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White man kicks Asian woman on her way to Church

wow what a horrible violent attack...by this racist scum bag....hope they throw the book at him.

There was no true violence there. It was all planned and arranged by the white supremacists.

Why did this racist think he could get away with such a violent assault in the middle of the day?

There is no such thing as systematic black racism and if I'm wrong give me a laugh and explain it to me. He got away with because the white supremacist arranged it in the first place,
wow what a horrible violent attack...by this racist scum bag....hope they throw the book at him.

There was no true violence there. It was all planned and arranged by the white supremacists.

Why did this racist think he could get away with such a violent assault in the middle of the day?

There is no such thing as systematic black racism and if I'm wrong give me a laugh and explain it to me. He got away with because the white supremacist arranged it in the first place,
You dont belong in this country
The very reason why the attacks on the elderly, particularly Asian elderly is because blacks are given the excuse that a white attacked. They need never accept responsibility.

Paul your example has a history of beating up Asians. Do you see that?

So are white men taking responsibilities when they attack Asian elderly folks or is that just your excuse for white men.
Which white man attacked an Asian? The example you gave was a black guy.

View attachment 474242

Asian Grandmother Who Smacked Her Attacker With A Board Donates Nearly $1 Million : NPR

Please explain how that is a black man.
I'm glad she put him in the hospital.

Have YOU ever said that about an African assaulting someone?

I have never defended a criminal committing a crime against someone, no matter what color they are. Can you say the same?
Blacks are attacking asians and killing them. How long can we keep up the lie?

Blacks have been attacking and killing Asians in DemoKKKrat-run cities for decades. Having lived in the SF Bay Area for 5 years, I can tell you it was common knowledge and Asians were warned not to go into Oakland, East Palo Alto, or parts of San Jose.

Once again, this is a long-standing problem and entirely limited to cities run by DemoKKKrats. They love it.
What black nation even has the capability to bomb an asian nation?
That's not the point. The point is we don't think like whites.

You have a white supremacist and he think's "If I cut an an atom in half, that will in turn cut other atoms in half and so on then I can create a nuclear bomb from that explosion that would kill thousands and thousands"

Who thinks like that ? Fking crazy. The white supremacist thinks like that. White people try to weaponize everything. Go into any state pen. White people trying to make a weapon out toothbrushes, cups anything. That's your nature. Kill - Kill - Kill.

I watched white people when I was a kid,on a farm my dad used to take me to. When they'd shoot something they'd go crazy.


White people have something going for them that black people don't to the same extent.

Whites love to kill.

When Marco Polo brought gunpowder back to Europe. Whites straight away started using it to kill people with.

Gunpowder made it so whites could kill from distance. Most battles were fought up close till then.

When you hear of unarmed blk ppl like George Floyd, Mike Brown. Freddie Gray, Breonna Taylor etc getting by cops.....white society take that as a win.

But that's SUCKA COWARD SH*T to most blk ppl.

White supremacist never square up even blk men. Even bk in the day. You practially needed to tooled up army to lynch one blk man


Paul, you poor deluded fool. Black ppl have been the number one victims of murder in this country for decades, and guess who commits those murders, yes, other black people! To negatively paint whites as a race that loves to kill while blacks don't is HILARIOUS. It's no wonder blacks like Paul can't admit the wrongs being perpetrated on asians in this country by black people. To do so would reveal the deep seated racism held within the black community to equal or even rival those of the white nationalists they rail against. If the tables were turned they'd be the ones out there lynching whites and burning crosses on lawns. We are seeing a microcosm of this right now as blacks are out committing thousands of violent attacks against asians, in this country. Imagine what would happen if they held the majority.
Blacks are attacking asians and killing them. How long can we keep up the lie?

Blacks have been attacking and killing Asians in DemoKKKrat-run cities for decades. Having lived in the SF Bay Area for 5 years, I can tell you it was common knowledge and Asians were warned not to go into Oakland, East Palo Alto, or parts of San Jose.

Once again, this is a long-standing problem and entirely limited to cities run by DemoKKKrats. They love it.
What motivates their hatred of Asians?

