White Identity

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
VDARE.com: 05/05/11 - Jared Taylor On White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century

The ideal of moving beyond race still appeals to the vast majority of whites. They dream of an America in which there is no such thing as racial conflict, in which all Americans work together for common goals. They love to quote Martin Luther King’s "I Have a Dream" speech about judging people by "the content of their character".

And yet, two generations after that speech was delivered, how many blacks judge whites by the content of their character? And when whites take a wrong turn off the freeway, do they lock their car doors because they can read the character of the people on the sidewalk?

Perhaps it is time to question goals that run counter to near-universal behavior. There may be lessons for us in the failure of Soviet-style Communism. It is our era’s foremost example of a system that made mesmerizing promises of an earthly paradise but betrayed those promises. Millions of people were inspired by an ideology that would do away with capitalist exploitation. Marxists believed that the working class would seize the means of production, the state would wither away, selfishness would disappear, and man would live "from each according to his ability to each according to his needs". In the name of this ideology millions gave their lives—and took the lives of millions of others.

But Communism failed. It failed for many reasons, not least because it was a misreading of human nature. Self-interest cannot be abolished. People do not work just as hard on collective farms as they do on their own land. The almost universal rejection of Communism today marks the acceptance of people as they are, not as Communism wished them to be.

Is it possible that our racial ideals assume that people should become something they cannot?

If most people prefer the company of people like themselves, what do we achieve by insisting that they deny that preference?

If diversity is a weakness rather than a strength, why work to increase diversity?
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forty years of increasing opportunities for blacks have shown that lack of opportunity was not even close to the whole reason for black underperformance. the diminishing returns on the money spent on affirmative action are proof that we need to reconsider the failed social programs that seem to have hurt blacks as much as helped them.

I grew up in the civil rights era and my fervent belief in the equality of the races has been eroded away by the sharp edges of reality that are just as sharp now as they ever were.
It's simple.

Racism would die if blacks and hispanics would allow it too.

And white people would stop fearing black males if black males would stop committing crimes at astronomically higher rates than any other demographic. Thats not racism, thats statistics.
VDARE.com: 05/05/11 - Jared Taylor On White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century

The ideal of moving beyond race still appeals to the vast majority of whites. They dream of an America in which there is no such thing as racial conflict, in which all Americans work together for common goals. They love to quote Martin Luther King’s "I Have a Dream" speech about judging people by "the content of their character".

And yet, two generations after that speech was delivered, how many blacks judge whites by the content of their character? And when whites take a wrong turn off the freeway, do they lock their car doors because they can read the character of the people on the sidewalk?

Perhaps it is time to question goals that run counter to near-universal behavior. There may be lessons for us in the failure of Soviet-style Communism. It is our era’s foremost example of a system that made mesmerizing promises of an earthly paradise but betrayed those promises. Millions of people were inspired by an ideology that would do away with capitalist exploitation. Marxists believed that the working class would seize the means of production, the state would wither away, selfishness would disappear, and man would live "from each according to his ability to each according to his needs". In the name of this ideology millions gave their lives—and took the lives of millions of others.

But Communism failed. It failed for many reasons, not least because it was a misreading of human nature. Self-interest cannot be abolished. People do not work just as hard on collective farms as they do on their own land. The almost universal rejection of Communism today marks the acceptance of people as they are, not as Communism wished them to be.

Is it possible that our racial ideals assume that people should become something they cannot?

If most people prefer the company of people like themselves, what do we achieve by insisting that they deny that preference?

If diversity is a weakness rather than a strength, why work to increase diversity?

I have to admit that freedom OF association also OUGHT TO include freedom FROM association, WJ.

Now as long as you're wealthy enough, of course you have that right because you can afford to CREATE that environment for yourself and your tribe.

It's only the teaming masses who do not have that right, mostly because they cannot afford to create that situation for themselves.

That really is one point that the libertarian anarchists seem to understand that our leaning left bretheren, as yet, have NOT quite gotten.
Is it possible that our racial ideals assume that people should become something they cannot?

ALL our (American) ideals assume that people should become something better. We are not fucking Europe, where, born into a lower class, you are expected to stay there

If most people prefer the company of people like themselves, what do we achieve by insisting that they deny that preference?

Who insists anyone deny that preference to be in the company of people like themselves? No one comes into my house uninvited.

If diversity is a weakness rather than a strength, why work to increase diversity?[/I]

If diversity is YOUR weakness, then I suggest eating only fruit loops, only watching the same episode of The Andy Griffith Show, and never leaving your parent's basement for a year.
Ya Samsons right, America has freedom of association we have BET, Black only Miss America, Black only congressional congress and the list goes on.

If diversity is a weakness rather than a strength

Then the White race is weak. After all, people like you and Tank insist that true diversity only exists in the White race.

Of course, anyone with a rudimentary understanding of epistemology and genetics will tell you that homogeneity is weakness and genetic diversity is strength.
China's decisions will factor into its downfall with time. They must conquer or face a population crash.

Getting rid of your females is among the dumbest things a civilization can ever do.
VDARE.com: 05/05/11 - Jared Taylor On White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century

The ideal of moving beyond race still appeals to the vast majority of whites. They dream of an America in which there is no such thing as racial conflict, in which all Americans work together for common goals. They love to quote Martin Luther King’s "I Have a Dream" speech about judging people by "the content of their character".

