White House Confirms It's Purging Disloyal Employees 'From the Bowels of the Federal Government

The federal government has three branches, the executive, the legislative, the judicial.

The President is the elected leader of the executive branch.

People who work in the executive branch serve the President, and if they cannot do that, they should seek alternative employment.

Not exactly. If they are political appointees then yes, they serve at the pleasure of the president. Otherwise - they serve their country, their agency, or the office of the president. If they are not political appointees they are protected by civil service laws from political retaliation.
You probably never heard of it before because it probably never happened before. My wife is a federal government employee, and every time the country changes the president, the administration in her dept gets changed. And we are talking about an insignificant USDA office.

Trumps mistake was that he didn't change these people out as soon as he took office, like his predecessors did.

We live in a sad time
Yeah, how dare Trump purge people actively undermining him and his agenda.

The nerve!

Grow the fuck up, asshat.

:lol: love the maturity level of the Trumpists!

Loyalty tests and political purges....not surprising you support them.
The alt-left link calls it a "loyalty test". Trump is simply getting rid of those working against him.

Nothing wrong with that you idiot. Grow up.
Trump...as usual...conflates loyalty to the country (or the office of the president) with loyalty to him, personally. Perhaps that should be fealty.

Can't recall this sort of things happening before. I wonder if this means combing Facebook and private lives?

White House Confirms It's Purging Disloyal Employees 'From the Bowels of the Federal Government'

The White House this week confirmed it is combing through federal agencies to identify employees not sufficiently loyal to President Trump to facilitate their ouster, sparking concerns the administration could run afoul of long-established civil service laws.

The administration is examining employees throughout the government to find anyone taking action officials decide represents an effort to undermine Trump, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said on Fox News Monday. Gidley did not specifically mention career employees, who are statutorily protected against political retaliation, but did note the “millions” of individuals agencies employ. By contrast, there are only about 4,000 political appointees in government.

“It’s not a secret that we want people in positions that work with this president, not against him, and too often we have people in this government—I mean the federal government is massive, with millions of people—and there are a lot people out there taking action against this president and when we find them we will take appropriate action,” Gidley said.

His comments followed reports in Axios that the administration maintains “deep state” hit lists of employees to fire and the president has tasked the head of the Presidential Personnel Office, Johnny McEntee, to purge “bad people” who are not loyal to him. The latter report mentioned only political appointees, who serve at the pleasure of the president and can be dismissed at will, but Gidley’s comments this week appeared to go further.

“Time and time again we see in the media reports from people in the bowels of the federal government working against this president,” he said.

Gidley added that unelected federal workers were pushing “their own selfish political agenda” rather than advancing and executing Trump’s.

The latest comments do not mark the first time the Trump administration has stretched the limits of what is allowable under civil service protections. The number of federal employees proving their agencies took prohibited personnel practices against them reached an all-time high in Trump’s first year in office, according to the Office of Special Counsel. The State Department’s inspector general released two reports this year finding that the department illegally engaged in the political targeting of career employees. Federal law prohibits agencies from discriminating against any employee on the basis of political affiliation, or for any federal official to “coerce any applicant or employee to engage in political activity, or to retaliate against such individuals based on partisan politics.”
Might wanna look up Travelgate
Obama's Military Coup Purges 197 Officers In Five Years | Investor's Business Daily


Selective memory of the Dems.............When you want outrage simply look at what your side has done in the past and Cry me a River when we DON'T CARE that some of your old political plants are being reassigned or FIRED.....

Oh well.........too dang bad.
You probably never heard of it before because it probably never happened before. My wife is a federal government employee, and every time the country changes the president, the administration in her dept gets changed. And we are talking about an insignificant USDA office.

Trumps mistake was that he didn't change these people out as soon as he took office, like his predecessors did.


I worked for NASA ages ago. Every time there was a new administration - we got reorganized, new political appointees etc. But this is not referring to that - the article is stating, that according to one person quoted - they are going further than political appointees.
The federal government has three branches, the executive, the legislative, the judicial.

The President is the elected leader of the executive branch.

People who work in the executive branch serve the President, and if they cannot do that, they should seek alternative employment.

Not exactly. If they are political appointees then yes, they serve at the pleasure of the president. Otherwise - they serve their country, their agency, or the office of the president. If they are not political appointees they are protected by civil service laws from political retaliation.
That should change. No one in the executive branch should be protected from accountability to the President.

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