On second thought, they hate whites, and they hate Hispanics too.
Paul, you poor deluded fool. Black ppl have been the number one victims of murder in this country for decades, and guess who commits those murders, yes, other black people! To negatively paint whites as a race that loves to kill while blacks don't is HILARIOUS.
Are more black people killed by black people than by the Police ?

Yes. You're correct.

But guess what ?

That would have been true 100 years ago.

That would have been true under apartheid in South Africa.
That would have been true under Jim Crow segregation in the USA.

But would the black on black crime argument been a good reason to excuse for the KKK hangings of black men ? Would the black on black crime argument been a good reason to excuse the kilings of black people by Police 100 years ago ?

No. So why is it now ?

The police are held to a higher standard.

That's why police killings of black people cause the commotion that they do. Because if you have the power to kill me, then you better believe I'm gonna hold you to a higher standard.

It's the same way a teacher can't be late often for their class and then turn around and say "Well some of you are late too"

The black on black crime figure will always be higher that white on black. Why ? Because those are the people you live around. The same way the white on white killings will be higher than black on white.

Your argument is like telling Breast Cancer Support Groups not to bother with that cancer and focus on Lung Cancer because that is the biggest cancer killer.

When ISIS killed whites in Paris or 9-11 Twin Towers you did not hear people say "Well,more white people kill white people, than muslims"" But that would have been just as true.

It's no wonder blacks like Paul can't admit the wrongs being perpetrated on asians in this country by black people. To do so would reveal the deep seated racism held within the black community to equal or even rival those of the white nationalists they rail against.

Let me introduce Brendt Christensen


Most of you don't know who he is. Well he did this

In 2017 this white man raped her, beat her, cut off her head and mutilated her body.

Fast forward to 2019. Arhur Martonvich kills three Asian man in New York subway by beating them to death with a hammer.

He try to sell some B.S about doing it to defend Asian women from Asian men. Yeah right.

Last year a white man John Wiseman called the police and told them that his Asian wife was on the floor unresponsive. He left out the part about shooting her three times, two of them in the back

Jeffery Morris (Who has previous convictions) burns Susie Zhao alive

Scott Smith last years shoot and kills his wife Kanaquan Smith. He filed for divorce a few weeks before he killed her. He claimed self defence and guess what ? They bought it. Prosecutors dropped all charges against him saying there wasn't enough evidence.

I don't forget the killers of Vincent Chin in the 80's who was killed by two white men who got no jail time

I don't forget Lyuen Phan Ngyuen who beaten to death by 7 white men in the 90's who shouted "white power" to her

I don't forget Micheal Cho in 2007 was unarmed when shot and killed by a white policeman who of course was not punished

I don't forget Thang Nyguen shot to death in 2016 by two white men who of course never spent one night in Shawshank.

But we are the problem ?

Black people have done a lot for Asians. Let's look at history.

When the white supremacists were over there in 1800's killing the people in the Phillipines, almost committing genocide. A black man named David Fagan and other blk men defected because he didn't wanna see the filippinos get slaughtered. So he and a few other blk men started a guerilla war against the USA army

He went over there training the Asians so they wouldn't be sitting ducks for the white supremacists.

In the 1960's; Asians are over here because of us fighting for the 1965 immigration act. It was the black panthers speaking out against the Vietnam war


Black people have put there money, careers and families on the line for Asians.

Muhammad Ali gave up his best boxing years for Asians. He was out the sport for 3 years because he didn't want to got to Vietnam and harm Asian people


It was black people who watched them Kung Fu movies of the 70's and made Bruce Lee an icon.

We are the economic base for Asians. White people ain't going to the Sally's Beauty supply. When Asians came to the USA white people were fkin with them. They weren't setting up shop in white neigbourhoods. They were coming to blk neigbourhoods.

We spent money with them, propped them up them but that was not returned because Asians have a policy of not spending a dime with black businesses. And we better not go to their countries coz the anti blk racism is so deep there.

So people better shut the fk up about how black people are mistreating the Asian community

If the tables were turned they'd be the ones out there lynching whites and burning crosses on lawns.
Black people simply don't have the heart to treat whites the way whites treat blacks.

If we had a black hospital and a white person needed treatment we would treat that white person and we would not use white people as guinea pigs in black hospitals, the same way white people use black people as guinea pigs in white hospitals.

