White House Has Plan to Block Out the Sun to Stop "Climate Change"

Lets see what NASA has to say on the issue

97 Percent

the vast majority of actively publishing climate scientists – 97 percent – agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change. Most of the leading science organizations around the world have issued public statements expressing this, including international and U.S. science academies, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and a whole host of reputable scientific bodies around the world.
Which humans….. US, RU, CN or IN?
Those goofballs
Yes, in kook-liar sore-loser-land, saying "we're open to looking at the idea" is the same as doing it.

BDS losers, learn to lie better. Given how many decades you've all been lying for the glory of fascism, you have no excuse for sucking at it so badly.
No real scientist would waste their time considering such lunacy, Troll.
They are human. Offer them enough money and they will consider it. Offer much more and they will advocate for it. Greed trumps science and common sense.
Once again the usual suspects, Leftwing Loonies, show how stupid and dumb they are.
1) Climate is always changing! If not warming out of an Ice Age, it is cooling towards an Ice Age. As this chart show, in the past @450,000 years our planet has spent more time in the cooling, glacial, Ice Age temperature ranges than in the short warmer inter-glacial, such as we are in now.

For what it's worth, the following would suggest we are still in an Ice Age;

Since we are barely on the outer edge of an Ice Age and not near the warmth of past millions/billions of years, why would we want to increase the odds of plunging down into extreme Cold again?

2) We already know that reduce solar energy causes cooler temperatures. We see that via season fluctuation during the year when first the Northern Hemisphere has Winter due to reduced solar energy, and then the same happens to the Southern Hemisphere. So there is no need to waste money and resources researching if blocking solar energy will cause cooling effect, that is already known and shown. Nor should we waste resources researching if human tech can reduce solar energy reaching the surface of our world and cause more cooling when we barely have enough warming to stave off glaciation~ice age. Or if we have the tech or could make such tech. Do we really need to waste resources on if humans can have more ways to kill off life on this planet?

3) It would help to clarify when one is referring to natural climate change ~ warming/cooling; versus human caused/anthropogenic climate change. Natural cycles are something we need to learn how to adjust to. Human-caused methods don't ~ shouldn't need to be developed and funded.

4) There still is no convincing scientific proof that warming temperatures are a danger or a crisis that needs to be addressed. Planet history records show that prior warmer eons have not been as dangerous as the colder, glacial (ice age) ones; and our current average global temps are not near those past higher levels, which life here was able to survive.

5) One method proposed to block sunlight is to add sulfates to the atmosphere. The ironic stupidity here is that we've spent decades and million$ to remove sulfur from the flue smoke of burning coal and gas, etc. in order to end acid rain, now we are to inject sulfur into the atmosphere to block sunlight, heat and regenerate acid rain.:rolleyes:

I could go on, but need to get to bed.
It is disappointing to see so many here anxious to end life on this planet and wanting to do so via the dufus POTUS whom knows nothing about junior high school level science.:102:
Next up, let's move every human to one side of the earth and have them all do push ups at the same time to shove the earth a little farther away from the sun.

Makes as much scientific sense.
rightwinger this plan has more scientific validity than your Vegetable Messiah's nutbaggery.

Solar Radiation Modification (SRM), also known as Solar Radiation Management, Radiation Modification Measures or Solar Geoengineering, would aim to address a symptom of climate change by reflecting more sunlight back into space, or by allowing more infrared radiation from Earth to escape, in order to reduce the Earth’s temperature.
Okay - but don't you find it contradictory in regards to Lefty&Libs Greens solidly disputing/rejecting that the sun has anything to do with Global warming - and then to promote such an idea? China on the other hand has never stated that, but is also looking into possibilities regarding the deflection of sunlight.
Okay - but don't you find it contradictory in regards to Lefty&Libs Greens solidly disputing/rejecting that the sun has anything to do with Global warming -
A well-proven fact. Solar output has gone down as temperatures have climbed, proving conclusively that solar factors are not the cause of global warming.

and then to promote such an idea?
Why confuses you so much about "the sun currently doesn't affect global warming, but it's theoretically possible we could reduce sunlight to affect global warming"? The only contradiction is in your mind.

Nobody ever said the sun has no effect on climate. That's a BigLie that the denier cult kooks push, for the purpose of deflecting from the actual science.
A well-proven fact. Solar output has gone down as temperatures have climbed, proving conclusively that solar factors are not the cause of global warming.

Why confuses you so much about "the sun currently doesn't affect global warming, but it's theoretically possible we could reduce sunlight to affect global warming"? The only contradiction is in your mind.

Nobody ever said the sun has no effect on climate. That's a BigLie that the denier cult kooks push, for the purpose of deflecting from the actual science.
You wrote:
a. proving conclusively that solar factors are not the cause of global warming (This statement does not derive from deniers but CO2 cultists- check the threads on USMB)!!
b. but it's theoretically possible we could reduce sunlight to affect global warming
So clearly contradictory - in regards to: why reduce something that supposedly has no effect????

1. The cause for global warming is not just CO2 - also there is no proof as to what impact the man made CO2 %, really has - just wild guessing and assumptions.
2. Off course the sun is a factor that play's it's constant part in any previous and present global warming issue
So clearly contradictory - in regards to: why reduce something that supposedly has no effect????
You're telling us you're incapable of understanding the very obvious difference between "The sun is not the cause of the current fast warming" (which everyone says) and "The sun has no effect on climate" (which nobody says.)

That means the grownups won't be wasting any time on you.
You're telling us you're incapable of understanding the very obvious difference between "The sun is not the cause of the current fast warming" (which everyone says) and "The sun has no effect on climate" (which nobody says.)

That means the grownups won't be wasting any time on you.
Maybe they won't waste time with you - my original statement to rightwinger was: .....that the sun has anything to do with Global warming...(propagated by Lefty&Lib Greens).
Your altered statement was: solar factors are not the cause of global warming

And fact is, CO2 alone is also not the cause for Global warming - but something (many factors incl. the sun) interacting with each other cause global warming and global weather change.

Discussion over
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