White privilege

Whites invented and created the Western world. It was great while it lasted. For some Talmudic reason, those obtained control of academia, media, governments, etc., created a false narrative (which they are famous for if you do your research) to persecute Whitey. It is a very clever and real genocide. The Planet of Apes is coming and Israel is giggling about it.
Just keep saying that shit and then wonder why blacks don't vote Republican, tard.
Am a white person, & don't get it, am not ashamed nor do I have any reason to be, can not figure out all this baby crying over my color. We have to ban books now & take over teaching so our feelings don't get hurt. Please explain it.
You mean banning a book about the Holocaust from a school because it hurt some snowflakes' feelings?

Like that?
Depends on your definition, but “white people” or caucasians are ahead at the starting gate.

Recently, i saw a very gripping documentary @ AMC:
"Who We Are: A Chronicle of Racism in America".
Although i already knew much of the disgusting history, i also learned some. Jeffery Robinson's presentation was excellent!
YES, whites ARE privileged, all other variables being equal.
You mean banning a book about the Holocaust from a school because it hurt some snowflakes' feelings?

Like that?
Yes like that! What the hell, knowledge is power. no book should be banned. And yes I will judge you by the things you say, even as I agree you have the right to say them.
Depends on your definition, but “white people” or caucasians are ahead at the starting gate.

Recently, i saw a very gripping documentary @ AMC:
"Who We Are: A Chronicle of Racism in America".
Although i already knew much of the disgusting history, i also learned some. Jeffery Robinson's presentation was excellent!
YES, whites ARE privileged, all other variables being equal.
Yes like that! What the hell, knowledge is power. no book should be banned. And yes I will judge you by the things you say, even as I agree you have the right to say them.
Books are age appropriate. We don’t hand out playboy magazines or pornhub links to fucking kinder gardeners.
The book wasn’t banned you fucking moron. It was removed from being read by 7 year olds due to its sexual content. WTF is wrong with you people.
Hope you don't use this kind of language around 7 year old's, do you know how many young people view this site?
Books are age appropriate. We don’t hand out playboy magazines or pornhub links to fucking kinder gardeners.
You clearly have no clue what you are talking about and are parroting manufactured bullshit from your propagandists.
Whites are so "privileged" that mixed race people like Colin Powell, Barry Oboingo, Halle Berry, Kameltoe Harris, et. al. define themselves as being black.
It's interesting you chose all Democrats.

Whites are so "privileged" that mixed race people like Colin Powell, Barry Oboingo, Halle Berry, Kameltoe Harris, et. al. define themselves as being black.

Don't forget Bill Clinton, America's first black president.

If you really want to understand, you should see that 90-min documentary.
Real estate red-lining is only one example.
Better neighborhoods have better schools.
People paying more in taxes get better schools? There’s a fucking shocker and I didn’t need to waste 90 minutes watching.

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