We would not fight harder to save a black life in a blk hospitals, the same way whites fight harder to save a white life in white hospital

If we had a blk bank and a white person need a loan and they qualified. We would not redline certain white areas from credit, the same way white banks redline black areas from credit.

Black people have never lynched white ppl.

Black people have never bombed white people's churches.

Black people have never shot up white people up in their church.

Black people dont mock white kids when they get shot by cops.

Black people don't go out of their way to produce stats to prove how stupid and violent white ppl are.

Black people have never put white people in zoos.

Black people have never gone into white countries n sh*t on the natives n enforced systems of apartheid.

Black people have and could never practice scorched earth where they fk up the topsoil in white countries were they can't grow anything forcing their people to starve.

Black people have never and could never dump nuclear waste in European countries causing all sorts of damage to white people. The way whites have dumped nuclear waste in lack countries causing all sorts of damage to blk ppl


Black people have never killed white leaders the whites have killed blk leaders.

Black people have never tried to flood white areas with guns and drugs.

Black people don't have organ harvesting system where we use dead white people and kill them for their lungs, eyes, hearts etc. The way whites kill black people and use our organs for harvesting.


Matter of fact you people have whole databases of this shit.


Black people could never treat white people the way white people delight in treating black people.
God just didnt make us that way. He just didn't give us that heart.

We are seeing a microcosm of this right now as blacks are out committing thousands of violent attacks against asians, in this country. Imagine what would happen if they held the majority.
Let's talk facts

For weeks we have had the white media trying to manufacture a phoney outrage about how blk ppl attacking Asians, now of course this is B.S but people are gullible and were blk ppl are concerned most people are prepared to believe whatever perverted lie is said about us because it's fun to have something to be afraid of ESPECIALLY when you know the thing that your pretending to be so afraid of isn't really a threat to you to begin with.

As Malcolm X said


They focused on the same 3 or 4 incidents (and only one of them was fatal by the way) and they put this on a non stop loop over and over again

And guess what ?

That was going so well .....until this

The white media's goal is to try to invalidate blk people's claim of racism. That's what this about.

So the white media has to step forward with this counter narrative. One that makes black people the bad guys and they can't be subtle about it.[/QUOTE]
Paul, you poor deluded fool. Black ppl have been the number one victims of murder in this country for decades, and guess who commits those murders, yes, other black people! To negatively paint whites as a race that loves to kill while blacks don't is HILARIOUS.
Are more black people killed by black people than by the Police ?

Yes. You're correct.

But guess what ?

That would have been true 100 years ago.

That would have been true under apartheid in South Africa.
That would have been true under Jim Crow segregation in the USA.

But would the black on black crime argument been a good reason to excuse for the KKK hangings of black men ? Would the black on black crime argument been a good reason to excuse the kilings of black people by Police 100 years ago ?

No. So why is it now ?

The police are held to a higher standard.

That's why police killings of black people cause the commotion that they do. Because if you have the power to kill me, then you better believe I'm gonna hold you to a higher standard.

It's the same way a teacher can't be late often for their class and then turn around and say "Well some of you are late too"

The black on black crime figure will always be higher that white on black. Why ? Because those are the people you live around. The same way the white on white killings will be higher than black on white.

Your argument is like telling Breast Cancer Support Groups not to bother with that cancer and focus on Lung Cancer because that is the biggest cancer killer.

When ISIS killed whites in Paris or 9-11 Twin Towers you did not hear people say "Well,more white people kill white people, than muslims"" But that would have been just as true.

It's no wonder blacks like Paul can't admit the wrongs being perpetrated on asians in this country by black people. To do so would reveal the deep seated racism held within the black community to equal or even rival those of the white nationalists they rail against.

Let me introduce Brendt Christensen


Most of you don't know who he is. Well he did this

In 2017 this white man raped her, beat her, cut off her head and mutilated her body.

Fast forward to 2019. Arhur Martonvich kills three Asian man in New York subway by beating them to death with a hammer.

He try to sell some B.S about doing it to defend Asian women from Asian men. Yeah right.