And yet, two generations after that speech was delivered, how many blacks judge whites by the content of their character? And when whites take a wrong turn off the freeway, do they lock their car doors because they can read the character of the people on the sidewalk?

Perhaps it is time to question goals that run counter to near-universal behavior. There may be lessons for us in the failure of Soviet-style Communism. It is our era’s foremost example of a system that made mesmerizing promises of an earthly paradise but betrayed those promises. Millions of people were inspired by an ideology that would do away with capitalist exploitation. Marxists believed that the working class would seize the means of production, the state would wither away, selfishness would disappear, and man would live "from each according to his ability to each according to his needs". In the name of this ideology millions gave their lives—and took the lives of millions of others.

But Communism failed. It failed for many reasons, not least because it was a misreading of human nature. Self-interest cannot be abolished. People do not work just as hard on collective farms as they do on their own land. The almost universal rejection of Communism today marks the acceptance of people as they are, not as Communism wished them to be.

Is it possible that our racial ideals assume that people should become something they cannot?

If most people prefer the company of people like themselves, what do we achieve by insisting that they deny that preference?

If diversity is a weakness rather than a strength, why work to increase diversity?

I have to admit that freedom OF association also OUGHT TO include freedom FROM association, WJ.

Now as long as you're wealthy enough, of course you have that right because you can afford to CREATE that environment for yourself and your tribe.

It's only the teaming masses who do not have that right, mostly because they cannot afford to create that situation for themselves.

That really is one point that the libertarian anarchists seem to understand that our leaning left bretheren, as yet, have NOT quite gotten.

True... George Wallace understood that and campaigned accordingly -- today, of course, he's reviled by the intelligentsia.
It's simple.

Racism would die if blacks and hispanics would allow it too.

And white people would stop fearing black males if black males would stop committing crimes at astronomically higher rates than any other demographic. Thats not racism, thats statistics.

Actually, it would die if the Democrats would allow it to. The problem is, of course, that they make huge political capital out of keeping racism alive. Shame on them.
And the Reps don't, CG? What do you think Birtherism is all about? NeoNazis say the Terabagger rallies are fertile recruiting grounds.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sQ7JCgbYc4]YouTube - People & Power - White Power USA[/ame]
Speaking as an older man, I can tell you that in the course of my lifetime (I'm 63), times and attitudes have changed. Racism is no longer tolerated as it once was, today it is nearly universally condemned in this country. 50 years ago a bi-racial marriage was almost unthinkable, now it's no big deal. Individuals may not be able to change much , but society in general does and we are far more diverse and accepting of diversity than we used to be. Still got a long way to go yet before we have true equality, but times and attitudes ARE changing.
Not racist?

'The Zoo has an african lion and the White House has a lyin' african'

A candidate loved by tea
Speaking as an older man, I can tell you that in the course of my lifetime (I'm 63), times and attitudes have changed. Racism is no longer tolerated as it once was, today it is nearly universally condemned in this country. 50 years ago a bi-racial marriage was almost unthinkable, now it's no big deal. Individuals may not be able to change much , but society in general does and we are far more diverse and accepting of diversity than we used to be. Still got a long way to go yet before we have true equality, but times and attitudes ARE changing.

I don't think people's REAL attitudes change. I think what changes is what's publicly acceptable. On the inside, no white person is happy to see a black-white marriage. But no white person will say so publicly, that's all. What people "accept" is being beaten down. Nobody ever really accepted communism, but they were scared of being sent to Siberia. Don't confuse the two.
Speaking as an older man, I can tell you that in the course of my lifetime (I'm 63), times and attitudes have changed. Racism is no longer tolerated as it once was, today it is nearly universally condemned in this country. 50 years ago a bi-racial marriage was almost unthinkable, now it's no big deal. Individuals may not be able to change much , but society in general does and we are far more diverse and accepting of diversity than we used to be. Still got a long way to go yet before we have true equality, but times and attitudes ARE changing.

I don't think people's REAL attitudes change. I think what changes is what's publicly acceptable. On the inside, no white person is happy to see a black-white marriage. But no white person will say so publicly, that's all. What people "accept" is being beaten down. Nobody ever really accepted communism, but they were scared of being sent to Siberia. Don't confuse the two.

I'm not confuesed at all, there is a lot of PC going around, where people say one thing but think another. But I would disagree that people's attitudes can't change with respect to race. Being retired military, I can tell you that when you go to war with somebody and share the foxhole then the color of that person's skin begins to lose it's importance. In normal cvilian life, you work next to a oerson with a different color skin than yours, you begin to relaize they ain't so different where it counts. You see their patriotism, their desire to raise their kids right and pay their bills, their honor and integrity that matches your own.

Some people will not change, but others will to varying degrees. Some for show but some for real. It's a slow process, but I can tell you without doubt that the racism is nowhere near as virilent or common as it once was. Still around though and not disappearing as fast as most of us would like, but I think you're wrong to suggest it ain't happening for us as individuals or as a society.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8bEX-y1nr8]YouTube - White guy beaten nearly to death by Blacks for dating a Black woman, no hate crime there[/ame]

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