White men are now the DemonRATIC Party's punching bag

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Best line of the piece IMO--"Today’s Democratic Party is predicated on having and expressing open hostility toward white citizens. They are making the dangerous bet that most minorities and immigrants will jump on the white-male-bashing bandwagon."

As you’ve probably noticed, bashing straight white men, especially of the conservative kind, is very fashionable these days.

You seemingly can’t escape it — you switch on cable TV, or "The View", read The Washington Post or The New York Times, and see liberal pundits verbally attack white men for this or that.

It’s become often enough that it is seemingly now normal to just casually attack a broad group of the country’s citizens.

And sometimes race is inserted gratuitously even when it isn’t an issue, like during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings: the Republican senators on the Judiciary Committee were attacked as old white men

Besides, there is the strangeness in the spectacle of certain white people calling out certain other white people on their whiteness.

What gives? What is happening is that everyone’s id is now not just out in the open, it has gone berserk.

The left... talks with this broad-brush-strategy of portraying all Trump supporters as bigots, and white men (and white women) as the villains of both history and contemporary politics.

Today’s Democratic Party is predicated on having and expressing open hostility toward white citizens. They are making the dangerous bet that most minorities and immigrants will jump on the white-male-bashing bandwagon.

(Excerpt) Read more at flipboard.com ...
It’s actually been going on for decades.

Just look at every sitcom from the seventies on, the white male father at home or boss at work character is always a bumbling buffoon.

Liberals that have been running media for decades have always hated the white Christian male.
It’s actually been going on for decades.

Just look at every sitcom from the seventies on, the white male father at home or boss at work character is always a bumbling buffoon.

Liberals that have been running media for decades have always hated the white Christian male.

Yeah; I remember watching Sanford & Son, and thinking Fred was ALWAYS really in need of a sun tan.
The RepubliKlan party will always stand for White males
Best line of the piece IMO--"Today’s Democratic Party is predicated on having and expressing open hostility toward white citizens. They are making the dangerous bet that most minorities and immigrants will jump on the white-male-bashing bandwagon."

As you’ve probably noticed, bashing straight white men, especially of the conservative kind, is very fashionable these days.

You seemingly can’t escape it — you switch on cable TV, or "The View", read The Washington Post or The New York Times, and see liberal pundits verbally attack white men for this or that.

It’s become often enough that it is seemingly now normal to just casually attack a broad group of the country’s citizens.

And sometimes race is inserted gratuitously even when it isn’t an issue, like during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings: the Republican senators on the Judiciary Committee were attacked as old white men

Besides, there is the strangeness in the spectacle of certain white people calling out certain other white people on their whiteness.

What gives? What is happening is that everyone’s id is now not just out in the open, it has gone berserk.

The left... talks with this broad-brush-strategy of portraying all Trump supporters as bigots, and white men (and white women) as the villains of both history and contemporary politics.

Today’s Democratic Party is predicated on having and expressing open hostility toward white citizens. They are making the dangerous bet that most minorities and immigrants will jump on the white-male-bashing bandwagon.

(Excerpt) Read more at flipboard.com ...
So that's the drivel bouncing around the Pseudocon Echo Chamber these days?
It’s actually been going on for decades.

Just look at every sitcom from the seventies on, the white male father at home or boss at work character is always a bumbling buffoon.

Liberals that have been running media for decades have always hated the white Christian male.
Going on for decades, eh?

Maybe you didn't notice that white people were the only ones on TV for decades, bubba.

Now that TV is more diverse, we now have colored dads in sitcoms as bumbling buffoons y'all!

O'course yew don't know that since yew don't watch them there colored shows, amiright?

It’s actually been going on for decades.

Just look at every sitcom from the seventies on, the white male father at home or boss at work character is always a bumbling buffoon.

Liberals that have been running media for decades have always hated the white Christian male.
Going on for decades, eh?

Maybe you didn't notice that white people were the only ones on TV for decades, bubba.

Now that TV is more diverse, we now have colored dads in sitcoms as bumbling buffoons y'all!

O'course yew don't know that since yew don't watch them there colored shows, amiright?


Sure they do it to back men as well. It’s their hatred of the “patriarchy”.
It’s actually been going on for decades.

