck.
So, there is this new virus spreading through the word & we are not supposed to be concerrned?

There is no panic.

We have scientists telling us to take precautions & a fat assed orange leader telling us to ignore it. If there is cause for panic, Trump's ineptitude is it.

You. like all communists, are a fucking liar.

The president encouraged exactly the behavior the the CDC does. Wash hands often, avoid handrails and places where lots of hands have been, if you're sick, stay home - exactly the CDC message. But you lie, because you're a pile of shit.

Coronavirus not as scary as it seems

Most of the folks who've fallen ill in the United States were travelers who caught the virus in China and then came home. There have been only two cases of human-to-human coronavirus transmission in the United States, and both involved an infected spouse passing the virus to their significant other.

The focus on the number of coronavirus deaths also can be misleading because it doesn't take into account how many people who were infected have died, Adalja added.

"This virus has infected over five times as many people as SARS, so of course it's going to have a higher sheer number of deaths," Adalja explained.

The new coronavirus currently has a death rate of just 2% worldwide, far below the 9% to 12% death rate of the 2002 SARS outbreak and the 40% death rate in the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak.

In fact, that 2% death rate is similar to another virus that Americans are a bit more comfortable with: Flu.


Tell me comrade, HOW MANY people in America have DIED from the NY Times Corona Virus?
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Trump...as usual...conflates loyalty to the country (or the office of the president) with loyalty to him, personally. Perhaps that should be fealty.

Can't recall this sort of things happening before. I wonder if this means combing Facebook and private lives?

White House Confirms It's Purging Disloyal Employees 'From the Bowels of the Federal Government'

The White House this week confirmed it is combing through federal agencies to identify employees not sufficiently loyal to President Trump to facilitate their ouster, sparking concerns the administration could run afoul of long-established civil service laws.

The administration is examining employees throughout the government to find anyone taking action officials decide represents an effort to undermine Trump, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said on Fox News Monday. Gidley did not specifically mention career employees, who are statutorily protected against political retaliation, but did note the “millions” of individuals agencies employ. By contrast, there are only about 4,000 political appointees in government.

“It’s not a secret that we want people in positions that work with this president, not against him, and too often we have people in this government—I mean the federal government is massive, with millions of people—and there are a lot people out there taking action against this president and when we find them we will take appropriate action,” Gidley said.

His comments followed reports in Axios that the administration maintains “deep state” hit lists of employees to fire and the president has tasked the head of the Presidential Personnel Office, Johnny McEntee, to purge “bad people” who are not loyal to him. The latter report mentioned only political appointees, who serve at the pleasure of the president and can be dismissed at will, but Gidley’s comments this week appeared to go further.

“Time and time again we see in the media reports from people in the bowels of the federal government working against this president,” he said.

Gidley added that unelected federal workers were pushing “their own selfish political agenda” rather than advancing and executing Trump’s.

The latest comments do not mark the first time the Trump administration has stretched the limits of what is allowable under civil service protections. The number of federal employees proving their agencies took prohibited personnel practices against them reached an all-time high in Trump’s first year in office, according to the Office of Special Counsel. The State Department’s inspector general released two reports this year finding that the department illegally engaged in the political targeting of career employees. Federal law prohibits agencies from discriminating against any employee on the basis of political affiliation, or for any federal official to “coerce any applicant or employee to engage in political activity, or to retaliate against such individuals based on partisan politics.”
What did you think he/they meant when when referring to abolishing "the deep state"...these are all imbedded employees who keep an eye on the lefts enemies and are guarded by rules that protect them from dismissal for most any reason...if you were going to spy on your opponents what better way could be had?...if trump gets his way "the deep state" will be history and liberals will lose their real power, the ability to litigate away their opponents.

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