Last year a white man John Wiseman called the police and told them that his Asian wife was on the floor unresponsive. He left out the part about shooting her three times, two of them in the back

Jeffery Morris (Who has previous convictions) burns Susie Zhao alive

Scott Smith last years shoot and kills his wife Kanaquan Smith. He filed for divorce a few weeks before he killed her. He claimed self defence and guess what ? They bought it. Prosecutors dropped all charges against him saying there wasn't enough evidence.

I don't forget the killers of Vincent Chin in the 80's who was killed by two white men who got no jail time

I don't forget Lyuen Phan Ngyuen who beaten to death by 7 white men in the 90's who shouted "white power" to her

I don't forget Micheal Cho in 2007 was unarmed when shot and killed by a white policeman who of course was not punished

I don't forget Thang Nyguen shot to death in 2016 by two white men who of course never spent one night in Shawshank.

But we are the problem ?

Black people have done a lot for Asians. Let's look at history.

When the white supremacists were over there in 1800's killing the people in the Phillipines, almost committing genocide. A black man named David Fagan and other blk men defected because he didn't wanna see the filippinos get slaughtered. So he and a few other blk men started a guerilla war against the USA army

He went over there training the Asians so they wouldn't be sitting ducks for the white supremacists.

In the 1960's; Asians are over here because of us fighting for the 1965 immigration act. It was the black panthers speaking out against the Vietnam war


Black people have put there money, careers and families on the line for Asians.

Muhammad Ali gave up his best boxing years for Asians. He was out the sport for 3 years because he didn't want to got to Vietnam and harm Asian people


It was black people who watched them Kung Fu movies of the 70's and made Bruce Lee an icon.

We are the economic base for Asians. White people ain't going to the Sally's Beauty supply. When Asians came to the USA white people were fkin with them. They weren't setting up shop in white neigbourhoods. They were coming to blk neigbourhoods.

We spent money with them, propped them up them but that was not returned because Asians have a policy of not spending a dime with black businesses. And we better not go to their countries coz the anti blk racism is so deep there.

So people better shut the fk up about how black people are mistreating the Asian community

If the tables were turned they'd be the ones out there lynching whites and burning crosses on lawns.
Black people simply don't have the heart to treat whites the way whites treat blacks.

If we had a black hospital and a white person needed treatment we would treat that white person and we would not use white people as guinea pigs in black hospitals, the same way white people use black people as guinea pigs in white hospitals.

We would not fight harder to save a black life in a blk hospitals, the same way whites fight harder to save a white life in white hospital

If we had a blk bank and a white person need a loan and they qualified. We would not redline certain white areas from credit, the same way white banks redline black areas from credit.

Black people have never lynched white ppl.

Black people have never bombed white people's churches.

Black people have never shot up white people up in their church.

Black people dont mock white kids when they get shot by cops.

Black people don't go out of their way to produce stats to prove how stupid and violent white ppl are.

Black people have never put white people in zoos.

Black people have never gone into white countries n sh*t on the natives n enforced systems of apartheid.

Black people have and could never practice scorched earth where they fk up the topsoil in white countries were they can't grow anything forcing their people to starve.

Black people have never and could never dump nuclear waste in European countries causing all sorts of damage to white people. The way whites have dumped nuclear waste in lack countries causing all sorts of damage to blk ppl


Black people have never killed white leaders the whites have killed blk leaders.

Black people have never tried to flood white areas with guns and drugs.

Black people don't have organ harvesting system where we use dead white people and kill them for their lungs, eyes, hearts etc. The way whites kill black people and use our organs for harvesting.


Matter of fact you people have whole databases of this shit.


Black people could never treat white people the way white people delight in treating black people.
God just didnt make us that way. He just didn't give us that heart.

We are seeing a microcosm of this right now as blacks are out committing thousands of violent attacks against asians, in this country. Imagine what would happen if they held the majority.
Let's talk facts

For weeks we have had the white media trying to manufacture a phoney outrage about how blk ppl attacking Asians, now of course this is B.S but people are gullible and were blk ppl are concerned most people are prepared to believe whatever perverted lie is said about us because it's fun to have something to be afraid of ESPECIALLY when you know the thing that your pretending to be so afraid of isn't really a threat to you to begin with.