Just look at every sitcom from the seventies on, the white male father at home or boss at work character is always a bumbling buffoon.

Liberals that have been running media for decades have always hated the white Christian male.
Going on for decades, eh?

Maybe you didn't notice that white people were the only ones on TV for decades, bubba.

Now that TV is more diverse, we now have colored dads in sitcoms as bumbling buffoons y'all!

O'course yew don't know that since yew don't watch them there colored shows, amiright?


Sure they do it to back men as well. It’s their hatred of the “patriarchy”.
No, it's...COMEDY.

Kids watch these shows. Teenagers. And all teenagers think their parents are idiots.

The writers are just playing to the audience, dumbass.

"Hatred of the patriarchy." Jesus H. Christ! You are the perfect demographic for Fox News. "It's been over an hour since we found something to piss you off, so...(cue doom music)...it's time to bring you another edition of Blacks Behaving Badly!"
So that's the drivel bouncing around the Pseudocon Echo Chamber these days?
When motherfuckers say that those who didn't vote for Hillary are "white nationalists" which we now understand is code for Nazis or white supremesists, I think we can reasonably conclude that there is serious, open hostility toward white dudes.

If I am going to be accused of it, hell, I should just start being an asshole. Why not?

There's no way in BUTTFUCKING HELL you wanted Kasich. So, you can stop that lie RIGHT NOW.

This has been on my mind a lot today. So, Trump is now Anti-Semite because a slime-ball killed people. And of course anyone who supports him is the same piece of shit, especially if they're white male.

The progressive doctrine is real bad now. What pussies too, yack yack yack all the time and not a word can be supported objectively. Chickens make more sense.

Progressives come in all forms. I was talking to a guy at the gym today. He's white male and late 50s like myself. Anyway, he wanted to dive into politics while CNN was broadcasted on 30 TVs. It became immediately clear he's progressive. He made a few statements, and I put him in position he couldn't defend any of them. My favorite was "Trump should relinquish all business ventures". Imagine that, this guy is in his 50s. Soon he whisked away to find a 70 year old white male attorney, who like him has been thoroughly indoctrinated. I didn't have to hear what they bickered about for 30-40 minutes. Makes me happy they found comfort.

Here's a slight, but there's a lot of truth to it. Who are the most vocal progressives? Bet the house they're white progressives, they're the worst of the bunch. But they're heroes for the cause, just ask them. Sometimes they're even another nationality.

The message is clear: The deplorable, uncivilized, dangerous, sinners, racist, this ist and that, phobias, closet gays and especially guilty are white republicans. That and you're declared a traitor if you're non-white and reject the progressive doctrine.
So that's the drivel bouncing around the Pseudocon Echo Chamber these days?
When motherfuckers say that those who didn't vote for Hillary are "white nationalists" which we now understand is code for Nazis or white supremesists, I think we can reasonably conclude that there is serious, open hostility toward white dudes.

If I am going to be accused of it, hell, I should just start being an asshole. Why not?

There's no way in BUTTFUCKING HELL you wanted Kasich. So, you can stop that lie RIGHT NOW.

Who accused people who didn't vote for Hillary as being WNs?

Hell, man, I didn't vote for Hillary, either. WTF are you talking about?
Best line of the piece IMO--"Today’s Democratic Party is predicated on having and expressing open hostility toward white citizens. They are making the dangerous bet that most minorities and immigrants will jump on the white-male-bashing bandwagon."

As you’ve probably noticed, bashing straight white men, especially of the conservative kind, is very fashionable these days.

You seemingly can’t escape it — you switch on cable TV, or "The View", read The Washington Post or The New York Times, and see liberal pundits verbally attack white men for this or that.

It’s become often enough that it is seemingly now normal to just casually attack a broad group of the country’s citizens.

And sometimes race is inserted gratuitously even when it isn’t an issue, like during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings: the Republican senators on the Judiciary Committee were attacked as old white men

Besides, there is the strangeness in the spectacle of certain white people calling out certain other white people on their whiteness.

What gives? What is happening is that everyone’s id is now not just out in the open, it has gone berserk.

The left... talks with this broad-brush-strategy of portraying all Trump supporters as bigots, and white men (and white women) as the villains of both history and contemporary politics.

