White privilege

Depends on your definition, but “white people” or caucasians are ahead at the starting gate.

Recently, i saw a very gripping documentary @ AMC:
"Who We Are: A Chronicle of Racism in America".
Although i already knew much of the disgusting history, i also learned some. Jeffery Robinson's presentation was excellent!
YES, whites ARE privileged, all other variables being equal.
Appreciate the commentary; but I totally disagree with it. I don’t believe there is a speck of truth in the contention (anymore) that whites get a “head start” at the outset.

Did it used to be true? I believe that, without doubt. But still? Nah. Other factors now account for different starting positions. Mostly economic. That, in turn, has some lingering connection to past racism. That I grasp, too. However, race is no longer the issue.
Depends on your definition, but “white people” or caucasians are ahead at the starting gate.

Recently, i saw a very gripping documentary @ AMC:
"Who We Are: A Chronicle of Racism in America".
Although i already knew much of the disgusting history, i also learned some. Jeffery Robinson's presentation was excellent!
YES, whites ARE privileged, all other variables being equal.
How? Be specific.
Appreciate the commentary; but I totally disagree with it. I don’t believe there is a speck of truth in the contention (anymore) that whites get a “head start” at the outset.

Did it used to be true? I believe that, without doubt. But still? Nah. Other factors now account for different starting positions. Mostly economic. That, in turn, has some lingering connection to past racism. That I grasp, too. However, race is no longer the issue.
A poor black person has a much better chance of going to college than a poor white one. So much for privilege.
If I don’t give you one, I’m obviously racist.

I’d I do give you one, you are far more likely to become addicted and fall into poverty or remain in poverty. Th, I’d be helping to get you or keep you down. Fucking racist!

Plus, if I give you a free crack pipe, you’re considerably more likely to die sooner. God damn filthy racist!

EDIT: But surely, I must either grant you free access to a crack pipe or deny it to you! Therefore, it follows that I “must be” racist.
Idiots like old demented President Brandon are absolutely eliminating any meaning in the term “racist.”
Biden is really taking it in the shorts over the free crack pipe story

now he has to send his minions out to lie about it because the truth is unacceptable

aint that right Mac1958 ?
A poor black person has a much better chance of going to college than a poor white one. So much for privilege.

. "After spending over a decade in this system, the student’s admission to a university comes down to racial identification.

a. African-American students with scores of 1100 had the same chance of getting into an elite school as white students who had a score of 1410…but Asian-Americans needed a 1550 SATscore.
Is there a bias against college applications from Asian students

b. Then, there's this:
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they willnot be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Think he was a Liberal?

To put it another way: Asians need SAT scores 140 points higher than whites, 270 points higher than Hispanics, and an incredible 450 points higher than blacks (out of 1,600 points) to get into these schools. An Asian applicant with an SAT score of 1,500, that is, has the same chance of being accepted as a white student with a 1,360, a Latino with a 1,230, or an African-American with a 1,050. Among candidates in the highest (1,400–1,600) SAT range, 77 percent of blacks, 48 percent of Hispanics, 40 percent of whites, and only 30 percent of Asians are admitted.

The book wasn’t banned you fucking moron. It was removed from being read by 7 year olds due to its sexual content. WTF is wrong with you people.
There was nothing in that book that I can recall that had anything erotic in it.

I would agree that it's not age appropriate for 7 year olds, but most 13 year olds could probably read it and understand the message behind it. That was about the age I first read the book and it had a profound impact on how I view government authority and the 2A.

Then again not everyone has the same ability to grasp what an author is trying to communicate. Look at how the bed wetters have made 1984 an instructions manual.

Yes, we must cover up and deny the Holocaust. :rolleyes:
I never said we should deny the Holocaust, I just don't think we need to teach our kids about every single bad thing that happened in the history of the world.
There was nothing in that book that I can recall that had anything erotic in it.

I would agree that it's not age appropriate for 7 year olds, but most 13 year olds could probably read it and understand the message behind it. That was about the age I first read the book and it had a profound impact on how I view government authority and the 2A.

Then again not everyone has the same ability to grasp what an author is trying to communicate. Look at how the bed wetters have made 1984 an instructions manual.

I could be off on the why they did it but the fact is it wasn’t banned it was moved to a higher age level. These left wingers are hacks.

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