As Malcolm X said


They focused on the same 3 or 4 incidents (and only one of them was fatal by the way) and they put this on a non stop loop over and over again

And guess what ?

That was going so well .....until this

The white media's goal is to try to invalidate blk people's claim of racism. That's what this about.

So the white media has to step forward with this counter narrative. One that makes black people the bad guys and they can't be subtle about it.

No one is talking about the police, or excusing the KKK, or what happened a hundred years ago. That's quite some deflection, lol. Why not simply admit you were wrong to make such a dumb statement and move on?

I'll tell you what this is about. This is about you and other factions of the black community attempting to invalidate the claims of black on asian racism because it completely betrays your narrative. Ironic isn't it? This is why you continue to throw up your usual propaganda campaign every time there's a thread about a black on asian hate crime. Never once have i seen you sympathize with the victim. It's always about the media not being fair to blacks! Nevermind that asians are being killed, disfigured and assaulted by black ppl daily. I literally see video of these types of incidents every day. To deny them shows you are no better than the racists who do the same to blacks in similar incidents. This is what is "invalidating black ppl's claims of racism" not some fanthom perception that the media no longer wants to cover blm. I guess an entire summer wasn't enough for you.
wow what a horrible violent attack...by this racist scum bag....hope they throw the book at him.

There was no true violence there. It was all planned and arranged by the white supremacists.

Why did this racist think he could get away with such a violent assault in the middle of the day?

There is no such thing as systematic black racism and if I'm wrong give me a laugh and explain it to me. He got away with because the white supremacist arranged it in the first place,
kicking someone to the ground isn't violent??? oook...and I didnt see one white person there

sure there is
Blacks are attacking asians and killing them. How long can we keep up the lie?

Blacks have been attacking and killing Asians in DemoKKKrat-run cities for decades. Having lived in the SF Bay Area for 5 years, I can tell you it was common knowledge and Asians were warned not to go into Oakland, East Palo Alto, or parts of San Jose.

Once again, this is a long-standing problem and entirely limited to cities run by DemoKKKrats. They love it.

So tell us Hoss, why are right wing, RepubliKlans attacking Asians.
wow what a horrible violent attack...by this racist scum bag....hope they throw the book at him.

There was no true violence there. It was all planned and arranged by the white supremacists.

Why did this racist think he could get away with such a violent assault in the middle of the day?

There is no such thing as systematic black racism and if I'm wrong give me a laugh and explain it to me. He got away with because the white supremacist arranged it in the first place,
kicking someone to the ground isn't violent??? oook...and I didnt see one white person there

sure there is

Explain it if that is the case.
Just kidding it was another black on Asian attack.

Time for another march against white supremacy.

In all seriousness it is past time we get over accused white on asian attacks and recognize the truth. Blacks are attacking asians and killing them. How long can we keep up the lie?

It Seems The “WHITE SUPREMACIST” that BRUTALLY, SAVAGELY, and VIOLENT, repeatedly kicked a 65-YEAR-OLD ASIAN WOMAN was in attack caught on camera, just happened to be a Black Man.
What black nation even has the capability to bomb an asian nation?
That's not the point. The point is we don't think like whites.

You have a white supremacist and he think's "If I cut an an atom in half, that will in turn cut other atoms in half and so on then I can create a nuclear bomb from that explosion that would kill thousands and thousands"

Who thinks like that ? Fking crazy. The white supremacist thinks like that. White people try to weaponize everything. Go into any state pen. White people trying to make a weapon out toothbrushes, cups anything. That's your nature. Kill - Kill - Kill.

I watched white people when I was a kid,on a farm my dad used to take me to. When they'd shoot something they'd go crazy.


White people have something going for them that black people don't to the same extent.

Whites love to kill.

When Marco Polo brought gunpowder back to Europe. Whites straight away started using it to kill people with.

Gunpowder made it so whites could kill from distance. Most battles were fought up close till then.

When you hear of unarmed blk ppl like George Floyd, Mike Brown. Freddie Gray, Breonna Taylor etc getting by cops.....white society take that as a win.

But that's SUCKA COWARD SH*T to most blk ppl.

