White Privilege

Conservative? I must admit I was a skeptic when i read about how blacks on average score lowest on IQ tests, but u just made me a believer.
Yes. Conservative. Only redneck rightards who assign blackness to people as an insult call themselves Liberty as a username. And you still haven't checked my location. You dudes are slower than cold treacle.
Lmao don't get so emotional.
White privilege is having your young men shot by police at a quarter of the rate at which young black men are shot by police. White privilege is having lower levels of lead in your drinking water. White privilege is offending at higher rates but being stopped and frisked at lower rates.

All these things are obvious. That they are denied so vehemently is a demonstration of white conservative innocence.

I hear these stories, then I wonder, what about murder? If blacks really are prosecuted more than whites, our murder rates would be about equal proportionately, then your theory would be believable. However, blacks commit many more murders than whites do. Now, you want me to believe that blacks only commit other crimes at about the same rate as whites, except for murder?

But anyway, I know that's an unfair condition, you guys couldn't stop whining about your oppression by blacks if you tried, so here's some information, gratis.

White People Stopped By New York Police Are More Likely To Have Guns Or Drugs Than Minorities


During the just-concluded trial on the New York Police Department’s stop-and-frisk program, the city argued that officers’ disproportionate targeting of black and Latino New Yorkers was not due to racial profiling but because each stopped individual was doing something suspicious at the time. The data, however, tells a different story: weapons and drugs were more often found on white New Yorkers during stops than on minorities, according to the Public Advocate’s analysis of the NYPD’s 2012 statistics.

The likelihood a stop of an African American New Yorker yielded a weapon was half that of white New Yorkers stopped. The NYPD uncovered a weapon in one out every 49 stops of white New Yorkers. By contrast, it took the Department 71 stops of Latinos and 93 stops of African Americans to find a weapon.

The likelihood a stop of an African American New Yorker yielded contraband was one-third less than that of white New Yorkers stopped. The NYPD uncovered contraband in one out every 43 stops of white New Yorkers. By contrast, it took the Department 57 stops of Latinos and 61 stops of African Americans to find contraband.

Hmm. So, minorities were stopped much more, and they yielded less weapons? If I were a minority in a city that had that policy, I wouldn't carry a weapon either, any more.

I would like to know what the statistics were when the program first started.

What it appears, is that the "stop and frisk" was working as intended. Lets see what happens now that they can't do it anymore. If crime goes up, that may be one of the reasons.

Now, you want me to believe that blacks only commit other crimes at about the same rate as whites, except for murder?
You are free to ignore the information that blacks are stopped and frisked at a greater rate than whites while being less likely to be found with substances or weapons. After all, what is the point of a privilege one may feel guilty about?
I would like to know what the statistics were when the program first started.
While ignoring the privilege extended to whites as the programme was in effect. You guys will do anything but admit it, won't you?
I would like to know what the statistics were when the program first started.
While ignoring the privilege extended to whites as the programme was in effect. You guys will do anything but admit it, won't you?
Statically Asians have more privilege than any other race, do whites bitch n moan, no. Blacks are doing terrible because they refuse to realize they have a problem.
White privilege? An excuse. That's all it is. I'm convinced.
White conservative innocence needs no convincing to whine like a jet engine.

I'm confused. Do you think that this argument is going to convince anyone who matters? Do you think anyone that doesn't already believe as you do, is going to be convinced by such a pathetic claim?

The fact that's all you have to add to this discussion, indicates how shallow your side really is.
I would like to know what the statistics were when the program first started.
While ignoring the privilege extended to whites as the programme was in effect. You guys will do anything but admit it, won't you?

Why would we admit something that isn't true?

You know about that Mexican immigrant who came to the US illegally, and without even a work permit started a drone company, and now is a multi-millionaire? Was that "latino privilege"?

Notice how I responded with fact, while you respond with hyperbole? That's the difference between us, and you.
I provide data, you whine. I'm guessing you're a white conservative innocent.
Statically Asians have more privilege than any other race, do whites bitch n moan, no. Blacks are doing terrible because they refuse to realize they have a problem.
You haven't shown that Asians are stopped and frisked at a rate lower than the rate of them possessing weapons or substances.

Really, the problem with blacks in the US is that they are too reasonable in response to the arseholes they deal with. They should get more militant and kick a bit of arse.
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Even black are stronger in fights they aren't stronger spiece than whites because war is one thing how happening all time in history and close to victory in over Europe then United States in 20 and 21 century. Then the British in 18 and 19 century. Yes, we are stronger spiece than all black human ....
I provide data, you whine. I'm guessing you're a white conservative innocent.
No one is innocent, that's not the argument. I provided data on average as a whole, I didn't selectively pick articles to back my agenda. Im tired of the gov. More so the far left brow beating Caucasians to feel guilt about something most of us had nothing to do with. I'm more tired of whites not standing up to these tactics just because their scared of being labeled a racist. If blacks or Hispanics want to succeed they need to do three things: finish high school, quit having babies out of wedlock , n quit committing crimes at such a high rate.
I provided data on average as a whole
You have provided no data, only assertions, yet you ignore the data I provide that shows whites being privileged by being stopped and frisked at lower rates than blacks while carrying weapons and substances at higher rates than blacks.

That is a fact you cannot admit and won't address while you whine about black crime rates. Nothing new.
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In any case, those whites are strongest species last 300 years with the U.S. at the top or second place of the white countries of today's military strength. U.S. has prevailed in the 2000s in wars abroad and at home, they never prove when no one attacks them. Perhaps the strongest at home thus meant of course the U.S., Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Russia and N.Korea can attack the superpower United States, but nothing heretofore.

Of the white countries are U.S. them powerful both in attack and defense I know at least only one superpower in world in military spend and military cuts and economic and are world's best nation with greatest economy and military cuts. Most air planes and bomb planes and transport planes, biggest Navy capability and with Trump leadership the Army and Navy go bigger. 140 or 160 precents bigger Navy strenght by war ships, word by the Trump.

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