Today’s Democratic Party is predicated on having and expressing open hostility toward white citizens. They are making the dangerous bet that most minorities and immigrants will jump on the white-male-bashing bandwagon.

(Excerpt) Read more at flipboard.com ...

Funny. Are you suggesting there are no white Democrats?
White males have it so tough in our society

I’m not sure about that, but I know it’s acceptable in our society to disparage them like you just did. Can you honestly say that about any other group?
There's no way in BUTTFUCKING HELL you wanted Kasich. So, you can stop that lie RIGHT NOW.


Get a grip of yourself, dipshit. I was for Kasich before he even announced.


If Kasich runs, I will probably support him. I already know his domestic abilities. I would have to hear his foreign policy plans, but I lean heavily in his favor right now.

So far, I have been advocating for John Kasich. I think he is announcing today, as a matter of fact.

Kasich was the chairman of the House budget committee. He's the one who sponsored the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, and put us on the road to paying off our federal debt until Bush & Company came along and fucked it all up. This means he clearly has the needed skills to tackle the federal budget and the debt.

As governor of Ohio, he has lowered their chronic unemployment and created a budget surplus.

So domestically, he's our man. And it doesn't hurt he is from a very important swing state. If he attached Rubio to his ticket, they'd sew up Florida and Ohio and probably the election.

I am now waiting to see what his foreign policy plans are before I completely commit.

Kasich is not a piss drinker. He's pragmatic. This means his chances of survival in the Republican Theater for Rubes are slim to none. But who knows? Miracles have happened before.

John Kasich for President. Marco Rubio for Vice.

I am doing my best not to kindle any hope for Kasich in my heart even though I very much want to see him at the top of the GOP ticket. Kasich is an incredibly long shot.

But he is playing an incredibly smart game with the limited resources at his disposal. He's betting hard on New Hampshire. He's stumping there a lot.

If he gets a good showing there, it will be a game changer, and THEN I might allow myself to get excited.

I have many, many more posts of my support for Kasich as President.
This has been on my mind a lot today. So, Trump is now Anti-Semite because a slime-ball killed people. And of course anyone who supports him is the same piece of shit, especially if they're white male.

The progressive doctrine is real bad now. What pussies too, yack yack yack all the time and not a word can be supported objectively. Chickens make more sense.

Progressives come in all forms. I was talking to a guy at the gym today. He's white male and late 50s like myself. Anyway, he wanted to dive into politics while CNN was broadcasted on 30 TVs. It became immediately clear he's progressive. He made a few statements, and I put him in position he couldn't defend any of them. My favorite was "Trump should relinquish all business ventures". Imagine that, this guy is in his 50s. Soon he whisked away to find a 70 year old white male attorney, who like him has been thoroughly indoctrinated. I didn't have to hear what they bickered about for 30-40 minutes. Makes me happy they found comfort.

Here's a slight, but there's a lot of truth to it. Who are the most vocal progressives? Bet the house they're white progressives, they're the worst of the bunch. But they're heroes for the cause, just ask them. Sometimes they're even another nationality.

The message is clear: The deplorable, uncivilized, dangerous, sinners, racist, this ist and that, phobias, closet gays and especially guilty are white republicans. That and you're declared a traitor if you're non-white and reject the progressive doctrine.
Trump's biggest concern when the Jews were killed was how his hair looked. He almost cancelled his statement to the press because his hair was mussed. I shit you not.

Then, instead of saying something consoling about the dead and their families, he decided to blame the Jews for getting themselves killed, saying they should have turned their synagogue into an armed camp.

And then as extra special sauce, Trump decided to throw his racist voters a bone by perpetrating a hoax on them, saying he was going to change the Constitution with an EO and take away birthright citizenship for beaner babies.

Then poor Mike Pence couldn't find a Jew anywhere, so he brought out a Christian rabbi to say a few words.

This all actually happened.

It’s actually been going on for decades.

Just look at every sitcom from the seventies on, the white male father at home or boss at work character is always a bumbling buffoon.

Liberals that have been running media for decades have always hated the white Christian male.
Look at most commercials. They paint white males as bumbling idiots. The Carvana commercial is the latest one I can think of.

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