White supremacist never square up even blk men. Even bk in the day. You practially needed to tooled up army to lynch one blk man

Yes, we know you dont think like that. There isnt exactly a flood of inventions coming out of Africa. Every awful thing Africans have been capable of doing, they did. They dont need a nuclear weapon when so many of them are willing to kill hundreds of thousands of people with machetes. Black people dont have any moral high ground, in fact quite the opposite.
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Just kidding it was another black on Asian attack.

Time for another march against white supremacy.

In all seriousness it is past time we get over accused white on asian attacks and recognize the truth. Blacks are attacking asians and killing them. How long can we keep up the lie?
Perp was out on parole for killing his own mother...

Yes, we know you dont think like that. There isnt exactly a flood of inventions coming out of Africa. Every awful thing Africans have been capable of doing, they did.

Africa is under the system of white supremacy like every where else on the planet.

Black people have been way more inventitive than white people that's not so much because we are superior. It's simply because have been here the longest.

Of course if you focus on the last 300 years then sure, white people have had more inventions, but that's not because white people are more intelligent. That's because for the last 300 years we have lived under a system of white supremacy.

They dont need a nuclear weapon when so many of them are willing to kill hundreds of thousands of people with machetes. Black people dont have any moral high ground, in fact quite the opposite.

White people have killed way more people on this planet than black people. That's just a fact.
No one is talking about the police, or excusing the KKK, or what happened a hundred years ago. That's quite some deflection, lol. Why not simply admit you were wrong to make such a dumb statement and move on?
Not a deflection. You're saying that more black people kill blk people than whites. I'm saying that's correct but what I'm also saying is that would have been true 100 years ago.

But under yout logic that would excuse the KKK lynchings and hangings of blk ppl.

This is why you continue to throw up your usual propaganda campaign every time there's a thread about a black on asian hate crime.
Not propaganda. It's white supremacy. In a system of white supremacy, white people always have to push this narrative that blk people deserve to e killed,, deserve to poor, deserve to e mistreated. It's all done to invalidate blk claims of racism and the end goal that whites really want is an Asian Dylan Roof

See Dylan Roof kinda messed up bcoz he killed old blk church people. What whites really want is an Asian Dylan Roof to kill YOUNG BLACK PEOPLE.

That's what this is really about

Never once have i seen you sympathize with the victim.
Why should I when these attacks are clearly orchestrated ?

It's always about the media not being fair to blacks! Nevermind that asians are being killed, disfigured and assaulted by black ppl daily. I literally see video of these types of incidents every day
OK. Post it and I'll show why it's been orchestrated.
No one is talking about the police, or excusing the KKK, or what happened a hundred years ago. That's quite some deflection, lol. Why not simply admit you were wrong to make such a dumb statement and move on?
Not a deflection. You're saying that more black people kill blk people than whites. I'm saying that's correct but what I'm also saying is that would have been true 100 years ago.

But under yout logic that would excuse the KKK lynchings and hangings of blk ppl.

This is why you continue to throw up your usual propaganda campaign every time there's a thread about a black on asian hate crime.
Not propaganda. It's white supremacy. In a system of white supremacy, white people always have to push this narrative that blk people deserve to e killed,, deserve to poor, deserve to e mistreated. It's all done to invalidate blk claims of racism and the end goal that whites really want is an Asian Dylan Roof

See Dylan Roof kinda messed up bcoz he killed old blk church people. What whites really want is an Asian Dylan Roof to kill YOUNG BLACK PEOPLE.

That's what this is really about

Never once have i seen you sympathize with the victim.
Why should I when these attacks are clearly orchestrated ?

It's always about the media not being fair to blacks! Nevermind that asians are being killed, disfigured and assaulted by black ppl daily. I literally see video of these types of incidents every day
OK. Post it and I'll show why it's been orchestrated.

The white supremacist is saying the exact same thing at home whenever they see random attacks on innocent blacks. You're no different than they are.
Yeah, our advanced technology made sure of that. Imagine what would have happened in Rwanda if they had better weapons than machetes!
*Our advanced technology ?*

Please tell everyone in USMB what you have invented ?

I'll wait.

White people have killed way more on this planet than black people. The fact that you know not to dispute this. Shows that fact.

Advance tech is not the be all and end. White people had more advanced technology in Vietnam but still lost.

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